Snowmagedditon Pt. II

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: El Capitan, morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
A balmy 17 degrees

Baby arm circles
Back BAC
Don Quixotes
Good mornings
Split jacks
Imperial walkers

6 cones setup in the middle of the snow blanketed field. 6 reps of an exercise at each cone going out. Mosey back. Various MOT between cones for each exercise.
– plank shoulder taps. MOT: human snow machine (hands on sled, push with feet)
– squats. MOT: Marty McFly’s (lay back on sled, push with feet)
– Big boy sit-ups. MOT: Paddle Boat (6 or stomach on sled, propel using arms only)

Mosey to the hill.
Partner up:
Partner A rides sled downhill and uphill.
Partner B keeps up with Partner A downhill, pulls Partner A uphill. Reverse, repeat.

Downhill free for all:
Grab a sled, ride it downhill, mosey back up. Only rule is you can’t use the same sled consecutively. (5 PAX, 4 Sleds). Odd man out does step ups at the flood table.

Lean PAX continues through Valentine’s Day

Prayers for requests mentioned
🐗☕️™️ after

Snowmagedditon Pt. I

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: Sooie, Pebbles, morning star, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None

Joint mobility special led by Morning Star

Mosey through the snow around the knoll to the flood table.

Dips at the table
Sled down the hill
Floor to ceilings with sled full of snow at the bottom.
Jog up.

Mosey back to the playground
Big boys
Flutter kicked
Sled planks

None. Expect more of the same Thursday for Snowmageddon Pt. II

El Cap’s Indie Rock Block

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: morning star, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Sooie, Wolfpack, El Capitan, AAA, @BigRed (2.0), @Link (2.0), @Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Starlit, upper 30s

TUNES: Indie / Alternative Jams


– Climb stretch routine
– Willie Mays Hayes (3x each side)
– Don Quixotes (in cadence)
– Cherry pickers (in cadence)
– On your own stretch



Caboose-is-loose up Harpeth knoll hill, right at Harpeth Bend, back up to the coupon tree.


Four light cones. PAX will team up in pairs of two, choose a coupon, & line up at starting line.

With coupon in tow, Player 1 will LUNGE to each cone.

First cone: 15x goblin squats

Second cone: 15x overhead presses

Third cone: 15x curls

Leave coupon at third cone & bear crawl to backstop benches for 15 step ups

Bear crawl back to third cone & pick up coupon to mosey to starting line.

Player 2 will do the following exercise, then rest (one exercise per round):

– 100x American hammers (2 is 1) with coupon
– 50x big boy sit-ups with coupon at chest or in lap
– Hold plank until Player 1 begins step ups.

Rotate & repeat (3x Rounds)

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Convergence in Brentwood on 01/12 in honor of a Knoxville-based PAX that passed away one year ago.

Moleskin: Read a poem titled “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden. Encouraged the PAX to continue to serve their families well (even when it feels thankless & nobody sees).

Prayer requests:

– for @Sooie to get back into the mental groove at work
– for @ElCapitan ’s home recently invaded by ants (#stressful)
– for @Timber as he leads his wrestling team

Thank you @morningstar for the ginger tea!

Katy Guest Q compliments of VMax

AO: the-knoll
Q: Cash
PAX: AAA, Cash, G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, The Banker, Timber, VMax, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
Honored to lead the men of The Knoll this morning for my first Tennessee BD! What a solid group of HIMs! We Rickrolled, slayed dragons and rocked around the clock. YHC was even “anointed”!

The Lineup: VMax, Morning Star, Bumblebee (2.0), AAA, GString, Timber, The Banker and YHC

Disclaimer + CPR Q + Sweeper assigned

Warmarama –  Motivator x 6 (countdown of slightly weird choreographed SSH things.), CH Squats x 10 IC, CH merkins x 10 IC, Abe Vagoda x 5 IC, GG x 5 IC

Rickroll Ohnos – the pax probably didn’t know what to think when the Q started doing his best Rick Astley moves, but they fell right in line and got after it!

Indian Run around the field with Bluetooth speaker at high port in the front (or at a “rifle carry” for the non-military types). Circled back at one point to pick up the 6. Never leave a man behind!

The Thang

Clock Merkins – starting at 12 o’clock high, we decreased in reps as we traveled around the dial from 12 to 1 on Q. Goal was to keep your knees off the deck all the way through to #1.

Clock Flutters – again decreased in reps as we traveled around the dial starting at 12 IC.   Involved some creative squirming on your 6 in order to meet the goal of keeping your feet off the deck.

Clock Mountain Climbers – decreased in reps as we traveled around the dial starting at 12 IC.  Fingers were nearly frozen towards the end so Q resorted to making fists.

Indian Run around the field with Bluetooth speaker at high port in the front.

Back to the starting COP. T-claps to Morning Star for bringing the red lantern so we had a beacon guiding us back.

