It’s All in the Grind

AO: the-knoll
Q: Malibu
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, Ex-Pat, Malibu, morning stār, Papa Bear, Sooie, Stu Cook, The Banker, Timber, Wolfpack, BumbleBee, Smoltz, Samwise, Iowa
FNGs: None
Spectacular morning- clear skies, full of hearts, can’t lose.

Mosey to stop sign, circle up in field.
SSHx 20 with one amazing silent count of unified side straddle hopping in silent cadence.
Slow squat and push-ups, BAC and BBAC.
Mental prep for the Thang.

An old coach taught me that professionals grind out the work. For today’s grinds, work steadily but not frantically:
(1) 20 minute grind: 6x hand release push ups, 1 or 2 pull ups/reverse pull ups, 6x Lt. Dans
(2) 15 minute grind: 30 seconds of WWI/WWII (user choice), 30 seconds of twists, 30 seconds of standing founders up and down.
(3) Final Grind: SooieBrew

We need our bodies for life, work, and our vocations and men and fathers. Drawing from knowledge and training from a S&C coach Rob Shaul, that means we are professional athletes with particular, specific fitness demands. Our demands as- in my case a suburban dad- are perhaps different than other professional athletes but still there. We can best fulfill our individual callings in life when our bodies are capable of the mission before us.
Professionals are also willing to do the work when the tough gets going and relish the grind when it comes. Today’s workout gave us a time to set about our hard work steadily, not frantically but working through a long 20minutes and another 15minutes.
Being a professional athlete also demands a burden of constant fitnes. In my F3 journey I have found that this burden is best carried in the encouragement and presence of others, especially in The Gloom. Some days feel great, other days feel like a grind. Relish the grind! Put one foot in front of the other, and Just Keep Swimming! Cheers,

Gallivants Travels ends this week.
September 11 Convergence at 0530 at TN Capitol Steps, plan for an hour.
F3 Nash decade anniversary coming up too.

Prayers for presence, and peace amidst returning to school and work routines.

National Parks Road Trip Tabata!

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Sparrow, AAA, Papa Bear, Timber, Wolfpack, morning stār, The Merchant, Pebbles, Tea Party, G-string, Sooie, El Capitan, Bookworm, Fishbiscuit, Tonks, Bumblebee, Eevee
FNGs: 1 Eevee
CONDITIONS: Muggy mid-70s


– Bacs + bacbacs 15x
– Downward dog + cobra + plank leg stretch
– Willie mays hays OYO
– Imperial Walkers 15x
– Motivators to 5


National Parks Road Trip Tabata
(1:45 on, 30 sec. rest, rotate)

It’s good to backpack with a buddy- pair up to visit the Parks together.

1. (Joshua Tree) Hangs Monkey bars
2. (Acadia) Tandem leg-lift thrusters: lie on backs with linked arms, lift & kick sky with both feet
3. (Black Canyon) Dips
4. (Arches) Lieutenant Dans with 18lb. cases
5. (Denali) Coupon floor-to-ceiling (49lb. Case + 29 lb. case + boulders for 2.0’s)
6. (Sequoia) WW2s with axe throws
7. (Everglades) Swing presses
8. (Death Valley) Line touch moseys

Repeat circuit 2x


The National Parks have been called America’s Best Idea. There are few natural places in the world more glorious than the Parks. Visiting one causes you to feel a sense of smallness, wonder, and gratitude for the opportunity to just be “here.”

Some of my favorite memories with my family growing up are at the Parks, especially as our family business began creating National Parks artwork + products.

I encourage each of y’all to go visit the Parks when the opportunity arises & make memories with those you love. Cherish this American heritage that has been preserved for you & your children to enjoy.


Check Slack for the latest F3 news & updates.


Countorama & Nameorama (welcome @Eevee!)

Ended with the Lord’s Prayer & gave thanks to our Father in Heaven for our health & the fellowship of the PAX. It was a joy getting stronger together today.

Thank you Sooie for the Brewie!


Dora day

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string
PAX: The Banker, Timber, Sooie, morning stār, Pebbles, Bumblebee, Tonks, FishBiscuit
FNGs: None
Cool enough, misty morning, full of gnats

Came in hot one minute late.
Inch worm walkouts to merkin
Daisy pickers
Don Quixote
Mosey to the stop sign and back

Partner up. Dora workout
One partner bear-crawls to the cones and duck walk back
As a team
– 50 pull-ups
– 100 floor-to-ceilings
– 150 merkins
– 200 squats
All were done hero style. When the first team finished, all PAX mosey around the backstop

Ring of fire to 5
Emperor penguins
Alternating clap v-ups
Leg raises
Hollow hold for 30 seconds

Are there dreams you’ve let go of because they are “too hard” or you’re “too old”? Can some of those still be realities? If we encourage our children to work hard and follow their dreams, how much more effective will it be if they see us doing the same thing.

