Q: The Merchant
PAX: morning stār, Pebbles, AAA, Sooie, Malibu, Timber, Fish Biscuit (2.0), Tonks (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0), Iowa (2.0)
FNGs: None
See you all at Sooie’s birthday bash tonight and at my Pain Train Q and Hunger Games tomorrow!
top to bottom
Yes/No/Maybe’s in cadence
Overhead claps
Don Quixote’s
Low slow squats
Slow merkins
Scorpion stretches
20 yard sprints between cones at 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% speed.
Team competition to pick up the most cones on the 120 yard sprint back.
War! Broke out the ol’ Deck O’ Cards, maintained the 2 teams from the cone competition. Proceeded to play war. Winning team did 1 of 3 exercises based on the color of the face up suits. Losing team did combination of exercises based on the suit.
J = 11
Q = 12
K = 13
A = 14
Winning team exercises:
:large_red_square: = air presses x total
:black_large_square: = Spicolli’s (calf raises) x total
:large_red_square: :black_square: = Imperial walkers x total
Losing team exercises:
:heart: = burpees
:diamonds:= WW2’s
:clubs: = dips
:spades: = squats
MOLESKINE: Had fun playing the game yet it reminded us of tensions, struggle, uncertainty, and injustice around the world. Shared Psalm 46 as a reminder of something more secure and more foundational than what we can see in the world around us.
:alert: VQ’s Next Week! :alert:
Sparrow Tuesday 6/25
FLO Thursday 6/27
Come out and show support!
Convergence at greenmachine 7/4
Prayers offered and lifted.
TUNES: 90s jamzz
My Climb Warm-up Routine
– downward dog / cobra
– power merkins (3x per side)
– deep calf stretch
– PE back stretch
– lower back stretches
– Mosey around back stop to center of field
Part 1: Duck, Duck, Goose on the Plank!
– Duck PAX are all planking in a circle. Tagger chooses a “goose!” who will sprint around the circle to return to their spot. Instead of chasing, tagger does 10x Side Straddle Hops. Whoever is last to plank is “it”. (We had several close races!)
Part 2: Water Balloon Challenge
– 16x reusable water balloons contain laminated slips of paper with various workouts & are hidden around the playground.
– All PAX will hold a squat while one looks for a water balloon. He or she may pelt the PAX with the water balloon upon returning. All PAX will perform the exercise written within. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Cool down: Mosey’d a caboose-is-loose around the-knoll, then convened at playground for three minutes of Freddy Mercuries.
– Count Off
– Name-O-Rama
– Welcomed aboard 4 FNG’s visiting Uncle Sooie’s family from Central Florida. All had excellent F3 name choices.
Black Lung & Hair Band to Co-Q a 4th of July convergence beatdown at greenmachine :flag:
“You are as important as you make another person feel.”
-Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
I am so grateful for the men who make the-knoll such a positive, encouraging place to get stronger. I encourage y’all to be aware of the “least of these”, to see each person as a unique individual made in God’s image who is worthy of respect. Rather than seek glory for ourselves, seek the good of others in quiet service, empathy, and kindness.
Closed in prayer.
It was an honor to lead y’all this morning! :el-capitan:
mosey around the backstop.
Motivators from 7
Slow Merkins
Slow Squats
Mosey to the flood table
Pack Your Bags
2.0’s shared their ideal vacation spot and the 1 exercise they’d pack with them.
Total of 16 rounds of the exercises. 30 seconds on 30 seconds off. Had to run to catch our flight after we packed 9 bags.
Thang 2: Slacking
We setup a slack line and traversed it in various ways performing various exercises while waiting for to cross.
Thang 3: Game time
Toilet tag
Reminder that unstructured time is great and sometimes it’s good to just do nothing together.
El Capitan AOQ FOR THURSDAY’S AT THE KNOLL! El Cap has been at the knoll since the beginning and always brings joy, encouragement, hardwork, and dedication! Looking forward to all that he’ll bring as AOQ! Baby G-string born last week!
Prayers lifted and offered!
Coffeeteria with bananas for all from Pebbles ! Chocolate Milk for the 2.0’s. :boar: :coffee: :tm: for the adults!
TUNES: Americana / Alt-country
1. downward dog
2. Viper
3. 3x power push-ups (both sides)
4. Deep Calf stretch
5. Back twist
6. BACs & BackBACs 15x each
7. Motivators to 5
All PAX circle up in grass beside picnic table.
One PAX will don headlamp & bring back one (B)easter egg – eggs are hidden around playground, underneath trees, etc.
Waiting PAX will perform a plank until seeker returns.
All PAX will perform whatever exercise is written on the slip of paper in the (B)easter eggs.
Rotate until all eggs have been opened (25 eggs total – we did 24!)
I encouraged the PAX to find ways to include joy in the hum-drum and routine moments of life.
– Plankril starts Monday!
– BYO2.0 workout on Tuesday, April 2nd.
– Countorama
– Nameorama
– Sooie on the 6
– Prayer requests shared & lifted up to the Lord
– Sooie Brewie
So thankful for y’all!
WARMUP: Caboose-is-loose run to the top of Harpeth Knoll hill. At top of hill, all PAX will do together:
-10x 3-count merkins
-10x 3-count squats
Turn around & return to playground. Split up into two teams & line up at playground.