Partner Up, line up across from your partner with the sidewalk in the middle for the…

Deconstructed Welsh Dragon – bear crawl to meet your partner in the middle.  Hand slap, 1 merkin, hand slap, 1 plank jack, hand slap, 1 pair of shoulder taps.  Crawl bear back to the starting point.  Increase in reps to 5 of each exercise.  Plank for the 6 or go work beside them.  Pax worked hard til the very end of this one!

Bobby Hurleys x 25 IC (Q demo’ed proper BH form of slapping both hands on the deck then shooting a J. Swish!)
American Hammers x 25 IC
Carolina Dry Docks x 25 on Q
Bonnie Blairs (jumping lunge) x 15 IC
CH Merkins x 15 IC with a little HOLD at the end.

And for the finale, YHC’s signature move. The Low Flutter with my own twist at the end which in Katy has been affectionately dubbed:
Cash Kicks™️ x 46 IC + HOLD your legs out straight alternating between feet at 6″, 45°, 90°, 45°, 6”. Hold the final 6” til 0615.

COT – Counterama, Namearama

Word – YHC made the point about the importance of the HC not just in the gloom with your brothers but in all the more important parts of life. As always, YHC was preaching more to myself than any of the pax.

TAPs – stay in COT

(Rest of the BB will be shared in the Comments…)

Sidekicks (Keep Fighting)

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, DB, G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, The Banker, Timber, Wolfpack, VMax (recently moved from Katy TX), Smotz (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
Cold and clear. 🌕

Mosey to stop sign and back.
15 SSH
15 Imperial walkers
10 low slow squats
10 slow merkins
10 Willie Mays Hays
OYO stretches 1 minute

5 cones, each 10 paces apart.

Return trips from cone 5 to cone 1 were alternating sprints, slip-line uppercut drills.
Plank for the 6’s

4 double-sidekicks low/high at each cone.
4 squat punches at each cone.
4 tuck jumps at each cone.
4 more squat punches at each cone.
4 burpee, jab, cross combos at each cone.
Repeated the full sequence 2x

10 minutes of single-flag Capture the Flag. If you get tagged, 5 burpees or sprint to your base to return to the game. If anyone dropped the flag, everyone does 5 burpees.


New years Day convergence.

When I was a kid, Sidekicks (Chuck Norris, Jonathan Brandis) was one of my favorite movies. Since my brother passed away last week, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the past and how we grew up. Still processing through all of it but a couple things stand out. Community is vital. Inevitably we’ll each face a moment when we’re tempted to give up. When that happens, we need the strength of those around to help carry us through it.

The Thanksgiving Special

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: El Capitan, Timber, AAA, Malibu, morning star, Smoltz (2.0), Icebox (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0), Iowa (2.0), Curbside Pickup
FNGs: 1 Curbside Pickup
CONDITIONS: A chilly 30 degrees

WARMUP: The Motivator, Merkins (10 ct IC), Slow squats (10 ct IC), stretches: hip flexor, hamstring, anything you need (covered F3 mission, 5 core principles, credo here)

THE THANG: 3 groupings of workouts, 3 sets per grouping
Group 1: body weight squats, merkins, side straddle hops (15 reps each)
Group 2: single leg balance touches, pull-ups, squat jumps (10 reps each)
Group 3: bear crawl (10 yards), crab walk (10 yards), burpee w/out merkin at bottom (10 reps)
run the hill after each grouping when waiting for the 6 to finish

Gratitude Run: ran 1 mile together with 3 stops to hear gratitude callouts (all 9 PAX had a call out)

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cold plunge following workout at @Morning_star ‘s house!

COT: 1 year ago my Dad had quadruple bypass surgery. For much of my life I’ve viewed him as an unstoppable force, but he has become a fragile human. In reflecting on his situation, I understand we are all fragile, and to not take anyone for granted. Let’s make showing gratitude to others a part of our daily lives.

Thanks for coming out in the gloom this morning! @Malibu, thanks for bringing your brother – it was a pleasure for us all to meet him. @El_Capitan, thanks for your contagious joy. Seeing you race the kids across the field to end the run was awesome! @Morning_star, thank you for the cold plunge special! It broke me! Happy thanksgiving to all of you!
– Timber

Failure is a good thing!

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: Pebbles, The Banker, El Capitan, Sooie, AAA, G-string (Eli Kresta), Malibu, morning star, Timber, Smoltz (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0), Iowa (2.0)
FNGs: 1 Iowa (2.0)
CONDITIONS: 58 degrees, and raining!

WARMUP: Mosey to stop sign, 10 pull-ups (OYO), 10 merkins (IC 4 ct), 10 jump squats (OYO), hip flexor stretch and hamstring stretch (10 ct)

1. Hill sprints (8 min): Sprint uphill, recovery jog down (50 yards)
2. Leg burnout (3 sets): Bulgarian squats (10 each leg), jump squats (10), “shadow wrestling” movements (~30 seconds)
3. Upper body burnout (2 sets – 1 min, 40 sec): towel curls, towel tricep extensions, shoulder raises
4. The finisher: towel hang for as long as you can hold

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: polar lunge this Thursday, hosted by @morning_star. Reminder/encouragement about No Noise November.

