Covered garage? But it’s not raining.

AO: iiipillars
Q: Pep
PAX: Grape, princessaurora, YumYum, Go Fish, Harbaugh, Shania, Swiffer, Canned Heat, Howlitzer, lauralei
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold (not freezing)

Imperial walkers
Good mornings

– 100 hand release mericans
– 200 windshield wipers (left+right = 1)
– 300 fire hydrants (each leg 1)
– Jacob’s ladder: burpees at top of hill start with one and add one each round till 5 total
– Round of Mary

– grape’s parents
– Other prayers

Restorative Sportcore

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: wardas1, Pep, Will Norton, Swiffer, Grape, Go Fish, t-cell, Black Lung, Harbaugh
FNGs: None
The year is 1502. On this day, in the city of Bologna, Italy, a boy by the name of Uno Boncompagni is born. He will go on to study and teach law before he is summoned to Rome by Pope Paul III and appointed first judge of the capital. Uno’s administrative strengths will allow him to rise through the ranks of the Catholic Church, resulting in his eventual election to the papacy in 1572. Ever the patron of the arts and sciences, Uno will use his position to commission a modified version of the Julian calendar 10 years later. More closely approximating the solar year and properly spacing leap years, it will go on to become the most widely accepted calendar in the world.

523 years later, Uno Boncompagni is better known by his assumed name, Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the Gregorian calendar is named.

Vatican Night Clubs
SnL Squats

Building a Foundation
3 rounds – 1’ per exercise

1. Squats
2. Side Lunges
3. SL Deadlifts
4. Split Squats R
5. Split Squats L

Gregora 1-2-3
Partner up – P1 reps, P2 runs to opposite end of field and back.

100 Merkins
200 WWIs
300 Jane Fondas R/L

Mosey back to flag for COT/BOM

The story of Pope Gregory XIII had everything to do with January 7 and nothing to do with any of the workout, save for a few cleverly named exercises. Sometimes you just want to Q something that works!

LeanPax is in full swing and men across F3 Nashville are participating in the challenge. Details from Black Lung are in the thread above, and the spreadsheet to track your progress is

On 2/11, I’ll be on Q for a Valentine’s Day-themed workout to get you prepped, so go ahead and get sexy for me with a way too early HC.

We lifted up:
– the Stark family
– Elizabeth Webb
– Keith
– Ariel
– The Gilberts

III Pillars – 11.05.2024 – Election Day Special

AO: -f3-nashville-general
Q: princessaurora
PAX: t-cell, Black Lung, Grape, gov’t mule, Swiffer, wardas1, Will Norton, Red Skull, Pep, caprate, Go Fish, Haggis, Baguette, Tackle Box, Two Face, YumYum, Harbaugh, Full Monty
FNGs: None
Unseasonably warm, likely due to the hot takes surrounding potential election results

Today, we’d be campaigning through battleground states to earn the votes needed to win the election. Given we’re a two-party system, PAX were split into red and blue teams, and, thanks to Black Lung showing up right on time (a.k.a. 5 minutes late) YHC was able to remain a neutral election official.

After a mosey to and around the track, our first opportunity to win votes was a “debate” in the form of one lap around the track. PAX were told to select one candidate to represent their party, with Howitzer stepping in for Blue and Formica for Red.

BUT WAIT A SECOND…it’s been determined that both were no longer fit to hold office and, bypassing the primary, selected Red Skull (Blue) and Pep (Red) as new candidates. In a extremely tight race, Red Skull edged out Pep by a stride handing Blue 10 points.

Blue – 10 | Red – 0

Moving on to the battleground “state”ions! Each party’s goal is to get as many votes (reps) as possible in the time allotted.

“State”ion 1 (30 electoral votes)
Ballot Box Jumps – 4:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 0

“State”ion 2 (50 electoral votes)
Handcount Release Merkins – 3:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 50

“State”ion 3 (80 electoral votes)
Swing State Ab Thrusters (feet in swing) – 3:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 130

“State”ion 4 (70 electoral votes)
Octoburpee Surprise*- 2:00
*if trailing team wins, they steal 10 votes from leading team in addition to earning electoral votes


Blue – 120 | Red – 120

“State”ion 5 (40 electoral votes)
Jane6 Fondas – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 120

“State”ion 6 (90 electoral votes)
Swing State Pull-ups – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 210

“State”ion 7 (60 electoral votes)
Abs-entee Ballots (Big Boy Sit-ups) – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 270

This election came down to the wire with Blue having the chance to force a runoff, but in the end, Red prevailed and their version of democracy was saved.

