Always have a buddy!

AO: thestronghold
Q: toga
PAX: Chunks, Dan and Dave, Red Skull, Right Said, Dan Tanna, toga, Skeet, Decaf, C Sharp, Snapper, DreamCast, Old McDonald, Coon Skin, Slash, Pearl, Vera Wang, Big Country, Old G, Humble Boxer, The Raptor(Miami), Zorro, Speedway, Filet O Fish, Ten Pack
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to the gravel lot for some calisthenics and the always fun, scorpion stretch amongst the rocks.

THE THANG: Partner up with instructions to spend the rest of the workout with you partner. Work together and finish together!
Part 1: Execute Bear Crawls and Polar Bears down the gravel lot and back. Form up in 2 columns and mosey to the lot across from the STEM school.
Part 2: Partner carry across the slot, flapjack and return to the other side of the slot. Execute the same with wheelbarrows and repeato 2x more.
Part 3: mosey the entrance to the STEM school where P1 executes 12 rows on the bar while P2 hold people’s chair. Flapjack and repeato 2x more times. The PAX (RA!) did this without starting till everyone was holding the chair and mounted the bar and could not complete until everyone was done.
The finish: mosey back to the home lot, quick marry and done!

MOLESKINE: It’s always humbling to lead and know that the PAX (RA!) will follow your lead for the duration of the workout. This is always a gift, but it’s especially humbling when you realize all the change these men are dealing with. RESPECT!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: It’s been 6 years of our F3/4:13 symbiotic relationship. YHC can only hope that the men of 4:13 are getting as much out of this as the men of F3. Here’s to 6 more!

COT: Prayers for Chunk’s grandmother who is in hospice and for the strength, health and will of the men in 4:13. Let’s keep the 40 days rolling!

Stay Classy,

Me Myself and I

AO: the-discipline
Q: Chunks
PAX: Chunks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool but humid

WARMUP: 20 SSHs, Willie Mays Hayes and other stretches

THE THANG: 3 mile run tour of White House.

MOLESKINE: Grateful for F3 and all you men. Being able to run 3 miles by myself is because of the all the encouragement of you HIMs over the past two years. Let’s keep looking for ways to share F3 and grow this area. There are a lot of men that need this more than they know. Strength and Honor – Chunks


COT: Requesting prayers for my family. My grandmother had a stroke yesterday morning and now unresponsive. Hospice is here doing there thing. Thanks men.

Tortoise & Hare, S5E1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Young and Restless, Focker, Skeet, Michelin Man, Hair Band, Natural Ice, Right Said, Crawlspace, Chunks, Tater (Skeets 2.0), Dopplerganger (F3 Smokies), C Sharp, Zoro, Pearl, Snapper, Speedway, World Tour, Ten Pack, Crockett, Slash
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 75 degrees and humid with a nice mist for the finish

WARMUP: The standard pre-run warm-up: SSH, IWs, Squats, Stretching

THE THANG: RUN!! Three miles plus more to pick up the six

MOLESKINE: It is great to be back at it after a two week break. It is a little heavy knowing that 15 men are counting on 4:13 Strong to help them rewrite their future, but the load is much lighter knowing that my F3 brothers are here to help. Thank you all for showing up this morning.

COT: Prayers for family, healing, strength, focus and growth.

F3 Nashville 10th Anniversary Workout

AO: stonewall
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Chunks, moneyshot, DintyMoore, Grape, Black Lung, Focker, hambone, Strutter, Midwife, floppydisk, FLO, Young and Restless, Works for a Guy, Vector, Hi-Viz, osha, Natural Ice, Toothless, Right Said, McAfee, Michelin Man, Spinal Tap, caprate, Siri, Dewey, Cowboy, Zelenskyy, Salami, EZ-Go, sooner, Splitter, Jason Callen (Deep Dish), Pep, Wolfpack, Skinny Pop
FNGs: 1 Skinny Pop
36 PAX posted at the birthplace of F3 Nashville to celebrate 10 years of making better men.


