40 second soul crusher

AO: handsomizer
Q: Freakonomics
PAX: Spinal Tap, Puzzlah, Natural Ice – CBO, Old Maid, Steak Knives (F3 Cape Fear), Butter Knife – F3 Knoxville, @duece-and-a-half
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: misty and warm

WARMUP: the usual


40 seconds max with 5 second transition of the following: merkins, squats, Carolina dry docks, lunges, burpees, shoulder taps. Sprint to next level in the garage and repeat 5 times.

Throw a round of bear crawls in, two rounds of max dips, and a few downward dogs at the end.

Natural Ice – CBO is hosting a Superbowl party. Hit him for more details.
COT: traveling mercy for the great down range guys who came out. Remember to be present and reflect on the good things God has given us.


AO: thestronghold
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: bluemule, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Dan and Dave, toga, Chunks, Chyna, Young and Restless, Red Skull, Mullet, Right Said, Skeet, Decaf, Natural Ice – CBO, Airball, Yes Chef, Square root, Toadstool, Mane ‘N Tail, Saxman, D Pole, Big Rig, Duece and a Half, Jackie Moon, Take 3, Toots, Wolverine
FNGs: None

– Squats
– Merkins
– Arm Circles
– Air Press
– Seal Claps
– Moroccan Nightclubs
– Stretching as needed

PAX set off on a mosey toward the Helicopter Pad. However, YHC quickly grew deeply disappointed at the sluggish pace, so the mosey evolved into a series of sprints to keep things honest.

Burpee-A-Clock-Alypse – Round 1
– 5 burpees on the minute, every minute, for 15 minutes
– Between sets, YHC generously provided “active recovery” through squats, SSH, and LBCs
– Total burpees: 75

After finally feeling properly warmed up, we took off on sprint intervals back toward the StartEx. Along the way, we peeled off for 5 more rounds of burpees to bring the total up to a nice, even 100.

Upon returning to the StartEx and realizing we still had time left, YHC—ever the gracious leader—gifted the men with an opportunity to complete 5 bonus burpees (you’re welcome).

Outstanding effort from the men of 413 Strong today. The grit, attitude, and willingness to push through the suck were truly impressive. Proud to lead this crew!

Dirty Dora

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Sherlock, Spinal Tap, bluemule, CubCadet, Tim the Toolman, Right Said, Pep, Steak Knives (F3 Cape Fear), Natural Ice – CBO, Aquaman, Deuce and a half
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, LBCs, a little yoga stretching
Big long grapevine mosey

THE THANG: Dirty Dora

Pax Partnered up at the play ground for a typical Dora consisting of 100 cumulative merkins, 200 squats, and 300 LBCs. However there was a Dirt Dora Twist – before starting the cumulative exercise PAX had buy-in of 5 pull ups and 5 burpees, every round.

After completion we went for a bear crawl up the hill, because we do hard things.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lean Pax is getting close to completion

COT: Prayers were lifted!

Stairway to Heavens

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Shingles (F3 Wichita), Freakonomics, Old Maid, Grape, Spinal Tap, Purple Tiger, Natural Ice – CBO
FNGs: None
Conditions: Frosty and brisk. Perfect weather to embrace the gloom and crush the stairs.

We started off with a basic warm-up to shake off the morning chill and get the blood flowing: SSH, Stretches, Merkins, all the stuff

The Thang: Stairway to Heavens

Here’s a polished version of your text with minor adjustments for clarity and flow:

We completed a series of Stairway to Heavens on the 92-step staircase. The Pax performed an exercise movement up to the first platform, ran back down to the base, completed a burpee, and then ran up to the second landing to repeat the exercise. This process continued for all five landings, finishing with a final burpee at the top of the stairs. The movements included bear crawl push-ups (Bearway to Heaven), bunny hops, backward crab dips, squats, and lunges.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead!

New Year, New You

AO: titan
Q: Grape
PAX: bluemule, Natural Ice – CBO, Right Said, Pep, Vector, The Merchant, hambone, Canned Heat, sooner, Spinal Tap, Shingles (F3 Wichita), Esposa, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect for new beginnings

20 L&S Merkins
20 L&S Squats

THE THANG: slow mosey around the park, stopping every so often to do merkins until we had completed 2025 (ish) as a group

Partner up, one partner runs the walking trail as a timer as the other partner completes one set of:

Navy seal burpees
Elevated merkins (incline)
Elevated merkins (decline)
Ab thrusters
Regular squats

Mosey to the ellipse

Change partners, timer is running lap around the ellipse

Navy seal burpees
Elevated merkins (incline)
Original burpees
Ulgarian split squats

Back to startex to do like 3 more merkins each to make sure we hit our number

MOLESKINE: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end


COT: sooner’s dog
Vector’s brother
Natural Ice – CBO’s courage
Pep’s project
Spinal Tap in his new role as AOQ of titan


Christmas Light Alert

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Wolfpack, Spinal Tap, Grape, DintyMoore, Pep, CubCadet, Vector, Young and Restless, Red Skull, Shingles (F3 Wichita), Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice – CBO, Steampunk, Tops
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual warmups with a few extra stretches

THE THANG: PAX embarked on the 3rd Annual Christmas Light Alert, exploring the festive streets of Westeros under YHC’s lead. This 2.6-mile mosey combined holiday spirit with heart-pumping fitness, as we stopped to honor neighborhood decorations with exercises:
– White Christmas Lights = 5 Iron Mikes (each leg counts as 1/2)
– Multicolored Lights = 5 Merkins
– Inflatable Deer or Standing Statues = 5 Burpees
The neighborhood showed up in force with decorations, and so did we. PAX powered through countless lights, racking up reps and burning 590 calories in the process.
Bonus Challenge: A festive bear crawl across the neighborhood bridge, adding some extra grit to the evening.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lean Pax is almost here!

