Repetitive Back and Forth Movement Will Not Back the HIM’s Spirit

AO: greenmachine
Q: SalPal
PAX: DintyMoore, Cowboy, moneyshot, Michelin Man, Shania, Works for a Guy, Canned Heat, Grape
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to Football field. Start with 5 BBSitups at endzone, bearcrawl to 10 yard line, 1 Lt. Dan, mosey back to endzone. Repeato, add 10 yards and 1 Lt. Dan each time (think bear crawl Agassi’s) until getting to the other endzone.

THE THANG: Same as warmup, except 5 burpees at the endzone and burpees every ten yards.

MOLESKINE: no music, lots of panting.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Leanpax, NYD convergence, Juice-Day.

COT: Choose joy, do hard things, be a gift to others.

Sally out.


AO: greenmachine
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Best Boi (F3 Hill Country), moneyshot, Young and Restless, Jeremy Vanslyke, SalPal, Cowboy, Betty Ford, Grape, Hanes, Topanga, Natural Ice, Dirty Dozen, Canned Heat
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Humid and Steamy

THE HORRIBLE THANG: Burpee-O’Clock-Alypse

YHC kicked off the morning with an interval timer set to chime every 60 seconds, signaling a simple yet brutal plan: 5 burpees every minute on the minute for 45 minutes. In between each set of 5 burpees, PAX were graciously given the “opportunity” to catch their breath with a resting exercise called out by YHC. These included light stretching to start, followed by multiple rounds of a Free People’s Run, squats, lunges, Lt. Dans, bear crawls, crab walks, and LBCs.

The soundtrack for this beatdown was none other than Dave Matthews’ magnum opus, Crash, which eventually transitioned to Under the Table and Dreaming after some lag in the latter half of the album. This change tested not only our physical endurance but also our mental toughness.

Overall, there were absolutely no groans or complaints. Each call of “five burpees” was met with cheers and applause (or something close to that), and a new record of 225 burpees was set. YHC is hopeful that future F3 PAX will take on the challenge to push that record to 230 and beyond.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tn Tussle and Q School!

COT: F3 does not Suscribe – but we do lift up prayer!

Natty Out

Stages of Labor

AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: princessaurora, Foot Drop, Swiffer, Grape, Harbaugh, Black Lung, Tackle Box, Two Face, t-cell, Haggis, Pep, Private Sandman, LorelaiG, Formica, howitzer, Shania, Canned Heat
FNGs: 1 Canned Heat

WARMUP: good mornings and that’s it

Early labor
Dilation 0-6cm
1,2,3,4,5,6 8-count bodybuilders
“Alternate between resting and working to get labor going”
Contractions 5-30 min 15-45 sec
5 merkins, 5 prisoner squats, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Run between sets to rest

Active labor
“actively work through labor with your birthing team”
“Birth affirmations”
Dilation 6-8 cm
Every PAX does 6,7,8 pull ups while everyone affirms them. PAX are doing lt dans—>monkey humpers—>prom dates to “relax” between “contractions”

“Burpee coping method”
Contractions Every 2 minutes for 60-90 sec
Dilation 8-10 cm
8 burpees in 60 sec
9 burpees in 60 sec
10 burpees in 60 sec
1 minute plank
8 burpees in 60 sec
9 burpees in 60 sec
10 burpees in 60 sec

Pushing stage!
“Keep breathing and work with your body, not against it”
Dilated 10 cm
Contractions 3-5 min lasting 30 sec
10 sprints with small la mazze breathing session

Placenta delivery
Core work

MOLESKINE: I think we can all say we appreciate more what the moms in our lives have gone through. We totally get it now

ANNOUNCEMENTS: grow school!

COT: lots of prayers today. Thankful for everyone being open and honest. Missed you Zelenskyy. You and your wife were prayed for.