Mosey back to flag to wrap up with some Ballot Box Cutters and Alabama Prom Dates until time.

You never know who you might offend when you Q a workout teeming with opportunities for political jokes, but I sure I hope it was someone! Hopefully everyone felt free to put fitness and fellowship over party. It’s also worth noting here that Pep has legs when the future of our country is on the line. Dude was moving faster than I’ve ever seen him go!

Also, here’s a fun fact: given this is being written post-election, I can now proudly say that the PA Election Day Q is 100% accurate at predicting the results of American presidential elections. All eyes on will be on iiiP in 2028…

– 11/9 – 0600 Tennessee Tussle at #brokenwheel in Nolensville – friendly competition between regions – see Hair Band for details!
– 11/16 – 0600-0800 – AOQ GrowSchool at stonewall

TAPS for
– Elizabeth Webb cancer treatment
– YumYum’s mother’s health
– Baguette’s trip with/for his father
– The country

God bless America,
PA out

Better Late Than Never?

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Go Fish, Oatmeal, sooner, Hanes, Pole Dancer, Black Lung, Zelenskyy, Two Face, Haggis, Harbaugh, Foot Drop, Pep, Grape, Toothless, Betty Ford, Formica
FNGs: None
Figure I’ll squeeze this in before the end of the month so we all get our PAXminer stats.

Ran several laps of the field and then did a “you vs. you” round where each lap must be faster or face a penalty. Closed with some Sally Up and Sally Down squats (and merkins!) and 5 minutes of mary. Credit to Bad Boy Pole Dancer for inspiration.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6f

Stay Classy

AO: iiipillars
Q: Zelenskyy , princessaurora
PAX: Black Lung, Two Face, Zelenskyy, t-cell, princessaurora, Pep, Go Fish, Haggis , None
FNGs: 1 None
CONDITIONS: absolutely stunning

• 2 laps running
– jumping jacks
– thumbs-up-rows (cat-stretch rows)
– baby arm circles forward
– baby arm circles backwards
– thigh stretch (willie mays hayes?)

– Bearpees (across the field & back – longways x4) OYO 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bearcrawl forward.
– Aiken Legs x3 (20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges, 20 jumping-jacks, one lap)
– 100 sit-ups
– Dips until everyone finishes sit-ups
– 2 more laps

⬆️ this seemed short?

Return to lot for Mary:
– flutter kicks 30
– Jane Fondas 20 each side

Names and Counting
Announcements & Prayer


Tomorrow & Saturday (can princessaurora or Black Lung add details?)

princessaurora will send link for shirt purchase/order

Next week Go Fish will lead. Reagan themed workout.


Prayers for Pep job security
Celebrating Two Face parents 50th anniversary
Praying for Go Fish on Thursday PhD dissertation

*Please add if I missed something!

Why Burpees

AO: iiipillars
Q: Pep
PAX: princessaurora, gov’t mule, Zelenskyy, Tackle Box, Young and Restless, Two Face, YumYum, Foot Drop, RadioActive, Go Fish, thatdrimmel, Grape, KFC
FNGs: None
cool – fall weather (wear your beanie)

seal claps
air press
imperial walkers
good mornings
willie mays hayes


dora: 100 burpees, 200 dips, 300 fire hydrants
7’s: WWII’s, hand-release mericans


today (9/3) brews day at 12th south
9/11 convergence (check slack)
9/14 10 year anniversary 6am at Sevier Park by the pavilions


prayer for grape’s parents

Two Face VQ

AO: iiipillars
Q: Two Face
PAX: Pep, Haggis, gov’t mule, Two Face, Grape, Go Fish, t-cell, princessaurora, LorelaiG, Fanny, Formica, Bolt
FNGs: None

25 Side straddle hope, in cadence, 4 count
20 LBACs, in cadence, 3 count
20 Imperial Walkers, in cadence, 3 count

THE THANG: partner up
1. Sprint up hill, jog across field; 100 merkins (Partner 1 10, P2 plank – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with AL Prom Dates (to the beat of No Sleep til Brooklyn)
2. Sprint up hill, bear crawl across field; 100 LBCs (P1 10, P2 hold 6 inches up – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with Flutter Kicks
3. Sprint up hill, jog across field; 100 squats (P1 10, P2 air chair – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with stretch
4. Lap track and meet in the middle
5. Circle up and each man shared a thing they’re grateful for, a life hack and a worry they’re carrying. 3-5 burpees in between each man.
6. Lap track
7. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 pull ups at playground


ANNOUNCEMENTS: PA birthday workout Wednesday, 8/21 at 5:30.


