Start leanpax

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, CubCadet, Hair Band, Grape, Young and Restless, Puzzlah, Salami, Black Lung, SalPal, Michelin Man, The Merchant, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Blueprint, sooner, bluemule, Sherlock, Boomerang
FNGs: None
Did I already say cold?

– imperial walkers
– Hillbillies
– Good mornings

-trivia pep guardiola theme
– hold plank till right answer is called
– pax with right answer tells us how many burpees to do

– Dora:
– Timer : run the circle at the school drop off
– 100: pull ups
– 200: windshield wipers
– 300: fire hydrants

– JUICE day (?in place of brews day)
– Leanpax (bagels are processed food)
– Aoq bootcamp (coming quarterly)

Repetitive Back and Forth Movement Will Not Back the HIM’s Spirit

AO: greenmachine
Q: SalPal
PAX: DintyMoore, Cowboy, moneyshot, Michelin Man, Shania, Works for a Guy, Canned Heat, Grape
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to Football field. Start with 5 BBSitups at endzone, bearcrawl to 10 yard line, 1 Lt. Dan, mosey back to endzone. Repeato, add 10 yards and 1 Lt. Dan each time (think bear crawl Agassi’s) until getting to the other endzone.

THE THANG: Same as warmup, except 5 burpees at the endzone and burpees every ten yards.

MOLESKINE: no music, lots of panting.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Leanpax, NYD convergence, Juice-Day.

COT: Choose joy, do hard things, be a gift to others.

Sally out.

Gravity is for the birds

AO: westeros
Q: SalPal
PAX: Hedwig, Young and Restless, Black Lung, Michelin Man, Tim the Toolman, Blueprint, Chunks, hambone, Red Skull
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A touch frosty.

WARMUP: Not my problem.

Exposition: Disclaimer
Rising Action: Mosey to Love Circle, 5 burpees EMOM
Climax: 10 Burpees, EMOM, 5 minutes
Falling Action: Mosey to Bridge, Burpee Broad Jump over.
Denouement: Triple Box Jump Burpee Dora (30 total)
Epilogue: 10 burpee buyout and hill sprint.

MOLESKINE: I hope you’re happy.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lean Pax, NYD convergence, 4:13 in January

COT: Praise for Black Lung on promotion, Blueprint in new endeavors, Hedwig for incoming baby, SalPal for wife’s career.

Candy Crush

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Crawlspace, Cream Cheese, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Firefox, Michelin Man, Papa Bear, Hedwig, Puzzlah, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Wet Wipes
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a little soggy

WARMUP: typical activities

There is candy for all in this adventure.

There are five locations. Teams must travel together between exercise locations. Teams travel together as a group via different modes of transportation. Each workout location requires you to find 10 pieces of candy per team.

The game locations.
Stairs by Community Center – first challenge
Twenty merkins at base of stairs then bear crawl to top of steps across street.

Parking Lot – second challenge
Sprint from roundabout side toward clubhouse, bring back one piece of candy via Bernie from picnic table by driving range until all pieces have been accumulated. Other team members hold plank.

Playground – third challenge
25 Pull Ups
Locate Candy by swings after completing pull ups. Hold plank for six.

Home Plate – fourth challenge
Run to first base, crab walk to second, bear crawl to third, lunge to home plate, find candy in first base dugout.

Start Ex – Final Challenge
25 wall jumps
Army crawl to picnic table. Return to start ex and hold plank and candy bag until all team members return.

MOLESKINE: 4:13 Strong commitment day and Struggle 003

ANNOUNCEMENTS: BrewsDay on Tuesday at 12South Taproom


Final Tortoise & Hare of 2024!!

AO: thestronghold
Q: SalPal
PAX: Red Skull, Decaf, Young and Restless, Michelin Man, Right Said, Crawlspace, Chunks, hambone, Hacker (Franklin), Skeet, SalPal, tampalibra, Tater, Vera Wang, Zoro, Ol’ McDonald, Crockett, DreamCast, World Tour,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect PR weather – mild 63 degrees

WARMUP: SalPal led us through the standard warmup but added a “birthday burpee” in between each exercise.

THE THANG: Give that it was SalPals special day, he had the privilege of issuing the final “RUN” command of the year.

MOLESKINE: What a fantastic showing from the F3 community. Thank you for joining us this morning. You helped the 4:13 Strong men finish the run in record time. Five out of Six had a PR today! What a great way to close down Tortoise & Hare!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day on Friday, 11:30am. All are welcome. The ceremony is brief followed by a time of lunch and fellowship. The menu for the day is Hot Chicken and Mac & Cheese. Come join us for this fun celebration.

COT: Prayers for strength, wisdom and encouragement.

Tortoise & Hare ep5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: SalPal, Chunks, Michelin Man, Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Tater (Skeet’s 2.0), Zoro, Ol, McDonald, Crockett, DreamCast, C Sharp, Vera Wang, World Tour
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect 46 degrees and dark

WARMUP: Standard pre-run warm-up: SSH, Squats, HBWs, Stretch, WMH

THE THANG: Partner up and RUN!!

MOLESKINE: The tale of the Tortoise & Hare played out in real life today. Those that started off with a dead sprint were gassed by the first turn and never recovered the pole position. Those that started out with a deliberate pace maintained performance and set PRs.

Three 4:13 Strong men set a PR and Young and Restless set a PR. It was a great day to run.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The final Signing Day of 2024 will be on Friday 11/1 at 11:30. Come join us, celebrate the 7 men that are moving into the work phase and let 4:13 Strong buy your lunch.

The Struggle 003 is 11/1 – 11/2. We have a couple of open spots if you are interested. This is a fantastic experience that will push your physical and mental limits while forging deeper relationships with those you Struggle with. Let me know if you want more details or if you are ready to sign up.

COT: Prayers for family, healing comfort and direction.

Tortoise & Hare – Week 5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Decaf, Young and Restless, Michelin Man, Right Said, Crawlspace, SalPal, Chunks, hambone, Ol’ McDonald, Crockett, DreamCast, C Sharp, Vera Wang, World Tour
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Our first cool run of the season – 46 degrees

WARMUP: The warm-up was hijacked by World Tour who seemed to short-cut everything in an effort to get to the run. We stretched the right side more than the left which resulted in some lopsided running.

THE THANG: RUN!!! Three miles around the campus. We had a couple of PRs this morning. Those that are training for the half marathon are coming into the home stretch.

MOLESKINE: It was great to have a good showing this morning to offer encouragement to the 4:13 Strong men. Thank you to the faithful PAX that continue to show up and make a difference.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Struggle 003 is coming up in just a couple of weeks. This Struggle will be on a Friday night so work won’t be an excuse. Hit up Ginger if you would like to get you name on the list. You will be glad you did it.

COT: Prayers for strength, guidance and focus.

Tortoise & Hare, S5E1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Young and Restless, Focker, Skeet, Michelin Man, Hair Band, Natural Ice, Right Said, Crawlspace, Chunks, Tater (Skeets 2.0), Dopplerganger (F3 Smokies), C Sharp, Zoro, Pearl, Snapper, Speedway, World Tour, Ten Pack, Crockett, Slash
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 75 degrees and humid with a nice mist for the finish

WARMUP: The standard pre-run warm-up: SSH, IWs, Squats, Stretching

THE THANG: RUN!! Three miles plus more to pick up the six

MOLESKINE: It is great to be back at it after a two week break. It is a little heavy knowing that 15 men are counting on 4:13 Strong to help them rewrite their future, but the load is much lighter knowing that my F3 brothers are here to help. Thank you all for showing up this morning.

COT: Prayers for family, healing, strength, focus and growth.