70 Times 7

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Linus, Transporter, Sanders, Rockies, Right Said, Mt Man x3
FNGs: None

WARMUP: OYO Stretches

THE THANG: Half Mile First Nations Run with 7 pushups required every time the last PAX reaches the front of the line.

Then, goal of hitting 70 reps in 7 minutes for:
Lunges (2 count)
Pull Ups

Props to Sanders for hitting 120 Australian Pullups!


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Plankpril is ongoing, today is 90 seconds if you want to join in! (add 6 seconds of plank time each day for the rest of April)

COT: Great news for our friend Backrow’s wife, the chemo was successful and she is now in remission. Continuing to pray for the health of those who are suffering and ongoing strength for us all as we face the challenges of this life.

It takes movement … so, move!

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, Wolfpack, Siri, morning star, Right Said, El Capitan, Merchant, Malibu, Ex-Pat, Pebbles, Big Red (2.0), Bumble Bee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: low 40s and not too bad

5:30 – welcome to the knoll, where 2.”a are always welcome. Took a moment to appreciate the birds.

Mosey to the flood monument bench

Circle up for Lazy imperial walkers, all arm movements balanced on one leg (alternate to other leg when you lose balance): LBCs, reverse LBCs, put your glasses on, take your glasses off, jimmy goes to Egypt, slow merkins, low slow squats

30 rounds of 5 seconds of work, 25 seconds of active recovery, alternating between merkins and jump squats (or modification).
– roll after merkins, before getting up
– lots of variations of active recovery and silly interactions after squats

Mosey to the playground, find a bar and do a max habg, mosey back and plank to wait for six.

YHC remembered the disclaimer…

Repeat 30 rounds.

– Alternate crab walk and cat/baby crawl back to playground.
– Baby rocking to wrap up

MOLESKINE: I’m a leadership and personal development geek. I love thinking about it and practicing it. I enjoyed sharing some thoughts on it today. Remember that to bless simply means to find good and call it out. Don’t forget to bless yourself as you practice blessing. It’s a skill. I also enjoyed all the laughter and horse play during our active recovery. Joy is also worth practicing.

– plankril today is 1min 16 seconds
– 5 mile Saturday run to support Richland creek, meets at Richland park, see Right Said for details

– Counts, names and announcements
– The founders of F3 thought they men functioned best when they were aware of and connected to something bigger than themselves
– Took a moment of silent reflection to connect with personal SkyQ … consider someone you’re close to, picture their face, what might be one thing you could do to deepen your connection? Commit to doing that today
– YHC blessed the PAX to go forth and practice bless today
– Poured ginger tea as YHC shared on leadership (see below)

Here is a framework for personal acceleration:
– draw a y and x axis … the y axis represents your motivation: who are you serving? Bottom is you, top is others … the x axis represents type of action. The left is responding (following or participating) the right is initiating (leading)
– bottom left quadrant is participating to serve yourself
– top left is participating to serve others
– Top right is leading to serve others
– bottom right is leading to serve yourself
– growth is recognizing what quadrant you tend to be comfortable in and then considering moving to another quadrant to practice something you may not be as comfortable in
– The key to maturity is to keep moving through the quadrants to be well practiced in all, there’s no “bad” expression here

Wolfpack encouraged the PAX to make their comfort spot with an x.

YHC encouraged the PAX to consider a growth edge: challenge yourself to do something you don’t normally do. That may be initiating or participating. That maybe to shift your focus to yourself or to others. Honor to each man in his unique journey. We all bring a contribution that is valuable.


AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Spinal Tap, Grape, Right Said, Red Skull
FNGs: None

Mosey to the Parking Garage
Normal warm up of SSH, Imperial Walkers, Little Baby Arm Circles
Exercise at the bottom of the ramp, mode of travel up the ramp to half way do the exercise again, mode of travel to the top of the ramp excercise again
Exercises: Merkins, Hand release merkins, big boy situps, LBCs, Lunges, Jump Squats
Mode of Travel: Bear Crawl, Lunges, Mosey, Bernie

Pass the Speaker Caboose is loose run back to the startex
Reach the top of the parking garage
Paused for a moment to take in the sunrise and think about the meaning of the upcoming Easter Weekend.
Shared a little bit of what I said at my Grandfathers funeral about being present in everything we do

4:13 Class in need of encouragement, so make plans to come and encourage these men as they start a new life.
UFC 300/BBQ on 4/13/124 in Hendersonville. Check out 2ndf for details
Plankpril startes 4/1/24. Check slack for all the details

Closed in prayer for Easter and all of us dads to be present with our kids.

Soft Landings Only

AO: titan
Q: Chunks , Natural Ice
PAX: Tim the Toolman, Sherlock, Black Lung, bluemule, preacherman, Right Said, Good Morning America, Brother Bluto – Chicago
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Spring time in Tennessee

Imperial Walkers
Good Mornings
Willie Mays Hayes
Right over left; left over right
Natural Ice Lead the PAX on a mosey around the lawn while I got the Computer setup

A continuation from Monday at Westeros, we enlisted the godfather of F3 Tony Horton to lead us in a Plyometrics (Jump Training) Workout.

The word of the day was: SOFT LANDINGS PAM!!!

Here is a link to the workout if your so inclined to do it again: ia601900.us.archive.org/15/items/img-2024/IMG_1986.mp4

Moseyed back to Startex for a 10 burpee buy out and 5 mins of Mary


Natural Ice had a good word about how working out is better with friends. P90X has it’s place, but doing it alone is a challenge. He challenged all of us to find those Sad Clowns in our life and bring them out to F3. Good word brother.


Manly Mile tomorrow at Green Machine for those tough enough
UFC 300 watch party 4/13 in Hendersonville. Check 2ndf for all the details


Prayers for the families of the Covenant School as today marks the 1 yr anniversary.

Thanks as always the honor to lead. Tony will make a guest appearance again, but not for a while.


Endless Reps, Together

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: morning star, El Capitan, Wolfpack, Sooie, Malibu, Merchant, Right Said, Link (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Decent weather for ducks, but at least we had 70s Rock to listen to. :the_horns:

WARMUP: Caboose-is-loose run to the top of Harpeth Knoll hill. At top of hill, all PAX will do together:

-10x 3-count merkins
-10x 3-count squats

Turn around & return to playground. Split up into two teams & line up at playground.


Phase 1:

Each PAX team will perform the following “endless” exercises …
– Lunges
– Leg Raises on back
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Freddy Mercuries

One PAX will long jump to opposite end zone lamp, high knees back. Rotate until all PAX have completed the mosey, then move on to the next exercise. Rinse, repeat.

Phase 2:

Mosey to flood table.

All PAX perform “endless” dips while one PAX runs to backstop & back. Exercise is complete when all PAX have completed backstop mosey.

Phase 3:

A Cool Down Stretch!

– Butterflies with deep breathing sequence
– Straight-leg stretch
– Child’s pose (my favorite)
– Downward dog / arch
– Viper
– Power Push-up Stretch
– Deep calf stretch
– Back twist


I struggle with anxiety, especially when it comes to finances. Recently, we’ve had several (expensive) things hit my family at once which has caused me to reflect… do I trust that God will take care of us? As a Christian, do I believe Jesus’ words when He tells His disciples to “consider the birds of the air & the flowers of the field” and “does not Your Father provide for them”? I challenged the PAX to consider their personal anxieties, and to give them up to the Lord who knows & cares for them.


– #PreHab will continue each morning at 5:15 unless otherwise notified by morning star
– That Mile :grimacing: is happening at greenmachine Thursday. I will be offering a slightly (but only just) less difficult workout at the-knoll.
– Plankril is less than a week away… One minute plank on April 1st (no fooling), add 6 seconds each day after that.


Prayer requests were shared amongst the PAX. We closed in a moment of silent reflection & prayer, followed by Sooie Brewie.

