Deconstructed Burpees

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string
PAX: AAA, Sooie, Half Lyfe, Stubs, Lady Liberty
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect! And luckily the grass was soft.

– Slow Squats
– Inch Worms
– Shoulder Warmup

5 Rounds
– 15 Floor to ceilings
– 15 Groiners
– 15 Merkins
– 25 Yard Bearcrawl/Crawlbear back

4 rounds of Double EMOM
– 40 yard sprint
– 5-10 pull-ups

– Leg Raises
– Heel Taps
– Hollow Hold

Talked about two questions from “Intentional Fathers”
What do you want your son to know how to do before he leaves home?
What do you want him to have experienced?

March Merkin Madness
Game Night
Night Moves
See the Nashville general channel for these.

Prayers were offered up.

Thank you gentlemen for letting me lead you this week! It has been and honor and a privilege.

Movie Night

AO: pain-train
Q: The Merchant
PAX: FLO, Half Lyfe, Lady Liberty, Sooie, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
A little chilly but clear skies

BACs, BAC BACs, Motivators (5)

HIIT Workout set to a playlist of songs from movie soundtracks

30 sec. of lunges
10 sec. rest
30 sec. of push-ups
10 sec. rest
30 sec. of mountain climbers
10 sec. rest
30 sec. of imperial walkers
10 sec. rest
30 sec. of low plank
90 sec. rest

If someone guessed song and movie it’s from, do 10 reps of whatever exercise they recommend during rest. If nobody guessed, do 10 burpees during rest.

Make an effort to be fully present in daily life. Try to find time to be alone with your thoughts and not in front of a screen.

Biscuit run and board game night coming up. Also keep an eye on the petition regarding Percy Warner park.


A path of light in the gloom

AO: the-knoll
Q: Stubs
PAX: Lady Liberty, Half Lyfe, Stubs
FNGs: None
Chilly, windy, very wet grass
SSH x 19 (messed up the count!)
BACs x 12
BacBacs x12
Shoulder presses x 12
Willy mays Hays OYO

Mosey with 4 lanterns to create running path.

Where each of lanterns were placed
5x mercans
5x shoulder taps 2 is 1
5x slow squats

Mosey to get coupons
Head to River table
Split into 2 teams.
Team 1 exercise
Team 2 runs to light path we created

Round 1 each team completed 3 laps
Step ups x 20 with coupon
Bent over rows x20 with coupon
Dips x 20

Round 2 each team completed 2 laps
Squats x15 with coupon
Floor to ceilings x15 with coupon
Incline mercs x15

Mosey to drop of coupons and gather lights

Ended with 3 pull-ups each

Spoke about the fellowship of the group and how it motivates us to get out of bed on these gloomy mornings. If I was going to the Y by myself there’s no way I’d get out of bed

ANNOUNCEMENTS: game night, biscuit run. Check slack

Lady Liberty led us in closing prayer focused on mental and physical health.

Isolated, never alone

AO: the-knoll
Q: Étouffée
PAX: Pebbles, Half Lyfe, Stubs, Sooie, G-string, Lady Liberty, Sparrow
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: just right

WARMUP: mosey to the stop sign
5 Burpees
10 slow squats
mosey back

THE THANG: (3) 10 minute AMRAP circuits, rotating exercises with partner

Round 1:
A) Sprint around backstop
B) 10 Pull-ups, 20 Push-ups, 20 Dips

Round 2:
A) 60 yards with sandbags
– 20 yards walking lunges
– 10 yards over-head walking lunges
– 30 yard mosey back
B) Plank

Round 3:
30 yards. Partner A down, B Back
– 10 yard wheelbarrow walk
– 20 yard partner carry
– 50 (split up) Big Boys

MOLESKINE: Isolated, but never alone. So often we may find ourselves in a state and/or temptation of being worn down or in isolation, discouragement. No matter how isolated we may feel, we are never truly alone. Not only is God with us, but there are so many others we are connected to seen or unseen. Our presence and our actions matter and affect others and ripple beyond – our family – our friends – our coworkers – our community – and beyond.


