Go Skyhawks!

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Oatmeal, sooner, Hanes, DrRupp, Betty Ford, Cal Worthington, Schnauzer, The Rafter, Smokey
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey around the school, dynamic warmup, dynamic stretching, static stretching

THE THANG: Hearkening back to my track days we ran 200m repeats with a 150m jog and 50m walk in between. No stopping, rolling right into the next rep. Great pacing by the pack keeping each lap within ~15 seconds.

An anti-running contingent performed a traveling exercise-a-palooza around the loop.

Groups reconvened for 10 minutes of Mary, a round of Big 10 er… 11 (10 merkins, 1 WW1, 9 merkins, 2 WW1 and so on), and some side straddle hops to reach 6:15.

MOLESKINE: Keeping an eye on a future attempt to break the marathon record via PAX relay event; we would have to double our pace on those 200s, and do so across 10 reps instead of 6 (with considerably more rest in between, but point being we’ve got our work cut out for us)!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: No major announcements following last week’s convergences. Brewsday is always on the horizon.

COT: Prayers for the future of our country, and a meditation on embodying the personal improvement path of the ultimate meritocracy; track and field.

PLAYLIST: A varied sampling of my Stonehill College era favorites;

Wake, wake up (it’s the first of the month). -Bone Thugs-N-Harmony

AO: greenmachine
Q: Goose
PAX: Focker, Sherlock, Cowboy, moneyshot, Black Lung, Michelin Man, Cal Worthington, Strutter, FeelTheBerns, Hall Moniter
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie Mays Hays, Forward Fold, Cherry Pickers, Arm Stretches

-Dora: 400 SSH while partner runs to midfield and back.
-Lunge goal line to goal line with 10 squats every 10 yards, down and back.
-Run goal line and back with 10 merkins at opposite end, countdown 10 yards each trip.
-Bernie Sanders down and back

Circle of Mary

– Tuesday Brewsday this Tuesday at 12 South Taproom
– Detective Pikachu needs help moving this weekend

Prayers for Blueliner has a speedy recover.

Back 2 School!!!! :books:

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Toothless
PAX: DrRupp, Triple Pane, Cowboy, moneyshot, Pole Dancer, Cal Worthington, sooner, Hanes, Pollo Loco
FNGs: 1 Pollo Loco
CONDITIONS: Honestly, balmier than advertised. Cool breeze cut down significantly on what would have been a bona fide hot yoga session. Sunrise rivaled toratoratora to boot :sunrise:

PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/04KkhaUX0fj1nwynplCZMW?si=a37a6268af3c4544

– 30 x SSH
– 10 x WMH (2 count)
– 10 x Windmills
– 15 x Overhead Claps
– 15 x Seal Claps
– 15 x Moroccan Night Clubs
– 15 x Imperial Walkers
– 5 x Scorpions, each side half

THE THANG: Back 2 School!! :books:

School Bus Route :bus: :octagonal_sign:
Start with a one-mile Indian run “school bus” around the perimeter. Every time the rotation completes the stop sign comes out and the PAX have to give 10 Prisoner Squats. After all, schools are basically prisons. Aim for 100+ squats, 10+ stops.

Route went southeast to the corner, northeast past the playground and then up behind the school. Continue to tennis courts and turn left to cut up through the middle of the AO past startex. Turn right at Lone Oak on the sidewalk and reenter the park on the small path. Turn right onto the main field path, make a full loop and return to started.

Core Subjects :male-teacher:
Split into 5 groups, post up at each station with 1 group running around the parking lot loop 2x. The other groups split up and go to 1 of 4 stations, performing an exercise until the runners return. Repeato with the timer group running 1 lap instead of 2.

– “Apart” vs “a part”
– Hello Dollys, spread those legs “apart”

– Ratios, multiplication
– Captain Thors 1:4 ratio of Big Boy Sit-ups to American Hammers

– Inertia
– J-Lo’s, it takes force to stop movement in a given direction

– First public school in the country predates the country’s founding
– Boston Latin School founded in 1635
– 1 Clerkin, 6 Supermans, 3 Peter Parkers, 5 Mountain Climbers

Once PAX complete each station and are back to their “homeroom”, they serve detention. Complete 20 burpees. SSH in silence to get out of detention, otherwise more burpees, repeat til successful.

YHC was sucking wind after the bus route and appreciated the pace pushers who made it more of a challenge. The sunrise was so nice the Q called a Salute the Sunrise between the sets with a 10 burpee salute. As for detention, the PAX didn’t get out of detention immediately, but they were much more eager to avoid the burpees the second time and got out after only 2 rounds.

Also of note, sooner finally pulled a great name out of his hat and gets credit for Pollo Loco, who was a fantastic EH apparently by Michelin Man though the Mich himself was not in attendance :eyes:

YHC also brought some home-brewed Gatorade for coffeeteeria. If there was ever a morning for it, this was it, and it hit the spot as a preamble to sooner’s excellent carafe of bean juice.

– U-Haul themed workout this Saturday AM for Detective Pikachu
– brewsday next Tuesday @ 12S Taproom, 4:30p
– 10th Anniversary of F3 Nashville coming up on 9/13

Prayers for…
– Pole Dancer’s wife in the job search, turned out down, looking for the right fit
– sooner spoke for all parents & kids coming into the school year, prayers for a clean sheet for the rest of summer to start the school year off right
– YHC shared prayers for my wife with the due date 1 month away, prayers for a healthy full term baby and a smooth delivery

Men, Cal Worthington once again mentioned this may be his last week in Nashville, and while that may or may not be true, I do want to share a hearty thank you for the energy and camaraderie he’s brought during his extended time with us. Be sure to say thanks and send him off well throughout the week!