Medium mosey to Soccer Field for COP, all x 10
– Groiners
– Newtons Cradle

Quick mosey to Sunnyside Mansion to show them that we’re all Men from U.N.C.L.E. This phase of the workout honors Jesse “Uncle” Wilker who flew in from Charlotte, NC to teach a handful of us about F3 and prep us for launch approximately 3650 days ago.

Partner up. With P1 running a lap around Sunnyside Mansion, P2 performs reps of the following exercises until they reach 100 cumulative for each.
– Uneven Merkins (aka Staggered Merkins)
– Newton’s Cradle (2 is 1)
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Lunges (1 is 1)
– Elbows to Knees (alternating sides every 10 reps or so)

Abs of choice while waiting for six.

Mosey to Tennis Courts

Line up along court #1 doubles sideline for some shuttle runs. PAX perform 10 jump squats followed by a shuttle run to center service line, court #2 doubles sideline, court #2 center service line, and court #2 far doubles sideline. Drop one rep and repeat all the way down to 1 Jump Squat and a shuttle.

Sticking around the courts, PAX circled up for everybody’s favorite jerk, Jack Webb: Merkins and Air Presses in a 1:4 ratio. We took this one all the way up to 10:40, and everyone LOVED it.

Mosey to Sunnyside Hill

Lining up with previous partner at the base of the hill, P1 performed LBCs while P2 sprinted up to the flag. RnR x 3.

Since we didn’t get here alone, one last AYG with everybody together up the hill before a mosey back to the startex.

– Boxcutters x 10
– Crunchy Frogs x 10 (missed you t-cell)

One ten-second good morning to close things out!


It was truly an honor to lead this workout. I had no idea what the heck I was getting into 10 years ago, but I’m glad I didn’t let that stop me. Really grateful for the all the men that have stepped up to lead along the way. Whether it’s been as a workout Q, an AOQ, or a position at the regional level, you are making me and countless others better for it. I don’t take that for granted. Nor should you.

Can’t wait to see what the next decade holds!

Also, a special thanks to all of you who brought coffee, baked goods, and other refreshments for extended coffeeteria. What a great way to end!

Prayers for job changes, job searches, ailments, and recoveries.! Deadline to orders yours is 10/5.

PA out.

100 8 Count Body Builder Finale

AO: thestronghold
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Young and Restless, Ripcord, Dan and Dave, Dan Tanna, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Chunks, toga, Red Skull, Natural Ice, Longway, Fivepoints, Speedwalker, Skidmark, Baby Boy, Trajectory, Tempertantrum, Lightweight
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, WHaze, and a nice Mosey

THE THANG: Each of the men from 413 Strong, took turns sharing lessons learned over the last 7 weeks in the program and then lead the group in a set of five 8 count Body Builders. Red Skull kick us off and I closed out the set for a solid 50.

Pax took a mosey toward the startdex and repeated the format, this time the men shared Goals for the future with Red Skull closing out with a challenge to push through the next stage of the program.

MOLESKINE: Trust the Process, Set Realistic and Attainable Goals. Do not sell yourself short and Do Not Give Up

COT: Prayers for Health, Future Jobs, and Perseverance

I am thankful to have gotten to know this group of men and I am looking forward to catching up and hearing about their progress.


The Final Tortoise & Hare

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Crawlspace, Right Said, Chunks, Michelin Man, Focker, tampalibra, hambone, Judy, Young and Restless, Skechers, Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Skid Mark, Long Way, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 72 degrees – perfect running weather!

WARMUP: Standard T&H warmup routine – SSH, IWs Squats, Leg Stretches

THE THANG: Partner up and RUN!!! Five PRs this morning and two others beat their six week average time. Overall a great effort by this group of determined men.

