40 second soul crusher

AO: handsomizer
Q: Freakonomics
PAX: Spinal Tap, Puzzlah, Natural Ice – CBO, Old Maid, Steak Knives (F3 Cape Fear), Butter Knife – F3 Knoxville, @duece-and-a-half
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: misty and warm

WARMUP: the usual


40 seconds max with 5 second transition of the following: merkins, squats, Carolina dry docks, lunges, burpees, shoulder taps. Sprint to next level in the garage and repeat 5 times.

Throw a round of bear crawls in, two rounds of max dips, and a few downward dogs at the end.

Natural Ice – CBO is hosting a Superbowl party. Hit him for more details.
COT: traveling mercy for the great down range guys who came out. Remember to be present and reflect on the good things God has given us.

Stairway to Heavens

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Shingles (F3 Wichita), Freakonomics, Old Maid, Grape, Spinal Tap, Purple Tiger, Natural Ice – CBO
FNGs: None
Conditions: Frosty and brisk. Perfect weather to embrace the gloom and crush the stairs.

We started off with a basic warm-up to shake off the morning chill and get the blood flowing: SSH, Stretches, Merkins, all the stuff

The Thang: Stairway to Heavens

Here’s a polished version of your text with minor adjustments for clarity and flow:

We completed a series of Stairway to Heavens on the 92-step staircase. The Pax performed an exercise movement up to the first platform, ran back down to the base, completed a burpee, and then ran up to the second landing to repeat the exercise. This process continued for all five landings, finishing with a final burpee at the top of the stairs. The movements included bear crawl push-ups (Bearway to Heaven), bunny hops, backward crab dips, squats, and lunges.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead!


AO: handsomizer
Q: Cuban Missile , Cuban Missile
PAX: Chunks, Freakonomics, Young and Restless, Patty, Old Maid, Salami, caprate, @pharmacist
FNGs: None


THE THANG: We did multiple movements, I wrote the workout down twice and managed to delete it, not doing it a third time




CruelHall gets Handsome!

AO: cruelhall
Q: Freakonomics
PAX: Donkey Hammer, EZ-Go, Pedialyte, Matador, Mistah Mistah, Works for a Guy, Old Maid, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Cuban Missile, Freakonomics, Fortran
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark and cool

WARMUP: SSH, Low and Slow Squats and Merkins, Little Baby Arm Circles, Willie Mays Hays and Good Mornings

Handsomizer men on one line, CruelHall men on the other. Run to the center, 10 reps 2-man clap pushups. lunge back. Repeat 5 times for 50 push up reps total.

Start with 12 reps each of five exercises. Bicep curl (coupon), overhead press (coupon), overhead tricep extension (coupon), rows or pull-ups, squats (2 count). Run around the covered area, repeat with 11 reps. Run, repeat with 10, etc. Your Q got down to 7 reps.

Six minutes of Mary – somehow the most low-ab exercises I’ve ever done.

Nashville Chili Cookoff is coming up. Check 2ndf and with Natural Ice for details.
Old Maid family sickness and stress for mrs.
Pedialyte’s sister is expecting her second child at any moment!

#cruelhall heads north

AO: handsomizer
Q: Donkey Hammer
PAX: Focker, Patty, Freakonomics, Cuban Missile, Michael Freiburg, Young and Restless, Mistah Mistah, caprate, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Old Maid, Red Skull, Globetrotter
FNGs: 1 Globetrotter
65 and pleasant

SSH, GM, WMH, IW, hillbillies
Thoracic rotations
High plank -> right/left foot forward with rotation
Prone snow angel
Prone scorpion
Down dog to up dog
Side lying shoulder rotation
Jane Fondas
Supine pigeon
Straight leg raises – R, L, B

Dips x 25

Tabata – 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off x 3 rounds
Elevated shoulder taps
Step ups
Mtn climbers
Lateral lunges

Dips x 25

11’s ( although we only had time for about 4 rounds)
Kick throughs at the top/atomic merkins at the bottom

Jog back to the start

What a great day to get out with the men on handsomizer. A few of the cruelhall made it out and it was a great time. Looking forward to you guys traveling south on October 4th for a visit. It was an honor to lead.

September 11th convergence at Capitol steps at 5:30am

10th Anniversary convergence September 14th at stonewall. Starts at 6am.

Half marathon training is ongoing. Nashville Half Marathon is October 26th. Join the nashville-half-marthaon channel if interested.

Congratulations Patty on your upcoming marriage. Wonderful news!

Welcome, @Globetrotter!

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Let’s continue to be there for each other in pursuit of being the best version of ourselves

It was a great morning. Thank you for letting me join in.

PSL Hill Work

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Pep, Crawlspace, Young and Restless, Spinal Tap, Salami, caprate, Black Lung, Papa Bear, Old Maid, Right Said, Dirtbag, Tim the Toolman, preacherman, Dragon Spark, Sherlock, Sharkbait, For Closure
FNGs: 1 For Closure
CONDITIONS: Perfectly Pleasant

WARMUP: 30 SSH (I am just going to keep pushing that number up, because everyone starts to stop at 20), Little Baby Arm Circles, OHP, Seal Claps, Light Stretching

THE THANG: Hill Work
Pax Partnered Up. While partner 1 made the loop up and down the hill, partner 2 performed an exercise from the list provided by YHC. Upon returning, partner one performed the same exercise until both completed. Rinse and repeat all the way down the list.

Exercises in order:
**Plank Jacks**
**Mountain Climbers**
**Plank to Push-Up**
**Kraken Burpees**
**Imperial Walkers**
**Nolan Ryans**

**Squats** –
**Peter Parkers*
**Inch Worms**

Pax performed WW1s as we waited on the six.

