Happy Accidents

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Haggis, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, sooner, FeelTheBerns, Esposa, LorelaiG, Squints (DR)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pleasant with a great view of the sunrise

WARMUP: Lots of hip flexor activation

THE THANG: mosey to the track where we did Noah’s Ark (duck walk, frog jump, gorilla walk, bear crawl, bunny hop)

100 m sprint 80 drydocks, 80 monkey Humpers, 80 leg lifts
200 m sprint 40,40,40
400 m sprint 20,20,20
200 m sprint 40,40,40
100 m sprint 80,80,80

MOLESKINE: “ running fast is the hardest workout”- FeelTheBerns
Like most workouts, we know Esposa wasn’t counting his reps since he was talking most of the time


COT: do justice, love kindness, walk humbly

Happy Accidents

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Haggis, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, sooner, FeelTheBerns, Esposa, LorelaiG, Squints (DR)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pleasant with a great view of the sunrise

WARMUP: Lots of hip flexor activation

THE THANG: mosey to the track where we did Noah’s Ark (duck walk, frog jump, gorilla walk, bear crawl, bunny hop)

100 m sprint 80 drydocks, 80 monkey Humpers, 80 leg lifts
200 m sprint 40,40,40
400 m sprint 20,20,20
200 m sprint 40,40,40
100 m sprint 80,80,80

MOLESKINE: “ running fast is the hardest workout”- FeelTheBerns
Like most workouts, we know Esposa wasn’t counting his reps since he was talking most of the time


COT: do justice, love kindness, walk humbly

Diesel 13

AO: greenmachine
Q: Grape
PAX: Movin On Up, Spinal Tap, Focker, Haggis, FeelTheBerns, monster biscuit, moneyshot, Michelin Man
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 55 degrees is just perfect

34 SSH

THE THANG: this was a Shaq themed workout since it was my 34th bday and he is the best to ever wear #34

4 laps around the track (Shaq won 4 titles)

Diesel 1-2-3

24 Iron Mikes (PPG)
52 Merkins (FT %)
61 squats (career high points)
117 dry docks (playoff steals)
216 LBC’s (playoff games)
Runner goes to 50 yard line and back

Thunder burpees

Can’t touch this sprints

10 MoM

MOLESKINE: had a blast celebrating my birthday with yall! Always remember…destiny favors the prepared

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout on 6/8, brewsday coming up next week as well

COT: prayers for Yuri, for Michelin Man, for Focker, and many other who are battling physically, spiritually, and emotionally

Decision Fatigue

AO: greenmachine
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Focker, moneyshot, Grape, Cowboy, Michelin Man, Haggis, t-cell, DR St. Louis Pax Named?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Muggy. Almost underwater.

WARMUP: Who needs to warm up? Come early to warm up.

THE THANG: Decision Fatigue

1. Ran about 1 mile. Good clip.
2. Bottom of big hilly sidewalk at west end of parking lot. Count off 1s and 2s. 1 and 2 is a team. Team comes up with a stationary exercise for the bottom of the hill, a travel up the hill exercise, a stationary top of hill exercise, and a travel down (very steep!) exercise. No repeats.
3. Teams chose a mixture of lunge walks, merkins, squats, dry docks, flutters, imperial walkers, crawl bear, bernies, etc.
4. Ran about 1 mile back in Indigenous People run formation.
5. Mary – choose your own adventure abs by the Pax.

MOLESKINE: The goal today was for me to make as few decisions as possible as this is my busy work time and I’m in brain overload. As moneyshot noted, the only material thing I picked was the crappy Festival Bangers playlist on Apple Music.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check -f3-nashville-general Toothless report.

COT: Prayers were lifted up. We reflected on Focker’s great Bible Verse decision of Micah 6:8. We listened to the sound of no cicadas.

MM out.

Staying Dry

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Cal Worthington / Nantan / F3 Charleston Cent, bluemule, Nutty Professor, Cowboy, moneyshot, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet with eventual sunny sunrise

WARMUP: various stretches

THE THANG: 10 – 1
– Hand Release Merkins
– Y’s
– T’s
10 – 1
– Squats
– Lunges
– humpers
10 – 1
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Jane Fonda L
– Jane Fonda R
10 – 1
– ww1
– Leg Raises
– Reverse Crunch

One lap
20 low and slow squats
20 carolina dry docks
20 diamond merkins
20 legs raises
20 crunchy frogs

MOLESKINE: the rain tricked us but we remained dry and content. Cal Worthington / Nantan / F3 Charleston Cent brought good energy once again this week. Nutty Professor looked right at home on the track.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: pain-train launching tomorrow! greenmachine Will be closed next week for thestronghold

COT: prayers lifted for perspective in this life. No day is guaranteed so be quick to love, quick to forgive, slow to speak and slow to anger. Gratefulness for Haggis and his new job!

May The Twoth Be With You… did that work?

AO: greenmachine
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Focker, Chunks, Black Lung, Betty Ford, moneyshot, Grape, NFT, Works for a Guy, t-cell, FeelTheBerns, Jumpstart (DR from Arkansas) , Humper F3 Knoxville,, Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
FNGs: 1 Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
CONDITIONS: The Best; Not too hot Not too cold, just right

WARMUP: SSHG, Good Mornings, WMH, Slow Squats, Marine Merkins (Demo)
Mosey to the Lipscomb amphitheater with a brief stop for pullups.
THE THANG: 50s 100s Lightening Round
Partner Up: Round 1: 50 DIDs: between you
Partner 1 box jumps up the steps x2
Partner 2 The exercise
Flip Flop
Round 2: 100 Palm Squats, Z chairs, Lunges P1 Runs P2 exercise
Round 3 Lightening Round AMRAP P1 Jumps x1 P2 Exercise FF
Mosey Back with the Indigenous Peoples Run to Star Deck
Mary: PAX dealer’s choice.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Natural Ice Games Night Saturday 5/4; Brews Day Tuesday 5/7 12 South Tap Room 4:30

