Holly Body Ho Ho Hold OR Why Santa’s going to have a litigious off-season

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox
PAX: Puzzlah, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Cream Cheese, Pep, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Ripe for a Labor Revolt

Santa’s workforce had a lot to get done in the gloom this morning. As the Assistant Supervisor to Santa (ASS), YHC was in charge of getting the crew ready to hit the assembly lines, QA product, load up the sleigh, and get the goods delivered.

Santa has not volunteered to lead a Warmorama in quite a while, citing prior workplace injuries; so, instead, we mosied up to the parking lot and did the following sequence OYO:
40 plank jacks
30 mountain climbers (1 side = 1/2)
20 merkins
20 forward LBAC
20 backward LBAC
20 air presses
Run (most of) the length of the parking lot and back

Feeling a bit spiteful due to the numerous workforce dress code violations, Santa had us repeat this sequence.

Warmed up, we split up into two crews of 4 and hit the assembly lines, arraying ourselves in 2 lines on our sixes. Each group with a roughly 13 lb, expertly wrapped present, 1 PAX would hold the present above their head and do 10x flutter kicks, then pass the present to the next PAX, proceeding to bear crawl to the end of the line to await their next turn. Anyone not bear crawling or doing flutter kicks held a Holly Body Ho Ho Hold. We proceeded down the length of the parking lot, then came back, this time holding our legs in a 6 inch hold and doing 5 presses with the gift.

We repeated the assembly line, this time each PAX doing a single WW1/Holly Body Ho Ho Hold sit-up with the gift before moving to the end of the line expeditiously (no bear crawl), going the length of the parking lot and back.

With everything assembled, we needed to run the toys through QA inspection. All PAX circled up and held a chair, passing the gifts around for several rotations. Then, we got on our sixes and repeated a round of inspection, this time in a Holly Body Ho Ho Hold.

With inspection complete, it was time to load the sleigh. Given our diminutive stature, this required a bit of extra effort; so, in our circle, we did jump squats “in unison,” passing the present to the next PAX after each rep.

We reformed our groups of four and departed for our Present Delivery Run, which, if you took a step back, looked a lot like an Indigenous Persons Run, except the presents were being passed down the line and run back up to the front.

Finally, Santa decided to go home and hit the hot tub with Mrs. Claus early, leaving us to deliver gifts to the last two kids, which just so happened to be in some remote mountainous regions. For the first delivery, we consolidated our efforts and did an American Hammer pass with the gifts up the drive from the lower parking to the stop sign, each PAX doing a bear crawl after handing off both gifts. The last kid really didn’t deserve the special treatment, but unfortunately, we were in jeopardy of losing our “No Nice Kid Left Behind” bonus; so, we split back up into our groups of 4 and did burpee broad jumps up the drive to the stop sign, taking turns jumping forward with the gift.


AO: atlantis
Q: Chunks
PAX: Toothless, Salpal, Right Said, Red Skull
FNGs: None
Brisk and Refreshing

41 SSH
Good Mornings
13 Low and Slow Squats

Decided to pivot from my original idea because of the “healthy” group that showed up. @right said told me recently that if I wanted to be a better runner I had to identify as a runner and do LSD. Long Slow Distance (LSD), what were you thinking. 😉

@red skull gave us the familiar “RUN” command and we set off to tour the Nations. Thanks Toothless and Right Said for the navigation.

Once my watch alerted me we had run 1 mile we stopped for a round of BOMBS: 5 Burpees, 10 Overhead Press, 15 Merkins, 20 Big Boy Situps, 25 Squats. Then “RUN” was bellowed again and off we went. Finished mile 2 and stopped for BOMBS Round 2: 10 Burpees, 15 Overhead Press, 20 Merkins, 25 Big Boy Situps, 30 Squats. “RUN” for the last time today was given. Ran back to StartEx, with 5 mins to spare for some Dealer’s Choice Mary. I missed the opportunity for BOMBS round 3 and was the PAX told me they were expecting it to start at 15 Burpees. Next time fellas, next time.

BrewRuck 12/15
1/1/24 Convergence
1/13/24 – Hendersonville workout
Bareback’s in laws as they prepare for the upcoming funeral
Praise: Mr. Pickney’s continued improving health. Toothless’ mom’s health no being as serious as first thought.

Coffeteria at Ramblin Joe’s: Lots of great conversation on how we can be better leaders and book suggestions.

Thanks as always for the opportunity to lead.


