Just Another Rainy Friday

AO: bomber
Q: hambone
PAX: Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, Pep, Vector, Aquafina, Avalanche, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Firefox, Spinal Tap, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet and quiet

15 x SSH IC
12 x IST IC
14 x TS IC
13 x Squats IC

Mosey to McCabe Pub, 5 Merkins IC
Mosey down the street; 5 mins of bear crawls
Mosey north for a bit, squats for the six
Mosey south for a bit, squats for the six

6 mins of Mary

Mosey to the bottom of our favorite hill; Pax completed Jacob’s Ladder (7 trips up the hill, increase burpees on each one)

1) YHC wanted to do some moving around. Coming off of a busted ankle, I appreciate the pax putting up with some slow jogging as we checked the area out.

2) While walking into coffeeteria, @Puzzlah pointed out to me that his entire front size was wet but back side was dry. This is the upside to doing burpees

3) Distance totaled 2.5 miles for the whole workout

1) Prayers for Cub Cadet’s coworker being recently diagnosed with throat cancer. Prayers for peace and strength in a difficult time
2) Prayers for @Supernova’s mother-in-law after her passing after illness. We pray she is safe in the Lord’s arms and that his family finds peace in a difficult time.

Q D’etat

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band , Salpal
PAX: Grape, Salpal, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: shrinkage with a side of fog and legs

2 laps mosey around parking lot
Imperial walkers

Sprints: 50%x2, 75%x2, 100%x1
Lunge walk around parking lot

5min of Hairy (Hair Band Mary, dubbed Hairy by @grape)

30 iron mikes
30 squat jumps

Mosey to Pizza Hut
3 rounds of Isometrics, holding 1min, If you break form everyone does a burpee
– squat
– plank
– balls to the wall

Arms Finisher:
– as many derkins as you can do in a minute, then half of that number for 3 more rounds. Hold squat when done

Normal Mary to finish

– @salpal is Atlantis’ new AOQ!!
– the new shovel flag was unveiled, see picture
– brewruck February 17th, check channel for deets
– brewsday/juiceday, @natural ice for the deets
– leanpax finishes up on saturday february 10th, stay strong fellas

Each man shared as Atlantis is a 3F AO and we take that more seriously than anything
– @puzzlah wife going into surgery next week, prayers for success, high quality and easy recovery
– @salpal wife finishing PhD, preparing for new baby in August, and work conversations
– @grape inviting a coworker to read through John with him
– YHC, traveling this weekend, for continued wisdom and resistance to temptation and glory to God in my relationship with Liz

It has been a great honor having Atlantis be my first leadership position in F3. I’m excited to see what’s in store next and I’m comforted knowing I’ve left this premier AO in good hands.

Rock on,

Hair Band

New Year Revolution 2024

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: DintyMoore, Black Lung, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: icy cool

WARMUP: mosey let’s call it 1012 meters

Move the body a bit. Hit the shoulders and calves and hips.

Kicked off 2024 with a 2024 inspiration

Do 20 of each movement, quick mosey down the hill, sprint up the hill, 24 of each movement, then repeat quick mosey and sprint.


(Jump?) Lunges
Carolina Dry Docks
Skaters/curtsy lunge
Plank shoulder taps

Recover and mosey another let’s call it 1012 m to our finisher. That’s more or less 2024 m round trip.

We finished off with the 20 m (actually 20.24 m) beep test  📟📟📟 of V02 max capacity. Two lines of cones separated by 20(.24) m. Man starts running on the beep, then aims to reach the cone before the next beep. And beep. And beep. And beep. Every minute or so, the time between beeps decreases. See info here: www.beeptestguide.com/table.htm

Quick aside: The test is hard. It was introduced to me by my old men’s league rugby coach, a wild, brilliant, ferocious South African who told us that his coach growing up would back an ambulance up to the pitch and make them run 20 m back and forth in 100 degree heat until that truck was filled with the bodies of the men who were able to drag themselves of the field. By comparison, this was pleasant. Shout out to my old coach Eugene wherever you are in the world.

Back to today, congrats to all the men who pushed their limit and a special shout out to the few who reached the 8th round. Hope to try again post #leanpax to see how we’ve pushed ourselves. Thanks for your support as a first time Q today.


Game night January 27.


