Peace Up, A Town Down

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Hipster
PAX: The Bobs, Hot Route, Ultratecht, Strutter, greyalbum, Goose, Black Box
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Pristine Pre-Fall

WARMUP: WOR in parking lot


Mosey to golf course parking lot, stopping for burpees along the way

At the parking lot – burp ‘n’ murk pyramid to 10

Mosey to #10, 2 down and backs to the culvert

Mosey back to greenway, stops for burpees and leg sets on the way

Greenway – walking lunges back to startex, with stops for monkey humpers

Mosey to playground, 7 minutes of mary (dealer’s choice)

MOLESKINE: The golf course hill ain’t no joke.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fridays by the River tonight (Shelby Park), Walk for Apraxia Saturday (Cornelia Fort)

COT: TAPs for Goose’s cousin, Black Box’s kiddo, Hot Route’s sanity

Friday Funday

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Goose
PAX: greyalbum, Daylight, The Bobs, Blackbox
FNGs: None

WARMUP: forward gold, arm stretch, willie mays hays


-mosey to Roy’s and back
-Dora: 200 squats, WW1, crunches while partner runs
-lunges- 10 squats every 5 paces

Friends by the river event starts next weekend
Walk for apraxia, contact Hot Route for details

Overtime Pickleball

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Chunks
PAX: Giving Tree, Hot Route, greyalbum, Dragon Spark, Hipster, The Bobs, Grape, Ultratecht, Chemical Brother
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey around the neighborhood

THE THANG: Overtime Pickleball

King of the Court with winner serving. Team that wins the rally stays on the court. Team that loses picks the exercise for the PAX waiting.

Good time had by all and I believe Ultratecht is now hooked on Pickleball. LOL


Don’t focus on criticism from anyone you wouldn’t ask for advice from.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check slack. Lots of stuff going on.

COT: Prayers for the PAX.

Always an honor to lead you HIMs. See y’all soon.

FNG Friday

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Hipster
PAX: The Bobs, Hot Route, Ultratecht, greyalbum, Brian Schneider (Chemical Brother)
FNGs: 1 Brian Schneider (Chemical Brother)

WARMUP: Mosey down to the pond, stop for standard warm-a-rama movements


Pt. 1 At the south end of Sevier Pond, each man grabs a bollard for 1 min AMRAP for each of the following, with a 1 minute mosey between each movement:

– Box Jumps
– L and R Step Ups
– L and R Split Squats
– L and R Romanian Dead Lift
– L and R Step Downs
– Box Jumps

Mosey to pavilion

Pt. 2 – Murph EMOM

Every minute, each PAX does 4 pullups, 8 merkins, 12 air squats
Repeato 4 rounds

Interlude – mosey over to and up the cave spring path, lunge up the steps, trudge up to the tennis court parking lot then playground

Pt. 3 – Mary and Finisher

Dealer’s choice Mary, with 5 burpees to finish us out thanks to some late “Name That Tune” success from the PAX.

MOLESKINE: Lots of nostalgia for the 90’s music scene, but some struggles with band names and titles at times.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergences coming up 9/11 and 9/14, check slack

COT: TAPs for Neal and his crew, and everybody else going through some shit. We’re all in this together my dudes.

Musical Beatdown

AO: thestronghold
Q: Minnie Pearl
PAX: Shocker (Mark Holmes), toga, Chunks, Young and Restless, Dan and Dave, Decaf, Ripcord, Red Skull, Skeet, greyalbum, Minnie Pearl, Unc, Trajectory, 5-points, Long Way, Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Temper Tantrum, Light Weight, Skid Mark
FNGs: None


Paired Various workouts with songs:

Chumbawamba Tubthumping-burpees
Dee-1 No car note-block rockets
Family Force 5 Chainsaw-thrusters & shoulder presses
KB Church Clap-Church Clap
Moby flower-merkins
Derek Minor who you know-shrugs
Limp Bizkit rolling-grip rip & rolls
Holes dig it up-gravediggers
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes-head shoulders knees & toes

“For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.””
‭‭Acts‬ ‭9‬:‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Come to signing day!!!

COT: kept private

The 3 Amigos

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Goose
PAX: greyalbum, Daylight
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie mays hays, forward fold, arm stretches,


100 curls and overhead press with rifle carry every 25 reps

Lunges down and back with 10 squats every 5 paces, 3 trips

200 SSH with rifle carry every 25 reps

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tomato fest this weekend,
Cornelia Fort concerts end of August

Simple and Complex movements

AO: thebuffalo
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Hot Route, Ultratecht, greyalbum, Daylight, Sandlapper (David Suggs), Giving Tree
FNGs: None

Simple Movements
shoulder routine, wall sit challenge, high/low plank hold

Complex Movements
2 rounds x 20 reps
1. Merkin —> Downward Dog —> DryDocks
2. Crunchy Frogs —> American Hammers —> Flutter Kicks
3. Squats —> Single Leg DL —> Single Leg Line Hop
4. Alabama PDs —> V-Ups —> Heel Touches
5. Shoulder Taps —> Incline xMerkins —> Mtn Climbers

A hamstring injury altered my original plan for this Q but made the best of limited mobility

Take advantage of an opportunity to visit another AO as part of gullivers-travels-challenge with extra encouragement to visit thestronghold with accountability partners.