12 Coupons of Christmas

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Black Lung, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Pep, hambone, Right Said, Chunks, Crawlspace, Spinal Tap, Salpal, Freakonomics, Tim the Toolman, Focker, Detective Pikachu, Natural Ice, Opie and Beatle
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Merry and Bright

WARMUP: A Quick run through of the usual suspects SSH, OHP, LBAC, SC, WMH

PAX grabbed all the coupons available and went out to the play ground.

THE THANG: 12 Coupons of Christmas

Similar to the 12 days of Christmas but better, PAX received a present each round building on top of the previous round, starting with “A jog around the building”. For each round PAX performed the new work out as well as all exercises proceeding it

1. And a Jog around the building (1×12=12)
2. Two Blockies (2×11=22)
3. Three Pull ups (3×10=30)
4. Four block Squats (4×9=36)
5. Five Overhead Block Press (5×8=40)
6. Six Block Derkins (6×7=42)
7. Seven Curls (7×6=42)
8. Eight Block Sit Ups (8×5=40)
9. Nine Mountain climbers (9×4=36)
10. Ten American Hammers (10×3=30)
11. Eleven Block Dips (11×2=22)
12. Twelve Lt Dans (12×1=12)

In the end, YHC’s generously gave the PAX 364 and ran over 2 miles.

Playlist was a variety of Rock/Punk Christmas music

Prayers were lifted and announcements announced

Thank you for the opportunity to lead!

Blood and Honey

AO: bomber
Q: Salpal
PAX: Chunks, Right Said, Firefox, Solo Cup, Puzzlah, Cuban Missile, Detective Pikachu, hambone, DintyMoore, Papa Bear, Critical Fail
FNGs: 1 Critical Fail
Full from Thanksgiving dinner.

A simple warning that this was gonna suck.

Crawlbear up the hill. Bearcrawl to islands in parking lot, 5 burpees at each. Bearcrawl Paula Abduls. Bearcrawl back down the hill. Pullups, burpees and big boy situps from 1 to 7 and back down again, ‘cuz people wanted to stop bearcrawling.

Dealers Choice

– Brewruck Dec. 16th.
– Game Night @ Firefox Residence Dec. 2
– Jan. 1st convergence.

– Prayers for the homeless of Nashville.
– Prayers for safe travels of loved ones.

Coffee at Star Bagel.


Hey Gravity!

AO: westeros
Q: Sooie
PAX: Salpal, Chunks, Siri, Grape, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Wolfpack, Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice, Right Said, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Black Lung, Solo Cup, Sooie, Cashcab
FNGs: None
It’s been colder.

BAC 15
Don Quixote 10
Imperial walkers 15
SSH 15

Pull-ups 30 sets of 1 EMOM. Between pull-ups AMRAPs of the following
Spicolli’s 3x
Squats 3x
Low plank 3x
Spicolli jumps 3x
Jump squat 3x
Plank thigh tap 3x
Leg raises 3x
Big boy sit-ups 3x
Mtn climbers 3x
Iron Mikes 1x
Burpees 1x
High/low planks 1x

Big boys from 0614-0615

Mosey from Dose (Murphy road) 0530 tomorrow. See @chunks.
@Grape on Q at #iiipillars tomorrow
#no-noise-november in full swing. Never too late to get in on it.
YHC shared how No Noise November is already having a positive impact on my habits. Offered up prayer for prayer requests mentioned. Enjoyed some Sooie Brewie™️ and maybe…just maybe we witnessed what will be known as The Westeros Miracle: my thermos is 64 oz yet all 16 PAX enjoyed the Sooie Brewie and there was enough left over for a full cup when I returned home. So take a moment to day to recognize the miraculous in the mundane.

Bomber 112023: Celebrating the PAX on 6th Qversary

AO: bomber
Q: Vector
PAX: Crawlspace, DintyMoore, Firefox, Grape, hambone, Papa Bear, Pep, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Recharge, Focker, (Missing 1 — That’s why you don’t delay the BB), 0
FNGs: 1 0
It’s 2017. A slightly more overweight and less fit dude is coaxed by @Ebola to join some cult that meets Friday mornings to workout. Some dude named @Hambone is the leader. We run what seems like 3 miles (it was just to McCabe Pub); we do bear crawls up a public street (crazy!); and I get named @Vector (as an infectious diseases doc, it could have been much, much worse . . . like “Pus” or “Festering Sores,” but I digress). To celebrate 6 years with this madcap bunch of HIM of F3 Nashville, I decided to theme the playlist with songs that were about some PAX. (If you didn’t make the cut, sorry. Some names don’t lend themselves to catchy up-tempo tunes. I mean a song about “Fockers” or “T-cells” ain’t happening . . .).