I’m so thankful for y’all.


March Madness 1994

AO: detention
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Donkey Hammer, Accounts Receivable, Cowboy, Deep State, Esposa, EZ-Go, Focker, moneyshot, Movin On Up, Right Said, Topanga, Matador
FNGs: 1 Matador
In honor of March Madness being upon us we performed 45 minutes of unending movement to the tune of Jock Jams (see below for link if unfamiliar, thank me later).

CONDITIONS: Just right

WARMUP: Indigenous peoples run, parking lot side shuffles, stretch it out

Mens bracket: (suicide between each exercise)
68 – squats
64 – block rows
32 – block mercs
16 – triple arm killers (curl, press, tricep extension)
8 – 8 count body-builder
4 – hand stand push ups
2 minute low plank

Women’s bracket: (15 SSH between exercises)
68 – mountain climbers
64 – hello dollys
32 – block mercs
16 – block raises
8 – 8 count body-builders
4 – burpees
2 min 6 inches

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murder Mile Thursday at greenmachine, get there a few minutes early

I’m a loser

AO: cruelhall
Q: Grape
PAX: blackwidow, Donkey Hammer, Right Said, EZ-Go, Accounts Receivable, Pedialyte
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: warm, but not warm enough to melt my ice cold heart after that Kentucky loss last night

10 SSH
1 Burpee
10 Imperial Walkers
2 Burpees
10 Hillbillies
3 Burpees
4 Burpees
5 Burpees
10 OH Claps
6 Burpees
10 Seal Claps
7 Burpees
10 Moroccan Night Clubs
8 Burpees

THE THANG: To take out my frustration and sadness about being a loser, we listened to angry music and did hard things

Mosey to pavilion

4 Corners Partner Work

Corner 1
One partner does 16 Burpees
Other partner does merkins until complete
Hold low plank for all in
Bear crawl the diagonal

Corner 2
One partner does 16 Burpees
Other partner does dry docks until complete
Hold low plank for all in
Crawl bear to next corner

Corner 3
One partner does 16 Burpees
Other partner does WW1 until complete
Hold low plank for all in
Crab walk the diagonal

Corner 4
One partner does 16 Burpees
Other partner does flutter kicks until complete
Hold low plank for all in
Long mosey around the school to the playground

11’s with pull ups and Lt Dans

Long mosey to startex for Mary

MOLESKINE: thanks for having me EZ-Go! I hope to be invited back someday, which is unlikely…this group seems to be a group of winners…a group I don’t belong to

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday, plankpril, murder mile

COT: prayers for peace for EZ-Go and fam in hectic season
Prayers for the Hill family and the Greene family


3, 2, 1…let’s count!

AO: atlantis
Q: Grape
PAX: Three Stooges, Cable News, Sally, Right Said, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold, but not cold enough for sleeves

Quick run around the parking lot to warm up my arms (@Sally reminded me that’s not how it works)
20 SSH
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Hillbillies
10 OH Claps
10 Seal Claps
10 Moroccan Night Clubs

Let’s count animals!
1 Bear Crawl around the parking lot
2 minutes of Monkey humpers (this was much harder than I was expecting)
3 sets of 3×3 inchworm merkins
4 sets of 4 crunchy frogs

Mosey to the bigger parking lot

Let’s count down!
Dora 3-2-1
300 Squats
200 Merkins
100 BBSU’s
50 Burpees (I don’t think any group finished this)
Runner was going to the second tree and back

Mosey back to startex for Mary

MOLESKINE: super proud of the guys working hard. Was worried about Cable News for a bit, but like a true HIM he powered through! Also loved when Puzzlah would say “sweet” in a high pitched voice every time I gave him the rep count in the Dora. Thanks for having me y’all!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday, plankpril, murder mile

COT: everyone shared an intention, including prayers for family members and friends who are battling cancer, high school decisions for Puzzlah, and work stuff for Sally


Tortoise & Hare #1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: bluemule, Longhorn, Hacker (Franklin), Right Said, Chunks, Decaf, Young and Restless, Big Country, Wookie, D Pole, Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, Comeback, Army Surplus, Frozen, For the Girls, Westside, Pacer, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Sevens, Blitz, Sgt. Meatball
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Very cold 27 degrees

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Squat. WMH, stretches

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 mile loop around the campus. Not bad for the first official run. Fastest time for the new class was 28:23, and all in at 40:18. Had a little time at the end for some Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy 37th birthday to bluemule. Thank you for starting your day at The Stronghold!