It’s always an honor to lead you men – thanks for an excellent morning, wouldn’t have wanted to spend it any other way!

— Toothless :tooth:


AO: cruelhall
Q: Accounts Receivable
PAX: Accounts Receivable, Cal Worthington, Donkey Hammer, Focker, Mistah Mistah, Pedialyte, Topanga, Winona
FNGs: None
F3 Backblast 7/26/24

Warm Up
Side straddle hops
Yoga stretches
10 Burpees

Indian run down to Ellington and back
Grab blocks head to pavilion

Tabata Workout
4 sets / 4 cycles
1. Box jumps
2. Kettle bell swings
3. Curl to press
4. Iron crosses

Back up to parking lot for sprints.
4 sets of:
-sprint down
-Bernie back
-5 atomic merkins

Round robin fave core exercises.

Lead like Jesus did….as a servant.

Clydesdales Unite!

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Subway
PAX: Betty Ford, bluemule, Cowboy, Cal Worthington, Goose, Hipster, moneyshot, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Toothless, Starblade McKoy (Sp?)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey, burpees , stretching


5 / 5 minute rounds

Supersets 20 reps

Merkins (your choice)

Calf Raises

Side Straddle Hops
Step Ups

Taint Scrapers

Overhead Press

W/ coupons when applicable

Guantanamo Bay followed by dealers choice ab work


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday and Saturday stuff- check slack!

COT: Prayers for Bareback and his family as they move westward!

Thank you for letting me lead- it was a pleasure! SYITG

#Cruellhall is a prison

AO: cruelhall
Q: Donkey Hammer
PAX: Works for a Guy, Topanga, Cal Worthington, Michael Freiburg, Focker, Matador, Berry Brooks (ATM), Esposa, blackwidow, EZ-Go, Winona, Pedialyte, @mistamista
FNGs: None
14 strong were out for my first day as AOQ at cruelhall. Great morning to get out and sweat with you guys.

CONDITIONS: cool, cloudy…perfect for solitary confinement in a prison style workout

WARMUP: Easy jog to grab a bar of soap(concrete block).Mobility warmup including SSH, WMH, Michael Phelps, thoracic rotations, runner’s stretch, DD to UD, prone snow angels, supine pigeon, Jane Fondas, single and double leg heel taps over soap block.

– Jailbreak: run around school to the playground for 2×5 pull-ups and bubkas. Back to the prison yard at the start.
– Juarez Valley circuit of alternating soap merkins, soap overhead LBCs, single leg squats and soap curls. Started with 20 reps and worked our way down to one.
– Another jailbreak around the school back to the playground for hanging knees to chest and v-ups x 2. Back to prison.
– 40 second high plank -> 40 second crab -> 40 second side planks
– Finished it up with 3 sets mountain climbers, goblet squats, and man makers till finish

MOLESKINE: EZ-Go left big shoes to fill. I will do my best to uphold the standard he set moving forward.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 Workout on 6/8 which has passed. 70+ were out for a great workout including my 3 now named @horsesaw, @mulescrewdriver and @chickenwrench

COT: It’s an honor to lead this group and I’m excited for what the future has in store for cruelhall. The suggestion box is open. Please drop me a line with any ideas.

I was playing D&D before Matt Mercer made it cool

AO: middle-tooth
Q: SalPal
PAX: sooner, Oatmeal, Bad Boy, Topanga, moneyshot, Cal Worthington, Cowboy, Wahoo
FNGs: None
I forgot two of y’all, sorry I didn’t record, please edit to add yourselves!

CONDITIONS: Ripe for adventure.

WARMUP: Some active warmups.

THE THANG: clears throat

The Legend of the Three-Toothed Dragon

Your party has answered the call to slay the dreaded Three-Toothed Dragon of Middle Tooth! You’ve assembled your team and made your way out into the wilderness. Your path takes you through the Forest of Sir Bearington, a sentient bear with no love for humans. The party druid disguises everyone as rabbits to help avoid detection. Broad jumps!

As you exit the woods, you discover… an angry treant! 15 Happy Crunchy Frogs! 5 Big Boy Situps!

You arrive to the entrance of the dragon’s lair; a group of hill giants block your way forward. You attempt to maneuver around and roll for Dexterity – 5 minutes of field sprints.

As you brave the cave, you stumble upon….a few goblins. 10 burpees!

You find yourselves at a dead end, but upon further inspection, discover it is a hidden door. But it requires magic to open. You choose: Knock – 15 Screamin’ Eagles.

Having gained passage, you slip into the grand throne of the Three-Toothed Dragon, named Murphy. You have the element of surprise, so you decide to: Leroy Jenkins his ass: Burpee-Broad Jumps

Bloodied and battered, Murphy seems to be defeated… but he suddenly re-emerges, resurrected as a dracolich! Bust out the Holy Hand Grenade of Lathander from your Bag of Holding and dust this clown. Dora, 50 Kraken Burpees

With a terrible roar, Murphy falls to the earth, a lifeless husk. You have managed to silence this terrible creature and recover the loot. You partner up to carry as much back together as you can: 10 Booyah Merkins, 10 Hi-Five Jump Squats, 5 sets

MOLESKINE: Way to push through the rain (or as we call it in Atlantis… well, we don’t call it anything, because we don’t notice, it’s just wet all the time).

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of places opening up. Pull up challenge. moneyshot is new AOQ of Brewsday.

COT: Prayers for sooner and family navigating troubled waters laying a grandmother to rest. For my M looking for a job. All intentions unspoken.