Fox on the Run – Sweet (@Firefox)
Natural – Imagine Dragons (@Natural Ice)
Red Solo Cup – Toby Keith (@SoloCup)
More, More, More – Andrea True Connection (@Dinty Moore)
Pep Rally – Missy Elliott (@Pep)
Supernova – Liz Phair (@Supernova)
I’m Too Sexy – Right Said Fred (@Right Said)
I’m Just an Old Chunk of Coal, J. Cash (@Chunks)
I Heard It Through the Grapevine, Marvin Gaye (@Grape)
Hambone, Tennessee Ernie Ford (@ Duh)
Mustang Sally, Wilson Pickett (@SalPal)
Blank Space, Tay-Tay (@Crawlspace)
Go Cubs Co (2009 Mix), Code Red (@Cub Cadet)
Once Upon a Dream from Sleeping Beauty (@Princessaurora)

CONDITIONS: Quite nice, thank you

WARMUP: Mosey around to the Rec Center circle. Then selection of favorites from LBACs, RLBACs, Overhead Press, Seal Claps, WMHs, Good Mornings, and SSH.

THE THANG I: Super DORA – Partner up. 100 Pull-ups, 200 Incline Merkins, 300 Squats, 200 WWIs, 100 Iron Mikes (changed from Lt Dan’s for time). Partner runs around Rec Center.

THE THANG II: Duck-Duck-PAX. Circle around cul-de-sac. 1 PAX runs around the group and then tags another member of the group, who yells out a new exercise that the groups does until another is tagged. We could not stop until every HIM had gone, so kudos to the PAX for getting it done with 30 seconds to spare.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prayers for @Rightsaid and @Crawlspace whose dad is having aortic surgery later today c/o Dr. Rupp.

COT: Completed with thanks for the blessings and for each of the PAX who push me each day.

Honor leading and hard to believe I’ve been doing this for 6 years. While I still haven’t found my abs (not that diet has anything to do with this), I’m healthier, happier, and a better HIM because of all of you.
SYITG, @Vector

Struggle bus: Grisham WOD

AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Skeet, Red Skull, Crawlspace, Right Said, Dan and Dave, Hair Band, greyalbum, Mullet, toga, Ginger, Decaf, Knuckles, Ringworm, baggervance, Thunder Duck, Hacker (Franklin), Young and Restless, Shocker (Mark Holmes), backtrack, pizzalot?, hops, re-inlist, peewee, sally the camel, peach fuzz, flipper, red shark, cool cucumber, iron lung, two more that split before the count
FNGs: None

Burpee-pocalypse 10 down to 1

Burpee over block x 5
Block press x 5
R&R x 10, 15. 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

The Grisham WOD was the welcome party workout for STRUGGLE 001 so YHC thought it only fitting to show the 4:13 men who opted out, and the F3 PAX who were unable to attend, what was up. The STRUGGLE 001 class endured this workout, q’d by @bigbang, after admin and before leaving the grounds. After completing this workout they still had 8hrs and 10+ miles left to go. Mad respect for these men, they absolutely crushed it then and did it again with confidence this morning.

Re-inlist was Team Lead for this portion during Struggle 001 so I thought it was only fitting he bring us home for the last 4 rounds

I felt like the 4:13 men earned the right to choose Mary so they had the option of typical core work or the burpee-pocalypse. @IronLung loudly chose burpees for the group, which was super fitting for this class. He even took over calling out the rounds “3 BURPEES SIR, DOWN!” 😂

– Praise report for the Gunn family
– Prayers for @HairBand and his family navigating the death of a great-grandparent and the related family strife
– Praise again for the $5k from the F3 Foundation
– YHC shared that on Nov 21 we’ll be adopting a little girl we’ve been fostering for 1.5 years now
– Signing Day tomorrow!

On Turning 30 and Batman

AO: westeros
Q: Siri , Salpal
PAX: DintyMoore, Siri, Crawlspace, Salpal, Pep, Red Skull, Black Lung, Vector, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Grape
FNGs: None

WARMUP: everyone took a card to randomly assign roles for the workout. RedSkull was Batman, Right Said was Joker, and the rest of us were citizens of Gotham initially loyal to Batman. SalPal led us through some semi-wet warmups.

