Someday We’ll All Enjoy Running, But Not Today

AO: westeros
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Chunks, Grape, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Michelin Man, Pep, SalPal, Son of Red Skull, Red Skull, Young and Restless, bluemule, CubCadet, Sherlock, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a bit chilly, a bit damp

Good mornings
Cherry pickers
Willie mays hayes
Cowboy hip rotations (fwd & bck)
50 SSHs
High knees
Butt kicks

Mosey to parking lot hill
2x 50% sprint up hill, jog down
2x 75% sprint up hill, jog down
2x 90% sprint up hill, jog down

3 Sets
20 Squat jump with knee tuck (40 drop squats as modification)
50 Iron mikes (25e)
15 merkins
Hard sprint up hill (85% effort), jog down (30-40% effort)

In cadence squats on Hair Band count

Mosey to jungle gym for as many rounds of
25 pull ups and running a lap around the drop off circle as possible

A thought I had during the beatdown: how we, as individuals, approach a workout together is often a reflection of how we live our lives in relationship with others.

Another thing I learned today: if I see people shorting themselves in an exercise, it fires me up. I have more to say on this matter but it’s probably better I don’t.

Shoutout to DintyMoore for being a monster and raising his lactaid threshold this morning.

– AOQ Grow School coming to a saturday soon near you
– Spring CSAUP in the works
– Spring fling led by Natural Ice – CBO
– 4:13 Strong Dinner fundraiser April 24th

– health and wellness for friends & family, prayers & praises for employment

Rock on and don’t cheat yourself out of getting better,

Hair Band


AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Chunks, sooner, Oatmeal, Ginger, Red Skull, Skeet, Decaf, Shocker (Mark Holmes), toga, Ponzi, Pole Dancer, Young and Restless, Dan Tanna, Pearl (Jonathan Halter), DintyMoore, Crawlspace, Right Said, Hair Band, Mullet, Wedding Singer, Minnie Pearl, Catfish, Chyna, Whoopi, Escort, jackie moon, Toadstool (aka Princess Peach aka formerly PlayStation), Tail and Mane, Barney, Dpole?, Yes Chef, SaxMan, BigRig, Air Ball, Toots, Square Root, Wolverine
FNGs: None

50 SSH, 10 Merkins, 25 Flutters, 10 WMH, 10 GM’s

First, YHC quickly realized there was not enough blocks for what was planned. I don’t feel like I pivoted very well tbh, that’s on me for not having a backup plan in place.

Here is what was rx’d:
– 15 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 14 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 13 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 12 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 11 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 10 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 9 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 8 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 7 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 6 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 5 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 4 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 3 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 2 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 1 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run

In reality here is what happened:
Partner up – 1 block per partner group
– 15 burpees together
– P1 does 50 HR-Merks while P2 runs, flipflop
– P1 does 50 WNW’s while P2 runs, flipflop
– 14 burpees together..etc

2-3 rounds in YHC called an audible, rallied the troops, apologized for poor planning, constructively criticized poor listening, stupid questions, and bitching from PAX, and then prescribed finishing out the burpees (apocalypse+) starting at 13. Funny enough the MC and smart-mouths stopped :man-shrugging:

MOLESKINE: Lessons learned on leadership, planning contingencies, listening, using the time someone gives you to ask questions, etc

Christmas Light Alert

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Wolfpack, Spinal Tap, Grape, DintyMoore, Pep, CubCadet, Vector, Young and Restless, Red Skull, Shingles (F3 Wichita), Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice – CBO, Steampunk, Tops
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual warmups with a few extra stretches

THE THANG: PAX embarked on the 3rd Annual Christmas Light Alert, exploring the festive streets of Westeros under YHC’s lead. This 2.6-mile mosey combined holiday spirit with heart-pumping fitness, as we stopped to honor neighborhood decorations with exercises:
– White Christmas Lights = 5 Iron Mikes (each leg counts as 1/2)
– Multicolored Lights = 5 Merkins
– Inflatable Deer or Standing Statues = 5 Burpees
The neighborhood showed up in force with decorations, and so did we. PAX powered through countless lights, racking up reps and burning 590 calories in the process.
Bonus Challenge: A festive bear crawl across the neighborhood bridge, adding some extra grit to the evening.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lean Pax is almost here!

