Shaking off the Rust

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Cowboy, moneyshot, Black Lung, Goose, Betty Ford, t-cell
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: touch of cool

WARMUP: various stretches to look at the stars

“Fake 11s”
3 chin ups, Bernie up hill, 8 jump squats
Rinse and repeat

Real 11s
Dive bomber merkins, Bernie up hill, prisoner squats

400m run
20,15,10 dip, incline, decline merkin
300m run
20,15,10 DIDs
200m run
20,15,10 DIDs
100m sprint
Wait for 6

5 minutes of gut work

MOLESKINE: Black Lung mouthing off like usual, Cowboy getting a trip down memory music lane, declines continue to be a man-maker exercise

ANNOUNCEMENTS: multiple 5K’s this Saturday, future chili cook off this Fall

COT: the word “legacy” has been bouncing around my head lately. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us. So if today is our last day here or our last day of good health, what will our legacy be?
I butchered a quote, so here is the original:
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems” – James Clear from “Atomic Habits”

Only Wanna Be With You

AO: greenmachine
Q: Chunks
PAX: Cowboy, Grape, t-cell, Rocket Mortgage, FeelTheBerns, Young and Restless, NFT, Midwife, Natural Ice, Black Lung, Michelin Man, Legal Eagle, moneyshot, Focker, Fudd
FNGs: None

42 SSH

Round 1:
– Cinder Block Carry: One member carries the cinder block 50 yards and back.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Jumping Jacks until the cinder block carrier returns.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has carried the cinder block.
Round 2:
– Cinder Block Swings: One member performs 20 swings with the cinder block.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Mountain Climbers until swings are done.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has done swings.
Round 3:
– Cinder Block Curls: One member performs 20 curls with the cinder block.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Plank Hold until curls are done.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has done curls.
Round 4:
– Cinder Block Rows: One member performs 20 rows (10 each side) with the cinder block.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Burpees until are rows done.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has done rows.
Round 5:
– Cinder Block rifle carry: One member rifle carriers a block down and back..
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Merkins until the block carrier returns.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has carried the block.

TEAM 1 were the Winners 3 – 2.

Circled up for some P90X Yoga for 10 mins

5 Mins of Dealers Choice Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 Year Anniversary Saturday

COT: Prayers for family and healing.

Always and honor to lead you men. SYITG!

Second chances

AO: greenmachine
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: t-cell, Triple Pane, moneyshot, Wolfpack, Topanga, Works for a Guy, Legal Eagle, Hanes, Michelin Man
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Real nice.

WARMUP: Mosey to the football field and stretch.


Five rounds of…
– Run 200 yards
– 30 Air Squats
– Run 200 yards
– 30 Merkins

PAX had a certain amount to complete the exercises each round…
R1: 6 minutes
R2: 5:30 minutes
R3: 5 minutes
R4: 4:30 minutes
R5: 4 minutes

Mosey back to flag (Sprint up hill)

Squats Ring of Fire to 5
Merkins Ring of Fire to 5

4 rounds of 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest of…
– American Hammers
– Straight leg raises

Michelin Man and Legal Eagle got scared and decided to do their own thing following a ChatGPT half marathon training plan that Legal Eagle has deemed “The best training plan I have ever, in my life, ever, come across. It was amazing!”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergences are coming. Prepare!

COT: Messed up last time I was invited to Q here and had to back out night before… grateful to Focker for giving me a second chance. Reminder to PAX to take second chances when they’re given, be open to handing them out when you can and perhaps take the time to seek them out for yourself as well.


AO: greenmachine
Q: Grape
PAX: Triple Pane, Focker, Rocket Mortgage, Michelin Man, Cowboy, moneyshot, Sherlock, Haines
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: in honor of the name of the workout, it felt like Fall

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC F, LBAC R, Michael Phelps

THE THANG: spelled out summer is over with 12 reps each on an escalator:
U- Hammers
M- Merlin’s
M- mountain climbers
E- E2K (LBC)
R- Reverse lunges
S- squats
O- Original burpees
V- V ups
E- E2K (Peter Parker)
R- Reverse burpees

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 convergence, 9/14 convergence, check slack

COT: prayer for Focker to be unselfish with a pregnant wife and sick child

Til the Night Closes In

AO: greenmachine
Q: Hipster
PAX: moneyshot, gov’t mule, Sherlock, Focker, Cowboy, FeelTheBerns, Black Lung, Hanes, t-cell, Triple Pane, Michelin Man, Legal Eagle, Peabody, None
FNGs: 1 None

WARMUP: Mosey to the 50, standard warmup fair


12 Days of Fitmas

PAX assemble in the end zone
Start with Day 1 – 1 rep of the designated day 1 movement, followed by a hard run to the other endzone, and a mosey back
Day 2 – 2 reps of designated day 2 movement, plus 1 rep of day 1 movement, endzone run and back

…and so forth til we get through all 12 days/rounds.

