Redemption Tour

AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: t-cell, Grape, Harbaugh, gov’t mule, Haggis, Shania, Pep, Sherlock, wardas1, Swiffer, Canned Heat, Young and Restless, princessaurora, Howitzer, Big Bird
FNGs: 1 Big Bird
CONDITIONS: near tropical

WARMUP: stretches followed by mental math consisting of pull ups to failure, multiply by 5 and do squats, multiply by 2 and do crunches

On track do the following:
-5 dive bomber push ups
-15 monkey humpers
-20 WW1
Run around track with straightaway sprints

-5 kick throughs
-15 jump squats
-20 dry docks
Run the opposite way
Broke this up by 2 sets of 10,20,30 DIDS

Mosey to start with one legged burpees and Mary to end it

MOLESKINE: lots of grumbling about the math. Yacht rock playlist really was enjoyed by all. Great way to set an intimate mood for the FNG


COT: prayers for shared sorrow and shared joys!
“Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark” James 3:5
^i was an idiot in my marriage yesterday with my words. Learn from my mistakes

The Nursery

AO: 1stf
Q: Focker
PAX: Pole Dancer, Grape, Oatmeal, Pep, Tim the Toolman, sooner, Works for a Guy, Young and Restless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dry and chilly

WARMUP: various stretches and short mosey

THE THANG: Tabata “6”s
50 seconds on
10 seconds off
6 minutes total per round (3 sets of each exercise)

Round 1: drop squats and merkins
Round 2: IYTs and monkey humpers
Round 3: dive bombers merkins and bird dogs
Round 4: burpees and flutters
Run hill


MOLESKINE: thanks everyone for coming out to #thenursery for its first and maybe only workout. Charlie loved meeting everyone. Special shout out to Tim the Toolman for homemade kolaches.



We Ran to Love Circles (+Burpees)

AO: westeros
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Pep, Young and Restless, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Bull Chutes, BTU, Grape, bluemule, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Go Green Go, Merch
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: NOT cold (after a minute)

WARMUP: pre 5:30am warmup to “Lean On” by Major Lazer. No time to warm up during my Q.


The Pax love to run in circles after today. And we’ll do burpees. Q also called for Constant Movement (TM) meaning if we stopped, we did “resting” exercises.

Music: 1st: Pink Pony Club by Chappel Roan. Then hits from 1998… the year Chapel Roan was born. Feel old yet Vector?

Thangs 1: We ran a circle around the park 3x, performing a running burpee apocalypse along the way. Sprinkled in copious Side Straddle Hops, Plank Jacks, and Indian Runs along the way to wait for various 6s. bluemule fell down.

Thang 2: We then ran to the school loop and did timed runs around the circle. Each time we had to beat our time to decrease the burpee counter. First run was 38 seconds/5 burpees around and we made it all the way down to 27 seconds/1 burpee before failure to beat time. We then did 5x burpees since we didn’t beat time. Pep completed some of the circle runs… creatively.

We returned to startex to do plank jacks and Side Straddle Hops and Mountain Climbers.

Then we let our heart rates come down. Constant Movement (TM) completed. We live to run in circles.



For President’s Day:

“For his fellow-citizens, if their prayers could have been answered, he would have been immortal. For me, his departure is at a most unfortunate moment. … His example is now complete, and it will teach wisdom and virtue to magistrates, citizens, and men, not only in the present age, but in future generations, as long as our history shall be read.”

— John Adams, second President of the United States, in a Dec. 23, 1799 reply to Congress following the death of George Washington nine days earlier.

We Ran to Love Circles (+Burpees)

AO: westeros
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Pep, Young and Restless, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Bull Chutes, BTU, Grape, bluemule, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Go Green Go, Merch
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: NOT cold (after a minute)

WARMUP: pre 5:30am warmup to “Lean On” by Major Lazer. No time to warm up during my Q.


The Pax love to run in circles after today. And we’ll do burpees. Q also called for Constant Movement (TM) meaning if we stopped, we did “resting” exercises.

