Field trip!

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Banker
PAX: AAA, DintyMoore, G-string (Eli Kresta), Malibu, Pebbles, Sooie, Bumblebee
FNGs: None

WARMUP: we jogged in place, we did ankles to the butt while reciting the mission, credo, and core principles of F3

We ran with a buddy to the Babe Ruth baseball fields.
11’s – Burpees with duck walk to Lt Dans and bear crawl back.
Wall sit challenge
We ran back with a different buddy

Moleskin- when you grinding take a step back and look around at others that might be in a similar spot. It helps to focus on others which is what F3 is all about.
Also don’t forget “Dreams are what make life tolerable.”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dad Hike, Franklin is have a “Biscuit Run” or ruck in a few weeks. See G for details.

Count off by two’s for no reason

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Banker
PAX: morning star, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Siri, AAA, Wolfpack, Malibu, Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: chilly to freezing

21’s on SSH, we nailed it!
41 SSH
Slow squats
Slow merkins
Willie May Hayes

Partner Dora AMRAPs at table with one partner running to home plate and back while the other performs exercise
3X each exercise

Step ups
Single leg sit to stand
Single leg squat

Partner carry

Perfect Merkins
Shoulder presses


Mary- knee-ups and hour v-ups

ANNOUNCEMENTS: see channels


AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: AAA, morning star, Sooie, Malibu, G-string (Eli Kresta), Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Balmy 40 degrees and sloppy

-motivators 10
-arm circles forward and back
-Don Quixote’s
-stretch on your own

To stay out of the mud, 11s were done on Goodpasture from the top of the hill down to the first power pole. Each round was Hero style. First PAX to complete ends the round for everyone.

Thang 1 – Iron Mike’s and Burpees
Walk to stop sign to lower heart rate
Thang 2 – Dry Docks and Merkins

-Mountain Climbers
-J Los
-Plank to side Plank
-Imperial Walkers 3min

Check slack

Q Rotation, Christmas edition

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, Wolfpack, Malibu, AAA, Pebbles, DB, Bumble bee (2.0), Pearl
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: mild 30’s

Disclaimer given.
Instructions: Q will rotate with the Santa hat. Once the PAX is done with his round, choose the next man to lead.

WARMUP: mosey to tree line with marching and ground movement sprinkled in. 7 count motivator led by Bumble Bee at tree line. Mosey to bench while pax take turns circling around group.

Lots of movement, including:
– dids
– squat jumps
– star jumps
– pull ups (1.5 edition)
– sprint to tree line
– lunges with 60# sand bags
– step ups
– plank rotation
– dead bugs & Freddy mercuries

– nyd convergence
– lean pax

COT: Pearl encouraged us to shift from judge (of our selves and others) to scientist. Scientists are curious and explore how things work. Curiosity is key to personal growth. It’s something we naturally did when we were kids and it’s healthy to get back to it.

Honor to all the PAX for their situational awareness as they led.

Honor to Pearl for being willing to do a guest moleskin on his first visit!

Be kind, be curious,
– m out!

AXE Jumps

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, El Capitan, Timber, AAA, Malibu, Bumble Bee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 20’s, frosty

WARMUP: Mosey to the tree line while passing tennis ball around. Bear crawl, crab walk mixed in.

SSH, IW, BACs, Back BACs

Mosey to the back stop + give a light to Malibu to join us.

10 seconds of squat jumps (each PAX found his number during a time trial) on the minute.

If you lose power or you can’t talk before the next round, transition to SSH.

10 rounds, then mosey to the road and politician back.

Another 10 rounds and mosey to the road.

Made our way to the playground with some ground movements, side movements, etc. Pausing for some core work.

30 second hang then a few rounds of core work movements and a mosey around the backstop.

MARY: core movements in the last 15 min

– NYD convergence at Green Machine, 6 to 7am

COT: YHC reflected on how embracing sadness is a pathway to joy. I didn’t grow up being taught this and push disappointment and loss away most of the time. I used to think I have to move past it quickly and ignore it but now I’m realizing the the best antidote to self pity after a set back is to name it, let myself feel the feelings that come up and then move to a place of remembering key truths about myself and God.

YHC encouraged the PAX to make space for the more challenging feelings this holiday season.

Prayed us out remembering especially those kids this holiday season that will feel disappointed and lonely.

The Thanksgiving Special

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: El Capitan, Timber, AAA, Malibu, morning star, Smoltz (2.0), Icebox (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0), Iowa (2.0), Curbside Pickup
FNGs: 1 Curbside Pickup
CONDITIONS: A chilly 30 degrees

WARMUP: The Motivator, Merkins (10 ct IC), Slow squats (10 ct IC), stretches: hip flexor, hamstring, anything you need (covered F3 mission, 5 core principles, credo here)

THE THANG: 3 groupings of workouts, 3 sets per grouping
Group 1: body weight squats, merkins, side straddle hops (15 reps each)
Group 2: single leg balance touches, pull-ups, squat jumps (10 reps each)
Group 3: bear crawl (10 yards), crab walk (10 yards), burpee w/out merkin at bottom (10 reps)
run the hill after each grouping when waiting for the 6 to finish

Gratitude Run: ran 1 mile together with 3 stops to hear gratitude callouts (all 9 PAX had a call out)

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cold plunge following workout at @Morning_star ‘s house!

COT: 1 year ago my Dad had quadruple bypass surgery. For much of my life I’ve viewed him as an unstoppable force, but he has become a fragile human. In reflecting on his situation, I understand we are all fragile, and to not take anyone for granted. Let’s make showing gratitude to others a part of our daily lives.