COT: nameorama, countorama, coffeteria, and sweet sweet olive oil enjoyed

Total Body AMRAP

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Puzzlah, Half Lyfe, Wolfpack, FLO, Pole Dancer, Lady Liberty, Siri, Stubs, G-string, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Love when 27 feels warm.

WARMUP: Mosey to pick up coupons, mosey to the playground. 10 SlowSquats. 10 Slow Merkins.


3 rounds of 10 minute AMRAP.
10 reps of 3 exercises.
Run around inner path at 5 minute mark.
5 reps of each exercise for remaining time.

Round 1:
Goblet Squats w/ coupon
Bavarian Deadlifts w/ coupon

Round 2:
Iron Mikes
Big Boy Sit-ups w/ coupon
Blockees (Burpee w/ coupon press)

Round 3:
Monkey humpers
Alternating V-ups
Coupon curls

MOLESKINE: Solid mumble chatter throughout as usual here at PT! Unintentional Guitar Hero playlist slaps.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, Spartan race, biscuit run, check the slack!

COT: Patience. I’m struggling with it with the kids at the moment. Constantly reminding myself to take a breathe, give some grace, and take a little longer to connect before responding. Encouragement to Pax to do the same. Where can you find patience with yourself and those around you through the day?

Push/Pull Day

AO: the-knoll
Q: Half Lyfe
PAX: G-string, Puzzlah, Lady Liberty, Pebbles, Sooie, Stubs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Calm, nice 30ish degrees.

WARMUP: SSH, WMH, BAC, BBAC, MDC, Overhead Press, Fast feet taps with down to push up and back up to fast feet taps (similar to football exercise). Mosey to get coupons. Did some karaokes and politicians during mosey.

THE THANG: 10 stations (5 push/pull). Rotated to each station and did 20 reps then once one round complete drop 5 and repeat. Once down to 5 continues with 5 reps until time was up.
1) Merkins
2) Swing row
3) Front Arm Lift with coupon
4) Bands for reverse down
5)Pull ups
6) Overhead press with dumbbells
7) Bicep Curls with coupon
8) Tricep Extension with coupon
9) Dips
10) Bent over rows with coupon

Mosey back to return coupons. Each PAX said something meaningful to them (inspirational, gratitude, motivational, health, etc)

Returned back to playground. Person that guessed number of rounds we would complete in workout got to skip 5 group burpees. Props to Puzzlah for guessing 7 rounds (correct number) and still doing burpees.

MOLESKINE: see above. Each pax can add if they want. Mine was gratitude for finding F3 and all those I have met and have pushed me to improve myself in Fitness/Fellowship/Faith.


COT: count off, nameorama. Prayers offered up. Thank you Lady Liberty for the spoken prayer. Coffee!

Return to Cinder

AO: the-knoll
Q: Half Lyfe
PAX: El Capitan, Lady Liberty, Malibu, morning stār, Pebbles, Stubs, 2 2.0 Iowa, Samwise?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Frosty 14 degs.

WARMUP: SSH, BAC, BBAC, High Knees, Good Mornings, WMH’s, mosey to get coupons.

THE THANG: Tribute Sooie with modified exercise challenge. Instead of planks did Cinder block arm extension in front hold until your not able to. Run to tree line and back. First person out (me) did jumping lunges. Did 2 rounds then started various exercises some with and some without cinder block. Push Ups alternating which hand is on block, bent over row, overhead thrusters with block, shoulder press, pull ups, curl/press/tricep, extension, on back leg press towards sky, mosey to concrete bench. Did steps ups with block, box jumps and dips with block on legs. Back to playground. Did some agility with block. Jump over side to side for 30sec, then side to side step ups for 30sec. Ended with more push ups and modified mountain climbers for some abs. Mosey back to return coupons.

MOLESKINE: Getting outside comfort zone. Applies to many areas of life, work, relationships, kids, F3, etc. Good to have routine, but also good to mix it up. Don’t get stuck!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bellevue ADA Playground Equip meeting tonight. Reach out Stubs for details. LeanPax on going. Pitmaster VQ tmrw at Pain Train.

COT: Prayers for those battling and impacted by Cali wild fires, Stubs friend who had a stroke, and Mental health.