COT: Growth is experienced in challenges. Don’t fear failure! As the Governator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) once said, go to failure and then do a few more reps!

Thanks for coming out in the gloom. There was something oddly satisfying about working out in the cold rain with you men (and the brave 2.0s)!
– Timber

Ring of Fire

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, Timber, Wolfpack, G-string (Eli Kresta), @Bumblebee 2.0, @Repugnus 2.0
FNGs: None
59 degrees, starry night on the knoll.

Yes/No/Maybe’s 8x
BAC 15x
BBAC 15x
Imperial Walkers 15x
Cherry pickers 10x
Loose Caboose mosey around the knoll with various moseying techniques (politician, high knees, butt kickers, skips etc)

6 stations indicated by glowing, orange cones arranged in a circle with a 20 yard diameter. Pair up and pick a starting point. Coupons at each station must be used for all the reps, can be split between partners.
1. 50 Merkins 50 Iron Mikes (12lb vest)
2. 100 ‘Merican punches (5lb dumbbells)
3. 100 shoulder presses (12lb kettlebell)
4. 100 Goblet Squats (25lb dumbbell)
5. 100 ‘Merican Hammers (12lb dumbbell)
6. 100 kneeling rows (15lb dumbbell)
Burpees if you were waiting on a station. 2.0’s ran around the circle tagging random pairs who would then have to complete a lap.

30 breaths 60bpm and breath hold
3 sets of box breathing (4 sec inhale, 4 sec hold, 8 sec exhale)

Octoburpee convergence at #iii-pillars 10/31.
Costume burpee workout at #the-knoll 10/31 for PAX unable to make it to the convergence.

Honor Time: publicly recognize admirable qualities in the PAX present. Prayer requests.

Tussle AMRAP

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: Wolfpack, El Capitan, DB, Pebbles, morning star, Sooie, Timber, AAA, Malibu, G-string (Eli Kresta), House Party, Bumblebee (2.0), Big Red (2.0), Smoltz (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 60 degrees

WARMUP: in cadence: jump combo (8 down to 1), slow squats (10), merkins (10), pike merkins (8); OYO: lunge stretch (covered F3 mission, 5 core principles, credo)

1.5 minutes AMRAP, 1 minute recovery
Exercises: Burpees, WWIIs, floor to ceiling (w/coupon), burpees, LT Dans, hand release merkins, burpees, flutter kicks, shoulder swings (w/coupon), burpees, Apollo Ohnos

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tussle this Saturday, last week of Octoburpee and convergence on Oct 31 at 3 Pillars to finish off the month challenge

COT: story of Charles Plumb: Plumb was a navy fighter pilot in Vietnam, who by all measures was considered one of the best. On his 75th and final mission his plane was shot down and he had to eject and parachute to safety. He was captured by the enemy and held in a POW prison for 6 years. Several years after his safe return home, a random stranger approached him and said “I know you. You’re Charles Plumb and I packed your parachute on the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier.” Plumb didn’t sleep that night, as he thought about all the times he probably passed this soldier on the aircraft carrier, and never recognized him or acknowledged him. And this was the guy that saved Charles Plumb’s life! LESSON for me: be grateful and be intentional about acknowledging and thanking those around me who “pack my parachute.”

Visit to the Burpee Zoo

AO: the-knoll
Q: Salpal
PAX: morning star, AAA, The Banker, Wolfpack, G-string (Eli Kresta), Timber, Pebbles, Ex-Pat, Malibu, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Great day to go to the zoo.

WARMUP: OYO Stretching + Warmup Run


Today we are going to the burpee zoo. It’s like any other zoo, except instead of animals, there are burpees. Also, all transactions are done in burpees.

When we first arrive, we have to pay for parking.

10 Burpee Buyin

As we arrive to the front gate, we have to pay the price of admission. 50 burpees!

10 Burpee Emom – 5 minutes

Now inside, we can go see all the burpees on display.

Ladder of Burpees (each station starts at 1, add 1 more as you go around, end at 5):

Set one:
– 1st station: bodybuilder burpees
– 2nd station: shoulder tap burpees

Set two:
– 1st station: spider monkey burpees (burpee + peter parkers)
– 2nd station: kraken burpees

Big Cat Exhibits!
Cheetah Burpees – Burpee Sprints:
– Suicides, but a burpee at each cone before running back.

Tiger burpees – Bear crawl to each cone, 5 burpees

MARY: Isometric Merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of social events. See #3f channel for details on Side-Straddle-Hops, Night Moves, Game Night, and Cookout.

COT: Prayers for my wife, Elizabeth, and firefighter Jake.