Go to church or the devil will getchya!

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Stubs, Siri, G-string, Pitmaster, Wolfpack, FLO, Waffle, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Shorts are back on the menu!

WARMUP: The usual suspects.

Run to Bellevue Church of Christ
10 rounds of:
10 second high plank hold
10 merkins
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low squat hold
10 squats
10 second rest

Run to Cross Timbers Freewill Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second hollow body hold
10 big boy sit-ups
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Presbyterian Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low plank hold
5 burpees
10 second rest

Run back to red caboose

Loved the counting rhythm we organically fell into. I think it really helped us lock into the workouts and push it together.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: biscuit run march 1st. Boardgame night Feb 28

COT: My mom sent me a book of daily devotions as she felt it may be good to bring into our COTs when I lead. The thoughtfulness of wanting to share something that was meaningful to her because she felt it would help me too really made an impact on me this week. It made me ask myself the question, am I actively listening to others and am I actively supporting and providing for them based on what I hear? Encouragement to PAX (including myself!) to listen more and take action to better the lives of those around us. Thanks Mom 😀

Isolated, never alone

AO: the-knoll
Q: Étouffée
PAX: Pebbles, Half Lyfe, Stubs, Sooie, G-string, Lady Liberty, Sparrow
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: just right

WARMUP: mosey to the stop sign
5 Burpees
10 slow squats
mosey back

THE THANG: (3) 10 minute AMRAP circuits, rotating exercises with partner

Round 1:
A) Sprint around backstop
B) 10 Pull-ups, 20 Push-ups, 20 Dips

Round 2:
A) 60 yards with sandbags
– 20 yards walking lunges
– 10 yards over-head walking lunges
– 30 yard mosey back
B) Plank

Round 3:
30 yards. Partner A down, B Back
– 10 yard wheelbarrow walk
– 20 yard partner carry
– 50 (split up) Big Boys

MOLESKINE: Isolated, but never alone. So often we may find ourselves in a state and/or temptation of being worn down or in isolation, discouragement. No matter how isolated we may feel, we are never truly alone. Not only is God with us, but there are so many others we are connected to seen or unseen. Our presence and our actions matter and affect others and ripple beyond – our family – our friends – our coworkers – our community – and beyond.


COT: nameorama, countorama, coffeteria, and sweet sweet olive oil enjoyed

Total Body AMRAP

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Puzzlah, Half Lyfe, Wolfpack, FLO, Pole Dancer, Lady Liberty, Siri, Stubs, G-string, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Love when 27 feels warm.

WARMUP: Mosey to pick up coupons, mosey to the playground. 10 SlowSquats. 10 Slow Merkins.


3 rounds of 10 minute AMRAP.
10 reps of 3 exercises.
Run around inner path at 5 minute mark.
5 reps of each exercise for remaining time.

Round 1:
Goblet Squats w/ coupon
Bavarian Deadlifts w/ coupon

Round 2:
Iron Mikes
Big Boy Sit-ups w/ coupon
Blockees (Burpee w/ coupon press)

Round 3:
Monkey humpers
Alternating V-ups
Coupon curls

MOLESKINE: Solid mumble chatter throughout as usual here at PT! Unintentional Guitar Hero playlist slaps.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, Spartan race, biscuit run, check the slack!

COT: Patience. I’m struggling with it with the kids at the moment. Constantly reminding myself to take a breathe, give some grace, and take a little longer to connect before responding. Encouragement to Pax to do the same. Where can you find patience with yourself and those around you through the day?

Push/Pull Day

AO: the-knoll
Q: Half Lyfe
PAX: G-string, Puzzlah, Lady Liberty, Pebbles, Sooie, Stubs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Calm, nice 30ish degrees.

WARMUP: SSH, WMH, BAC, BBAC, MDC, Overhead Press, Fast feet taps with down to push up and back up to fast feet taps (similar to football exercise). Mosey to get coupons. Did some karaokes and politicians during mosey.

