SKA is not only a musical genre…. it’s a lifestyle

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Freakonomics, Salami, Blueliner, Cuban Missile, Strutter, BCG (F3 Harrisburg PA), Detective Pikachu, Red Skull, Spinal Tap, Old Maid, Natural Ice
FNGs: None
The majority of my musical teenage taste was focused on Rock and pretentiously seeking out Indie music. However my punk rock friends and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 added a little SKA flavor to my Youth. After seeing this about Bart SKA-mpson, I felt inspired to dig into the genre and torture the PAX with my findings.

CONDITIONS: Amazing Sunrise

Mosey to the Stairs. PAX was informed that is the SKA man started yelling “Get it Up Get it Up Get it Up” we would have to stop what we are doing and run up the stairs…… spoiler alert that happened a few times.

SSH, LBAC, Seal Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs, OHP, Merkins
SKANKING – SKA version of an imperial walker – arms are more loose and your kind of hoping. Its a SKA thing…

Stair Run Race in pairs
Crossed soccer field with 2 lunges and a burpee broad jump, returned by SKANKing
Stair Run
Short 1 minute tabata – Reverse Lunges, Merkins
Stair Run
Bear Crawl down the soccer Field
Stair Run
Slow Alabama Prom Dates, Freddy Merks and Supermans
Stair Run, and second stair run to get the speaker 🙂

MOLESKINE: Its ok to like Bad Music, Dont Yuk the Their Yum

ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 8th at 7pm here at the Handsomizer location

Hunger Games Round 3 – BBQ and Board Games July 12 at 7pm at the Ice Haus

August 2nd Detective Pikachu is moving and needs your help. Beer and Pizza to be provided

COT: Praise for Detective Pikachu M getting a job at higher than asking salary

Cafe Prius

Class Trivia

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Red Skull, Decaf, Skeet, Telecaster
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Hot and Humid

WARMUP: Announced to the group at 5:26, to stretch and warm up OYO, because we will be right to it

Divided the PAX into Concrete and Steel teams

Round 1 – Must do a burpee and touch my hand to answer the question.
Mission of F3?
4:13 Core Values?

Mosey with each team doing an Indian Run while I set the pace. Pass me and that’s 5 Burpees for the group.

Round 2 – Bible
How long were the Israelites slaves in Egypt?
Name Noah’s 3 sons?
Round of BOMBS – Starting with 10 Burpees and adding 5 reps to each exercise

Mosey with each team doing an Indian Run while I set the pace. Pass me and 5 Burpees for the group

Had to modify the original plan because of the train. Only way home was the long way around.

Round 3 – Financial Literacy
4 Walls (Expenses to be covered first)?
When is the best time to start saving?

Mosey! – Indian Run fell a part because of the amount of running. Stopped half way to pickup the six.

Round 4 – Construction Skills
What does OSHA stand for?
What are 2 free things to take to your job?

Mosey back to start Ex – Some on passed me so we had to do 5 burpees.

Stopped at the stop sign before getting back to the Startex.

I gave Red Skull a 10 sec head start and anyone who didn’t pass him owed me 5 Burpees.

Round 4 – Graduation
What are the requirements to graduate 4:13 Strong?

Had some healthy debate about who got the last question right, but in the end everyone won.

4:13 has become a core part of my life. I’m so glad I showed up to my first run and workout almost 2 years ago. These men have been such an encouragement to me. I just hope I’ve been able to give them half of what they have given me.

Signing day is 6/28, this friday. Block your calendar and be there at 11:30 to encourage these men as the begin the next and most difficult phase.

As always an honor to lead.




Brought to you by Chat GPT

AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, Red Skull, Blueliner, Spinal Tap, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, Salami, Old Maid, Cuban Missile, Frasier
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Nah, Lets’ get into it.

Divided PAX into two teams by counting off 1’s and 2’s. Didn’t think this would be that much of a struggle for the PAX, but it is Friday.

Each team grab a coupon and caboose is loose run passing the coupon to the back and sprint to the front.