Thanks for coming out in the gloom this morning! @Malibu, thanks for bringing your brother – it was a pleasure for us all to meet him. @El_Capitan, thanks for your contagious joy. Seeing you race the kids across the field to end the run was awesome! @Morning_star, thank you for the cold plunge special! It broke me! Happy thanksgiving to all of you!
– Timber

Failure is a good thing!

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: Pebbles, The Banker, El Capitan, Sooie, AAA, G-string (Eli Kresta), Malibu, morning star, Timber, Smoltz (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0), Iowa (2.0)
FNGs: 1 Iowa (2.0)
CONDITIONS: 58 degrees, and raining!

WARMUP: Mosey to stop sign, 10 pull-ups (OYO), 10 merkins (IC 4 ct), 10 jump squats (OYO), hip flexor stretch and hamstring stretch (10 ct)

1. Hill sprints (8 min): Sprint uphill, recovery jog down (50 yards)
2. Leg burnout (3 sets): Bulgarian squats (10 each leg), jump squats (10), “shadow wrestling” movements (~30 seconds)
3. Upper body burnout (2 sets – 1 min, 40 sec): towel curls, towel tricep extensions, shoulder raises
4. The finisher: towel hang for as long as you can hold

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: polar lunge this Thursday, hosted by @morning_star. Reminder/encouragement about No Noise November.

COT: Growth is experienced in challenges. Don’t fear failure! As the Governator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) once said, go to failure and then do a few more reps!

Thanks for coming out in the gloom. There was something oddly satisfying about working out in the cold rain with you men (and the brave 2.0s)!
– Timber

Joy Sustains Power

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, Wolfpack, Timber, AAA, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Ex-Pat, Malibu, Bumble Bee (2.0), Smoltz (2.0). Big Red (2.0)
FNGs: None
Pleasantly chilly.

Split into two teams to mosey around field, playing catch with football. Once everyone touched the ball once do a 10 count ground movement.

Circle up for little baby arm circles (balancing on one leg), soviet sprinter shakes, imperial walkers, plank jacks, shoulder taps.

THE THANG: Power + Joy
Round 1:
Two power exercises in 5, 3, 1 descending ladder: squat jumps and elevating merkins. One partner does reps, the other does soviet sprinter shakes. Mosey to the backstop after each ladder and do 3 star jumps together in celebration of something.

Plank / bridge to finish round 1 while sharing what we celebrated.

Round 2: game of infection.

Round 3: human knot.

MARY: follow the leader back through the playground.

– Thanksgiving run next Thursday
– Cold plunge at the knoll next week
– New year convergence, more details to come
– Keep up with #no-noise-november

COT: YHC shared about healthy power and the practice of joy. Many times in my life I’ve burned out and wasn’t able to sustain pursuits. I’m now learning about submitted power and how joy brings endurance. Encouraged everyone to consider a need and a desire they have and how they might apply their power to it + how they might connect with joy around it.

Appreciate this space and you PAX … it’s been a great place for me to practice submitted power and joy.

Mighty Ducks/Flying V

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: Sooie, Malibu, morning star, Ex-Pat, Wolfpack, Siri, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), AAA, Timber, Smoltz 2.0, Bumble Bee 2.0, Big Red 2.0
FNGs: None
No complaints

1. Mosey to stop sign and back
2. Arm Circles
3. Don Quixotes
4. Slow Merkins
5. Slow Pushups

Triple Deke!
Partner up to complete 100 Merkins, 200 big boys, 300 squats. 1 partner runs to backstop and back while the other is doing reps.

Triple Deke (Part Deux)
Partner up to complete 25 Pull Ups, 50 American Hammers, 75 step ups. 1 partner “Apollo Ono’s” around the playground (ice skating)

3 reps of run down the hill, politician back up

15 Supermans with 3 count hold called out by @malibu

No Noise November
Hoblin Gobbler Run on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Cold Plunge with @Morning_star

Prayers for those men who could not make it this morning and those on the fence about coming.

My college coach ended every workout by saying, “Take care of yourself, then if you can, take care of someone else.” For a long time I thought this was selfish. Aren’t we called to be men for others?

As I age, I realize it is impossible to take care of others unless I’m fundamentally fit – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Thankful to this group of men who are helping me in all three areas.

Lights Out

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), Malibu, Pebbles, Sooie, Timber, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
27 degrees 🥶, starry ✨

30 breaths at a tempo of 66bpm. 2 count inhale, 2 count exhale. Breath hold and merkins until failure or Needtobreathe
20 SSH
15 BAC
10 Don Quixote
Stretch/shakeout OYO

3 cones scattered throughout the knoll. Mosey to each cone and perform the following plank exercises:
20 thigh taps
20 shoulder taps
20 rotating planks
20 leg raises
20 arm raises

2 teams, 3 cones per team. Each team sets their illuminated cones in the “end zone”. Teams send a runner sprinting to the end zone, perform an exercise 5x, then either turn the light out on the opposing team’s cone, or return to re-light an extinguished cone. 1 point awarded when a team extinguishes all 3 cones of the opposing team. Change exercise with each point. First to 5 wins.
Iron mikes
Dry docks
Big boy sit-ups
Jump squats
…it was a shutout 5-0 ☹️

15 leg lifts
15 emperor penguins
Flutter kicks for 1 minute

Hobblin’ Gobbler
Polar plunge

YHC shared 5 things I’m hoping to get out of No Noise November. Reflected on quote from Blaise Pascal: “The sole cause of man’s unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room.”
Prayer requests.
Prayed and 15 seconds of silence.
Enjoyed good mymblechatter over some Sooie Brewie ™️