THE THANG: 10 stations (5 push/pull). Rotated to each station and did 20 reps then once one round complete drop 5 and repeat. Once down to 5 continues with 5 reps until time was up.
1) Merkins
2) Swing row
3) Front Arm Lift with coupon
4) Bands for reverse down
5)Pull ups
6) Overhead press with dumbbells
7) Bicep Curls with coupon
8) Tricep Extension with coupon
9) Dips
10) Bent over rows with coupon

Mosey back to return coupons. Each PAX said something meaningful to them (inspirational, gratitude, motivational, health, etc)

Returned back to playground. Person that guessed number of rounds we would complete in workout got to skip 5 group burpees. Props to Puzzlah for guessing 7 rounds (correct number) and still doing burpees.

MOLESKINE: see above. Each pax can add if they want. Mine was gratitude for finding F3 and all those I have met and have pushed me to improve myself in Fitness/Fellowship/Faith.


COT: count off, nameorama. Prayers offered up. Thank you Lady Liberty for the spoken prayer. Coffee!

Iron & Fire

AO: pain-train
Q: Sooie
PAX: Wolfpack, Half Lyfe, Siri, G-string, Cheeks, Sooie, Stubs, Pitmaster
FNGs: None
Balmy 33 degrees.
Fire playlist courtesy of Wolfpack

Loosen up OYO.
Circle up on our six and fire up the bellows: 30 breaths Wim Hoff style to the rhythm of “We Will Rock You”.
Hammer the Anvil: on the last breath transition to high plank. Exhale. AMRAP merkins on a single breath. TClaps to G-string for getting the most reps…probably like 100 or something.
Plank head, shoulders, knees, and toes 5x OYO
Plank jacks 5x in cadence

Mosey to get cinder blocks.

– 15lb dumbbell farmer carry around the perimeter of the playground holding the dumbbell by the weight rather than the handle. After 1 lap, PAX rotate to next station.
– IYT MERKIN: plyo merkin with hands and feet leave my the ground. Arms make an “I”, then arms make a “Y”, then arms make a “T”
– SUPER IYT: superman position arms in “I” position gripping 5lb dumbbells. Move arms to “Y”, move arms to “T”, back to “Y”, back to “I”

All PAX completed each station. Mosey around the perimeter then repeat. Timer exercise for second round was 12lb dumbbell punches 20x.

New years intentions have a better chance of success in the presence of community.

Hearing regarding ADA compliant equipment to Harpeth Knoll parks Thursday, January 9th. Thanks Stubs for putting this on our radar!

Prayers and requests lifted. Enjoyed the delicious :wolf: :coffee: for coffeeteria

12 Days of Christmas

AO: the-knoll
PAX: Pebbles, Timber, The Banker, morning stār, Stubs, Sparrow, G-string, Bumblebee, Smoltz, Moochi
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a little chilly

WARMUP: -5 motivators
-Baby arm circles 8 forward 7 back
-imperial walkers
-slow squats
-slow push ups
-mosey down to bottom of hill
-5 squats : backwards up hill and jog back
-5 lunges: shuffle sideways up and down hill
-5 squats: run up hill

THE THANG: 12 days of Christmas theme workout. Each day of Christmas you do that number of reps of an exercise.
Day 1- 1 inch worm
day 2- 2 burpees
Day 3 – 3 LT Dans
Day 4- 4 side lunges (2 is 1)
Day 5- 5 hand release mercans
Day 6- 6 squat jumps
Day 7 – 7 Carolina dry docks
Day 8 – 8 mountain climbers (2 is 1)
Day 9 – 9 dips
Day 10- 10 leg lifts
Day 11- 11 dercans
Day 12- 12 step ups (2 is 1)

Once we completed the 12 days of Christmas, we did a pull up ladder with partner starting at 6 reps and working down.