COT: Prayers for Courage in the New Year

12 Days of Christmas

AO: handsomizer
Q: Wedding Singer
PAX: Umbrella, Purple Tiger, Wedding Singer, Salami, Freakonomics, bluemule, Natural Ice – CBO, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool and crisp

Recognition of Umbrella, who allowed YHC to freely steal and modify (including the notable absence of even a single Michael Buble song on the playlist this time!) his long-standing tradition and recent beatdown at the-racetrack Mosey to the bottom of the steps


12 Days of Christmas
Day 1 – 8 count Body Builder
Day 2 – Apollo Onos
Day 3 – Worst Merkin
Day 4 – Lt. Dan
Day 5 – Burpees
Day 6 – Storm squats
Day 7 – WWI or WWII
Day 8 – Windmill Merkins
Day 9 – Iron Mike’s
Day 10 – Makhtar N’Diayes
Day 11 – Mountain Climbers
Day 12 – V-Ups

The day corresponds with number of reps. Start on Day 1 and then run lap up the stairs and back down the ramp. Day 2 then 1, run. Day 3 then 2 then 1, run…until you finish or time. 2 is 1 for all applicable exercises. That fact, along with the long set of stairs and ramp back down proved to be too much for any of the PAX to complete the work, but several got to Day 10!

Mosey back to startex

MARY: n/a – called for time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Franklin 10-year anniversary beatdown Saturday 1/4 at Pinkerton Park – 0630

See elsewhere on Slack for deets about New Year’s Day convergence and Lean PAX

COT: Reminder that F3 is first and foremost a leadership organization. It is in our Mission statement

Always an honor to lead.

Stay strong and keep signing-


Decorating the Tree

AO: westeros
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Chunks, Hedwig, Natural Ice – CBO, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Vector, StringBean
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and Wet

Side Straddle Hops in cadence – 30
Alternating Toe Touches in cadence – 30
Mosey to school steps

Base – 100 yd run across field
10 HRPU, Lunges, Jump Squats, Shoulder Taps, Freddy Mercuries
20 HRPU, Lunges, Jump Squats, Shoulder Taps
30 HRPU, Lunges, Shoulder Taps
40 HRPU, Shoulder Taps
50 Shoulder Taps
100 Single Leg Line Hops
50 Squats
40 Squats, Half Burpees
30 Squats, Half Burpees, WW1s
20 Squats, Half Burpees, WW1s, Plank Up/Downs
10 Squats Half Burpees, WW1s, Plank U/Ds, Iron Mikes
Base – 100 yard sprint back to start X

MOLESKINE: Respect the Flag

New Years Convergence info is coming
#leanpax info is coming

I was shook by the flag being grinched and at the same time it’s the time of year to give more than we receive. Kudos to @hedwig for securing the safe and harmless return of the #bomber flag.

Keep Em Movin!

AO: handsomizer
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Freakonomics, Natural Ice – CBO, Spinal Tap, PigLIT (KC)
FNGs: None

Mosey to back parking lot
High Knees
Butt Kicks


Pair up
An exercise with corresponding rep range was given
At “Go” one partner starts performing the exercise while the other does a suicide sprint, they switch until the rep range is complete

50 Burpees
60 V Ups
120 Iron mikes (per leg)
120 monkey humpers
300 air presses

Moseyed back at 5 til and completed some Mary


– look out for information concerning the NYD convergence

– each man shared: lots of thankfulness for the impact of F3 and prayers relating to family/friends health and mental health

It was an Honor Qing for y’all, thank you Freakonomics for having me out!

Rock on,

Hair Band

The Standard is the Standard

AO: titan
Q: Chunks
PAX: bluemule, Right Said, Natural Ice – CBO, Spinal Tap, Firefox, Papa Bear, Black Lung, Puzzlah, Sherlock, Pep, Young and Restless, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, DintyMoore
FNGs: None

The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Right Said served as the standard monitor for cadence and workout understanding.

SSH in cadence starting and stopping till we were all in cadence

Almost 1 Mile Run down Natchez Trace


Partnered up for Cocaine Bear Crawls relay 5 lines at a time to the end of the parking lot.

Ran out of time and had to head back to Startex

Mosey back to Startex

Made back in time for 5 mins of Mary


Encouraged the HIMs to incorporate the Mission of F3 into their workouts when they Q. Let’s not forget why we are doing this. The Standard is the Standard.

Check Slack
Prayed out.