Merkins and Abs

AO: bomber
Q: Siri
PAX: Puzzlah, Firefox, Vector, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Crawlspace, Focker, DintyMoore, Black Lung, hambone, Wet Wipes, Cream Cheese, Young Pawn, Apologies to those who I can’t remember! Tag in the comments.
FNGs: None

WARMUP: mosey

THE THANG: mosey, merkins, mosey, merkins, mosey, etc. (merkin count: 120)

Abs at the playground:
3 sets of:
40 flutter kicks
10 merkins
30 LBCs
10 merkins
20 American Hammers
10 merkins
10 V-ups
10 merkins
(Merkin count: 240)

Miscellaneous exercises for the remaining 10 minutes including 70 incline merkins and 5 minutes of broga.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: NYD convergence at Green Machine, 6-7am
Lean PAX starting 1/2/24
BrewRuck happening soon – ask Hambone


Holly Body Ho Ho Hold OR Why Santa’s going to have a litigious off-season

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox
PAX: Puzzlah, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Cream Cheese, Pep, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Ripe for a Labor Revolt

Santa’s workforce had a lot to get done in the gloom this morning. As the Assistant Supervisor to Santa (ASS), YHC was in charge of getting the crew ready to hit the assembly lines, QA product, load up the sleigh, and get the goods delivered.

Santa has not volunteered to lead a Warmorama in quite a while, citing prior workplace injuries; so, instead, we mosied up to the parking lot and did the following sequence OYO:
40 plank jacks
30 mountain climbers (1 side = 1/2)
20 merkins
20 forward LBAC
20 backward LBAC
20 air presses
Run (most of) the length of the parking lot and back

Feeling a bit spiteful due to the numerous workforce dress code violations, Santa had us repeat this sequence.

Warmed up, we split up into two crews of 4 and hit the assembly lines, arraying ourselves in 2 lines on our sixes. Each group with a roughly 13 lb, expertly wrapped present, 1 PAX would hold the present above their head and do 10x flutter kicks, then pass the present to the next PAX, proceeding to bear crawl to the end of the line to await their next turn. Anyone not bear crawling or doing flutter kicks held a Holly Body Ho Ho Hold. We proceeded down the length of the parking lot, then came back, this time holding our legs in a 6 inch hold and doing 5 presses with the gift.

We repeated the assembly line, this time each PAX doing a single WW1/Holly Body Ho Ho Hold sit-up with the gift before moving to the end of the line expeditiously (no bear crawl), going the length of the parking lot and back.

With everything assembled, we needed to run the toys through QA inspection. All PAX circled up and held a chair, passing the gifts around for several rotations. Then, we got on our sixes and repeated a round of inspection, this time in a Holly Body Ho Ho Hold.

With inspection complete, it was time to load the sleigh. Given our diminutive stature, this required a bit of extra effort; so, in our circle, we did jump squats “in unison,” passing the present to the next PAX after each rep.

We reformed our groups of four and departed for our Present Delivery Run, which, if you took a step back, looked a lot like an Indigenous Persons Run, except the presents were being passed down the line and run back up to the front.

Finally, Santa decided to go home and hit the hot tub with Mrs. Claus early, leaving us to deliver gifts to the last two kids, which just so happened to be in some remote mountainous regions. For the first delivery, we consolidated our efforts and did an American Hammer pass with the gifts up the drive from the lower parking to the stop sign, each PAX doing a bear crawl after handing off both gifts. The last kid really didn’t deserve the special treatment, but unfortunately, we were in jeopardy of losing our “No Nice Kid Left Behind” bonus; so, we split back up into our groups of 4 and did burpee broad jumps up the drive to the stop sign, taking turns jumping forward with the gift.

Blood and Honey

AO: bomber
Q: Salpal
PAX: Chunks, Right Said, Firefox, Solo Cup, Puzzlah, Cuban Missile, Detective Pikachu, hambone, DintyMoore, Papa Bear, Critical Fail
FNGs: 1 Critical Fail
Full from Thanksgiving dinner.

A simple warning that this was gonna suck.

Crawlbear up the hill. Bearcrawl to islands in parking lot, 5 burpees at each. Bearcrawl Paula Abduls. Bearcrawl back down the hill. Pullups, burpees and big boy situps from 1 to 7 and back down again, ‘cuz people wanted to stop bearcrawling.

Dealers Choice

– Brewruck Dec. 16th.
– Game Night @ Firefox Residence Dec. 2
– Jan. 1st convergence.

– Prayers for the homeless of Nashville.
– Prayers for safe travels of loved ones.

Coffee at Star Bagel.
