Workout in the key of G-string

AO: greenmachine
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: Focker, Esposa, Betty Ford, Breadsticks, baggervance, Grape, moneyshot, Cowboy, Deep State, FeelTheBerns, Haggis
FNGs: None
Warm, light breeze, perfect for a beatdown

– Motivator x7
– BACs
– Back-BACs
– Overhead Claps
– Evolution of Man (There and back)
– 5 yard inchworm
– 10 yard Alligator Crawl
– 15 yard Bear Crawl
– 20 yard Gorilla Run
– 50 yard Sprint to the Endzone

(Split into two teams and each team takes a sandbag)
Two Rounds of both relays

– Team is all in high plank
– one-by-one each PAX does 10 endorphins
– Run ten yards and return to plank (Al Gore when you fail plank)
Losing team does five burpees
Another relay
– Team does slow squats
– PAX with the sandbag does 15 thrusters
Losing team does five burpees

Back on the line for a burner. Twenty yards of lunges, twenty merkins, then lunge back and twenty more merkins.

Twenty yards burpee broad jumps with twenty squats at the end. Return with the same MOT and squats at the end zone

– High plank while we went over the mission, core principles, and credo. 5 Merkins after each.
– Slow ass leg raises x20
– Penguin Heel taps x20

My dad wasn’t the most present father when I was growing up, but he was adamant about faith. And one of his favorite quotes when I was being a typical teenager was “honor your father and mother.” There came a day when I was in college when I realized “honor” and “obey” are NOT the same. There is honor and respect in telling your father when he has done wrong. There is love in correction. Even correction of a parent/family member.

Murder mile (no clue what it is actually called) coming up in April
Any of y’all are welcome to come to workouts at the brig where I am AOQ. It’s Wednesdays @ Grassland park 5:45am
Biscuit Run Saturday, March 2. (message me if you want details on either)

Intentions were shared, prayers were said

What’s the name of the dwarf kingdom?

AO: greenmachine
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Works for a Guy, FeelTheBerns, EZ-Go, Sherlock, Cowboy, Deep State, Black Lung, Esposa, Firefox, t-cell, moneyshot, Focker, monster biscuit, Betty Ford, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Too hot for a hoodie


10 Walk out push ups
20 Imperial walkers
10 Hillbillies
Willy Mays Hayes

Our F3 fellowship had to deliver the Ring (bumper plate) to Mt. Doom. There were 4 stops on our journey with a weighted exercise at every station.

Rivendell – 3 reps for the elven kings
Pick up 15lb ring
IP run around track
– 3 mercs w ring and pass down
– Everyone mercs while we wait

Moria – 7 reps for dwarf lords
Pick up 15lb ring
IP run around track
– 7 ring presses
– Everyone mountain climbers while we wait

Gondor – 9 reps for mortal men
Pick up 25lb ring
IP run around track
– 9 ring squats
– Everyone air squats while we wait

Mt. Doom – 1 ring to rule them all
Pick up 35lb ring
IP run around track
– Overhead ring carry up bleachers
– Everyone burpees while we wait

MARY and Pippin:
Hold 6in until time

Last week of #leanpax!
Brewruck next Tuesday
Potential CSAUP at Greenmachine upcoming

Haggis job search
EZ-Go kids school change

Always a pleasure to be with this crew. Solid showing, solid effort, solid gainz!


Wake up, It’s The First of the Month

AO: greenmachine
Q: Goose
PAX: moneyshot, Cowboy, Black Lung, Sherlock, Betty Ford, Deep State, Works for a Guy, Topanga, FeelTheBerns, Movin On Up, t-cell, Hagus
FNGs: None

Forward Fold, Willie mays hays, Cherry pickers x2

Indian Runs 2 laps

Adora: 300 squats and 300 LBC while partner runs to midfield.

100 yard lunge

Adora: 500 SSH while partner runs to midfield

Circle of Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tuesday Brewsday at the Capital View Juice Bar on Tuesday!

