Sprint and Turf

AO: handsomizer
Q: Freakonomics
PAX: Natural Ice, Black Lung, Patty, Detective Pikachu, caprate, Cuban Missile, Baguette, Grape
FNGs: None
Mozy around the turf
Low and slow merkins – 15
Low and slow squats – 15
Little Baby Circles – 15
Little Baby Circles Reverse – 15
Air press
Willie Mays Hayes
Good mornings
Hamstring stretch

Main thang
2 rounds of sprint races in pairs. Losing team does 10 burpees. Winning does side straddle hops.

Repeat 4 exercises – merkins, squats, dry docks, Superman.
Start with 12 of each, run around the turf, 11 of each, around, 10… Black Lung actually got down to one!

7 minutes of Mary.
Cot & prayer.

handsomizer will be closed next week, Nov 15, for a convergence at bomber with a name that tune challenge led by Chunks. See you there next week!

Compounding (Pain)terest

AO: handsomizer
Q: Patty
PAX: Chunks, Black Lung, Roadrunner, Cuban Missile, Spinal Tap, Wedding Singer, Salami, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, Spear, Patty, Achilles, Los Tigres, Pharmacist
FNGs: None

Cherry Pickers (15)
Good Mornings
Willie Mays Hayes
LBAC forward/backward
Runners Stretch

Unorganized bear crawl, crab walk
Merkins (10)

Incline Merkins
Run the loop and repeat. Started with 1 rep and doubled each time until 32.


CruelHall gets Handsome!

AO: cruelhall
Q: Freakonomics
PAX: Donkey Hammer, EZ-Go, Pedialyte, Matador, Mistah Mistah, Works for a Guy, Old Maid, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Cuban Missile, Freakonomics, Fortran
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark and cool

WARMUP: SSH, Low and Slow Squats and Merkins, Little Baby Arm Circles, Willie Mays Hays and Good Mornings

Handsomizer men on one line, CruelHall men on the other. Run to the center, 10 reps 2-man clap pushups. lunge back. Repeat 5 times for 50 push up reps total.

Start with 12 reps each of five exercises. Bicep curl (coupon), overhead press (coupon), overhead tricep extension (coupon), rows or pull-ups, squats (2 count). Run around the covered area, repeat with 11 reps. Run, repeat with 10, etc. Your Q got down to 7 reps.

Six minutes of Mary – somehow the most low-ab exercises I’ve ever done.

Nashville Chili Cookoff is coming up. Check 2ndf and with Natural Ice for details.
Old Maid family sickness and stress for mrs.
Pedialyte’s sister is expecting her second child at any moment!

[nashvillemarthaon] Marathon Prep

AO: nashville-half-marthaon
Q: Hair Band , Cuban Missile
PAX: Hair Band, Cuban Missile
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool, damp, rock and roll vibe

WARMUP: nada

THE THANG: runnin

MOLESKINE: hills are hard but nevertheless we persist

– AOQ Grow School Sat Oct 12th tel:0600-0800 at Stonewall
– Marathon/ Half marathon Oct 26th 0700 First Horizon Park
– Tennessee Tussle Sat Nov 9th at Broken Wheel in Nolensville

• prayers for blue liner as he continues to make his recovery
• prayers for Chunks and family in the wake of the loss of his grandmother
• general health and wellness

Rock on,

Hair Band


AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: caprate, Cuban Missile, Spinal Tap, Strutter, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, Shotz
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Rainy in the best way “You Only Get Wet Once”

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Stretching

THE THANG: – – Death by Burpees – –

YHC ran a 1 minute timer and every minute we performed 5 burpees. In between burpees a “resting” exercise was called to give a “break” between sets. Pax performed lunges, bear crawls, LT Dans, and various forms of merry.

Pax made it through 36 sets for a total of 180 burpees but felt called to beat the record I set at greenmachine last year. A final 21 were tagged at the end bringing the total count to 201 burpees.

MOLESKINE: – “My Body Hurts” Spinal Tap


Chili Cook Off – Oct 20th 1-3 pm – bring your 2.0s and Ms
Wolfpack is on Q – more details tbd

AOQ Grow School – October 12th 6 am to 8 am at stonewall
Hair Band on Q

COT: Lifted Prayer

#cruelhall heads north

AO: handsomizer
Q: Donkey Hammer
PAX: Focker, Patty, Freakonomics, Cuban Missile, Michael Freiburg, Young and Restless, Mistah Mistah, caprate, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Old Maid, Red Skull, Globetrotter
FNGs: 1 Globetrotter
65 and pleasant

SSH, GM, WMH, IW, hillbillies
Thoracic rotations
High plank -> right/left foot forward with rotation
Prone snow angel
Prone scorpion
Down dog to up dog
Side lying shoulder rotation
Jane Fondas
Supine pigeon
Straight leg raises – R, L, B

Dips x 25

Tabata – 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off x 3 rounds
Elevated shoulder taps
Step ups
Mtn climbers
Lateral lunges

Dips x 25

11’s ( although we only had time for about 4 rounds)
Kick throughs at the top/atomic merkins at the bottom

Jog back to the start

What a great day to get out with the men on handsomizer. A few of the cruelhall made it out and it was a great time. Looking forward to you guys traveling south on October 4th for a visit. It was an honor to lead.

September 11th convergence at Capitol steps at 5:30am

10th Anniversary convergence September 14th at stonewall. Starts at 6am.

Half marathon training is ongoing. Nashville Half Marathon is October 26th. Join the nashville-half-marthaon channel if interested.

Congratulations Patty on your upcoming marriage. Wonderful news!

Welcome, @Globetrotter!

