Simple 7s

AO: the-discipline
Q: hambone
PAX: Dylan Wickliffe, Dilbert, Country Parkour, Dizzy Doc
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: post-rain smell

WARMUP: It’s summer–why warmup? My drive from the Great North is enough of a warmup. Let’s roll into it.

THE THANG: We merkined IC x 7, squatted IC x7, and in general had a good mosey around the park.

MOLESKINE: I had a moment of doubt about getting back up that hill on time to end the workout, but we kicked it into gear and finished early.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check the slack machine

COT: Prayers for continued growth

[the-discipline] Welcome to THE DISCIPLINE

AO: the-discipline
Q: hambone
PAX: Chunks, Dilbert, Highway BBQ, Dylan Wickliffe, Under the Table, Country Parkour, Snickers, Hallmark Betty
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cooler than expected

Slight mosey, some SSHs, some squats–simple stuff.

We worked our way down to the bottom of the hill–we stopped to add in some burpees and parking space work.

At the bottom of the hill, the men proceeded to do Quadraphilia and then rest.

MOLESKINE: This is just the start. To keep the discipline, we have to keep repeating


COT: Prayers for the launch of white-house