We finished by one partner holding a plank while the other partner ran down to street and back. We alternated for 5 minutes. Finished the last couple of minutes with stretching.

MOLESKINE: Holiday Season can be stressful and a tough time for some, especially those who have lost loved ones or feel stress of travel, gifts, etc. Challenge this year is to first remember what you are celebrating, and then remember to till all those close to you that you love them and appreciate them.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lean PAX starts in January, workout on the 26th is the gift exchange so bring any item or (leftover gift you don’t want) to do a gift exchange.


Long Warmup for an Explosive Workout

AO: pain-train
Q: Siri
PAX: Stubs, Wolfpack, Cheeks, G-string
FNGs: None
Chilly, but refreshing once we started moving.

We took our time warming up with some extended stretching, merkin snacks, moseying, and dynamic warmups for our legs (butt kickers, high knees, etc)

We grabbed 4 cinder blocks and headed to the front doors of the church for our beatdown.

Two teams. One person from each team does Farmers Carry around the perimeter of the parking lot. Everyone else does a designated number of reps of an exercise. When the six is in, the person doing the farmers carry stops and their teammates sprint to where they stopped. New exercise/rep count called out and new person does the farmers carry. Get around the parking lot as fast as possible.
10 big boy sit-ups
20 Sit throughs (each side is half)
30 4-count J-Los
40 Mountain climbers (each side is half)
50 monkey humpers

When the person doing the farmers carry crosses the finish line, their teammates must still finish all their reps. First team to get all their teammates across the finish line wins.

An extended Farmers carry is significantly more difficult than I anticipated. There was a moment where my vision started darkening, and I definitely had a light flavor of blood in my mouth by the end. The whole workout took about 15 minutes tops, even with two laps around the church, but that was all it took to wipe me out.

Butterball Crawl family 5k and 1 mile fun run on T’Giving Day. Also a workout at The Knoll will occur that day.

Prayers for everyone’s holiday coming up.

AOQ Grow School

AO: -f3-nashville-general
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Toothless, Right Said, Young and Restless, Natural Ice – CBO, Firefox, Pebbles, t-cell, hambone, SalPal, Tim the Toolman, Hair Band, F3 Omaha: @Lot Lizard, @g-string
FNGs: None

Hair Band was late so Toothless and the boys took us through a warm up

Once HB finally showed, we moseyed to the hill by the flag and had a relay race.

2 teams
Both teams do burpees
1st person does a 10 burpee buy in then runs up the hill, touches the flag, and them back down tagging the next person
The next person does not have to do the buy since they have been doing burpees the whole time
First team to complete gets to choose next exercise
Rinse repeat
Winning team gets first dibs at breakfast/coffee

During the beatdown HIMs were encouraged to discuss:
1 What “hooked” you into joining F3?
2 What leadership did you witness?

Final Tally
Team 1: IIII
Team 2: II

Breakfast is served

We were joined by Black Lung, Jason Callen (Deep Dish), & one other who i’m forgetting

t-cell shared some wisdom and thoughts surrounding the starting of F3 Nashville. He read some emails sent to him from F3 Charlotte when F3 Nash was first getting kicked off.

We split into two groups and had discussion time prompted by a list of questions the SLT put together. Groups were encouraged to pick the questions that stuck out, not necessarily go through all. :party_parrot: I encourage each of you to read these questions and answer one that sticks out to you below, let’s keep the discussion going!

List of questions:

1 Who is your favorite AOQ? And why? 
2 What makes you afraid of being an AOQ/stepping into leadership? What are your insecurities as an AOQ? 
3 What should the trajectory of an AOQ look like?
4 What makes a quality transition? How can new AOQs be lead best? 
5 What’s the one thing you do that makes your AO successful? 
6 What does success look like as an AOQ? 
7 1⭐️-10⭐️ AOQ experiences? What would perfection look like?
8 What are their experiences as AOQs? 
9 What is a good FNG intake process? 
10 How do we reconnect with Kotters? 
11 How can the AOQ be the Chief Energy Officer?
12 Best practices to achieve? 
13 What makes a good AOQ? 
14 What makes a bad AOQ? 
15 Where are AOQs not performing their duties? 
16 What should the trajectory of an AOQ look like?
17 What makes a quality transition? How can new AOQs be lead best?