Sandbag Special

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: AAA, G-string, Lady Liberty, Pebbles, Stubs, The Banker, Timber, Wolfpack, Link (2.0), Sandlot (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 35 degrees, lots of moonlight

WARMUP: 4 minute mosey, BACs, back BACs, Seal Claps, Shoulder Press

THE THANG: as many rounds as possible
-Thang 1 (12 minutes): 7 pull-ups, 7 hang clean to squat and press (w/ 60lb sandbag), 15 merkins, 100 yard run
-Thang 2 (10 minutes): 15 squats, 15 curls (w/ 60lb sandbag), 15 WWIIs, 100 yard run
-Thang 3 (2 minutes): sprint 100 yards (w/ 60lb sandbag), rotate with partner

MOLESKINE: finished with 2 minutes of stretching, Pebbles with a great post workout brew, happy birthday to Stubs twins (9 yrs old on Saturday), thanks to Pebbles G-string The Banker for bringing sandbags, Wolfpack caught everyone up on his crazy week stuck in the hurricane, good push by all this morning

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chiliteria this Sunday!

COT: I have a lot of gratitude for the encouragement from my F3 brothers, and for working hard which motivates me to push harder. Special thanks to Pebbles who joined up on a tussle team with me and G-string, and expressed gratitude for his willingness to take over as AOQ on Thursdays at the-knoll!

Thanks for the push in the gloom!

Burpee Roulette

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: Pitmaster, Sooie, AAA, Ex-Pat, Lady Liberty, El Capitan, morning stār, Bumblebee, Eagle
FNGs: None

Inch worms
Bac Bacs
Slow Merkins
Slow Squats
Stretch oyo
Burpee Apocalypse!!!

Deck of Cards
Clubs- Burpees
Diamonds – Carolina Dry Docks
Spades – Iron Mikes
Hearts – WWIs

5 min of Mary

MOLESKINE: Fortitude – courage and tenacity. Getting out of bed early, doing something hard, etc. are all habits that are developed one small step at a time.

The world record for burpees in one hour is 1,027. Today as a group we did 1,120 burpees.

Honored to continue to grow in fortitude with all F3 brothers. Together we can do big things.


COT: Prayed in thanksgiving

Elevens & the Deadly Dice

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Ex-Pat, AAA, morning stār, El Capitan, Malibu, Sooie, Lady Liberty, Pebbles, Timber, Stubs, Bumblebee (2.0), Schmoltz (2.0), TopGun (2.0), TheJudge (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 60 degrees & foggy. Starlit overhead.
TUNES: Joyful eclectic playlist

– Downdog + cobra
– 10x mountain climbers
– Bird Dogs (3x) each side, 3 sets
– Back stretches (the best)

– Squat Jumps at top of road
– Butt-kickers down hill to road
– Plank Jacks on road curb
– High Knees back up hill.

Repeat until 11’s complete

PART 2: Deadly Dice

Circle up around flood table. One PAX rolls 12-sided die with regular die into bucket.

Regular die represents exercises:
– 1 (Burpees)
– 2 (Downward Dog Toe Taps 2=1)
– 3 (Dips)
– 4 (American Hammers 2=1)
– 5 (Hand-release merkins)
– 6 (Iron Mikes 2=1)

12-sided die represents the amount of reps.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

PART 3: Return of the Plank, Plank, Goose!
– Circle up in grass. One person is “it”. Goes around duck-duck-goose style. When he chooses a goose, he immediately does 10 SSH while the tagged runs around circle & tries to return to spot before tagger does.

Cool down mosey to coupon tree & back to playground.

Encouraged the PAX to look outside themselves & seek opportunities to better serve their families & communities. It’s so easy to be primarily concerned with what matters to me – but true manliness is sacrificial, seeking the good of others for the glory of God.

Happy birthday, @Schmoltz!! Enjoy those birthday breakfast bagels in bed. :joy:
Fat Bear Week is next week, per Sooie! :bear:

COT: Lifted up prayer requests & held a moment of silence. Enjoyed a delicious moment of fellowship & :boar::coffee::tm: post-workout.

Grateful for y’all!
