Find your adventure

AO: handsomizer
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: Natural Ice, Rocket Mortgage, Freakonomics, Red Skull, Spinal Tap, Black Lung
FNGs: None
Rainy and chilly. Perfect for a beatdown… in the parking deck.

– Motivator X6
– Inchworms
– Mosey to the parking deck
– BACs
– Back-BACs
– Overhead Claps
– 20 burpee buy in (hero style)

Split into two teams
Thang 1:
Rotate through the following exercises
– Pullups on the ledge
– endorphins with the sandbag
– Bear-crawl up the incline and back

Thang 2:
Complete the reps as a team
– 150 perfect merkins
– 200 sandbag rows
– 250 air squats

– 25 big-boys
– 25 LBCs
– 25 slow leg raises
– 45 second hollow hold

“The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.” -GK Chesterton
Looking back on my life, my twenties were full of adventures (travel, missionary work, moves, etc.), but now that I’m thirty, I am married with a child. There is a lot less obvious adventure in the day-to-day operations now. HOWEVER, it fills my heart just as much as the adventures did in my twenties.

How do we view adventure? How do we see the extraordinary in our daily lives? Do we see our roles as husbands and fathers as truly heroic, and do we treat them as such?

Biscuit run tomorrow

Friend of PAX has lost multiple children in the last 12 months. Prayers for him.


AO: westeros
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Tim the TOOLMAN, Black Lung, DintyMoore, Grape, Natural Ice, Pep, Red Skull, Sally, Spinal Tap, Blueprint
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Guns out, cut off sleeves type of morning

WARMUP: Mosey around. BACs. BACBACs. Imperial Walkers. WMHs.

Split up into pairs (Choose a new Pax to pair with after every exercise). Theme was, if you can do 1, you can do 2, if you can do 2, you can do 10. Each Pax alternated with each other working up from 1 rep to 10 reps. 55 total reps per exercise per Pax.

Overhead Seal Claps
Mosey to tennis courts
Mosey to playground
Mosey to stairs
Step Ups
Mosey to Playground
Mosey to tennis courts
Iron Mikes
Mosey back to flag

Same concept, but in a group working up to 5 reps.

Leg Raises
Shoulder Taps

Crumping is a term in mountaineering/backpacking when every movement is tough and even the smallest steps feel hard. It’s in these moments that we need to realize that if we can take one step, we can take the next. And even more important to understand we don’t have to go at it alone. Ask for help where you need it and lend a helping hand when you can. “Leave no man behind and leave no man where you found him”


Biscuit Run this Saturday (Westhaven to Loveless)

Next Tuesday (3/5) Bring Your Kid To Workout Day at TheKnoll in Bellevue. If you’ve ever wondered what a 2.0 workout looks like bring the kids and come out! (Recommended age 6+)

March 28th Murder Mile at Greenmachine

Plankril coming in April. See Grape for details and get ready to become ripped SkaterBoys

COT: A moment of silent reflection for all prayers spoken and unspoken. Cheers to you men!

Buns- Lightly Toasted on Both Sides

AO: thestronghold
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Red Skull, toga, Wedding Singer, Skeet, Young and Restless, Crawlspace, Right Said, Chunks, Decaf, Dan and Dave, Sunshine, Casual Friday, Dantana, WoodPecker, Tater-tot, Minions, Neanderthal, Sunshine, Iron Flush, Mr. Krabs, Goldilocks, Peach Pie, Evel Knievel, Princes Hot Chicken, Wookie
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Ripe with opportunity

Mosey through campus
50 SSHs
Grab cinderblocks and meet on basketball court

Split up into equal teams
Round 1:
1 person Lunge walk with block over head or in arms, rest of team blockees. First team to cycle through all players wins that round, winning team shout “done” when finished
(Plank until all in)

Round 2:
1 person duck walks w block, team members goblet squat
(Plann until all in)
Repeat, team with most victories puts the blocks away while everyone else does burpee apocalypse

Rinse & repeat

Burpee-apocalypse increasing to 10 (but I gifted the men a surprise set of 1 at the end instead of 10, so really we only went to 9)

I enjoyed how the teams held themselves accountable. It was especially interesting to me how quickly people forget the community around them when they’re tired and doing something difficult. Points driven home: take care of each other, push yourself to work hard even when it’s easy to slack off

– 4:13 5k this saturday
– bluemule leading the final Q for this class next Thursday the 29th
– Signing day for the men Friday March 1st
– F3 Franklin Half Marathon Saturday March 2nd, check Middle TN slack channel

– each man shared a prayer request or praise report: health, wellness, families, the class to complete the 40 day challenge with excellence, the men who didn’t make it, tests this week, newborn babies and babies on the way, traveling mercies, and unspoken prayers


AO: thestronghold
Q: baggervance
PAX: Skeet, Minnie Pearl, toga, Dan and Dave, Mullet, leatherneck, Decaf, Red Skull, Bill Dance, Casual Friday, Dantana, Woodpecker, D Pole, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Lost & Found, Evel Knievel, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A Perfect 43 degrees

WARMUP: Disclaimer followed by SSH, IW, HW, Squats and creative stretching

THE THANG: Partner Up followed by a long two column Indian Run around the campus and to the basketball court.

