Two Face VQ

AO: iiipillars
Q: Two Face
PAX: Pep, Haggis, gov’t mule, Two Face, Grape, Go Fish, t-cell, princessaurora, LorelaiG, Fanny, Formica, Bolt
FNGs: None

25 Side straddle hope, in cadence, 4 count
20 LBACs, in cadence, 3 count
20 Imperial Walkers, in cadence, 3 count

THE THANG: partner up
1. Sprint up hill, jog across field; 100 merkins (Partner 1 10, P2 plank – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with AL Prom Dates (to the beat of No Sleep til Brooklyn)
2. Sprint up hill, bear crawl across field; 100 LBCs (P1 10, P2 hold 6 inches up – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with Flutter Kicks
3. Sprint up hill, jog across field; 100 squats (P1 10, P2 air chair – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with stretch
4. Lap track and meet in the middle
5. Circle up and each man shared a thing they’re grateful for, a life hack and a worry they’re carrying. 3-5 burpees in between each man.
6. Lap track
7. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 pull ups at playground


ANNOUNCEMENTS: PA birthday workout Wednesday, 8/21 at 5:30.


Back to School!

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape
PAX: LorelaiG, Harbaugh, Swiffer, Pep, Black Lung, princessaurora, Haggis, Two Face, Zelenskyy, Foot Drop, Tackle Box, gov’t mule, t-cell, Formica, Howitzer, Moneyball
FNGs: 1 Moneyball
CONDITIONS: it’s getting darker

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC F + R, Michael Phelps

THE THANG: 10 reps per grade, run after finishing a grade, escalator on exercises (i.e. 1st grade is exercises for 1st and Kindergarten), wait for 6 after run (attempt to increase mumble chatter)

1- LBC (2 count)
2- OH Press
3- Squats
4- WW1
5- Iron Mikes (2 count)
6- American Hammers (2 count)
7- Merkins
8- Mountain Climbers (2 count)
9- Burpees
10- Reverse lunges (2 count)
11- Dry docks
12- 8 count body builders

MOLESKINE: glad we all graduated!

COT: prayers for Pep with his project, PA for Anders and his parents, and all the kids headed back to school


Daft Punk is playing at my house

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: LorelaiG, t-cell, Two Face, Zelenskyy, Sooie, Haggis, Black Lung, Go Fish, Will Norton, Grape, Swiffer, Foot Drop, Fake Job, gov’t mule, Tackle Box, Good Morning America, Full Monty
FNGs: None

Oh-so hot, the perfect foretaste of what will surely be a steamy 14th anniversary.


Mosey to the field for some

I’s, Y’s, and T’s
SnL Squats


Marriage, like life, is a dance. With YHC celebrating an anniversary tomorrow, it was time to prep with a dancer-inspired workout.


4 sets:
Explosive jump lunge w mid-air switch x 5 ea side//1’ rest with Merkins x 20


4 sets:
Bulgarian split squats x 12 ea side//1’ rest with Prone Snow Angels x 20

Shake it out with a lap


4 sets:
Partner Nordic Curls x 8-10, alternating each set


4 sets:
Deep Squat Calf Raises (with wall assist) x 15//Tibialis Raises x 20

Reverse crunch for six


4 sets:
Pull-ups x 8-10//Pseudo-Planche Merkins x 15

Mosey back to flag


– Gulliver’s Travels challenge is in full swing. The perfect excuse to check out some AOs you might not otherwise attend. Speaking of…
– 4:13 Strong is back in action. Hit up thestronghold and help lead this class of men toward new lives.
– Night Moves at Bicentennial Park this Saturday.


– Praises from Haggis for a special time on the road with his dad.
– Prayers for Swiffer ‘s friends’ daughter Victoria and her upcoming surgery, and praises for a successful first operation.

A pleasure as always, men. Life’s a dance, and you sure learned as you went today!

PA out

Graditude for 8 Count Bodybuilders

AO: iiipillars
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: YumYum, Michelin Man, Grape, Haggis, LorelaiG, Two Face, Tackle Box, Black Lung, Pep, princessaurora, Go Fish, Focker, Natural Ice, Full Monty, Foot Drop, Jazzy Jeff
FNGs: 2 Foot Drop, Jazzy Jeff
COUNT: 15 and a late @blacklung

WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Stretching

THE THANG: A fully plagiarized bluemule work out

Part 1
The pax went for a nice long mosey searching for a flat parking lot.
After forming a circle the instructions were simple, share something you are grateful for from this last season and lead the pax with 4 Eight Count Bodybuilders. All 15 pax expressed grateful hearts leading to the completion of 60 Eight Count Bodybuilders with impeccable form.

Part 2
After a mosey back the startdex, we rinsed and repeated the previous thing, but this time each Pax shared something they were looking forward too. With the addition of Black Lung we racked up an additional 64 Eight Count Bodybuilders leading to a total of 124.

MOLESKINE: Keep a grateful heart as this could have been sets of 10 burpees.

– 4th OF JULY CONVERGENCE ALERT – AOs will converge at greenmachine with a co-Q from Black Lung and Hair Band

– YHC & Firefox will be hosting The Hunger Games™ round 3 at the Ice Haus®, 7pm on 7/12 :cut_of_meat: :game_die: —– Potentially a whole wild boar will be smoked (if not I got a brisket and a pork butt)
– Our summer Brew Ruck is scheduled for Saturday 7/13!! Details will come from Red Skull in nashville-rucking
– Night Movez returns on Saturday 7/20 at 6:30pm, details from SalPal here
– An for the upcoming 5k at Geodis Park on 7/27, home of handsomizer!! Hit up Salami for details!

COT: Prayers for Grandparents and traveling familes

Thanks again men of iiipilars for having me out. Next time we will have a themed play list and burpees


Happy Accidents

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Haggis, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, sooner, FeelTheBerns, Esposa, LorelaiG, Squints (DR)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pleasant with a great view of the sunrise

WARMUP: Lots of hip flexor activation

THE THANG: mosey to the track where we did Noah’s Ark (duck walk, frog jump, gorilla walk, bear crawl, bunny hop)

100 m sprint 80 drydocks, 80 monkey Humpers, 80 leg lifts
200 m sprint 40,40,40
400 m sprint 20,20,20
200 m sprint 40,40,40
100 m sprint 80,80,80

MOLESKINE: “ running fast is the hardest workout”- FeelTheBerns
Like most workouts, we know Esposa wasn’t counting his reps since he was talking most of the time


COT: do justice, love kindness, walk humbly

Happy Accidents

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Haggis, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, sooner, FeelTheBerns, Esposa, LorelaiG, Squints (DR)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pleasant with a great view of the sunrise

WARMUP: Lots of hip flexor activation

THE THANG: mosey to the track where we did Noah’s Ark (duck walk, frog jump, gorilla walk, bear crawl, bunny hop)

100 m sprint 80 drydocks, 80 monkey Humpers, 80 leg lifts
200 m sprint 40,40,40
400 m sprint 20,20,20
200 m sprint 40,40,40
100 m sprint 80,80,80

MOLESKINE: “ running fast is the hardest workout”- FeelTheBerns
Like most workouts, we know Esposa wasn’t counting his reps since he was talking most of the time


COT: do justice, love kindness, walk humbly