Gulliver’s travels is still going on
4:13 has started a new class

Prayers were offered up

Moseys and Musings

AO: the-knoll
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: AAA, morning stār, Siri, FLO, Wolfpack, El Capitan, Timber, Ex-Pat, Sparrow, Pebbles, Sooie, Bumblebee, Tonks, Fish Biscuit, Smoltz, Gabby Cat, Foxy, Bookworm (2.0)
FNGs: 1 Bookworm (2.0)

Arm circles – 10 rep
Back backs – 10 rep
Good Mornings – 5 rep
Motivators – 5 count
Willy Mays Hays – 5 count
Hip Swings – 5 count

Thing 1 – HIIT x 2
30 sec work / 15 sec rest
High Knees – 30 sec
Drop Squats – 30 sec
Romanian Split Squat Left – 30 sec
Romanian Split Squat Right – 30 sec
Left Leg Negative Squat -30 sec
Right Leg Negative Squat – 30 sec
Iron Mikes – 30 sec
Squat Jumps – 30 sec

Thing 2 – Running bases
Backstop – 4 groups, 30 second reps
Super Mario’s, Bernie, Mosey, Skip between
Merkins – Home
Shoulder Taps – 1st
Carolina Dry Docks – 2nd
Plank Toe Touches – 3rd

2nd lap turned into tag game, picking up any members of group in front of you that you catch after 50 total reps

Mary to finish – 2.0 Dealers Choice

It’s what you learn after you know it all, that counts. John wooden to Bill Walton upon graduating from UCLA. Walton passed away this week.

Convergence events for end of May U Pull Up Challenge – pain-train and greenmachine on Saturday.

2.0 friendly workouts Saturday afternoon in Franklin – Taco Ruck, next Tuesday at The Knoll, and next Saturday at Middle Tooth.

coworking next Wednesday.

Wrapped in prayer for various stages of life. G-string 2.0 due any moment, shooting at pain-train, fatherhood and husbandry encouragement.

Toilet Tag!

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: morning stār, Sooie, Timber, The Banker, El Capitan, Lunch Lady, G-string, Link, Fish Biscuit, Tonks, Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: No Lightning

WARMUP: Mosey around the Knoll mimicking silly movements from the 2.0.

Link gave us cadence for SSH, BAC, BAC BAC, IW, WMH

Tabata 25 seconds work/15 seconds rest

Pull ups x2
Mountain Climbers x2
Merkins x2
Jump Squats x2
Dips x2
Step Ups x2

2 Rounds of Toilet Tag
Links take on Freeze Tag. Two PAX are it. If you get tagged you hold a low squat and put your arm up to “get flushed” to unfreeze.

Repeat Tabata Above

Two more rounds of Toilet Tag

Tabata Core
WWI x2
Revolutionary Rotations x2
Leg Raises x2

One final round of Toilet Tag!

MOLESKINE: “If you find yourself alone, you’ve gone to far.” Bit of organic COT that came from the workout… thanks to Lunch Lady for sharing some good vibes and thoughts on this statement.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: May You Pull Up challenge ongoing. Invitation to meet June 1st 6am at Pain Train to test your improvement. 2.0s welcome and we’ll have some coffee and doughnut holes.

Bellevue Community Festival this Saturday. Check out Sooies post.

COT: Reminder that you’ve earned the things you’ve got. Enjoy them. Cherish them. Share them. And then a reminder to put in the hard work. Cheers to yall brothers!

Safety First!

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: morning stār, Sooie, g-string, Timber, El Capitan, Sparrow, Fish Biscuit, Tonks, Bumblebee, Timber 2.0
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Nice at start



MOLESKINE: We had a doughnut for the winner of Bear tag.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: didn’t get there

COT: Lightning rolled in during warmups. We made the smart choice and called it off instead of pushing through and risking the safety of the PAX and most importantly the 2.0s that were present. Makes me think a lot about modeling the right behavior for our kids and setting good examples. None of us wanted to leave today, but we showed the 2.0s present what responsible decision making looks like and that’s just as important as a few merkins in the rain in the gloom. Tclaps to you guys!

