#Cruellhall is a prison

AO: cruelhall
Q: Donkey Hammer
PAX: Works for a Guy, Topanga, Cal Worthington, Michael Freiburg, Focker, Matador, Berry Brooks (ATM), Esposa, blackwidow, EZ-Go, Winona, Pedialyte, @mistamista
FNGs: None
14 strong were out for my first day as AOQ at cruelhall. Great morning to get out and sweat with you guys.

CONDITIONS: cool, cloudy…perfect for solitary confinement in a prison style workout

WARMUP: Easy jog to grab a bar of soap(concrete block).Mobility warmup including SSH, WMH, Michael Phelps, thoracic rotations, runner’s stretch, DD to UD, prone snow angels, supine pigeon, Jane Fondas, single and double leg heel taps over soap block.

– Jailbreak: run around school to the playground for 2×5 pull-ups and bubkas. Back to the prison yard at the start.
– Juarez Valley circuit of alternating soap merkins, soap overhead LBCs, single leg squats and soap curls. Started with 20 reps and worked our way down to one.
– Another jailbreak around the school back to the playground for hanging knees to chest and v-ups x 2. Back to prison.
– 40 second high plank -> 40 second crab -> 40 second side planks
– Finished it up with 3 sets mountain climbers, goblet squats, and man makers till finish

MOLESKINE: EZ-Go left big shoes to fill. I will do my best to uphold the standard he set moving forward.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 Workout on 6/8 which has passed. 70+ were out for a great workout including my 3 now named @horsesaw, @mulescrewdriver and @chickenwrench

COT: It’s an honor to lead this group and I’m excited for what the future has in store for cruelhall. The suggestion box is open. Please drop me a line with any ideas.

EZ-Come, EZ-Go/These are a few of my favorite things

AO: cruelhall
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Winona, Michael Freiburg, Donkey Hammer, Matador, Pedialyte
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Not as hot as you’d think

Broga flow – Esposa baggervance

Picked my favorite movements and moments from the past year to the tunes of my favorite graduation and/or bar closing songs. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4IqfSN7EqdCBKwYiNg0m0o?si=uYuyH3o_RzO38jkx8qh0bg&pi=u-O6LpeJ-5Rh-X

Indigenous peoples run – Accounts Receivable

Crawl bear up the bus loop grass hill – Batman (F3 Hampton Roads)

Proceed to parking lot:
7s with HSPUs and WW1s

Proceed to Churchill:
7s with blockees and atomics

Proceed to playground:
7s with bubkas and face smashers – Works for a Guy

Proceed to pavilion:
50 merkins, 50 Carolina dry docks (a la Century Club) – ccr

Proceed to parking lot:
50 Once-a-Months (Alabama prom dates) – Matador
Plankpril until time – Grape

Thankful for the memories and HIM who have made this community what it is. Excited to see Donkey Hammer take the reins and take this thing to the next level!

2.0 workout Saturday June 9 at Green Hills Park
Donkey Hammer taking over as AOQ starting next week!


Kings of hearts

AO: cruelhall
Q: Accounts Receivable
PAX: Accounts Receivable, Pedialyte, Matador, EZ-Go, Topanga, Winona, Donkey Hammer, Mista mista, Pound Puppy, Soft Serve
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Side straddle hops, Willie mays, slow merkins, good mornings

Run baseball loop and grab blocks
Head to pavilion.

Clubs = Burpees
Spades = Merkins
Diamonds = WW1s
Hearts = Curl to thruster
(Aces were high)
Face cards were 10 reps
All others by their value

Return blocks and run baseball loop back
Cultivate an attitude of gratefulness and thankfulness. Choosing joy despite our circumstances.



Quarterly Review

AO: detention
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Ponzi, Movin On Up, Ginger, Accounts Receivable, Deep State, Esposa, Donkey Hammer, Matador, softserve, Pedialyte, Topanga, EZ-Go, Winona, Ike, Pound Puppy, Spandex
FNGs: 1 Spandex

SSH x 25, Squats x 10, Finger Bangers x 10, Air Press x 20, WMH x 10 OYO

YHC was pleasantly surprised by the PAX # but it did require some improv to the planned workout. Partner up and grab a block.

PAX 1: 25 reps of a movement, 10 burpees, R&R until partner returns
PAX 2: Baseball loop (1/4 mile)

R1: Block Thrusters
R2: We’re Not Worthy
R3: Merkins
R4: Burpee pullups
R5: 4 Count Flutters


– Really grateful for the opportunity to lead y’all this morning. detention was my first AO, first AOQ spot, and is just a really solid place full of the HIMest of HIM. Deep State is doing an awesome job over there (and EZ-Go on Fridays).

