PSL Hill Work

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Pep, Crawlspace, Young and Restless, Spinal Tap, Salami, caprate, Black Lung, Papa Bear, Old Maid, Right Said, Dirtbag, Tim the Toolman, preacherman, Dragon Spark, Sherlock, Sharkbait, For Closure
FNGs: 1 For Closure
CONDITIONS: Perfectly Pleasant

WARMUP: 30 SSH (I am just going to keep pushing that number up, because everyone starts to stop at 20), Little Baby Arm Circles, OHP, Seal Claps, Light Stretching

THE THANG: Hill Work
Pax Partnered Up. While partner 1 made the loop up and down the hill, partner 2 performed an exercise from the list provided by YHC. Upon returning, partner one performed the same exercise until both completed. Rinse and repeat all the way down the list.

Exercises in order:
**Plank Jacks**
**Mountain Climbers**
**Plank to Push-Up**
**Kraken Burpees**
**Imperial Walkers**
**Nolan Ryans**

**Squats** –
**Peter Parkers*
**Inch Worms**

Pax performed WW1s as we waited on the six.

We ended with Sprints, because 95% of people over the age of 30 will never sprint again.

Sharkbait clocked 2 miles of total running

MOLESKINE: We have 85 days left of pumpkin spice season. Enjoy it while you can.

Mens Group with YHC and Spinal Tap kicking off tonight 7:30 at the Ice Haus.
Wednesday 911 Convergence at the state capitol steps 5:30 launch
SATURDAY 10 year anniversary at Stone wall 6:00 am launch

COT: Prayers for travel and Right Said upcoming surgery

Overtime Pickleball

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Chunks
PAX: Giving Tree, Hot Route, greyalbum, Dragon Spark, Hipster, The Bobs, Grape, Ultratecht, Chemical Brother
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey around the neighborhood

THE THANG: Overtime Pickleball

King of the Court with winner serving. Team that wins the rally stays on the court. Team that loses picks the exercise for the PAX waiting.

Good time had by all and I believe Ultratecht is now hooked on Pickleball. LOL


Don’t focus on criticism from anyone you wouldn’t ask for advice from.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check slack. Lots of stuff going on.

COT: Prayers for the PAX.

Always an honor to lead you HIMs. See y’all soon.

Bust a Move

AO: handsomizer
Q: Old Maid
PAX: Spinal Tap, Rocket Mortgage, Freakonomics, Strutter, caprate, Dragon Spark, Natural Ice, Cuban Missile, Old Maid, Young and Restless, Donkey Hammer, Patty
FNGs: None
Clear, blue, and 22

Good mornings OYO
Hamstring stretches
Willie Mays OYO

Non-stop fun paired with some glorious tunes.

1. Squats – Flower by Moby
2. Mosey to stairs- You Make My Dreams (Come True) by Hall & Oats (3:11)
3. Low Plank, Merkins, Side Planks, more
Merkins — I Love Rock N’ Roll by Joan Jett
4. Stair run (x3) – Watch Your Step by Ted Hawkins
5. Bear Crawls, Tricep Dips, Mosey to turf –
Bust a Move by Young MC
6. Circle Burp (Up Downs) – The Spark by
Kabin Crew
7. SSH, Mosey – Fire In My Soul – Tom
Staar Remix
8. Bicycle Crunches, WWls, American
Hammers — Gas Pedal Dave Audé Remix
9. Frog Jumps, Flying Nuns (Lunge walk with little baby arm circles) – Come and Get Your Love by Redbone
10. Merkins low and slow, Planks – End of the Line by Traveling Wilburys



– Convergence w/ Detention coming up soon
– Natural Ice is looking for 2ndf suggestions
– Something else I can’t remember

– Prayers for those training for half and full marathons
– Prayers for injuries and recovery