No Abs

AO: detention
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Focker, Topanga, Works for a Guy, EZ-Go, Deep State, Accounts Receivable, Movin On Up, Esposa
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Snowflakes ❄️

WARMUP: mosey to playground

Arm Circles
Mountain Walkers
Knee to Elbow
Plank Toe Touches

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


6 min EMOMs + 2 down and back sprints after each exercise

45/15 Swings
45/15 Deadlift High Pull
45/15 Thrusters
30/30 Decline Merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: BrewRuck coming up after #leanpax, Prayers for @nancy

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Good to be with you this morning

FeelTheBerns V-2024-Q

AO: greenmachine
Q: FeelTheBerns
PAX: Cowboy, Deep State, Topanga, Focker, Movin On Up, Grape, Betty Ford, FeelTheBerns, Rocket Mortgage, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Extreme fog, miserable rain, balmy 60 degrees, no moneyshot

WARMUP: SSH, Black Friday/Good Mournings OYO, WMH OYO

The Pax were led down a dark alley to a secluded parking garage, where they were assigned a partner, and proceeded to complete
– 50 Burps
– 150 Ceiling Touches
– 250 WW1s
– 100 Ceiling Touches
– Completed individually while your partner orbited the lower-level of the garage, forward lap and Bernie Lap

The event concluded with a ring of fire to 180 ‘merican’s.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many, please see Slack. Focker provided an update on Nancy, who we hold in all of our prayers.

SHOUTOUTS: Focker provided navigational support, and supplied the Spirit, while Grape supplied the tunage. We are deeply appreciative for their support of my Qs.

RESULTS: I, and several other PAX, had the DOMS for the following 2 days, including in my feet. a Bottom 5 Q, living up the originally promised misery.

Getting Back in the Groove

AO: detention
Q: Toothless
PAX: Works for a Guy, Movin On Up, EZ-Go, Deep State, Esposa, Donkey Hammer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp, but a little light creeping in the sky now and some warmth that comes with it. Some said it was almost like running on the beach… :sunglasses:

PLAYLIST: Earth, Wind, & Fire to get back in the GROOVE!

Mosey to pavilion, grab a block on the way
– Side straddle hops x 30
– High knees
– Windmills
– Butt kickers
– Carrot pullers
– Willy mays hays

– Active warmups to and from middle
– A skips, B skips, karaoke, low shuffle, 50% run


11s V1
– Rows, each side is half
– Hand release merkins
– Lunge to middle, mosey back

11s V2
– Goblet squats
– Big boy sit-ups
– Mosey both ways

4 Corners
Partnered, Dora style, one exercise at each corner, group waits for six before rotating to next corner

Travel is to run the available square twice, with a mosey on the long sides and a shuffle when moving across

– 50 Ten count Body Builders with block (tacks on an overhead press with block)
– 100 Supermans
– 200 Dry docks
– 400 American hammers

Had too much fun with the 11’s and 10 count body builders, ran out of time on our 400 American Hammers. Ah well, there’s always time for more abs later. All the PAX were feeling good to be back.

– A yellow card in leanpax still means you’re in the game, get back on the horse! 3 weeks left, ends the day before the superbowl
– 2.0 walk/ruck this Saturday AM, Focker for details
– The Hunger Games™ at @Natural_Ice ‘s on Saturday PM, co-Q’d by the game master @Firefox

As always, it was an honor to lead. Thanks for the opportunity!
— Toothless :tooth:

Back to School

AO: detention
Q: Grape
PAX: Movin On Up, Esposa, Topanga, Works for a Guy, Accounts Receivable, EZ-Go, Deep State, Focker
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, seal claps, OH claps, 1+ mile “heard it through the grapevine” run around the hood

THE THANG: Dora 1-2-3 with coupons

100 Burpees
200 Sumo squats
300 OH press (modified to chest press halfway through)
Partner ran parking lot loop

Sprints at various percentages (60, 67, 80, 100, 98, 90, 82, 75, @esposa speed, etc.)

5 MoM


Hendersonville rising on 1/13 at 6am

COT: prayers for @focker to have patience and a longer fuse with family, prayers for @ez-go to have peace about middle schoolers and grades, praise for @accountsrecievable and continued blessing of marriage counseling

It was an honor gentlemen!! Thanks for having me!


2024 NYD Convergence – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

AO: greenmachine
Q: Toothless , Michelin Man
PAX: Works for a Guy, faulkner, Black Lung, morning star, Red Skull, Crawlspace, Michelin Man, Vector, Deep State, Esposa, Spinal Tap, hambone, Pop-A-Lock, McAfee, 40 Minutes, Chunks, moneyshot, Wolfpack, sooner, DintyMoore, Natural Ice, Grape, Toothless, Cuban Missile, baggervance, Haggis,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp, overcast, still, expectant


– 24 x Side Straddle Hops
– 12 x Willy Mays Hays, 2 each side
– 12 x Cherry Pickers
– 12 x Butt Kickers
– 12 x High Knees
– 12 x Windmills
– 12 x Good Mornings

