Ring Around the Rosies

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sparrow
PAX: Pebbles, El Capitan, Timber, Sooie, Malibu, WordPress, FLO, Gabby Cat, Bookworm, Smoltz, Iowa, Tonks, Fishbiscuit, Foxy, Samwise
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 67 Degrees, Partly Cloudy

WARMUP: (5 mins) Inch Worm. Start from touching you toes, walk hands down to down dog. Pedal legs, walk back up to standing, do 15x calf raises. Repeat, except replace pedal with leg lifts. Repeat till time is out.

(Ring Around the Rosies) – Group 1 that met criteria will run a lap, the group 2 will do an exercise till everyone finishes lap, those who finish early will join exercise. Cycled through Burpees, High Knees, Side Squats, Apollo Onohs, Lung Jumps). Q picked.
Core workout (15 mins): Pattern 45 sec hold, 15 sec rest:
Set 1: Plank Jacks, R Side Plank Crunch, Back Plank with Leg lifts, Left Side Plank Crunch, Plank Shoulder Touch
Set 2: Scissor Legs, Bicycles, ww2’s, Superman Alternating, Rest
Set 3: Repeat Set 1

Cooldown (10 mins): Freeze Tag. 2.0’s are freezers, but it takes 2 unfrozen players to simultaneously touch to unfreeze someone. 2.0’s WON two rounds

As men we often have been conditioned to think in terms of left brain/right brain, reason vs feelings and put a wall between them. This has some merit but sometimes it leads to feeling a disjointed and anxious life. God created our hearts, our desires, and the deepest fundamental reality of who we are. When we see our feelings as flowing from our God given desires, and our thoughts/reasoning as flowing from our heart- it can lead to freedom and contentment, and fellowship with our creator.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of stuff going on in F3 Nashville, Check the slack! No Knoll workout next Thursday as there will be a convergence at Green Machine.

FLO will be doing VQ This thursday. Go FLO!

Prayers offered and lifted.

Moseys and Musings

AO: the-knoll
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: AAA, morning stār, Siri, FLO, Wolfpack, El Capitan, Timber, Ex-Pat, Sparrow, Pebbles, Sooie, Bumblebee, Tonks, Fish Biscuit, Smoltz, Gabby Cat, Foxy, Bookworm (2.0)
FNGs: 1 Bookworm (2.0)

Arm circles – 10 rep
Back backs – 10 rep
Good Mornings – 5 rep
Motivators – 5 count
Willy Mays Hays – 5 count
Hip Swings – 5 count

Thing 1 – HIIT x 2
30 sec work / 15 sec rest
High Knees – 30 sec
Drop Squats – 30 sec
Romanian Split Squat Left – 30 sec
Romanian Split Squat Right – 30 sec
Left Leg Negative Squat -30 sec
Right Leg Negative Squat – 30 sec
Iron Mikes – 30 sec
Squat Jumps – 30 sec

Thing 2 – Running bases
Backstop – 4 groups, 30 second reps
Super Mario’s, Bernie, Mosey, Skip between
Merkins – Home
Shoulder Taps – 1st
Carolina Dry Docks – 2nd
Plank Toe Touches – 3rd

2nd lap turned into tag game, picking up any members of group in front of you that you catch after 50 total reps

Mary to finish – 2.0 Dealers Choice

It’s what you learn after you know it all, that counts. John wooden to Bill Walton upon graduating from UCLA. Walton passed away this week.

Convergence events for end of May U Pull Up Challenge – pain-train and greenmachine on Saturday.

2.0 friendly workouts Saturday afternoon in Franklin – Taco Ruck, next Tuesday at The Knoll, and next Saturday at Middle Tooth.

coworking next Wednesday.

Wrapped in prayer for various stages of life. G-string 2.0 due any moment, shooting at pain-train, fatherhood and husbandry encouragement.