Come Sail Away

AO: the-castle
Q: The Merchant
PAX: Chunks, Dilbert, hambone, Salami, Pep
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold as hell

WARMUP: SSHs, little baby crunches, BACs, BAC BACs

Each song on the playlist, we repeat one exercise the whole song, and do one harder exercise each time we hear the name of the song. 1m rest between songs.

Sail: SSH, burpee when you hear “sail”

Ain’t No Sunshine’: Hold plank, push up when you hear “no”

River: Sit ups, V up when you hear “river”

Some Nights: SSH, burpee when you hear “nights”

Beggin’: Hold plank, push up when you hear “beggin’”

Beat It: Sit ups, V up when you hear “beat it”

Human: Squats, burpee when you hear “human”

Jog to top of hill and back

I Don’t Care Anymore: Hold plank, push up when you hear “I don’t care”

American Woman: Sit ups, V up when you hear “woman”


Prayers for job searches and friends with sudden job changes

Oh Hill No!

AO: the-castle
Q: Strutter
PAX: Chunks, Pep, hambone, SalPal, Son of Red Skull, Salami, Tea Party, The Merchant, Strutter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Not raining! As promised.

WARMUP: The warmup consisted of the following exercises, all in cadence:
20) SSH’s
20) Imperial Storm Troopers
40) Arm Circle Complex
A short Mosey to the base of the hill.

THE THANG: Run to the top of the hill and return for an exercise. We performed these in sets of 3.
The first 3 trips were paired with 10) merkins IC.
The next 3 trips up the hill featured 10) American Hammers IC.
The 3rd set of hill climbs were followed by a merkin complex consisting of 10) merkins OYO (that fulfilled the 70/day requirement of a few of the Pax), 10) Wide Grip merkins IC, and 10) Diamond merkins IC.




Start leanpax

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, CubCadet, Hair Band, Grape, Young and Restless, Puzzlah, Salami, Black Lung, SalPal, Michelin Man, The Merchant, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Blueprint, sooner, bluemule, Sherlock, Boomerang
FNGs: None
Did I already say cold?

– imperial walkers
– Hillbillies
– Good mornings

-trivia pep guardiola theme
– hold plank till right answer is called
– pax with right answer tells us how many burpees to do

– Dora:
– Timer : run the circle at the school drop off
– 100: pull ups
– 200: windshield wipers
– 300: fire hydrants

– JUICE day (?in place of brews day)
– Leanpax (bagels are processed food)
– Aoq bootcamp (coming quarterly)

12 Days of Christmas

AO: handsomizer
Q: Wedding Singer
PAX: Umbrella, Purple Tiger, Wedding Singer, Salami, Freakonomics, bluemule, Natural Ice – CBO, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool and crisp

Recognition of Umbrella, who allowed YHC to freely steal and modify (including the notable absence of even a single Michael Buble song on the playlist this time!) his long-standing tradition and recent beatdown at the-racetrack Mosey to the bottom of the steps


12 Days of Christmas
Day 1 – 8 count Body Builder
Day 2 – Apollo Onos
Day 3 – Worst Merkin
Day 4 – Lt. Dan
Day 5 – Burpees
Day 6 – Storm squats
Day 7 – WWI or WWII
Day 8 – Windmill Merkins
Day 9 – Iron Mike’s
Day 10 – Makhtar N’Diayes
Day 11 – Mountain Climbers
Day 12 – V-Ups

The day corresponds with number of reps. Start on Day 1 and then run lap up the stairs and back down the ramp. Day 2 then 1, run. Day 3 then 2 then 1, run…until you finish or time. 2 is 1 for all applicable exercises. That fact, along with the long set of stairs and ramp back down proved to be too much for any of the PAX to complete the work, but several got to Day 10!

Mosey back to startex

MARY: n/a – called for time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Franklin 10-year anniversary beatdown Saturday 1/4 at Pinkerton Park – 0630

See elsewhere on Slack for deets about New Year’s Day convergence and Lean PAX

COT: Reminder that F3 is first and foremost a leadership organization. It is in our Mission statement

Always an honor to lead.

