Tortoise & Hare v2

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Thunder Duck, baggervance, bluemule, Right Said, Chunks, Michelin Man, Hair Band, Decaf, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Tealfin, Midnight Club, Clean Plate, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Double Flush, Dr. Seuss, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect running weather – 63 degrees with a beautiful sunrise.

WARMUP: Circle warm-up with some SSH, IWs, Tappy Taps, stretches and squats.

THE THANG: Pair up and RUN!!! We had three 4:13 Strong PRs this morning. We also recorded the slowest 3 mile run since the inception of the program – 59:17. Thanks to Chunks for sticking it out with Cruise Line and offering some encouragement along the way. We have plenty of room for improvement.

We managed to work through a Burpee Apocalypse with an equal number of squats plus some good core work while waiting for the six.

COT: Prayers for family, strength, wisdom and encouragement.

Tortoise & Hare, v1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Skeet, Hair Band, SalPal, Natural Ice, Hacker (Franklin), Michelin Man, Longhorn, Decaf, baggervance, Touchback, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Snooze, Clean Plate, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Skechers, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect 70 degrees with a beautiful sunrise just as promised.

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Tappy Taps, Squats, Stretches

THE THANG: RUN!!! – The first official three mile run for this class. Hair Band set the pace and the rest of us tried to keep up. The first 4:13 Strong finisher was Practice? at 25:03. We had one more 4:13 Strong man finish under the 30:00 (LifeSaver). All in time of 51:28 so there is a lot of room for improvement.

MOLESKINE: Thank you for coming out and helping the new class figure out what it means to run 3 miles. Before our next Tortoise & Hare, this group will have some opportunity to practice their running. We will run penalty miles Wednesday and Friday morning at 0530. Same distance and same course as today. All are welcome to join.

COT: Closed with a prayer for strength, courage and guidance.


AO: westeros
Q: CubCadet
PAX: DintyMoore, Vector, Tim the Toolman, Pep, Hair Band, Red Skull
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet and windy with a hint of electricity in the air. And then, at 5:30, the skies cleared…

WARMUP: Mosey to the school pick-up and drop-off circle. Mumblechatter reflected on how nice it was to just be 5 men over 50 hanging out. And then DintyMoore and Hair Band joined us, late. Mix of SSH, Arm circles F / B, seal claps, WMH, GM, IW and HK. Pax sufficiently warmed up.

THE THANG: Belated celebration of Cinco-de-Mayo, with Pep getting the right answer on the history of the holiday. Hint, has nothing to do with Mexican Independence or the Alamo.

C – Climbers, 35 reps each leg
I – Iron Mikes, 45 reps each leg
N – (High) Nees, 55 reps each leg
C – Crunches, 65 four count
O – Overhead Claps, 75 reps

Between each letter, pax did a lap of the traffic circle. Last lap was done French retreat style, backwards (aka Bernie).

Mixed in some squats and chair on wall, then mosey to front steps. Did two sets of stair climbs doing incline merkins every other step. Mosey back to start for 8 minutes of Mary, round robin, 25 reps each exercise.

Entertainment provided by an 80’s pop rock mix (Squeeze, Phil Collins, Huey Lewis), yeah really old stuff. It was a recycle, because I didn’t remember I was Q until 10:35 last night.

MOLESKINE: Gratitude for opportunity to work out together on a day when most thought the weather wouldn’t cooperate.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: pain-train kicks off in Bellevue this weekend. No bomber And for those, like me, who missed it, westeros has a new AOQ. Thanks to Chunks for his leadership, and to bluemule for stepping up to lead.

COT: Prayers for Hair Band visit home to Mom, his company and his new endeavors at church. Prayers for Pep to get another project at work. I’m probably forgetting something. Sorry. Oh, and thank you, Lord, for letting the Respects win one hands down, no ties / no debate.

Are You Not Entertained!?

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Toothless
PAX: Rocket Mortgage, Betty Ford, Hair Band, Young Pawn, Oatmeal, Subway, sooner, Puzzlah, Focker
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: The rain let up just like I planned it at precisely 5:27am. In scouting the conditions, I encountered a crawdad swimming on the asphalt. True story, will share the evidence.


