National Parks Road Trip Tabata!

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Sparrow, AAA, Papa Bear, Timber, Wolfpack, morning stār, The Merchant, Pebbles, Tea Party, G-string, Sooie, El Capitan, Bookworm, Fishbiscuit, Tonks, Bumblebee, Eevee
FNGs: 1 Eevee
CONDITIONS: Muggy mid-70s


– Bacs + bacbacs 15x
– Downward dog + cobra + plank leg stretch
– Willie mays hays OYO
– Imperial Walkers 15x
– Motivators to 5


National Parks Road Trip Tabata
(1:45 on, 30 sec. rest, rotate)

It’s good to backpack with a buddy- pair up to visit the Parks together.

1. (Joshua Tree) Hangs Monkey bars
2. (Acadia) Tandem leg-lift thrusters: lie on backs with linked arms, lift & kick sky with both feet
3. (Black Canyon) Dips
4. (Arches) Lieutenant Dans with 18lb. cases
5. (Denali) Coupon floor-to-ceiling (49lb. Case + 29 lb. case + boulders for 2.0’s)
6. (Sequoia) WW2s with axe throws
7. (Everglades) Swing presses
8. (Death Valley) Line touch moseys

Repeat circuit 2x


The National Parks have been called America’s Best Idea. There are few natural places in the world more glorious than the Parks. Visiting one causes you to feel a sense of smallness, wonder, and gratitude for the opportunity to just be “here.”

Some of my favorite memories with my family growing up are at the Parks, especially as our family business began creating National Parks artwork + products.

I encourage each of y’all to go visit the Parks when the opportunity arises & make memories with those you love. Cherish this American heritage that has been preserved for you & your children to enjoy.


Check Slack for the latest F3 news & updates.


Countorama & Nameorama (welcome @Eevee!)

Ended with the Lord’s Prayer & gave thanks to our Father in Heaven for our health & the fellowship of the PAX. It was a joy getting stronger together today.

Thank you Sooie for the Brewie!