COT: Comeback closed us out with a prayer.

Ridin Dirty

AO: westeros
Q: Hacker (Franklin)
PAX: Vector, Right Said, Chunks, Pep, Siri, Natural Ice, DintyMoore, Young and Restless, CubCadet, Breadsticks, Frenchie, Roboto, Tommy Girl
FNGs: None
– IW
– slow ass merks
– GM
– Runner’s Stretch

The Thang
Pain stations with 1 minute AMRAP / 30 second rest
1. HR merks
2. 4 ct flutter kicks
3. BBS
4. 70lb farmer’s carry
5. 60lb sandbag burpee
6. 60lb medicine ball over the shoulder throw
7. 50lb row
8. 50lb goblet squat
9. 30lb plate uhaul
10. 40lb badonkadonks (Alabama Prom Dates)
11. 35lb kettlebell swing
12. 25lb kettlebell clean to press
13. stepups with 30 lb plate
14. battlerope

Lock in gains with a quick mosey, then r/r to time

– Plank rotation
– LBCs
– Scorpion Stretch
– Cobra
– Downward Dog

– Beer tasting at Blue Mule’s house on Friday
– Tortoise and Hare tomorrow at thestronghold, bootcamp on Thursday
– Culture week in Franklin this week — all workouts led by current/former Nantans focusing on F3 culture
– Q vs Q on April 6th at +TN+37064/@35.9212646,-86.8612508,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88647e558f4ee3e1:0x360564ef7acd299c!8m2!3d35.9212646!4d-86.8612508!16s%2Fg%2F11gh6bcw6g”>www.google.com/maps/place/Pinkerton+Park,+405+Murfreesboro+Rd,+Franklin,+TN+37064/@35.9212646,-86.8612508,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88647e558f4ee3e1:0x360564ef7acd299c!8m2!3d35.9212646!4d-86.8612508!16… in Franklin at 6:30 AM. If Huntsville brings more PAX, they’re going to take our flag. Please, think of the flag. All TN PAX are welcome. If any AL PAX happen to ask you for the address, its… uh… maps.app.goo.gl/Ta6ZVAFduSGNZqi56?g_st=ic

Prayer Requests
– As discussed in-person

Identify and focus your energy on what you can control. There is a lot of stuff swirling around in all of our lives, some of which affects us greatly, and most of which we cannot control. You can think of these events as fitting into a series of concentric circles, like a target or dartboard. At the center, the bulls-eye, is your area of control. If you really think about it, that area is limited to yourself, your attitude, and your actions. Beyond that lies the area of influence, which gets a lot trickier: there many things we all want to influence, but influence is uncertain and situational. It isn’t control. You might have a lot of influence over, say, your kids or people who work for you, and much less over more distant relations or strangers. At the same time, the things we want to influence vary greatly in importance to us. The sweet spot for impact is high influence/high importance scenarios, but it can be productive to invest in low influence/high importance situations, so long as we understand up-front that those are investments that might take a long time to pay off (if they pay off at all) and may require allies with greater influence to help. Beyond the domain of influence is noise. Noise is a distractor. A Jester. The news, people who are beyond our reasonable influence, whose interests contradict our own, these are all noise in terms of our ability to create impact. The only thing you can do here is remove yourself from the noise, if you can, or choose to ignore the noise, if you must.

Sorry for the wall of text, but that was what was on my mind at the airport on Saturday.

Thanks for letting me lead today!