COT: Prayers for Courage in the New Year

Track Intervals

AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks
PAX: hambone, Strutter, Splitter, Red Skull
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm for December

WARMUP: No warm up


Mosey to High School Track

Lap 1: Jog the curves run fast on the straights
Lap 2: Jog the curves run faster on the straights
Lap 3: Jog the curves run fastest on the straights
Lap 4: Recover

Lap 5: Jog the curves run fastest on the straights
Lap 6: Jog the curves run faster on the straights
Lap 7: Jog the curves run fast on the straights
Lap 8: Recover

Mosey back to Startex

Finished with some stretching



NYD Convergence at Titan
LeanPax is coming


Gravity is for the birds

AO: westeros
Q: SalPal
PAX: Hedwig, Young and Restless, Black Lung, Michelin Man, Tim the Toolman, Blueprint, Chunks, hambone, Red Skull
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A touch frosty.

WARMUP: Not my problem.

Exposition: Disclaimer
Rising Action: Mosey to Love Circle, 5 burpees EMOM
Climax: 10 Burpees, EMOM, 5 minutes
Falling Action: Mosey to Bridge, Burpee Broad Jump over.
Denouement: Triple Box Jump Burpee Dora (30 total)
Epilogue: 10 burpee buyout and hill sprint.

MOLESKINE: I hope you’re happy.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lean Pax, NYD convergence, 4:13 in January

COT: Praise for Black Lung on promotion, Blueprint in new endeavors, Hedwig for incoming baby, SalPal for wife’s career.

2 steps forward, one step back

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Red Skull, Black Lung, Spinal Tap, There was one other, I’m sorry
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: we stayed warm

WARMUP: normal

THE THANG: run to the stairs, go up two steps, down one…at every other landing go back down one landing…we did DIDS but you had to do two sets and then repeat the one before, etc. I was miserable, and so was the workout

MOLESKINE: thank you for letting me take out my frustration


COT: thanks for sharing your hearts with me


One Hit Wonders

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Pep, Chunks, Salami, bluemule, Red Skull, Young and Restless, Crawlspace, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Natural Ice – CBO
FNGs: None
An absolutely stunning sunrise!

To set the tone, we kicked things off with Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve, leading the PAX through a series of warmups:
– Merkins
– Hillbillies
– Windmills
– Imperial Walkers
The Q was sprinkled with trivia questions hinting at the theme of the morning, which was later revealed as “One Hit Wonders.” Fun fact: YHC incorrectly claimed Bittersweet Symphony was an original. The Rolling Stones actually sued The Verve for sampling their track, The Last Time.

We ran to the playground for a circuit that was sure to get everyone’s heart pumping.
Station 1: Tubthumping Challenge
– PAX held a high plank and performed a jump squat for every “But I get up again” in the classic track Tubthumping by Chumbawamba.
Station 2: Partner Work
– Teams of two:
– Partner A sprinted to the school stairs, performed 1 merkin, then sprinted back.
– Partner B stayed behind, doing 5 pull-ups and air squats AMRAP style until their partner returned.

Audible to Love Hill
Pep threw out the idea of running to Love Hill, and in true F3 fashion, we embraced the chaos. We lunged across the bridge, threw in some WW1s to keep the PAX together, and instituted the newly christened “Westeros Rule”—10 burpees for every sighting of Mrs. Toolman. She only appears on uphill runs, and sure enough, we earned ourselves two rounds of burpees.
At the top of Love Hill, we paused for a quick photo op and then headed back, capping it all off with a strong finish.

Today was a great reminder of the power of mumble chatter and how much F3 has positively impacted my life over the past couple of years. Sometimes the best plan is no plan at all—just listen to Pep and the PAX, and everything will turn out just fine.

– Butterball Run: Thanksgiving morning at Crieve Hall. Bring the family and work up an appetite!
– Leftovers Long Run: Saturday after Thanksgiving, Shelby Bottoms. Burn off that second helping of pumpkin pie.

Grateful for this group and the chance to push each other every morning. Let’s keep accelerating, men!

III Pillars – 11.05.2024 – Election Day Special

AO: -f3-nashville-general
Q: princessaurora
PAX: t-cell, Black Lung, Grape, gov’t mule, Swiffer, wardas1, Will Norton, Red Skull, Pep, caprate, Go Fish, Haggis, Baguette, Tackle Box, Two Face, YumYum, Harbaugh, Full Monty
FNGs: None
Unseasonably warm, likely due to the hot takes surrounding potential election results

Today, we’d be campaigning through battleground states to earn the votes needed to win the election. Given we’re a two-party system, PAX were split into red and blue teams, and, thanks to Black Lung showing up right on time (a.k.a. 5 minutes late) YHC was able to remain a neutral election official.