Illegal Takeover

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Banker
PAX: Sooie, Pebbles, Parka-Eh, Wolfpack, Timber, morning stār, G-string, Ex-Pat, Rubix, Bumblebee, Pele
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to baseball park with a few stops to do BAC’s and Good mornings.

THE THANG: 11’s Burpees one end, squat jumps/lunges MOT, Donkey Kicks on other end

2 each Wall sits and rotating one leg extension (one min total)

Mosey back and took a pit stop in front of El Cap’s home to do some big boys in his honor.

MOLESKINE: Talked about Pele and his ability when things got hard or pressure was intense to remember his Why. He’d think back to when he was a boy and playing barefoot. That joy allowed him to play free. May we always build our foundation on that joy that allows you to love freely!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: May push-up challenge

COT: prayers for all!

Put your back into it!

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: morning star, Pebbles, Siri, The Banker, Sooie, El Capitan, Wolfpack, Ex-Pat, @Link, @Bumblebee
FNGs: None
Warmer than Tuesday but still brisk.

– windmills, imperial walkers, wmh, gm
– Indigenous People’s run with football around the field
– Shoulder warmup

Two people per station. Three rounds.
– Station 1: sandbag swings
– Station 2: pull-ups jump up and 3-count down
– Station 3: log floor to ceilings
– Station 4: lunges to the street and back
– Station 5: plank hold

On Tuesday we talked about the GK Chesterton quote. Today I wanted to talk about our specific role as fathers. Whenever God the Father called someone in the OT, it led to an adventure. Moses brought his people out of Egypt, Abraham left his country and his family, David went up against Goliath, etc.
Part of our role as fathers is to provide our children with adventure in the context of safety. Even if you don’t believe in God or the bible, this is a biological fact. The role of fathers in hormonal development of their children is different than that of mothers and cannot be easily replaced. Fathers who engage in rough and tumble play in a adventurous (but controlled) manner have children who are better able to stand up to challenges and face adversity. Fathers are more influential on early language development because we often use higher level language with our children. Fathers even have an epigenetic effect on protein synthesis and gene expression. What we do matters.
In light of that, I am looking for ways to provide adventure and new challenges for my family. Introducing my daughter to the world one experience at a time.

If you want to read a little more on the science behind the unique role of fathers, this is a good article to start with and its references.

– That mile is coming next week at Green Machine. The knoll will continue as regularly scheduled
– Plankril is coming. One minute plank on the first and add 6 seconds every day.

Intentions were offered and prayers were said.

Sawing Logs

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: Malibu, morning star, Pebbles, El Capitan, Aflac, Sooie, @Bumblebee, @Iowa
FNGs: None
Cold. Where did the Spring go???

(bonus warmup of unloading the logs from my truck)
– Good mornings and WMH
– Inchworm to merkin
– Back-BAC
– Modified Welsh Dragons

Pair up. Grab a log. 3 Rounds of the following
X20 broad jump burpees
X20 shoulder presses
X20 squats
Lap to Backstop and back

Thang 2
Two Rounds of the following
X20 Derkins
X20 Bulgarian Split Squats

American hammers with ball
Hollow hold

“The most extraordinary thing is the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.” – GK Chesterton
In a world full of chaos, broken families, and almost no respect for life, holding your family close really is becoming uncommon. We are not the norm, but, in all honesty, we should be. How often do I see the little moments with my wife and daughter as extraordinary. Are those moments where I’m tired and grumpy turned heroic when I can be a good father? For those of us who are Christians, we believe in a God who called people on epic adventures. But if you read closely, every epic story is centered around families, and the ones that end best, involve families that stick together and love each other well.

THAT mile is coming soon
April marks the beginning of Pre-Hab at the Knoll. Come 15 minutes early for extra stretching and warming up.

Intentions were mentioned and prayers were said.

Creating a 4F AO

AO: the-knoll
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Sooie, morning star, Wolfpack, Siri, Malibu, Ex-Pat, Pebbles, Merchant, Bumblebee
FNGs: None

50 SSHs
Arm circles
Air press
Michael phelps

Spread out into Teams & stations

Push station
Skull crushers 20
Carolina dry docks 20
Elbow tap push ups 10

Pull station
Pullups 10
Rows 15

Core station
Supermans 20
V-ups 20
Ukrainian hanmers 20

Burpee freeze tag


– Plankpril coming up soon, check 1st F channel
– Murder mile coming, check green machine

– everyone shared a prayer request, work, families, deaths, travels

Thanks y’all! So happy to have lead this morning, it was an honor and privilege!

Rock on,

Hair Band