Stopped at the back parking lot for the thang

I used the prompt “Create an F3 45 min workout where there are two teams and each team has 1 cinder block” to create the workout and I think it delivered

Station 1: Relay Run (5 minutes)
– Teams line up at the starting point.
– One member from each team runs to a designated point (50 yards) carrying the cinder block, drops the block, and runs back to tag the next team member.
– The next member runs to the block, picks it up, and returns to the start line.
Station 2: Block Exercises (10 minutes)
– Each team performs the following exercises with the cinder block. Teams rotate after each member completes their set.
1. Cinder Block Squats (10 reps per member)
2. Cinder Block Overhead Press (10 reps per member)
3. Cinder Block Curls (10 reps per member)
4. Cinder Block Tricep Extensions (10 reps per member)
Station 3: Team Circuit (10 minutes)
– One team member performs the exercise with the cinder block while the rest of the team does a bodyweight exercise. Rotate after each member completes their block exercise.
1. Cinder Block Thrusters (10 reps) – Rest of the team does Plank
2. Cinder Block Lunges (5 reps each leg) – Rest of the team does Mountain Climbers
3. Cinder Block Rows (10 reps each arm) – Rest of the team does Flutter Kicks
4. Cinder Block Russian Twists (20 reps) – Rest of the team does Burpees
Station 4: Block Carry Relay (10 minutes)
– Teams line up and each member takes turns carrying the cinder block around a 100-yard loop.
– While one member is running with the block, the rest of the team is doing continuous exercises:
1. Round 1: Merkins (Push-Ups)
2. Round 2: Squats
3. Round 3: Plank
4. Round 4: LBCs (Little Baby Crunches)

PAX did some laps with sprints between each station.

Made our way back to Startex with the coupons, but set them down and did another sprint to the finish.

Ended with about 3 mins of Mary
Always and honor to lead you men.
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads
Congrats to Frasier for a big week last week
Sign up for the 5k on July 27th at this illustrious AO.

Till next time. Strength and Honor

The Return of Bagger Vance

AO: thestronghold
Q: baggervance
PAX: Chunks, Hair Band, Natural Ice, Skeet, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Red Skull, Decaf, Dan and Dave, Mayday (F3 Omaha), Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Tealfin, Midnight Club, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Dr. Seuss, Skechers, Double Flush, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A perfect 63 degrees with a beautiful sunrise. Rumored to be the last nice day for a while.

WARMUP: Circle up in the parking lot for a standard warm-up consisting of SSH, IW, HBW and some fancy stretching. Take off for a brief run which included some side shuffle and skips.

Meet on the basketball court for some movements to half court and back. Bear Crawl + Crawl Bear x 2, Inch Worm, Worm Inch.

To the block pile, every man grabs a block. Block work included Merkins with feet on the wall, Murder Bunnies, Redrum Bunnies, Blockies, OH Press, 1 arm OH Press, Block Swings, Lung Walk, Rifle Carry, March back to block pile to drop off the blocks.

Meet in the circle for a little BV Yoga before time was called.

MOLESKINE: Good energy this morning. It was nice to see some of the 4:13 Strong guys push hard and complete the work instead of giving up and stopping short like they would have done a couple of weeks ago. Progress is being made!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day for this class will be Friday, June 28 at 11:30am.

COT: Prayers for fallen 4:13 Strong men, families and our city.


AO: westeros
Q: CubCadet
PAX: DintyMoore, Vector, Tim the Toolman, Pep, Hair Band, Red Skull
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet and windy with a hint of electricity in the air. And then, at 5:30, the skies cleared…

WARMUP: Mosey to the school pick-up and drop-off circle. Mumblechatter reflected on how nice it was to just be 5 men over 50 hanging out. And then DintyMoore and Hair Band joined us, late. Mix of SSH, Arm circles F / B, seal claps, WMH, GM, IW and HK. Pax sufficiently warmed up.

THE THANG: Belated celebration of Cinco-de-Mayo, with Pep getting the right answer on the history of the holiday. Hint, has nothing to do with Mexican Independence or the Alamo.