Partner 1 does a stationary exercise while Partner 2 does a shuttle run, then switch: Round 1 – Side Lunge; Round 2 – Squat; Round 3 – SSH. Mosey to nearby building and hold wall sit while receiving instructions.

Mosey to the block pile. Partner 1 does a movement with the block x 10 while Partner 2 does a movement without a block, then switch: Round 1 – Block rows with opposite leg in the air + Up Downs; Round 2 – Bulgarian Split Squat with block + Reverse Up Downs; Round 3 – Block Step Ups + Peoples Chair

Mosey to the Gravel Lot and then line up for various modes of transportation – Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Side Shuffles, Skips and Boops.


This class is two weeks away from completion of the 40 Day Challenge.

COT: We were reminded of the importance of locking arms with other men who can help encourage us and lift us up when we need it.


AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Red Skull, Ginger, Young and Restless, Grape, olanmills, Doggystyle, Decaf, Skeet, Minnie Pearl, Sunshine, Lost and Found, Goldie Locks, Yak, Prince’s Hot Chicken, D Pole, Bill Dance, Army Surplus, Tatter Tot, Woodpecker, Evil Knievel, PeachPie, Mr Krab, Neanderthal, Wookie, Iron Flush, Mittens
FNGs: None

Let’s nail the COT first bc it was a marquee moment for YHC. This morning was a (not so) nice reminder that yeah you can feel good about yourself getting out and doing good but that doesn’t mean there are not lessons for you to learn along the way.

Here’s the short of it. One of the guys was chirping at me pretty consistently. At first I was confused and wasn’t sure who he was talking to or what nonsense he was even saying. I pushed back a little eventually and he clearly was not getting the point so I escalated a bit and I went too far. It was a calculated or intentional escalation that I felt necessary at the moment BUT I said something I did not mean to say and there is no excuse. The whole thing is on me and I own that. Period. I stopped the whole thing and publicly owned up to it, hopefully he heard my apology took it as sincere and we all move on better.

I’ve got egg on my face and to be honest it’s been wearing me out all day.

The only silver lining is hopefully everyone there saw an example of a man admitting he is wrong, owning it, and apologizing. Not something we see a lot of these days to be sure. I’m sorry I let y’all down and hope I can earn the trust and respect back.

SSH x 50
Squats x 10
Fire Hydrant x 20 each side
Jack Webb – goal was to get to 10 but it was crawling so we stopped at 8. This was done together with each PAX down the line calling out the next rep number and exercise

Grab a block and head to the hill

7s: Reverse burpees at the bottom, We’re Not Worthy at the top. Carry you block with you at all times.

YHC planned on a politician up the each each round, as well as a surprise speed bump, but we were already running behind.

Mosey to the basketball court

P1 does 10 burpees while P2 does 10 block thrusters, switch and rinse/repeat

P1 does 9 burpees while P2 does 9 block thrusters

Goal was to get to 1 but we ran out of time and I believe only got to 5

No Mary due to time

Good Old Fashioned Dora

AO: westeros
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Vector, Pep, Waterboy, Crawlspace, Wolfpack, Red Skull, Tim the Toolman, Shiplap, Right Said, Supernova, DintyMoore, Toothless, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Tops
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: slight chill in the air. the days are definitely getting warmer and longer. spring is coming.

WARMUP: mosey to school loop. side straddle hops, imperial walkers, baby arm circles, seal claps, air press

THE THANG: Dora! 100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 little baby crunches

finished with soccer and Mary. Q’s team scored a goal, and, sending an impending loss, Q got injured so the game would stop before the other team could score. a Clever Move by YHC

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax is almost over. brewsday is on Mardi Gras. Other things were mentioned as well.

Discern the signs

AO: thestronghold
Q: morning star
PAX: Chunks, Skeet, Minnie Pearl, Wolfpack, baggervance, Dan and Dave, Decaf, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Red Skull, morning star, Woodpecker, D Pole, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Evel Knievel, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs, Long Horn, Bill Dance(?), Dantana, Cat Man
FNGs: 1 Cat Man
CONDITIONS: high 20’s and lively

5:30 – disclaimer given … YHC asked men to raise their hands if they were willing to take personal responsibility for their own safety. Modify as necessary.

WARMUP: mosey to the light, circle up … motivator x5, lazy imperial walkers x10, hard style low slow squats x11

YHC taught PAX how to do fast and loose drills (active recovery) … dubbed “Mickey’s” or “Soviet Sprinter Shakes” … the idea is to shake the tension out of your limbs as if you were shaking water off after a shower.