THE THANG: burpees and pull ups, pull ups and burpees, courtesy of SalPal. Training the PAX for the canonical 1,000 lbs that Batman was able to lift. Then we hustled off to the tennis courts where Siri took over.

Joker do side straddle hops and call different exercises for team Batman to do, and call cadence. ~5 minutes. Intent is for joker to play games with his enemy. Anyone who needs to bow out can join team joker and do side straddle hops.

Freeze tag for Joker to pick off members of Batman’s crew. Joker has 30 seconds to tag as many people as possible. Whoever he tags joins his team and helps him tag others.
Rest of the workout is a competition between team Batman and team joker.

Relay race: bear crawl up the steps, crawl bear back down, one pax at a time. Rest of the PAX do merkins while they wait. Winning team gains one of the other team’s members.

Relay race across the field. Each person sprint down and back then tag the next person. PAX do abs while they wait. Everyone sprints 2 times.

Relay race at the playground. Each person does 30 merkins while his team does dips. Everyone goes twice.

At this point the teams were pretty evenly split between Batman and Joker.
2-minute Ring of Fire to close out.




How bad we need each other

AO: thestronghold
Q: greyalbum
PAX: Chunks, Michelin Man, Ball Box, Skeet, Red Skull, Decaf, Sunshine, Right Said, Dan and Dave, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Ringworm, Phelps, Red Shark, Cool Cucumber, Peach Fuzz, and many more. (I thought I was filming, but failed to press record), @ThunderDuck
FNGs: 1 @ThunderDuck
COUNT: More than listed here
CONDITIONS: Honeycrisp Apple


Mosey up to the stop sign and back
Seal claps
Imperial walkers
Good mornings
Little baby arm circles
World’s greatest stretch

Mosey to grab coupons and head to basketball court


PAX circled up and counted off into 1s and 2s. Each team was stationed along their respective side of the court with coupons in hand.

The event was a race against the other team to finish. Each man was to complete a set of 4 exercises and then help anyone else on their team complete reps before planking and waiting as a team when done. Each round carried increasing difficulty as well as increasing points as reward.

ROUND 1 (worth 1 point):

20 overhead press w/ coupon
20 squat w/ coupon
10 Burpees

Round 2 (worth 2 points):

20 overhead press w/ coupon
20 squat w/ coupon
15 Burpees

ROUND 3 (worth 3 points):

20 overhead press w/ coupon
20 squat w/ coupon
20 Burpees

ROUND 4 (worth 4 points):

50 Little baby crunches
50 Mountain climbers (2 is 1)
25 Burpees

ROUND 5 (worth 10 points to keep it exciting bc Team 1 was leading 9-1):

20 overhead press w/ coupon
20 squat w/ coupon
30 Burpees

Mosey to return coupons and circle up in parking lot for MARY. We won’t kiss and tell here to reveal the winner. You had to be there.


Diamond merkins
Imperial walkers
Prom dates
Homer & Marge
Monkey humpers
Plank and hold merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: See #-f3-nashville-general


4:13 HIM asked for renewed focus and determination to stay the course

Octoburpee, Stairs and Yoga

AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Pep, Supernova, Right Said, Salpal, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, caprate, Spinal Tap, Grape, Rocket Mortgage, Cuban Missile, slumlord, Mario (F3 Huntsville), DoubleMint (F3 Richmond)
FNGs: None
Cool, Dark and a little foggy

41 SSH
Right over Left
Left over right
Good Mornings
Little baby Arm Circles forwards and backwards

10 Burpee Buy In – Focus on Form Don’t Rush

Pass the Speaker mosey to Stairs

10 Burpees at top of Stairs

Mosey Down Stairs

10 Burpees

Stairway to Heaven – Push up on each step to top – Jog across each landing

10 Burpees

Mosey Down Stairs

10 Burpees

Lunge up to first landing

10 Burpees

Both Feet Each Step

Squat each step

Partner Up Wheel Barrel

Switch Partner Up Wheel Barrel

10 Burpees
Mosey to Bottom of Stairs

10 Burpees
Run to Top of Stairs

10 Burpees

Mosey to Startex
10 Burpees
Octoburpee Challenge complete

Transitioned to Active P90X Yoga – Downward dog, Warrior 1, 2 and Reverse Warrior
5 mins of Dealer Choice
Night Moves Next week on 10/12
Firefox Game night
Toolman SSH on 10/27