– If you haven’t been to thestronghold you need to ask yourself why. It’s the epitome of the mission of F3. Time to get outside of yourself and support these men.
– F3 Brentwood doing the TacTeam challenge Sat May 18. Hit up leatherneck for details.
– Struggle 002 June 5th. Hit myself, Ginger or bigbang for details. Again, come support the 4:13 guys!
– Welcome FNG Spandex. I go to church with Spandex and just recently met him, great guy, lives down the road in Caldwell Hall. Who of you can commit to connecting with him and getting him involved with F3 Nashville?
– Esposa earned a 2nd nickname, Big Juicy Bear Hug (BJ/BH)


On one leg…

AO: detention
Q: Accounts Receivable
PAX: Accounts Receivable, Deep State, Esposa, EZ-Go, Matador, Movin On Up, Pedialyte, Topanga, Winona, NA
FNGs: 1 NA
CONDITIONS: 39 and clear

WARMUP: various stretches

Whole body blast – (8 rounds of 3 exercises) For each exercise decreasing reps of 21,18,15,12,9,6,3,1
Lateral lunges
Iron crosses

Grab coupons
20 squat thrusters with curl
10 Peter Parker Merks
Run short lap
Repeat 3 times

Various core exercises and finish with 3 min plank.

MOLESKINE: pray for Eddie in early stages of separation.



Death and Taxes

AO: detention
Q: Grape
PAX: Winona, Deep State, Accounts Receivable, Matador, Pedialyte, Movin On Up, Pound Puppy
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: gloom no more

WARMUP: mosey
20 SSH
10 OH Press
10 OH Clap
10 Seal clap
10 Moroccan night clubs

THE THANG: Dora 1,2,3

100 Irkins (really did dirkins but that messed with the acronym)
200 Really big boy sit ups
300 Squats
Partner ran a lap in the pavilion

Sprints up a hill

2:24 plank


A few burpees to close

MOLESKINE: great job coming out on a Monday morning!!! I enjoyed leading you all


COT: Pedialyte sister-in-law’s pregnancy
Matador praise for community and fitness
Grape grace in fatherhood


Track n’ Field Day

AO: cruelhall
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Accounts Receivable, blackwidow, Deep State, Donkey Hammer, Matador, Pedialyte, Pound Puppies
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Unreasonably cold

WARMUP: Hammy stretch, Willy Mayes, high knees, butt kickers, karaoke

THE THANG: Track and field-themed beatdown:
*Rotate field events and track events
*Field is parking lot
*Track is sidewalk loop around parking lot
Grab coupon, head to field
100 meters x 4
Long jump – Broad jump across field
400 meters – 1 loop
Shotput training – 50 squat thrusters
800 relay – partner 1 1 loop, partner 2 burpees, then switch
Discus training – 50 block passes with partner/50 merkins
Open 800 – 2 loops all
High jump training – 50 tuck jumps
1600 relay – partner 1 1 lap, partner 2 burpees, then switch x2
Pole vault training – 4 sprints at pavilion/5 bubkas (or hanging knee raises)

MOLESKINE: I’ve been so sore for 2 days, how bout you? Especially the bubkas (look em up) those are here to stay!


COT: Prayers for Matador and his transition to Nashville from NY and for @poundpuppies Father in law Mike who is in the hospital.

Always thankful to lead. Much love. :heart:

March Madness 1994

AO: detention
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Donkey Hammer, Accounts Receivable, Cowboy, Deep State, Esposa, EZ-Go, Focker, moneyshot, Movin On Up, Right Said, Topanga, Matador
FNGs: 1 Matador
In honor of March Madness being upon us we performed 45 minutes of unending movement to the tune of Jock Jams (see below for link if unfamiliar, thank me later).

CONDITIONS: Just right

WARMUP: Indigenous peoples run, parking lot side shuffles, stretch it out

Mens bracket: (suicide between each exercise)
68 – squats
64 – block rows
32 – block mercs
16 – triple arm killers (curl, press, tricep extension)
8 – 8 count body-builder
4 – hand stand push ups
2 minute low plank

Women’s bracket: (15 SSH between exercises)
68 – mountain climbers
64 – hello dollys
32 – block mercs
16 – block raises
8 – 8 count body-builders
4 – burpees
2 min 6 inches

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murder Mile Thursday at greenmachine, get there a few minutes early