Crazy Train!!!! :pain-train:

AO: pain-train
Q: Toothless
PAX: Wolfpack, The Merchant, Timber, FLO, Nubbins, Pitmaster, Cheeks, Pitmaster
FNGs: 1 Pitmaster
CONDITIONS: Sublime, almost crisp at 61º which was a blessing given the previous days of the week

Everyone grabs a Cindy, carry it to church parking lot
30 x SSH
12 x Willy Mays Hays, 2 each side
30 count x Toe Touch
30 count x Flamingo, both sides
10 x Michael Phelps
10 x Scorpions OYO

THE THANG: Four Corner Dora

Partner travels around 4 corners of the main lot with a mosey/shuffle/mosey/shuffle per the 4 sides. Wait for group 6 to change exercises (low plank/pick up reps).

Complete the following as a pair:
– 50 x 10 Count Body Builders w/ Block, i.e. Blockee Builders
– 100 x Goblet Squats
– 200 x Curls
– 300 x Bench Press

MOLESKINE: Modified a bit for time to not rotate between corners for the exercises as originally planned since the cindy carry ate some time on both ends.

Now you know what you were feeling all of yesterday, but Timber has to be feeling it more than most as he went beast mode and crushed 2/3s of our pair’s reps and some of yours too! Pitmaster was knocking out reps with great form too on day one, great to have him out and to learn from his expertise in golf, whiskey, and barbecue, truly the good time trifecta.

– f3dads event on Saturday which was now yesterday, 77 attended!

– Prayers for Pitmaster’s friend Joe
– Prayers for G-string & his new 2.0
– Prayers for the tragedy that occurred recently there at Red Caboose Park

As always, it was an honor to be out at the pain-train, good to see some faces again and meet some new ones! Keep up the great momentum, men! You’ve got a great group and a great AO.

See You In The Gloom,
— Toothless :tooth:

Trip to the Zoo – Animals on the loose!

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles , Sooie
PAX: Sooie, Nubbins, Timber, AAA, Wolfpack, El Capitan, Pebbles, Sparrow, Malibu, Ex-Pat, Fish Biscuit, Tonks, Iowa, IceBox
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and damp

Mosey around the backstop
Disclaimer given
Bac’s – Bac-Bac’s
Don Quioxte’s
Slow Merkins
Slow Squats
Stretch on your own

2.0s picked an animal then pretended to be that animal while running around distracting the PAX doing station work. 2min at each station.
1. Dips
2. Swing pull ups
3. Jump Squats
4. Pull ups
5. Lunges

6 cones set 50yds apart. Do 6 reps of an exercise then sprint to next cone. (Burpees, WWIIs, Merkins, Lt Dans, Partner Carry x2)
Bear capture the flag
Toilet Tag
Bear Tag

Reflection on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Good reminder that the things we struggle with, while not to minimize them, pale in comparison to what those men did to earn our freedom.

Welcome Nubbins to the-knoll! Looking forward to many more beatdowns together.

T-claps to the one and only morning stār for completing THE STRUGGLE last night. Congrats to all those men who did a very hard thing together.

Intentions given and Sooie prayed for all.