C – Climbers, 35 reps each leg
I – Iron Mikes, 45 reps each leg
N – (High) Nees, 55 reps each leg
C – Crunches, 65 four count
O – Overhead Claps, 75 reps

Between each letter, pax did a lap of the traffic circle. Last lap was done French retreat style, backwards (aka Bernie).

Mixed in some squats and chair on wall, then mosey to front steps. Did two sets of stair climbs doing incline merkins every other step. Mosey back to start for 8 minutes of Mary, round robin, 25 reps each exercise.

Entertainment provided by an 80’s pop rock mix (Squeeze, Phil Collins, Huey Lewis), yeah really old stuff. It was a recycle, because I didn’t remember I was Q until 10:35 last night.

MOLESKINE: Gratitude for opportunity to work out together on a day when most thought the weather wouldn’t cooperate.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: pain-train kicks off in Bellevue this weekend. No bomber And for those, like me, who missed it, westeros has a new AOQ. Thanks to Chunks for his leadership, and to bluemule for stepping up to lead.

COT: Prayers for Hair Band visit home to Mom, his company and his new endeavors at church. Prayers for Pep to get another project at work. I’m probably forgetting something. Sorry. Oh, and thank you, Lord, for letting the Respects win one hands down, no ties / no debate.

Concrete vs Steel

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Shocker (Mark Holmes), Dan Tanna, Young and Restless, toga, Grape, Dan and Dave, Skeet, Decaf, Red Skull, Right Said, Frozen, C#, Blitz, Sgt Meatball, Westside, Pacer, Triple 7, Yak, Wes (DR Seattle)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: More than Pleasant

WARMUP: No Warm Up – Played the Song “Great Day to Be Alive” as a 4 min warning and opportunity to stretch


TRIVIA Concrete vs Steel

Divided the 4:13 men into their fraternities and divided the rest of the PAX

Must perform a Burpee before answering the question
Q1 – Core Principles of 4:13 Strong
13 SSH
Q2 – Mission of F3

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 2 – Bible
Q1 – Noah’s Sons Names
BOMBS – Starting at 5 and adding 5 reps each exercise
Q2 – How many years were the israelites enslaved

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 3 – Finances
Q1 – Reasons to save money
BOMBS – Starting at 10 and adding 5 reps each excercise
Q2 – Who needs a budget

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 4 – Work
Q1 – What does OSHA stand for
BOMBS – Starting at 10 and addeing 5 reps each excercise
Q2 – What are two free things you can bring to the job

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Stopped at stop sign and walked back to the Startex together.

Last Question for 5 points:
What are the requirements to graduate 4:13?

Group stuggled to answer this question, so we settled it with a Ring of Fire won by West Side.

Game ended in a tie for the first time.

Always honored to lead at 4:13. Thanks, Chunks

SIGNING DAY 4/26 AT 11:30 AM! Come support these men as they start the real work at their new jobs.

Triangle of Sadness

AO: thestronghold
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Chunks, Red Skull, Dan Tanna, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Decaf, Hacker (Franklin), Swingline / Jason Aeverman, bluemule, Skeet, Dan and Dave, Shoota, McFly (Franklin), Sunshine (Franklin), Woopie (Franklin), Noble Virus (Franklin), Blitz, Fozen, C Sharp, Yeti, Sgt. Meatball, Pacer, Westside, Trajectory,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and damp

WARMUP: SSH, Mosey, Arm Circles, Seal Claps

THE THANG: 3 station beatdown. PAX separated into 3 groups and partnered up within those groups. Group 1 grabbed coupons for their station and we all moseyed to the bball court. Each group started at a different station and rotated throughout.

Station 1
Overhead Press

Station 2
Bolt 45s

Station 3
Big Boys
American Hammers (2=1)
Leg Lifts

Perform 5 reps of each exercise, then move on to the next station. After completing all 3 stations, go up 5 reps to 10 total. Next round, 15 reps. So on until Mary.

Mary consisted of the song “Roxanne.” SSH through the song, performing a burpee every time Roxanne is said.