1 Burpee
2 Merkin Plank Jacks
3 4-count mountain climbers
4 merkins
5 4 count seal claps
6 Dry Docks
7 Iron Mikes
8 Prisoner Squats
10 WWI
11 Star Jumps
12 Diamond Merkins

The PAX had a fair showing with Name That Tune for the Yacht Rock playlist, resulting in only 6 bonus burpies to finish us out after some Mary back at startex.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming TN Tussle, happy 7th to Black Lung, upcoming F3 Nashville anniversary and 9/11 convergence, check Slack

COT: greatful to be able to lead this morning, thanks for having me Greenmachiners

Wake, wake up (it’s the first of the month). -Bone Thugs-N-Harmony

AO: greenmachine
Q: Goose
PAX: Focker, Sherlock, Cowboy, moneyshot, Black Lung, Michelin Man, Cal Worthington, Strutter, FeelTheBerns, Hall Moniter
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie Mays Hays, Forward Fold, Cherry Pickers, Arm Stretches

-Dora: 400 SSH while partner runs to midfield and back.
-Lunge goal line to goal line with 10 squats every 10 yards, down and back.
-Run goal line and back with 10 merkins at opposite end, countdown 10 yards each trip.
-Bernie Sanders down and back

Circle of Mary

– Tuesday Brewsday this Tuesday at 12 South Taproom
– Detective Pikachu needs help moving this weekend

Prayers for Blueliner has a speedy recover.

Track and Field Rack and Stack!

AO: greenmachine
Q: Cal Worthington
PAX: Haggis, Sherlock, Zelenskyy, Cowboy
FNGs: None

Moist. Slight Drizzle. Thick.


Warm Up I.C. X20
Imperial Walker
Toy Soldiers
Grass Git’rs
Stay down 4 stretch, left & right
Worlds Greatest Stretch

Mosey to the Track!

Set of 11’s – Dips and Derkins

Rack and Stack 400
Track Suicides Rack / Stack

Run to the 100 – Drop and do Exercise,

Run to the 100 – Drop and do Excercise, Run to the 200, exercise Then return.

At each 100, do the exercise. Upon return to start, stack exercises on top of each other.

(100,200,300, 400yrd marks)

✓ 5 burpees
✓ 10 hand release Merkins
✓ 15 Star jumps
✓ 20 heels to heavens

Finish with a Victiry Lap up
And down bleachers.

Mosey to the start and finish with Abs ring of Fire

Hope on Slack

Don’t focus on the negative. Control the controllable, keep it moving and you will get through it.

Thanks for letting me lead Focker :punch:

Once Upon a Time in 13 Rowdy Colonies

AO: greenmachine
Q: Hair Band , Black Lung
PAX: Dumpster Fire (F3 Naperville), Pebbles, moneyshot, Hipster, McAfee, The Merchant, Rocket Mortgage, Works for a Guy, Natural Ice, bluemule, DintyMoore, Dilbert, Good Morning America, Cowboy, El Capitan, Wolfpack, SalPal, Hair Band, Sparrow, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, Esposa, Grape, Country Parkour, Under the Table, Haggis, Strutter, Chunks, Michelin Man, Focker, Fake Job, Late to The Party
FNGs: 2 Fake Job, Late to The Party
CONDITIONS: bright and swampy

30 SSH, 5 Good Mornings, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats. 10 LBAC, 10 Reverse LBAC, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbillies.
Thing 1: Burpee Apocalypse (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

A salute to the 13 colonies.
1. 10 New York Yurpee (Burpee Variation. Merkin at bottom of burpee is a clap-merkin and on up portion there are 2 tuck jumps per burpee).
2. 30 Virginia V-Ups
3. 50 South Carolina Side Straddle Hops
4. 30 Rhode Island Iron Mikes (2-count)
5. 30 New Hampshire Hand Release Merkins
6. 50 New Jersey Jump Squats
7. 50 Connecticut Crunches
8. 35 Maryland Merkins
9. 50 North Carolina Dry Docks
10. 50 Massachusetts Mountain Climbers (2-count)
11. 50 Georgia Gorilla Humpers
12. 50 Pennsylvania Plank Jacks (2-count)
13. 50 Delaware Dips

Run half lap around the track and start from the top. 3 rounds.

Total reps 1776.

This workout was a beast sprung most from the tortured mind of Black Lung
We had 5/34 men completely finished the work out
We finished by reading the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence & saying the pledge of allegiance

Preamble: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


– SalPal requests prayers for his baby on the way and his baby they just pulled from daycare


AO: greenmachine
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Focker, moneyshot, Haggis, Cowboy, Michelin Man, Deep State, Triple Pane, Missing someone?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: acceptable

WARMUP: run around the Machine


3 pullups -> bearcrawl -> 5 merkins -> bearcrawl -> 7 rows -> run back to start.

Repeat for 40 minutes.

5 minutes of sprints.

COT: Love being in the circle as always.