COT: Prayers and Done

Its the end of the world

AO: greenmachine
Q: sooner
PAX: t-cell, Oatmeal, Black Lung, Focker, moneyshot, Cowboy, Betty Ford, Haggis, NFT, Rocket Mortgage, Topanga
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: it’s the end of the world… Pleasant temperatures and mild humidity, but massive radiation and deadly spore outbreaks

A standard active sooner warm up

The world has laid waste to your city. Every day is a fight for basic survival.
“Ab city”
– Fifty LBCs
– Fifty “dolphin kicks”
– Fifty hammers
– Fifty WWI
– upon finding a mangled, mutated t-cell… Added 50 happy crunchy frogs… Note, t-cell actually had turned into a frog from the radiation

Every gas station has been sacked. Homes sit empty. Store fronts shattered. A new world awaits in the great beyond.
– Groups of 3
– Two travel… one by bernie, one by mozie
– One stands watch… 100 x mike tysons; 200 x iron mikes; 300 merkin-jacks (cut short for time)

After the end of the end of a great journey, a eutopia is found deep in the heartland. The pax observed the start of the age as follows
– sprinting at increasing speed x 4
– a bit of yoga/dad stretching
– plank-pril

Leg day!

See slack

Comfort and healing, leadership and loving kindness

Run It Back

AO: greenmachine
Q: Grape
PAX: Salami, moneyshot, Focker, Cowboy, Haggis, Right Said
FNGs: None

WARMUP: normal stuff

THE THANG: round 1, partner runs stairs while other completes

Atomic merkins
Carolina dry docks
Knees to elbows (Peter Parker’s)
Ukrainian hammers
Newtons cradle

Round 2, went to dry ground, partner lunge walks and Bernie’s while other completes

Leg raises
Crunches (I don’t think this is what we did, can’t remember)
Knees to elbows (crunches)
‘Umpers of the monkey variety
Normal merkins

5MoM (including a 2 min plank)

COT: great prayer time and great coffeeteria


L.E.A.P. D.A.Y.

AO: greenmachine
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Breadsticks, Cowboy, Focker, Grape, moneyshot, Rocket Mortgage, t-cell, Topanga, Works for a Guy, monster biscuit, Haggis
FNGs: None
Practically arctic juxtaposed with the balmy weather just days before

Mosey to midfield for a little COP:
– Randies
– Moroccan Night Clubs
– Fire Hydrants

Line up in the end zone for a L.E.A.P. D.A.Y. escalator. Each round, PAX perform exercise, Bernie to 50-yard line, and jog back. With each successive round, PAX are adding the next exercise on top of previous exercises before their runs.

Lunges x 10
– Eccentric Squats (3-ct down) x 20
– Apolo Ohnos x 30
– Plyo Jumps x 40

400m lap to shake the legs out, and then, in keeping with the day’s “extra” theme, perform final round with all four exercises one more time.

Moving into the upper body portion with the same format.

– Dive Bomber Merkins x 10
– Ab Thrusters x 20
– Y-Raises x 30

200m lap followed by an extra round of all three, then mosey to the pull-up bars.

Split into groups of three. One group calls ab exercise while they perform 29 pull-ups each as a team (modified for time, but not before t-cell, moneyshot, and YHC tested the original plan).


Soundtrack consisted of bonus/hidden tracks through the years, and there were some real nostalgic gems in there.

Always a great group at greenmachine. Thanks to Focker for letting me take the reins on this extra day and for caffeinating us all. I might need to make GM a part of my routine.

Murder Mile – 3/28
Plankpril – 4/1-4/30

My BIL and his wife’s pregnancy
Haggis’s job search

PA out.

Workout in the key of G-string

AO: greenmachine
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: Focker, Esposa, Betty Ford, Breadsticks, baggervance, Grape, moneyshot, Cowboy, Deep State, FeelTheBerns, Haggis
FNGs: None
Warm, light breeze, perfect for a beatdown

– Motivator x7
– BACs
– Back-BACs
– Overhead Claps
– Evolution of Man (There and back)
– 5 yard inchworm
– 10 yard Alligator Crawl
– 15 yard Bear Crawl
– 20 yard Gorilla Run
– 50 yard Sprint to the Endzone

(Split into two teams and each team takes a sandbag)
Two Rounds of both relays

– Team is all in high plank
– one-by-one each PAX does 10 endorphins
– Run ten yards and return to plank (Al Gore when you fail plank)
Losing team does five burpees
Another relay
– Team does slow squats
– PAX with the sandbag does 15 thrusters
Losing team does five burpees

Back on the line for a burner. Twenty yards of lunges, twenty merkins, then lunge back and twenty more merkins.

Twenty yards burpee broad jumps with twenty squats at the end. Return with the same MOT and squats at the end zone

– High plank while we went over the mission, core principles, and credo. 5 Merkins after each.
– Slow ass leg raises x20
– Penguin Heel taps x20

My dad wasn’t the most present father when I was growing up, but he was adamant about faith. And one of his favorite quotes when I was being a typical teenager was “honor your father and mother.” There came a day when I was in college when I realized “honor” and “obey” are NOT the same. There is honor and respect in telling your father when he has done wrong. There is love in correction. Even correction of a parent/family member.

Murder mile (no clue what it is actually called) coming up in April
Any of y’all are welcome to come to workouts at the brig where I am AOQ. It’s Wednesdays @ Grassland park 5:45am
Biscuit Run Saturday, March 2. (message me if you want details on either)

Intentions were shared, prayers were said