– SSH x 80 (Colosseum was finished in 80 AD!)
– Willy Mays Hays x 12 (two each side)
– Michael Phelps x 10
– Big Arm Circles x 10
– Reverse Big Arm Circles x 10
– Good Mornings x 10 oyo

THE THANG: Are You Not Entertained!? :crossed_swords: :stadium:

Start with a 4 minute plank for plankpril to “win the crowd”

Count off into 2 groups. For the following rounds, all reps must be completed, but groups may pick up reps from the six to complete. Loser will have a choice of exercise in the next round, team wins will matter at the end.

Round 1
– Bear crawl to fence
– Lunge back
– 50 merkins
All run 2 laps when completed

Round 2
– Chariot (wheelbarrow) to fence
– Broad jump back
– Choice: 50 WWI’s / 100 American Hammers (2ct.)
– Team 2 won Round 1, so Team 1 chose 100 two-count American Hammers
All run 2 laps when completed

Round 3
– Suicides x 3 (each far court line, first & back, second & back, 3rd & back)
– Inchworm Merkin there
– Bernie back (outside line to avoid collision)
– Choice: 50 Euro Steps / 100 Squats
– Team 1 won round 2, so Team 2 chose 100 Squats

30 Burpee buyout, minus 5 per winning round for each team.
– Team 2 won 2 rounds and did 20
– Team 1 won 1 round and did 25.

Back to Startex for Mary – dealers choice of weapon (exercise) and proceed til time.

On a particularly rainy morning, YHC was grateful for the 10 PAX who did not let the fartsack win them over and who came out to test their mettle.

I personally found the playlist invigorating, and while there was mumblechatter, I think all but 2 PAX held the full 4 minute plank! Excellent full body yells on brand from Young Pawn.

Considering the conditions, we stayed pretty dry all the way until Mary when Rocket Mortgage promptly had us down in the water for our first exercise. Thanks for that – made the coffee from sooner taste even better!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: So very many – please see -f3-nashville-general for the full list!

Additional announcement is that Oatmeal and sooner are taking their families camping this weekend to Montgomery Bell State Park, and there’s an open invite to others who want to go!

COT: YHC echoed the message in the pre-blast about the importance of AOQs in F3 and shared gratitude for the 5-6 current and previous AOQs we had around the circle. I reiterate that we want PAX to lead before they’re ready and to leave before their ready, and we are pushing to help that trend solidify.

Prayers shared for recent diagnosis, death of an extended family member, and for a tragic incident in another F3 region with an FNG collapsing & not making it. Will share more as that travels through the grapevine.

Thank you, HIM, for your effort today. May you be better for it!

As always, it’s an honor to lead.
— Toothless :tooth:

That’s One Mรถtley Crรผe

AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Toothless, Siri, Sally, Three Stooges, Hair Band, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and Dry

WARMUP: Mosey, Active Warmups, Stretching

THE THANG: Plyo-rama! Perform exercises 1 minute on, 1 minute rest (run around the parking lot, back to start)

– Merkins
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Star Jumps
– Dips
– WW1s
– Supermans
– Mountain Climbers
– Diamond Crunches
– Iron Mikes
– Plank
– Left Plank
– Right Plank
– Squats
– Leg Raises
– Burpees

Finished up with Mary set to Shout at the Devil

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday for St. Paddy’s with bluemule, convergence at the end of the month

COT: Prayers for strength and courage through difficult decisions at work across PAX and family, along with prayers for grieving friends and family in their time of need.


Tortoise & Hare – The Final Chapter

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Hair Band, Right Said, Judy, Longhorn, Skeet, Decaf, Woodpecker, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Evel Knievel, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 63 degrees and dry despite some distant lightning and thunder

WARMUP: Mr. Krabs led us through a thorough warm-up: SSH, IW, HW, WMH, Squat, Good Mornings

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 miles. It was a little disappointing that no 4:13 Strong man set a PR on the final run of the 40 Days. At least Hair Band got a 2024 PR finishing in 20:37!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day is this Friday at 11:30. Come join us as we celebrate this class transitioning into the Work Phase of the program.

COT: Prayers for strength, guidance and wisdom as these men begin interviews and the job selection process.