Music: 1st: Pink Pony Club by Chappel Roan. Then hits from 1998… the year Chapel Roan was born. Feel old yet Vector?

Thangs 1: We ran a circle around the park 3x, performing a running burpee apocalypse along the way. Sprinkled in copious Side Straddle Hops, Plank Jacks, and Indian Runs along the way to wait for various 6s. bluemule fell down.

Thang 2: We then ran to the school loop and did timed runs around the circle. Each time we had to beat our time to decrease the burpee counter. First run was 38 seconds/5 burpees around and we made it all the way down to 27 seconds/1 burpee before failure to beat time. We then did 5x burpees since we didn’t beat time. Pep completed some of the circle runs… creatively.

We returned to startex to do plank jacks and Side Straddle Hops and Mountain Climbers.

Then we let our heart rates come down. Constant Movement (TM) completed. We live to run in circles.



For President’s Day:

“For his fellow-citizens, if their prayers could have been answered, he would have been immortal. For me, his departure is at a most unfortunate moment. … His example is now complete, and it will teach wisdom and virtue to magistrates, citizens, and men, not only in the present age, but in future generations, as long as our history shall be read.”

— John Adams, second President of the United States, in a Dec. 23, 1799 reply to Congress following the death of George Washington nine days earlier.

What Piqued My Interest in 2024

AO: greenmachine
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Focker, Michelin Man, Esposa, moneyshot, Grape, t-cell, Cowboy, Canned Heat, Betty Ford, Shania
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Balmy You Say? 60 something
General Stretch OYO – WMH, Good Mornings
Sit Spread legs lean forward – oops the parking lot is wet, darn let’s go to the field

Grab Coupons, 3 total and mosey
Yog to encircle the Mustang at the 50yardline.
Stretch – Sit Spread legs lean forward
Left heel to nuts –
Right heel to nuts
Low WMH – Hands down 2x count IC

Circle Up – Every 2 reps pass the coupon to the right (quickly modified to every 5). After passing the coupon run to sideline and back. Rounds as follows IC.
30 Squats. 40 Lunges, 50 Thrusters, 60 Kettle Swings (squats)
Elbow Dips at Benches on each sideline bench.
Go to Benches
Elbow dips both or 1 leg
Elbow dips run across when a guy gets there one man runs across the field. When the teams are flipped hold till the 6
Push Ups Bent Elbows

Run to the Stairs at Stands
The PAX holds a plank till their turn.
Crawl Bear up stairs and then run up stands, across, down and back to start
Hold Plank
Rinse and Repeat the stands run.
Back to Star Deck
Mary. Dealer’s Choice

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 25K Merkin Challenge, March mini challenge Merkin Ladders of 10 Per Day, Lean Pax in the last days.
PRAYERS:” for Cowboy’s Friend Richard,

CCM is all around us

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Works for a Guy, Good Morning America, Firefox, moneyshot, Cowboy, Betty Ford, Esposa, Grape, Canned Heat, Sherlock, Steak Knives, LB
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: hot, comparatively

WARMUP: various stretches while the PAX were educated about the start of CCM in the Jesus Movement of the 60s and 70s with even artists like Bob Dylan taking part in CCM’s early formation. Describing how CCM really encompasses lots of genres and not just soft rock/pop.

THE THANG: mosey to hill.
Every PAX takes turn running up (Bernie style) while group does various waiting exercises (squats, merkins, SSH, prom dates, heel lifts). Q took time to describe formative artist Keith Green as well as early CCM theme of adventure/excitement (as manifested by “Go West Young Man” by MWS and “Great Adventure” by SCC)
Mosey to football field
10 yard crab walk
10 Burpees
20 yard bear crawl
20 Squat jumps
30 yard lunges
30 WW1
40 yard broad jump
40 Flutter kicks
50 yard sprint
50 Merkins
Back down the ladder
Mosey back to start and dealer’s choice Mary

MOLESKINE: #mumblechatter consisted of “I haven’t heard this” Grape or “man I haven’t heard this since high school” Cowboy or just good ole silent adoration.
Genuinely thank yall for indulging me today. These are the formative songs of my youth (and current life TBH)


COT: prayers lifted for selflessness, Grape and his wife in time of uncertainty, and Cowboy and his best friend in his season of cancer

Covered garage? But it’s not raining.