Stay strong and keep signing-


One Hit Wonders

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Pep, Chunks, Salami, bluemule, Red Skull, Young and Restless, Crawlspace, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Natural Ice – CBO
FNGs: None
An absolutely stunning sunrise!

To set the tone, we kicked things off with Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve, leading the PAX through a series of warmups:
– Merkins
– Hillbillies
– Windmills
– Imperial Walkers
The Q was sprinkled with trivia questions hinting at the theme of the morning, which was later revealed as “One Hit Wonders.” Fun fact: YHC incorrectly claimed Bittersweet Symphony was an original. The Rolling Stones actually sued The Verve for sampling their track, The Last Time.

We ran to the playground for a circuit that was sure to get everyone’s heart pumping.
Station 1: Tubthumping Challenge
– PAX held a high plank and performed a jump squat for every “But I get up again” in the classic track Tubthumping by Chumbawamba.
Station 2: Partner Work
– Teams of two:
– Partner A sprinted to the school stairs, performed 1 merkin, then sprinted back.
– Partner B stayed behind, doing 5 pull-ups and air squats AMRAP style until their partner returned.

Audible to Love Hill
Pep threw out the idea of running to Love Hill, and in true F3 fashion, we embraced the chaos. We lunged across the bridge, threw in some WW1s to keep the PAX together, and instituted the newly christened “Westeros Rule”—10 burpees for every sighting of Mrs. Toolman. She only appears on uphill runs, and sure enough, we earned ourselves two rounds of burpees.
At the top of Love Hill, we paused for a quick photo op and then headed back, capping it all off with a strong finish.

Today was a great reminder of the power of mumble chatter and how much F3 has positively impacted my life over the past couple of years. Sometimes the best plan is no plan at all—just listen to Pep and the PAX, and everything will turn out just fine.

– Butterball Run: Thanksgiving morning at Crieve Hall. Bring the family and work up an appetite!
– Leftovers Long Run: Saturday after Thanksgiving, Shelby Bottoms. Burn off that second helping of pumpkin pie.

Grateful for this group and the chance to push each other every morning. Let’s keep accelerating, men!

This is Hallowesteros

AO: westeros
Q: Vector
PAX: Grape, Red Skull, Young and Restless, Salami, Hedwig, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, bluemule, CubCadet
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp, cool and spooky

WARMUP: Mosey to front of school. LBAC x 10, Overhead Press x 10, Seal Claps x 10, RLBAC X 10, WMH x 10, Good Mornings x 10, SSH x 10

‘Cause this is Thriller: Plank during Thriller with burpees/squats whenever the title is mentioned

Spooky Exercises: 100 of each and then run to school between exercise to pay off the 8 burpees owed for not HCing.
S: Squats
P: Pull-ups (which the PAX loved)
O: Overhead presses
O: Original Dips
K: Killer Incline Merkins
Y: Your favorite exercise (because the PAX deserved a treat)

MARY: A round of spooky an exercises

COT: Lifted up silent prayers and praises.

Grateful for the PAX for pushing me and each other to get better each daily.


This is Halloween – Citizens of Halloween
Thriller – Michael Jackson
Heads Will Roll – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Somebody’s Watching Me – Rockwell
Superstition – Stevie Wonder
Ghostbusters – Ray Parker Jr.
Psycho Killer – Talking Heads
Twilight Zone – Golden Earring
Bad Moon Rising – CCR
Dead Man’s Party – Oingo Boingo

Compounding (Pain)terest

AO: handsomizer
Q: Patty
PAX: Chunks, Black Lung, Roadrunner, Cuban Missile, Spinal Tap, Wedding Singer, Salami, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, Spear, Patty, Achilles, Los Tigres, Pharmacist
FNGs: None

Cherry Pickers (15)
Good Mornings
Willie Mays Hayes
LBAC forward/backward
Runners Stretch

Unorganized bear crawl, crab walk
Merkins (10)

Incline Merkins
Run the loop and repeat. Started with 1 rep and doubled each time until 32.