Overtime Pickleball

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Chunks
PAX: Giving Tree, Hot Route, greyalbum, Dragon Spark, Hipster, The Bobs, Grape, Ultratecht, Chemical Brother
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey around the neighborhood

THE THANG: Overtime Pickleball

King of the Court with winner serving. Team that wins the rally stays on the court. Team that loses picks the exercise for the PAX waiting.

Good time had by all and I believe Ultratecht is now hooked on Pickleball. LOL


Don’t focus on criticism from anyone you wouldn’t ask for advice from.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check slack. Lots of stuff going on.

COT: Prayers for the PAX.

Always an honor to lead you HIMs. See y’all soon.

Case of the Mondays

AO: toratoratora
Q: Goose
PAX: 40 Minutes, The Bobs, Ultratecht, Culture Shock, Daylight, Giving Tree, Invictus, Longcut, Chemical Brother
FNGs: None
Conditions: Perfect
Warmup: Forward Fold, Willie Mays Hays, Arms stretches, Forward Fold
-Lunges, 10 squates every 5 strides
-Dora: 200 merkins, squats, WW1s, SSH while partner runs
Circle of Mary