– “It’s about the led, not the leader”
– Growth trajectory of AOQ:
1. Aware of breadth of influence:
1. Tone
2. Energy
3. Expectations
4. Connection
5. Give “permission” to others
1. Grow in confidence and skill
2. Set other men on fire to lead and grow

– As soon as you start feeling comfortable in the role, start looking for and investing in your replacement – basically lead before you’re ready and leave before you’re ready. You’re stewarding the time in the role well as a servant leader, not holding onto it forever.
– Personal connection is magic of F3
– Main fear to starting as an AOQ is “will anyone show up?”
– Best AOQs have a “presence,” I.e. they are felt when there and immediately missed when gone, they set the tone
– Many AOQs may stop at the logistics level, but it’s important to be intentional in thinking of the impact beyond logistics
– Big focus should be on growing leaders for sake of not just F3, but for how that shapes them as they go back to their families & workplace

• Cruel Hall Butterball Crawl! See main channel for details

• family & friends going into surgery, HIMs with new borns and babies on the way

Thanks so very much to everyone that attended, I would love to do this again. Special shout out to Toothless, Right Said, Natural Ice – CBO, & Chunks for their invaluable help in planning and putting this together. Additional thanks to t-cell for spending time with us and sharing.

It was a pleasure to Q this, I had an absolute ball.

Rock on,

Hair Band


AO: pain-train
Q: Timber
PAX: G-string, Half Lyfe, Pitmaster, Siri, Stubs, Timber
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 50 degrees

WARMUP: SSH, slow burpees, runner’s lunge stretch (covered core principles, mission, credo)

THE THANG: Run 2.1 loop with a burnout exercise every 5 minutes. Exercises: inverted rows (AMRAP until you have to pause), squat jumps/iron mikes (AMRAP in 1 minute), merkins (AMRAP until you have to pause), lunges for ~100 yards, burpees (AMRAP for 30 sec) right into continuous broad jumps (for 30 seconds)

MOLESKINE: I enjoyed the fellowship on the run; burpees into broad jumps for 1 minute burns; Pitmaster executed a flawless lift of G-string’s gigantic stone (still in the back of his truck from Thursday’s the-knoll beatdown) before departure

ANNOUNCEMENTS: no-noise-november still ongoing

COT: Arnold Schwarzenegger one said that the most important rep in a workout was the last one. Push until you don’t think you can get another rep, and then get one more. May we continue pushing ourselves (sometimes modifying down, sometimes up) to keep getting better.

Thanks for the push this morning!

The Gauntlet

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Cheeks, Sooie, Timber, G-string, Pitmaster, Stubs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Little mist in the air. Perfect to hit the gauntlet.



Timer set to 30 minutes

Cones set out all 10-20 yards apart. Performed an exercise at each cone and movement between cones as listed below:
– Walk
– Squat
– Mosey
– Merkin
– Mosey
– Crunch frog
– Mosey
– Burpee
– Mosey
– Coupon suitcase carry
– Bear crawl
– Sprint

Started with 1 Rep and increased reps by one each lap.

Ended with 5 minutes of breathing and Yoga

Tclaps to G-string and Timber for completing 16 LAPS! That’s 136 reps of squats, merkins, crunchies and burpees. Phew!!

Tclaps to all the PAX who came out and pushed today!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: tussle coming. Volunteers needed.

No Noise November has begun. Grab an accountability partner and tone down the electronic use and tone up self reflection.

COT: Reminder to all PAX that to get stronger you have to add reps. Don’t be afraid to push yourself!