Daft Punk is playing at my house

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: LorelaiG, t-cell, Two Face, Zelenskyy, Sooie, Haggis, Black Lung, Go Fish, Will Norton, Grape, Swiffer, Foot Drop, Fake Job, gov’t mule, Tackle Box, Good Morning America, Full Monty
FNGs: None

Oh-so hot, the perfect foretaste of what will surely be a steamy 14th anniversary.


Mosey to the field for some

I’s, Y’s, and T’s
SnL Squats


Marriage, like life, is a dance. With YHC celebrating an anniversary tomorrow, it was time to prep with a dancer-inspired workout.


4 sets:
Explosive jump lunge w mid-air switch x 5 ea side//1’ rest with Merkins x 20


4 sets:
Bulgarian split squats x 12 ea side//1’ rest with Prone Snow Angels x 20

Shake it out with a lap


4 sets:
Partner Nordic Curls x 8-10, alternating each set


4 sets:
Deep Squat Calf Raises (with wall assist) x 15//Tibialis Raises x 20

Reverse crunch for six


4 sets:
Pull-ups x 8-10//Pseudo-Planche Merkins x 15

Mosey back to flag


– Gulliver’s Travels challenge is in full swing. The perfect excuse to check out some AOs you might not otherwise attend. Speaking of…
– 4:13 Strong is back in action. Hit up thestronghold and help lead this class of men toward new lives.
– Night Moves at Bicentennial Park this Saturday.


– Praises from Haggis for a special time on the road with his dad.
– Prayers for Swiffer ‘s friends’ daughter Victoria and her upcoming surgery, and praises for a successful first operation.

A pleasure as always, men. Life’s a dance, and you sure learned as you went today!

PA out

Graditude for 8 Count Bodybuilders

AO: iiipillars
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: YumYum, Michelin Man, Grape, Haggis, LorelaiG, Two Face, Tackle Box, Black Lung, Pep, princessaurora, Go Fish, Focker, Natural Ice, Full Monty, Foot Drop, Jazzy Jeff
FNGs: 2 Foot Drop, Jazzy Jeff
COUNT: 15 and a late @blacklung

WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Stretching

THE THANG: A fully plagiarized bluemule work out

Part 1
The pax went for a nice long mosey searching for a flat parking lot.
After forming a circle the instructions were simple, share something you are grateful for from this last season and lead the pax with 4 Eight Count Bodybuilders. All 15 pax expressed grateful hearts leading to the completion of 60 Eight Count Bodybuilders with impeccable form.

Part 2
After a mosey back the startdex, we rinsed and repeated the previous thing, but this time each Pax shared something they were looking forward too. With the addition of Black Lung we racked up an additional 64 Eight Count Bodybuilders leading to a total of 124.

MOLESKINE: Keep a grateful heart as this could have been sets of 10 burpees.

– 4th OF JULY CONVERGENCE ALERT – AOs will converge at greenmachine with a co-Q from Black Lung and Hair Band

– YHC & Firefox will be hosting The Hunger Games™ round 3 at the Ice Haus®, 7pm on 7/12 :cut_of_meat: :game_die: —– Potentially a whole wild boar will be smoked (if not I got a brisket and a pork butt)
– Our summer Brew Ruck is scheduled for Saturday 7/13!! Details will come from Red Skull in nashville-rucking
– Night Movez returns on Saturday 7/20 at 6:30pm, details from SalPal here
– An for the upcoming 5k at Geodis Park on 7/27, home of handsomizer!! Hit up Salami for details!

COT: Prayers for Grandparents and traveling familes

Thanks again men of iiipilars for having me out. Next time we will have a themed play list and burpees



AO: iiipillars
Q: wardas1
PAX: t-cell, Go Fish, Tackle Box, princessaurora, Grape, gov’t mule, Pep, Two Face, YumYum, moneyshot, Haggis, It’sJUSTLunch, Baguette, ironlung, Harbaugh, Full Monty, Fannie, Secret Stash, Howitzer, Swiffer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: 30 of a lot of different things to try to make this feel like an actual workout

THE THANG: ultimate!

MOLESKINE: I believe the skins defeated the shirts, though it was a hard fought battle. No one knows the rules, and you know what, that’s ok.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout today!