AO: iiipillars
Q: Pep
PAX: Grape, princessaurora, YumYum, Go Fish, Harbaugh, Shania, Swiffer, Canned Heat, Howlitzer, lauralei
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold (not freezing)

Imperial walkers
Good mornings

– 100 hand release mericans
– 200 windshield wipers (left+right = 1)
– 300 fire hydrants (each leg 1)
– Jacob’s ladder: burpees at top of hill start with one and add one each round till 5 total
– Round of Mary

– grape’s parents
– Other prayers

Someday We’ll All Enjoy Running, But Not Today

AO: westeros
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Chunks, Grape, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Michelin Man, Pep, SalPal, Son of Red Skull, Red Skull, Young and Restless, bluemule, CubCadet, Sherlock, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a bit chilly, a bit damp

Good mornings
Cherry pickers
Willie mays hayes
Cowboy hip rotations (fwd & bck)
50 SSHs
High knees
Butt kicks

Mosey to parking lot hill
2x 50% sprint up hill, jog down
2x 75% sprint up hill, jog down
2x 90% sprint up hill, jog down

3 Sets
20 Squat jump with knee tuck (40 drop squats as modification)
50 Iron mikes (25e)
15 merkins
Hard sprint up hill (85% effort), jog down (30-40% effort)

In cadence squats on Hair Band count

Mosey to jungle gym for as many rounds of
25 pull ups and running a lap around the drop off circle as possible

A thought I had during the beatdown: how we, as individuals, approach a workout together is often a reflection of how we live our lives in relationship with others.

Another thing I learned today: if I see people shorting themselves in an exercise, it fires me up. I have more to say on this matter but it’s probably better I don’t.

Shoutout to DintyMoore for being a monster and raising his lactaid threshold this morning.

– AOQ Grow School coming to a saturday soon near you
– Spring CSAUP in the works
– Spring fling led by Natural Ice – CBO
– 4:13 Strong Dinner fundraiser April 24th

– health and wellness for friends & family, prayers & praises for employment

Rock on and don’t cheat yourself out of getting better,

Hair Band

Restorative Sportcore

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: wardas1, Pep, Will Norton, Swiffer, Grape, Go Fish, t-cell, Black Lung, Harbaugh
FNGs: None
The year is 1502. On this day, in the city of Bologna, Italy, a boy by the name of Uno Boncompagni is born. He will go on to study and teach law before he is summoned to Rome by Pope Paul III and appointed first judge of the capital. Uno’s administrative strengths will allow him to rise through the ranks of the Catholic Church, resulting in his eventual election to the papacy in 1572. Ever the patron of the arts and sciences, Uno will use his position to commission a modified version of the Julian calendar 10 years later. More closely approximating the solar year and properly spacing leap years, it will go on to become the most widely accepted calendar in the world.

523 years later, Uno Boncompagni is better known by his assumed name, Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the Gregorian calendar is named.

Vatican Night Clubs
SnL Squats

Building a Foundation
3 rounds – 1’ per exercise

1. Squats
2. Side Lunges
3. SL Deadlifts
4. Split Squats R
5. Split Squats L

Gregora 1-2-3
Partner up – P1 reps, P2 runs to opposite end of field and back.

100 Merkins
200 WWIs
300 Jane Fondas R/L

Mosey back to flag for COT/BOM

The story of Pope Gregory XIII had everything to do with January 7 and nothing to do with any of the workout, save for a few cleverly named exercises. Sometimes you just want to Q something that works!

LeanPax is in full swing and men across F3 Nashville are participating in the challenge. Details from Black Lung are in the thread above, and the spreadsheet to track your progress is

On 2/11, I’ll be on Q for a Valentine’s Day-themed workout to get you prepped, so go ahead and get sexy for me with a way too early HC.

We lifted up:
– the Stark family
– Elizabeth Webb
– Keith
– Ariel
– The Gilberts