We ended with Sprints, because 95% of people over the age of 30 will never sprint again.

Sharkbait clocked 2 miles of total running

MOLESKINE: We have 85 days left of pumpkin spice season. Enjoy it while you can.

Mens Group with YHC and Spinal Tap kicking off tonight 7:30 at the Ice Haus.
Wednesday 911 Convergence at the state capitol steps 5:30 launch
SATURDAY 10 year anniversary at Stone wall 6:00 am launch

COT: Prayers for travel and Right Said upcoming surgery

a vertical take of F3 Race City’s #theProstitute

AO: handsomizer
Q: Strutter
PAX: Freakonomics, Old Maid, Salami, Rocket Mortgage, Cuban Missile, Patty, Strutter, Hemmingway
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Hot but at least there was no breeze.

10 IC Hillbillies
10 IC Abe Vigodas/Windmills

THE THANG: Mosey to the parking garage. This workout is typically performed around a city block, today we used floors of the parking garage. The exercises were performed in the patern as follows:

The exercises were as follows:
1- 5 burpees
2- 10 merkins oyo
3- 15 slow deep squats in cadence
4- 20 Carolina Dry Docks
5- 25 LBC in cadence
6- just a quick turn around

Each exercise was followed by a short Mosey to the opposite end of the parking garage. So there were a lot of ups and downs.

MOLESKINE: It was interesting to see a few people lined up to see Green Day tonight at Geodis.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Labor Day convergence.
September 11th convergence.

COT: Prayers for peace for Patty’s friend Tom.
Hemingway asked for prayers for his Aunt and a cousin.

Bust a Move

AO: handsomizer
Q: Old Maid
PAX: Spinal Tap, Rocket Mortgage, Freakonomics, Strutter, caprate, Dragon Spark, Natural Ice, Cuban Missile, Old Maid, Young and Restless, Donkey Hammer, Patty
FNGs: None
Clear, blue, and 22

Good mornings OYO
Hamstring stretches
Willie Mays OYO

Non-stop fun paired with some glorious tunes.

1. Squats – Flower by Moby
2. Mosey to stairs- You Make My Dreams (Come True) by Hall & Oats (3:11)
3. Low Plank, Merkins, Side Planks, more
Merkins — I Love Rock N’ Roll by Joan Jett
4. Stair run (x3) – Watch Your Step by Ted Hawkins
5. Bear Crawls, Tricep Dips, Mosey to turf –
Bust a Move by Young MC
6. Circle Burp (Up Downs) – The Spark by
Kabin Crew
7. SSH, Mosey – Fire In My Soul – Tom
Staar Remix
8. Bicycle Crunches, WWls, American
Hammers — Gas Pedal Dave Audé Remix
9. Frog Jumps, Flying Nuns (Lunge walk with little baby arm circles) – Come and Get Your Love by Redbone
10. Merkins low and slow, Planks – End of the Line by Traveling Wilburys



– Convergence w/ Detention coming up soon
– Natural Ice is looking for 2ndf suggestions
– Something else I can’t remember

– Prayers for those training for half and full marathons
– Prayers for injuries and recovery

Nobody said it was EZ (Go)

AO: detention
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Average Size, Works for a Guy, Topanga, Mistah Mistah, Donkey Hammer, Grape, Accounts Receivable, Winona, EZ-Go, Pedialyte, Deep State, Movin On Up, Old Maid, Pound Puppy
FNGs: None
Average August

Broga Flow: cobra, downward dog, right hand right foot/right hand stretch upward, warrior 1, rinse and repeat on left side

*grab a coupon

Block work:
50 – squats
40 – block rows
30 – block mercs
20 – triple arm killers
10 – 8 count bb
5 – bubkas
Repeat x2

CrossFit Lyon Workout :woman-lifting-weights::
5 rounds:
10 squat cleans
10 thrusters
10 burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups

*Choose your own adventure
2 min 6 inches
20 WW1
1 min low plank
20 Supermans
20 WW1
20 1-leg Alabama prom dates

Big crew, big sweat, big gainz!

cruelhall Convergence with handsomizer on Sept 6 at Geodis
gullivers-travels-challenge is alive and well

Kids back in school, prayers for new school year
Praise for Average Size new job!

Handsomizer 8/16/24

AO: handsomizer
Q: Salami
PAX: Spinal Tap, Patty, Old Maid, Natural Ice, Rocket Mortgage, El Pollo Loco, Goofy, Wedding Singer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A touch cooler than lately

Motivators from 7
Mosey around the stadium
Butt kickers
High knees
Arrive back at grass
Jane fondas IC 10 each leg

10 merks
16 Freddie Mercurys
10 diamond merks
16 plank jacks
10 wide merks
16 mountain climbers

Run to side of stadium and back

10 drop n chops (squat, left knee up, squat, right knee up = 1 rep)
16 leg lifts
10 Peter Parkers
16 WWIs
10 squats
16 V-ups

Stair run

30 Moroccan night clubs IC
20 Supermans IC
20 AL prom dates IC
10 burpees

Run through parking lot and back
10 8ct body builders

2 mins of Mary


Wedding Singer F3 disc golf @ Crockett Park 0600 Saturday 8/17
Natural Ice wants more ideas for 2nd F shindigs
8/21/24 convergence at III Pillars

COT: Wedding Singer reminds us to be present for our kids/loved ones while they are around
Keep Blueliner in your thoughts and prayers, stop by if you can. Bring stogies