THE THANG: partner up and stay in a circle. 11 seconds of jump squats, then 49 seconds of active recovery …. for 30 minutes. pairs take turns carrying coupons around the basketball counts, completing 5 supermans between the far two goals.

PAX were instructed to transition from jump squats to SSH if they experienced 1 of 2 signs: lots their power on the jump or had trouble singing along/talking between sets of squats.

It was long and monotonous and we passed our time by encouraging each other, signing along with “Lean on me” (which was on repeat). The challenge was to stay mentally engaged the whole time; powerful jump squats and constant movement during active recovery.

Mary: baby crawl, bear crawl, cat crawl, imperial walkers, skipping … all done while moving in a circle.

MOLESKIN: YHC shared the story of when my mom kicked my dad out of our apartment when I was 13. Talked about how that flipped my world upside down. I cried myself to sleep that night, lonely and afraid. Ultimately my parents got divorced and my adolescence was an experience of me being emotionally orphaned; there was not a place in my home for my heart to express itself or grow in maturity.

YHC shared how I used to avoid my past, the painful memories and even grew to despise my story.

However, as I’ve leaned to go back to those traumatic moments, bring them into the light, share them with others … I’ve found the capacity to offer grace, kindness and tenderness to parts of my heart that were frozen in time. As I practice this, I grow in resilience.

Just as we had 2 signs that we used to transition exercises during the workout we also have signs that our heart and body gifts us with: emotions. Each emotion I experience can be a doorway into my story. And if I discern it and go back with curiosity and kindness I have an opportunity to find healing and ultimately grow in maturity.

New approach to consider: we accelerate our capacity to do hard things not by gritting our teeth but by offering tenderness to our hearts.

So, go forth and do the hard internal work … do it with a guide (a trusted friend or mentor or counselor) and see your maturity advance!

YCH blessed the PAX and we ended with “Heart on 3”.

Was wonderful to finally make it out to the stronghold.
– m out!

Winter Wonderland

AO: westeros
Q: Grape
PAX: Chunks, Pep, Black Lung, Red Skull, MySpace, Uke (F3 Geneva, IL), DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold, but not that cold

WARMUP: 1 mile run to find dry ground
Seal claps
OH claps

THE THANG: Today was about doing the same thing over and over

Dora 1-2-3-4
100 Squats
200 Newton’s cradle
300 OH Press
400 WWI’s
(Did anyone realize we spelled snow?)
Partner ran up the hill and back down (wouldn’t call it a sprint, too dangerous)

3 minutes of Lt. Dans to end

ANNOUNCEMENTS: hunger games on 1/27
H’ville has @chunks on Q on 1/27 as well
Prayers for Uke and @myspace on their pending children


Get it Right

AO: thestronghold
Q: toga
PAX: Doggystyle, bluemule, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, toga, Minnie Pearl, Red Skull, D Pole, Evel Knievel, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Dantana, Woodpecker, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
FNGs: 15 Dantana, Woodpecker, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
CONDITIONS: Snowy and 18 degrees

WARMUP: Mossy to the gravel pit for some basic “in cadence” warm up. It took multiple attempts for the group to meet the Qs expectations. Each failure was rewarded with a 5 burpee penalty.
Don Quixotes
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Copperhead Squats
Scorpion Stretch

Pair up F3 and 4:13 Strong – run to the block pile. Each pair grabs a block followed by a Rifle Carry to the basketball court.

PAX 1 performs an exercise with the block while PAX 2 travels to the end of the court, completes an exercise and then travels back for a switch:
– PAX 1, Overhead Press, PAX 2, Run + 10 Merkins x 3
– PAX 1, Reverse Table Top, PAX 2, Bear Crawl + 15 Squats x 3

Rifle Carry block back to block pile and circle up for Mary.

Great first workout in some adverse conditions. Thanks to @toga for leading and for our 10 PAX that braved the weather to welcome the new class.

Punishment for Defeat

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice , Salpal
PAX: bluemule, Red Skull, Grape, Rocket Mortgage, Frasier, Blueliner, Cuban Missile, Natural Ice, Salpal
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SHAME! Hey guys we really sucked at kickball last week, and we need to get our act together. I swear, if loose to bomber 7 or 8 more times in the future… thats it. I am out of here! I will be getting a peloton.

THE THANG: Punishment for Losing!

@salpal lead us through 3 EMOM circuits
Too many Burpees, Sprints, and Lt Dans!

I took over for a brief merry break followed by a ladder of OHP & Merkins, counting up to 10 and then back down.

Mandatory stair work following with a stair skipping sprint and 92 bunny hops up the steps.

5 minutes of merry ended us out with a final burpee buyout!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hendersonville 1/13 at 6 am!