Count off by 5s, take a lap and line up at the far goal line


12’s – Round 1
– Hand Release Merkins
– Squat Jumps
– Bernie both ways for travel

Field Work
– Group up in teams, bear crawl 100 yds as a group
– Bear leads the group, all others lunge, side lunge, or broad jump for travel
– Stop and collect every 25 yds for 10 burpees done as individuals (including endzone)
– Repeato! Drop burpees to 5 at each 25 yds

Stair Work
– Stay in groups, run 24 flights as a group, up and down counts as one, split up flights however you like
– Runner calls out exercise for the rest of the group to perform while runner runs flights

12s – Round 2 (12 + 12 = 24!)
– Big Boy Sit-Ups
– Double count Dips
– Mosey for travel

– Sprint both ways
– 70% to 15 & back, to 20 & back
– 80% to 25 & back, to 30 & back
– 90% to 30 & back


– 24 x Happy Crunchy Frogs
– 24 x J-Lo’s
– 24 x Flutter Kicks


– #leanpax starts tomorrow, ends the day before the Super Bowl, sign-up sheet is in the channel
– Convergence at #iiipillars tomorrow 1/2 with #middle-tooth traveling to #iiipillars
– Hendersonville kick-off on Saturday 1/13, @Sunshine for details
– 4:13 is back in action week after next, week of 1/15
– One more big one from @Michelin_Man, but that will come later from him!

It was an honor leading you this AM, and it continues to be an honor to serve the PAX of F3 Nashville! Best way I could have asked for to start out the new year – thank you HIM for all you bring to F3, your communities, and our city!

Say Boney M three time fast……

AO: cruelhall
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Accounts Receivable, EZ-Go, moneyshot, Winona, Deep State, blackwidow, Esposa, baggervance, Pedialyte, YHC
FNGs: None
Glad to be welcomed back in The Shire on a Cruel Friday.
Coming in hot makes for too
Disclaimer + Capri Lap

Warmarama –  Bro-Ga, Runners Stretch

Gather Coupons and head to the Bus Hill.

The Thang – Some college football conferences have been rightsized at the expense of others. So we chose our reps based on number of teams in each conference.
For the ACC 17 reps Chop at bottom of hill
For the Big 10 18 reps Curl at top of the hill
For the Big 12 16 reps Press at bottom of hill
For the Pac 12 2 reps Partner squat at top of hill
For the SEC 16 reps Hammers at bottom of hill
For the Sooners 16 reps at bottom of hill cause they are my favorite.

Mosey to pavillion
Tabata for 10 exercises 2 rounds – 25 sec on and 15 secs rest. Partner Up for last exercise.
One Leg dead lifts (Coupon Optional)
Hand Release Merkins
Sit Outs
Coupon Press
Step Ups
Decline Merkins
Marine Crunches – Partner holds legs
Swap with Partner for Marine Crunches

Return Coupons

Mary – PAX Choice
And Time ……

COT – Counterama, Namearama
BOM – Gather our senses to prepare to meet the day.

The Official End of Octoburpee

AO: detention
Q: ccr
PAX: ccr, Deep State, Donkey Hammer, Esposa, EZ-Go, Focker, Michelin Man, Movin On Up, Pedialyte, t-cell, Topanga, Winona, Works for a Guy
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS:. Gloomiest day in awhile. Steady rain, steady sweat

WARMUP: some stretching, some quick yoga and some arm circles forward and back. Also 10 slow and low merkins for good measure

THE THANG: well, everyone thought yesterday was the end of the octoburpee challenge. Today was a bonus day. We started with a sequence of 3 burpees, high plank and then another exercise. We did 10 total rounds mixing in merkins, dry docks, thrusters and low plank. 33 burpees.

Next was some ole fashioned 11s. Burpees and jump squats. 55 more burpees for a total of 88.

Last was some tabata work featuring atomics, sumo squats, 8 count body builders, WWI, low plank-high plank, lt. dans, BURPEES, heel touches and sprints. 16 more (for me) burpees for a total of 104 for the morning.

MARY: a quick Mary a ding in a few good mornings closed us out.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Not a ton of announcements from corporate or the AO, but @movinonup gave us a scouting report on Will Levi’s. He was good.

COT: prayers for the Tursi family in Des Moines and Rachel’s uncle Burl. Shared a quote A heard in a song and realized later was from proverbs. “God promises a safe landing, not a smooth journey”. This struck me last week as I was pondering some sad events and reminded me to keep my eyes farther down the road and know that we will all weather the ups and downs.

Great to be back fellas, Deep State, appreciate the invite as always.
