We’ve Got This One in the Bag

AO: the-castle
Q: hambone
PAX: Grape, Cowboy, hambone, Chunks, Pep, “Just Tom”
FNGs: 1 “Just Tom”
CONDITIONS: Nice as nice can be for August in Middle Tennessee!

WARMUP: We don’t do that here.

THE THANG: FNG Tom showed up. As we introduced ourselves he realized we had funny names and said, “I’m just Tom”. Just. Tom. Of course Tom is excited to get a name, but we don’t do that here until the 2nd post.

We brought our buddy (60lb sandbag) on our travels this morning.

Indian Run and share with our buddy. We made sure to swap the buddy off appropriately. We did a bit of Strutter’s prostitute route, but then we doubled back and hit the other side of the highway.

On the other side, we did a neat rotation of:

1. One guy runs ~600 meters
2. One guy holds the buddy (sandbag dead hang)
3. One guy planks
4. One guy promdates and holds

We then headed back to meet Chunks and Pep (who creeped out of the back of his car)

MOLESKINE: Grape mentioned that the uphill really torched his calves. He was also coming back from an IT band injury, so impressive work by the best fruit I know.

Cowboy came for a relaxing Saturday, and the 2ish miles we got in our travels were a fraction of what he gets down south. That said, our bag buddy hopefully made it worth it.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Go check slack to see what your bros are doing in the Nashville region.

COT: Prayers for Cowboy’s mother!!

One missed prayer was for hambone’s father; the old man turn 70 on Saturday. Never expected to see that day.