MOLESKINE: It is always easier to do hard things when you are doing it with someone else. Thank you for the consistency in coming out to run with this class. It made a huge difference. I think this is the fastest class we have ever had, and a lot of that credit goes to the running partners that encouraged the 4:13 Strong men to keep going.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day is this Friday, 8/30 at 11:30am. All are welcome. It is a fun way to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of these 8 men.

Reminder – No Tortoise & Hare for the next 3 weeks. We will have our first run with a brand new class on Tuesday, 9/24

COT: Skid Mark closed us out in prayer this morning.

Tortoise & Hare, Episode 5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Crawlspace, Right Said, Michelin Man, Focker, hambone, Longhorn, Decaf, Young and Restless, Chunks, Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Skid Mark, Long Way, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 66 degrees – a perfect morning for a run

WARMUP: Five Points led us through the warm up this morning. SSH, IWs, Squats, Leg Stretch, WMHs

THE THANG: Find your Pace Group and RUN!!! We had two PRs this morning: Temper Tantrum at 26:40 and Five Points with a new PR and class record 25:36. This is the fifth consecutive run that Five Points has brought home a new PR!

MOLESKINE: The F3 participation in our morning runs is making such a huge difference. I don’t think that we have ever had a class with so many sub 30 runners.

Next Tuesday is the final run with this class. I am expecting to see 8 PRs to close down this installment of Tortoise & Hare. Make plans to join us for the final run.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day for this class is Friday, 8/30 at 11:30am. Join us for this fun celebration and stick around for a great lunch.

COT: Prayers for strength, endurance and thanks for new life.

We’ve Got This One in the Bag

AO: the-castle
Q: hambone
PAX: Grape, Cowboy, hambone, Chunks, Pep, “Just Tom”
FNGs: 1 “Just Tom”
CONDITIONS: Nice as nice can be for August in Middle Tennessee!

WARMUP: We don’t do that here.

THE THANG: FNG Tom showed up. As we introduced ourselves he realized we had funny names and said, “I’m just Tom”. Just. Tom. Of course Tom is excited to get a name, but we don’t do that here until the 2nd post.

We brought our buddy (60lb sandbag) on our travels this morning.

Indian Run and share with our buddy. We made sure to swap the buddy off appropriately. We did a bit of Strutter’s prostitute route, but then we doubled back and hit the other side of the highway.

On the other side, we did a neat rotation of:

1. One guy runs ~600 meters
2. One guy holds the buddy (sandbag dead hang)
3. One guy planks
4. One guy promdates and holds

We then headed back to meet Chunks and Pep (who creeped out of the back of his car)

MOLESKINE: Grape mentioned that the uphill really torched his calves. He was also coming back from an IT band injury, so impressive work by the best fruit I know.

Cowboy came for a relaxing Saturday, and the 2ish miles we got in our travels were a fraction of what he gets down south. That said, our bag buddy hopefully made it worth it.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Go check slack to see what your bros are doing in the Nashville region.

COT: Prayers for Cowboy’s mother!!

One missed prayer was for hambone’s father; the old man turn 70 on Saturday. Never expected to see that day.

Tortoise & Hare, episode 4

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Crawlspace, Right Said, Michelin Man, Hair Band, Chunks, Natural Ice, hambone, SalPal (retired), bluemule, Focker, Judy, Decaf, DintyMoore, Spammer (Charlotte), Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Unc, Skid Mark, Long Way, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Unbelievable beautiful mid-August morning – 68 degrees and a break in the humidity.

WARMUP: Standard pre-run warmup – SSH, HBWs, Squats, Leg Stretches, WMH OYO.

THE THANG: Find your Pace Partner and RUN!! Congrats to Judy and Focker for bringing their group in with a PR two weeks in a row! We had a total of 4 PRs this morning among the 4:13 Strong men. Thank you to my F3 brothers for such a strong showing and for being so encouraging.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 Convergence, The Struggle on 11/1, Tennessee Tussle on 11/9

COT: Prayers for focus, strength and endurance.