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Let’s continue to be there for each other in pursuit of being the best version of ourselves

It was a great morning. Thank you for letting me join in.

a vertical take of F3 Race City’s #theProstitute

AO: handsomizer
Q: Strutter
PAX: Freakonomics, Old Maid, Salami, Rocket Mortgage, Cuban Missile, Patty, Strutter, Hemmingway
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Hot but at least there was no breeze.

10 IC Hillbillies
10 IC Abe Vigodas/Windmills

THE THANG: Mosey to the parking garage. This workout is typically performed around a city block, today we used floors of the parking garage. The exercises were performed in the patern as follows:

The exercises were as follows:
1- 5 burpees
2- 10 merkins oyo
3- 15 slow deep squats in cadence
4- 20 Carolina Dry Docks
5- 25 LBC in cadence
6- just a quick turn around

Each exercise was followed by a short Mosey to the opposite end of the parking garage. So there were a lot of ups and downs.

MOLESKINE: It was interesting to see a few people lined up to see Green Day tonight at Geodis.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Labor Day convergence.
September 11th convergence.

COT: Prayers for peace for Patty’s friend Tom.
Hemingway asked for prayers for his Aunt and a cousin.

Bust a Move

AO: handsomizer
Q: Old Maid
PAX: Spinal Tap, Rocket Mortgage, Freakonomics, Strutter, caprate, Dragon Spark, Natural Ice, Cuban Missile, Old Maid, Young and Restless, Donkey Hammer, Patty
FNGs: None
Clear, blue, and 22

Good mornings OYO
Hamstring stretches
Willie Mays OYO

Non-stop fun paired with some glorious tunes.

1. Squats – Flower by Moby
2. Mosey to stairs- You Make My Dreams (Come True) by Hall & Oats (3:11)
3. Low Plank, Merkins, Side Planks, more
Merkins — I Love Rock N’ Roll by Joan Jett
4. Stair run (x3) – Watch Your Step by Ted Hawkins
5. Bear Crawls, Tricep Dips, Mosey to turf –
Bust a Move by Young MC
6. Circle Burp (Up Downs) – The Spark by
Kabin Crew
7. SSH, Mosey – Fire In My Soul – Tom
Staar Remix
8. Bicycle Crunches, WWls, American
Hammers — Gas Pedal Dave Audé Remix
9. Frog Jumps, Flying Nuns (Lunge walk with little baby arm circles) – Come and Get Your Love by Redbone
10. Merkins low and slow, Planks – End of the Line by Traveling Wilburys



– Convergence w/ Detention coming up soon
– Natural Ice is looking for 2ndf suggestions
– Something else I can’t remember

– Prayers for those training for half and full marathons
– Prayers for injuries and recovery

Dragonslaying and Other Recreational Activities

AO: handsomizer
Q: SalPal
PAX: Black Lung, Freakonomics, Strutter, Cuban Missile, Rocket Mortgage, Frasier, Betty Ford, Patty, Natural Ice, Blueliner
FNGs: None


THE THANG: Tiamat is a legendary five headed dragon goddess with high armor class, limited magical immunity, elemental resistance, the works.

How do you take down this dragon? Sweet sweet sustained damage per second.

Start with 1 Durpee at the bottom of the stairs. Run up to each landing and back, doing a durpee at the bottom. Each landing is 5 Dips, 5 Derkins, 5 Dive Bombers, 5 Diamond Merkins.

Repeato, increase Durpee by 1 and landing reps by 5. Finish doing 5 durpees at the bottom and 25 reps at each landing.

MOLESKINE: Black Lung made a healing joke. I laughed/coughed up blood.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: A lot happening. Bourbon run (see Strutter), Brew Ruck, Hunger Games, Night Moves, Castle Run, Gulliver’s Travels.

Lift up the men who need F3.

SKA is not only a musical genre…. it’s a lifestyle

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Freakonomics, Salami, Blueliner, Cuban Missile, Strutter, BCG (F3 Harrisburg PA), Detective Pikachu, Red Skull, Spinal Tap, Old Maid, Natural Ice
FNGs: None
The majority of my musical teenage taste was focused on Rock and pretentiously seeking out Indie music. However my punk rock friends and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 added a little SKA flavor to my Youth. After seeing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4nKY1QfWvg about Bart SKA-mpson, I felt inspired to dig into the genre and torture the PAX with my findings.

CONDITIONS: Amazing Sunrise

Mosey to the Stairs. PAX was informed that is the SKA man started yelling “Get it Up Get it Up Get it Up” we would have to stop what we are doing and run up the stairs…… spoiler alert that happened a few times.

SSH, LBAC, Seal Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs, OHP, Merkins
SKANKING – SKA version of an imperial walker – arms are more loose and your kind of hoping. Its a SKA thing…

Stair Run Race in pairs
Crossed soccer field with 2 lunges and a burpee broad jump, returned by SKANKing
Stair Run
Short 1 minute tabata – Reverse Lunges, Merkins
Stair Run
Bear Crawl down the soccer Field
Stair Run
Slow Alabama Prom Dates, Freddy Merks and Supermans
Stair Run, and second stair run to get the speaker 🙂

MOLESKINE: Its ok to like Bad Music, Dont Yuk the Their Yum

www.nashvillesc.com/geodispark/events/5k July 8th at 7pm here at the Handsomizer location

Hunger Games Round 3 – BBQ and Board Games July 12 at 7pm at the Ice Haus

August 2nd Detective Pikachu is moving and needs your help. Beer and Pizza to be provided

COT: Praise for Detective Pikachu M getting a job at higher than asking salary

Cafe Prius