Anterior Mid Cingulate Cortex

AO: bomber
Q: Chunks
PAX: Crawlspace, hambone, Sherlock, Hair Band, CubCadet, Michelin Man, Tim the Toolman, Focker, Vector, Papa Bear, Firefox, Right Said, Wet Wipes, DintyMoore, Pep, 8 Ballz
FNGs: 1 8 Ballz
CONDITIONS: Brisk but Nice

WARMUP: Not today!

Today’s goal was to grow our Anterior Mid Cingulate Cortex by doing hard things to accelerate our tenacity.

10 Burpee Buy In
Mosey to rock circle on the greenway
9 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
8 Burpees
Boo Boo Bear Crawl to first island with left leg up
Boo Boo Bear Crawl to next island with right leg up
Mosey back to starting island
7 Burpees
Mosey to rock circle on the greenway
6 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
Peter Parker/Alligator Merkins to first island
LT Dan Broad Jumps to next island
Mosey back to starting island
5 Burpees
Mosey to rock circle on greenway
4 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
3 Burpees
Lunge Walk to last island
Mosey back to starting Island
3 Burpees
Mosey to rock circle on greenway
4 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
5 Burpees
Squat shuffle left foot first to first island
Squat shuffle right foot first to next island
Mosey back to starting Island
6 Burpees
Mosey to Startex
7 Burpees
8 Burpees
9 Burpees
10 Burpees
20 LBCs
30 secs of flutter kicks

Always an honor to lead at any AO, but this being my first time to Q at the illustrious Bomber was special. Hope everyone had a good time and grew their aMCC.

Welcome to 8 Ballz!
Brew Ruck 2/17/24 check slack or connect with Red Skull
@papabear needs some helpers to move a few pieces of furniture tomorrow at 9 am.
Prayers for @cowboy and family
Prayers for mental health. Don’t suffer in silence. Seek out others to talk to. We are not meant to do this thing called life alone.

More Hare Than Tortoise

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Hair Band, Judy, baggervance, Young and Restless, Decaf, Right Said, Crawlspace, Skeet, Long Horn, Woodpecker, D Pole, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Lost & Found, Evel Knievel, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 39 Degrees

WARMUP: Long warmup led by Neanderthal

THE THANG: 3 miles around the 4:13 Strong campus. A new class record was set as well as some individual PRs.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: This class will be running in the Dream Streets 5K on Feb 24. Join the 4:13 Strong team and come run with us.

Cold, Fast Run

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Right Said, Judy, bluemule, Chunks, Hacker (Franklin), baggervance, Decaf, Young and Restless, Hair Band, Crawlspace, Woodpecker, D Pole, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Evel Knievel, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs, Long Horn
FNGs: 1 Long Horn
CONDITIONS: A Cold 30 Degrees

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Squats, WMH, Stretch

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 mile loop around the 4:13 Strong campus.

A great effort this morning which resulted in an “All In” time of 36:00 and several PRs. We were fast enough today that we had time for a little Mary at the end: Burpees 10, 9, 8, 7 plus some Flutter Kicks and Hello Dollys.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Great work this morning. The 4:13 Strong men appreciate the encouragement and support that the F3 PAX bring to The Stronghold.

Under the sea, under the fog

AO: atlantis
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Salpal, Oatmeal, sooner, Hair Band, Black Lung
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ

SSH, GM, WMH, short mosey ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ
30ish each of squat tucks, iron mikes, burpees, and side plank with reach interspersed with hand target sparring ย ๐ŸฅŠ

๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ 50 lb sand bag carry to playground
๐Ÿ’ช 45 on, 15 off upper body circuit for 10 min
๐Ÿ‘ฃ Heavy Dora: pax alternated carrying sandbag around the picnic shelter and exercising until total was reached: 50 dips, 50 step ups, 50 squats (called off early for time)
๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Back to startex
โญ•๏ธ Mary and stretching

๐Ÿฝ๏ธ #leanpax continues
๐Ÿ– The Hunger Games on Saturday
๐Ÿ’ Night Moves next Wednesday, starting from The Nations Frothy Monkey
๐Ÿ”ฑ New Atlantis AOQ announced next Thursday
๐Ÿ™ Gratitude for family wins for @Oatmeal @Black_lung and a work win for @Salpal, supplication for family strife for @sooner @Hair_band and YHC
๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Closing words: James 3:13, 17f โ€œโ€ฆ the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincereโ€ฆโ€