Phase 1:
Each PAX team will perform the following “endless” exercises …
– Lunges
– Leg Raises on back
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Freddy Mercuries
One PAX will long jump to opposite end zone lamp, high knees back. Rotate until all PAX have completed the mosey, then move on to the next exercise. Rinse, repeat.
Phase 2:
Mosey to flood table.
All PAX perform “endless” dips while one PAX runs to backstop & back. Exercise is complete when all PAX have completed backstop mosey.
Phase 3:
A Cool Down Stretch!
– Butterflies with deep breathing sequence
– Straight-leg stretch
– Child’s pose (my favorite)
– Downward dog / arch
– Viper
– Power Push-up Stretch
– Deep calf stretch
– Back twist
I struggle with anxiety, especially when it comes to finances. Recently, we’ve had several (expensive) things hit my family at once which has caused me to reflect… do I trust that God will take care of us? As a Christian, do I believe Jesus’ words when He tells His disciples to “consider the birds of the air & the flowers of the field” and “does not Your Father provide for them”? I challenged the PAX to consider their personal anxieties, and to give them up to the Lord who knows & cares for them.
– #PreHab will continue each morning at 5:15 unless otherwise notified by morning star
– That Mile :grimacing: is happening at greenmachine Thursday. I will be offering a slightly (but only just) less difficult workout at the-knoll.
– Plankril is less than a week away… One minute plank on April 1st (no fooling), add 6 seconds each day after that.
Prayer requests were shared amongst the PAX. We closed in a moment of silent reflection & prayer, followed by Sooie Brewie.
I’m so thankful for y’all.
Motivators from 5
Yes/No/maybes 5
BAC 15
Don Quixote 10
Good Morning OYO
Caboose is loose with the slam ball around the knoll. Slamball gets fumbled, 5 slow merkins ended up doing 20 all together
Iron Mikes 10x
Side lunges 10x
Shoulder taps 10x
Climber taps 10x
Derkins MAX
Single Leg Bridges 10x
Side Bridges 10x
Squat hold for the 6’s the mosey around the backstop.
Hangs: 1 minute on 30 seconds off (3x)
Ultimate Capture the Slamball
Get tagged, turnover possession.
Slamball hits the deck/fumbled, 5 burpees
Faithfulness in the mundane will echo forward for centuries. Recounted a small excerpt from the autobiography of John G. Patton (1824-1907) about his relationship with his father and when he left home for seminary. His father was a sock maker and they lived in a small village in Scotland:
My dear father walked with me the first six miles of the way. His counsels and tears and heavenly conversation on that parting journey are fresh in my heart as if it had been but yesterday; and tears are on my cheeks as freely now as then, whenever memory steals me away to the scene…His lips kept moving in silent prayers for me; and his tears fell fast when our eyes met each other in looks for which all speech was vain! We halted on reaching the appointed parting place; he grasped my hand firmly for a minute in silence, and then solemnly and affectionately said :
“God bless you, my son! Your father’s God prosper you, and keep you from all evil !”
Unable to say more, his lips kept moving in silent prayer: in tears we embraced, and parted.
– biscuit run Saturday, March 2
– Bring Your Kid to Workout day at #the-knoll Tuesday, March 5
– Terrible mile: Thursday, March 28
Closed with prayer.
WARMUP: Mosey to stop sign then a series of stretching exercises led by Link.
Thang 1
Huddle around the River Table to complete a series of exercises done in reps of 10. After each set of 10 you must run and touch a tree.
Round 1: Squats (5reps) Merkins (5reps) x10 sets
Round 2: Iron Mikes (5reps) Dips (5reps) x10 sets
Partnered up for the next two rounds:
Round 3: Picolis until partner returns from touching a tree x10 sets
Round 4: Shoulder taps until partner returns from touch a tree x10 sets
Thang 2
6 rounds of 1 minute freeze tag.
If you get tagged you must stand with legs apart performing Overhead claps until someone crawls between your legs to unfreeze you. All Pax got a chance to be “it”
LBCs and Flutter kicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots coming up! I encourage everyone to check out Toothless’s latest post in General for everything.
Tuesday 3/5 – Take Your Kid to Workout Day here at The Knoll… great chance to share our passion for the three Fs with your family, friends, Pax who haven’t come out in a while, and PAX who haven’t experienced the beatdown that is a 2.0 workout.
Sometimes showing up is enough.
WARMUP: Mosey around. Open up them hips. Stretch those shoulders.
As Many Merkins As Possible!
90seconds work/60seconds rest
Run to backstop
Diamond Merkins
Carolina Dry Docks
Run to table
Incline Merkins
Run to the big tree
Flux Capacitor Merkins
Iron Mikes
Run to playground
Ring of Fire Merkins
Lazy Imperial Walkers
Mary: WW1, Box Cutters, LBCs with stretch’s in between
MOLESKINE: prayers for PAX health.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Just a Mile at Greenmachine March 28th. Biscuit run coming up.
COT: It’s possible to take responsibility to lead while also asking for help. Each of the none Merkin workouts were called out by the PAX who came out. There’s no reason so go at it alone fellas!