After a mosey to and around the track, our first opportunity to win votes was a “debate” in the form of one lap around the track. PAX were told to select one candidate to represent their party, with Howitzer stepping in for Blue and Formica for Red.

BUT WAIT A SECOND…it’s been determined that both were no longer fit to hold office and, bypassing the primary, selected Red Skull (Blue) and Pep (Red) as new candidates. In a extremely tight race, Red Skull edged out Pep by a stride handing Blue 10 points.

Blue – 10 | Red – 0

Moving on to the battleground “state”ions! Each party’s goal is to get as many votes (reps) as possible in the time allotted.

“State”ion 1 (30 electoral votes)
Ballot Box Jumps – 4:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 0

“State”ion 2 (50 electoral votes)
Handcount Release Merkins – 3:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 50

“State”ion 3 (80 electoral votes)
Swing State Ab Thrusters (feet in swing) – 3:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 130

“State”ion 4 (70 electoral votes)
Octoburpee Surprise*- 2:00
*if trailing team wins, they steal 10 votes from leading team in addition to earning electoral votes


Blue – 120 | Red – 120

“State”ion 5 (40 electoral votes)
Jane6 Fondas – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 120

“State”ion 6 (90 electoral votes)
Swing State Pull-ups – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 210

“State”ion 7 (60 electoral votes)
Abs-entee Ballots (Big Boy Sit-ups) – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 270

This election came down to the wire with Blue having the chance to force a runoff, but in the end, Red prevailed and their version of democracy was saved.

Mosey back to flag to wrap up with some Ballot Box Cutters and Alabama Prom Dates until time.

You never know who you might offend when you Q a workout teeming with opportunities for political jokes, but I sure I hope it was someone! Hopefully everyone felt free to put fitness and fellowship over party. It’s also worth noting here that Pep has legs when the future of our country is on the line. Dude was moving faster than I’ve ever seen him go!

Also, here’s a fun fact: given this is being written post-election, I can now proudly say that the PA Election Day Q is 100% accurate at predicting the results of American presidential elections. All eyes on will be on iiiP in 2028…

– 11/9 – 0600 Tennessee Tussle at #brokenwheel in Nolensville – friendly competition between regions – see Hair Band for details!
– 11/16 – 0600-0800 – AOQ GrowSchool at stonewall

TAPS for
– Elizabeth Webb cancer treatment
– YumYum’s mother’s health
– Baguette’s trip with/for his father
– The country

God bless America,
PA out

Final Workout at The Stronghold for 2024

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Noble Virus (Mark Britnell) F3 Franklin, Swingline / Jason Aeverman, hambone, Right Said, Young and Restless, toga, Decaf, Red Skull, Skeet, Natural Ice, Midnight Club, Ol’ McDonald, DreamCast, World Tour, Vera Wang
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and windy for Halloween

WARMUP: 40 SSH, Good Mornings, Stretching and some Imperial Walkers to satisfy the demands of World Tour

THE THANG: bluemule was out with an ankle injury, so Chunks stepped in and led the workout. We followed the bluemule script for the last workout of the class….running and 8-count body builders.

The first stop was a little known driveway that we have never utilized before. After a demonstration by Chunks, each 4:13 Strong man shared something they have learned over the past 40 day and then led us in 5 8-count body builders.

We then took off to the second stop where each 4:13 Strong man shared a goal for the future and then led us in another round of 8-count body builders.

Indian run back to the start for some Mary. We started with 5 8-count body builders so we could end with an even 100 for the morning. hambone then jumped in and led everyone in a round of 10 speed burpees. To ensure no more burpees were done, Ol’McDonald took over and led us in 50 4-count Alabama Prom Dates. Natural Ice took control from Ol’ McDonald and led us in a nice round of flutter kicks. DreamCast had the final say with at 30 second low plank.

MOLESKINE: Thank you to my F3 brothers for the show of support and encouragement this morning. It was a great way to wrap up the final workout at The Stronghold.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day is tomorrow at 11:30am. All are welcome. It is a fun celebrate with some great food and fellowship following the ceremony. Come celebrate with us and let 4:13 Strong buy you lunch!

COT: Chunks reminded us of how important the 1 second decisions can be and closed us with strong words of encouragement and a prayer for wisdom, strength and endurance.