Thanks For The Coffee

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Goose
PAX: Ultratecht, Hot Route, Superchick, greyalbum
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie mays hays cherry pickers, forward fold, arm stretch, calf stretch.

100 reps of squats, SSH, and curls in 25 set increments. Rifle carry coupon in between sets.

Adora: 300 ww1 while parter lunges.


To Take Down a Titan

AO: titan
Q: SalPal
PAX: Detective Pikachu, Hair Band, Avalanche, bluemule, Pep, Barry Lee, Salami, The Merchant, greyalbum, Sherlock, Planter
FNGs: 1 Planter
CONDITIONS: Ripe for Adventure

WARMUP: Quick mosey + dice burpees.

THE THANG: Buckle in. Bold + Italics = critical path through workout.

Your party has answered the call to slay Nashvillia, the evil goddess of woo girls, beer bikes, and unsavory public behavior. She is a powerful deity, so you will have to acquire mighty artifacts and magicks to slay her.

Your path takes you through the Forest of Sir Bearington, a sentient bear with no love for humans. The party druid disguises everyone as rabbits to help avoid detection. Broad jumps!

You arrive to the blacksmith to decide on your weapon, and in doing so, prove yourself worthy to wield it. Do you choose:
1. Realmbreaker, The Legendary Greathammer of the Dwarf King Ulush? – 5 minutes, 11 burpees EMOM
2. Heartseeker, The Mythical Bow of the Unspeakable Hunter, Garog? – 5 minutes of suicides, EMOM
3. The Whisper, The Unassuming Dagger, Which Grants Invisibility? – 5 minutes of isometric merkins

You decide to take your new weapon out for a spin and gain some sweet sweet experience points. You find a nearby cave and stumble upon:
1 – an arch-lich, its eyes burning with hatred as it attempts to consume your soul. 15 Burpees! 15 Lt. Dans!
2 – a mind flayer and a legion of intellect devourers. 15 burpees! 10 Lt. Dans!
3 – an enraged earth elemental. 15 burpees! 5 Lt. Dans!
4 – a pack of hobgoblins. 15 burpees!
5 – a few goblins. 10 burpees!
6 – a single rat. 5 burpees!

Might alone will not slay the goddess; you need magic. Duh. An archmage has lent you his spellbook, but you only have time to learn 1 spell. You decide on:

Fireball – Ring of Fire
Lightning Bolt – Catch Me If You Can Burpees
Snow Storm – Howler Monkeys

Finally prepared, you slip into the grand throne of Nashvillia. You find the temple fortress surrounded by beer-drinking valkyries screaming “Party in the US” and throwing cans at attempted intruders. You opt for:

1. Outright Violence: Burpee-Jumps to the half field and back
2. Stealth. Bear Crawl around Parthenon

You make your way to the grand throne room, and find Nashvillia waiting for you! This is the final assault. Your options:
1. Charge blindly ahead: Field-Long Boo Boo Bear Crawls
2. Work together with the party in a coordinated attack: DORA, 100 Lt. Dan’s.

Nashvillia, weakened by your attack, transforms into her final form: a terrible pink dragon with the words “Venmo for drinks” etched in its side. This is your last chance! You:
1. You realize that your strength lies in friendship, and you move as one, shoulder to shoulder with men you have learned to call brothers: 10 Booyah Merkins, 10 Hi-Five Jump Squats, 3 sets
2. You make a heroic last stand, staring death in the eye as you shoulder the responsibility of defeating this fiend, even at the cost of your own life: 10 Worlds Worst Merkins

At the very end of every adventure, there is a lesson. You discover:
1. The demons you face, and strength to conquer them, come from within you, and that life is the struggle to overcome the darkness in men.
2. Glory comes from not just the stories we tell, but the comrades that can share in those legends.

Either way, 10 burpee buyout.

MOLESKINE: Don’t take things too seriously. Have fun with the hard things. Make every day an adventure

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hunger Games, Sooie Party, Brew Ruck, Night Movez, Run around the Castle (GEODIS). See Slack for more.

COT: Prayers of gratitude for progress with adoption process for Grey Album. All other intentions spoken and unspoken.

Monday Funday

AO: toratoratora
Q: Goose
PAX: 40 Minutes, Culture Shock, greyalbum, Ultratecht, invictus, schnitzel
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willi Mays Hays, Forward Fold, Cherry Pickers, Arm Stretchx2

THE THANG: Deck Of Cards: Clubs=Squats, Hearts=Merkins, Spades=crunches, Diamonds=SSH, Aces/Faces=Mosey

Circle of Mary