MOLESKINE: Sometimes we act like life gets easier the older you get, always looking to the next stage you think will be easier than the present. Like this workout, though, it often gets harder. You may find your groove or sweet spot, but then you up it by 5 reps, making it more difficult. Moments like that are when you lean on your battle buddy.


COT: YHC was too busy trying not to splash merlot to finish up after Moleskine.

I pity the fool that thought this would be a “fun, light-hearted workout”

AO: westeros
Q: Sally
PAX: Natural Ice, Red Skull, Spinal Tap, Pep, Chunks, Vector, Michelin Man, Crawlspace, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Grape, Cash Cab
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Foolish and Foolhardy. Definitely sleeves-optional.

WARMUP: Warmup mosey to courts + active stretches upon arrival.

1. EMOM – alternate suicides with 10 burpees.
2. Deconstructed Burpees (atomic thrusters, merkins, squat jumps, burpees) from 1 to 10
3. Hill sprints forwards + backwards, some dealer’s choice routines.

MOLESKINE: (Can someone tell me the difference between this and announcements?)

– Plankril
– UFC Fight Night – see 2nd F channel
– Franklin vs. Huntsville contest

– Shooting victims at restuarant in Nashville.
– For those returning to church at Easter
– Gratitude for my wife finishing her defense.

Quote from “Into the Breach”:
I hope, too, that you will take what is helpful, bring it to the Lord in prayer, and go forward confidently in your vocation as men. Our life in Christ is not one of “do’s and don’ts,” but an adventure in authentic freedom. Embrace that freedom in order to place your life at the service of Christ, beginning in your home and radiating into the world.

Always a pleasure to lead. Sally out.


AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Spinal Tap, Grape, Right Said, Red Skull
FNGs: None

Mosey to the Parking Garage
Normal warm up of SSH, Imperial Walkers, Little Baby Arm Circles
Exercise at the bottom of the ramp, mode of travel up the ramp to half way do the exercise again, mode of travel to the top of the ramp excercise again
Exercises: Merkins, Hand release merkins, big boy situps, LBCs, Lunges, Jump Squats
Mode of Travel: Bear Crawl, Lunges, Mosey, Bernie

Pass the Speaker Caboose is loose run back to the startex
Reach the top of the parking garage
Paused for a moment to take in the sunrise and think about the meaning of the upcoming Easter Weekend.
Shared a little bit of what I said at my Grandfathers funeral about being present in everything we do

4:13 Class in need of encouragement, so make plans to come and encourage these men as they start a new life.
UFC 300/BBQ on 4/13/124 in Hendersonville. Check out 2ndf for details
Plankpril startes 4/1/24. Check slack for all the details

Closed in prayer for Easter and all of us dads to be present with our kids.

First One – Done!

AO: thestronghold
Q: Right Said
PAX: Dan and Dave, moneyshot, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Minnie Pearl, bluemule, Red Skull, Sunshine, Bill Dance, Wookie, D Pole, Comeback, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Pacer, Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
FNGs: 9 Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
CONDITIONS: Absolutely perfect at 57 degrees

Mosey to the front parking lot for:
– SSH, LBAC, R-LBAC, Seal Claps, Good Mornings, WMH
– Partner Up – 1 F3 PAX to 1 4:13 Strong Participant (we had the perfect number to get to our 1:1 ratio!)
Mosey to the basketball court with a quick stop at the Block Pile to pick up one block per pair.

Assemble along the baseline – Partner 1 works while Partner 2 moves the length of the court and back, swap and then hold plank for all in.
– Round 1: Block Curls, Suicides
– Round 2: Block Squat, Lunge
– Round 3: Overhead Block Press, Suicides
– Round 4: Block Wings, Suicides

Circle up for the Doomsday Circle (Ring of Fire) – Each man does one merkin, advancing around the circle until 500 merkins were completed. If a break was needed, complete 15 SSHs and then re-enter the circle.

Mary – Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercuries,

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The newest class is off and running. Thanks to the PAX from greenmachine who joined us this morning. It was great to have you out!

Six more weeks with this class. Come out and join them.