The 1975 World Tour

AO: the-castle
Q: SalPal
PAX: Snickers, Pink Slip, Strutter, hambone, Chunks, Pep, Dilbert
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Half-hearted SSH + squats

THE THANG: In honor of The 1975 (a shared passion of mine and Chunks), 4 sets of DORA, 75 reps each, each with a different method of travel:

Part 1:
Travel: Bernie Down/Run Back
– 75 Merkins
– 75 Air Presses
– 75 Dry Docks
– 75 Reptars

Part 2:
Travel: Broad Jump Down/Run Back
– 75 LBCs
– 75 Hammers (each side 1)
– 75 Mountain Climbers (each side 1)
– 75 Shoulder Taps (each side 1)

Part 3:
Travel: Shuffle Down/Run Back
– 75 Squats
– 75 Lunges (each leg 1)
– 75 Calf Raises
– 75 Apollo Ono’s (each leg 1)

Part 4:
Travel: Boo-Boo Bear Crawl Down/Run Back
– 75 WWIs
– 75 Burpees
– 75 Lt. Dan’s

Everyone got to part 4 at time, so we went back to startex for assorted routines to close.

MOLESKINE: PSA: Spotify Pleeb-ium throttles your max volume.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots going on in July: runs, launches, night moves, etc. Look at Slack. I’m your Q, not your personal planner. 2.0 support for Sunshine, see Slack for how to contribute.

COT: Praise for Snickers in the promotion, for my M and job search, for Sunshine and new 2.0. All other intentions spoken and unspoken.

Stay salty Nashville. Green Sally out.

#the Prostitute comes to Hendersonville

AO: the-castle
Q: Strutter
PAX: hambone, Pep, SalPal, Splitter, Sunshine, Dilbert, Country Parkour, Pink Slip, Outta Bounds (OB), Under the Table, Chunks, Outta Bounds, Pink Slip
FNGs: 2 Outta Bounds, Pink Slip
CONDITIONS: Hot and sweaty.

WARMUP: Mosey to the tennis court parking lot. Disclaimer. 10 each in cadence IST, Hillbillies, Abe Vigodas (Windmills), and Long Snappers.

THE THANG: Mosey up the hill to Hazel Path. We began working the corners in an up and down ladder. 1-2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Corner 1 – 5 burpees.
Corner 2 – 10 Merkins. Sometimes in cadence, sometimes OYO.
Corner 3 – 15 squats. Sometimes in cadence, sometimes OYO.
Corner 4 – 20 Carolina Dry Docks. OYO.
Corner 5 – 50 LBCs in cadence.
Once we returned back to the start of our ladder, we moseied back for Mary.
Freddy Mercury’s
Mercury Freddy’s
Box Cutter
Cutter Box
A voice from the crowd yelled “We don’t go until 7 o’clock!”, so we ended there.

MOLESKINE: we welcomed in 2 new FNG’s. Glad you joined us Outta Bounds, and Pink Slip.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5k price goes up today. Any interest in a spot on the Bourbon Chase team?

COT: We prayed for spoken and unspoken requests, for our soldiers, LEOs, First Tesponders. It was not by chance that I found this group. Thank you for allowing me to lead today.