Tortoise & Hare – Run #3

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Right Said, Crawlspace, Chunks, bluemule, Michelin Man, Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Tater (Skeet 2.0), Whoopi, Aquaman, Big Rig, Toadstool, Wolverine, Mane ‘N Tail, Sax Man, Toots, Square Root, Airball, Yes Chef, D Pole, Jackie Moon
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A beautiful 30 degrees

WARMUP: Regular warm up – SSH, Squats, IWs, Stretches

THE THANG: RUN!! Asked every 4:13 Strong man to partner up with someone that would push them and it worked. We have 9 out of 11 4:13 Strong men set PRs today!

Wolverine set a new class record today with 26:02; our “all in” time was 37:25.

MOLESKINE: A great showing from F3 Pax and a great effort by all. To have this many men set a PR in week three shows that they are pushing to get better. Thank you for being a part of their transformation!

COT: Prayers for strength, courage and guidance.

Someday We’ll All Enjoy Running, But Not Today

AO: westeros
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Chunks, Grape, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Michelin Man, Pep, SalPal, Son of Red Skull, Red Skull, Young and Restless, bluemule, CubCadet, Sherlock, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a bit chilly, a bit damp

Good mornings
Cherry pickers
Willie mays hayes
Cowboy hip rotations (fwd & bck)
50 SSHs
High knees
Butt kicks

Mosey to parking lot hill
2x 50% sprint up hill, jog down
2x 75% sprint up hill, jog down
2x 90% sprint up hill, jog down

3 Sets
20 Squat jump with knee tuck (40 drop squats as modification)
50 Iron mikes (25e)
15 merkins
Hard sprint up hill (85% effort), jog down (30-40% effort)

In cadence squats on Hair Band count

Mosey to jungle gym for as many rounds of
25 pull ups and running a lap around the drop off circle as possible

A thought I had during the beatdown: how we, as individuals, approach a workout together is often a reflection of how we live our lives in relationship with others.

Another thing I learned today: if I see people shorting themselves in an exercise, it fires me up. I have more to say on this matter but it’s probably better I don’t.

Shoutout to DintyMoore for being a monster and raising his lactaid threshold this morning.

– AOQ Grow School coming to a saturday soon near you
– Spring CSAUP in the works
– Spring fling led by Natural Ice – CBO
– 4:13 Strong Dinner fundraiser April 24th

– health and wellness for friends & family, prayers & praises for employment

Rock on and don’t cheat yourself out of getting better,

Hair Band

7 PAX for 7 Degrees

AO: titan
Q: Right Said
PAX: Cropduster, Pep, Spinal Tap, bluemule, Tim the Toolman, Aquaman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 7 degrees with a little wind making it feel colder

WARMUP: mosey around the promenade
good mornings and Willy Mays Hayes

5 Minute Musical Dance Experience:
Song: When a Fire Starts to Burn by Disclosure
SSHs for the duration but every time you hear the word “fire,” 1 burpee

100 merkins
200 squats
300 LBCs
partner bear crawls to the parthenon door

MOLESKINE: “Be a thermostat, not a thermometer”


COT: short and sweet. Gratitude for every worker who has to be outside today.

The Sign

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Firefox, bluemule, Chunks, Right Said, Blueprint, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, Crawlspace, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Pep, Puzzlah, Sherlock, Spinal Tap, Good Morning America, Aquaman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: clear and crisp

WARMUP: led by AOQ until 5:32
L/S Squats
Mosey to Parthenon entrance

Thing 1 –
10 rounds – Lap between each set
4 Burpees
8 Merkins
12 Squats
16 Mountain Climbers
20 SSHs

Thing 2 –
Mosey Merkin Complex x 10 stops
Push-up and shoulder tap (each side)
Push-up and knee tap (each side)
Push-up and toe touch (each side)
Push-up and swinging toe touch (each side)
Push-up (Mike Tyson)
Push-up (Inchworm into Squat)

90s R&B still slaps

The time is here to support 4:13 Strong with workouts each Tuesday (run) and Thursday (beatdown) at #stronghold

COT: Silent Meditation for 30 seconds

Up Next : Right Said

the most annoying workout in the world

AO: middle-tooth
Q: sooner
PAX: Oatmeal, bluemule, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Hanes, DrRupp, Betty Ford, aquaman
FNGs: 1 aquaman

WARMUP: active stretching


Rotating stations + hill sprint between rotations

Station 1: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — Merkins

Station 2: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — squats

Station 3: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — hanging leg raises

Station 4: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — Triangles

Station 5: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — Australian push-ups

Team station: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — up downs

Timer is a song about Sally going up and down…

Everyone completes all the stations

Back to start


COT: Ashley

Earning the Apres

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Young and Restless, DrRupp, sooner, Toothless, bluemule
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and Windy! I thought it was supposed to be warm in the south…

WARMUP: Mosey around the school, active warmups, dynamic stretching

THE THANG: Cross Country Skiing

Lunge the length of the field
20 Burpees
Mosey back
Lunge the length of the field
20 Star Jumps
Mosey to the Parking Lot

Inchworm from standing position into plank, perform merkin, walk feet up to hands, put hands straight up. Inchworm the length of the parking lot

Ring of Fire!
All start in high plank, transition to low plank, and back to high plank throughout the song.

DORA: 200 WW1’s as your partner travels the length of the lot and back

5 Burpee buy in for ending one minute early

ANNOUNCEMENTS: LeanPax started yesterday, juiceday kicking off, new 4:13 class at Stronghold next Thursday

COT: Prayers for health in the new year


Start leanpax

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, CubCadet, Hair Band, Grape, Young and Restless, Puzzlah, Salami, Black Lung, SalPal, Michelin Man, The Merchant, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Blueprint, sooner, bluemule, Sherlock, Boomerang
FNGs: None
Did I already say cold?

– imperial walkers
– Hillbillies
– Good mornings

-trivia pep guardiola theme
– hold plank till right answer is called
– pax with right answer tells us how many burpees to do

– Dora:
– Timer : run the circle at the school drop off
– 100: pull ups
– 200: windshield wipers
– 300: fire hydrants

– JUICE day (?in place of brews day)
– Leanpax (bagels are processed food)
– Aoq bootcamp (coming quarterly)

New Year, New You

AO: titan
Q: Grape
PAX: bluemule, Natural Ice – CBO, Right Said, Pep, Vector, The Merchant, hambone, Canned Heat, sooner, Spinal Tap, Shingles (F3 Wichita), Esposa, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect for new beginnings

20 L&S Merkins
20 L&S Squats

THE THANG: slow mosey around the park, stopping every so often to do merkins until we had completed 2025 (ish) as a group

Partner up, one partner runs the walking trail as a timer as the other partner completes one set of:

Navy seal burpees
Elevated merkins (incline)
Elevated merkins (decline)
Ab thrusters
Regular squats

Mosey to the ellipse

Change partners, timer is running lap around the ellipse

Navy seal burpees
Elevated merkins (incline)
Original burpees
Ulgarian split squats

Back to startex to do like 3 more merkins each to make sure we hit our number

MOLESKINE: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end


COT: sooner’s dog
Vector’s brother
Natural Ice – CBO’s courage
Pep’s project
Spinal Tap in his new role as AOQ of titan


12 Days of Christmas

AO: handsomizer
Q: Wedding Singer
PAX: Umbrella, Purple Tiger, Wedding Singer, Salami, Freakonomics, bluemule, Natural Ice – CBO, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool and crisp

Recognition of Umbrella, who allowed YHC to freely steal and modify (including the notable absence of even a single Michael Buble song on the playlist this time!) his long-standing tradition and recent beatdown at the-racetrack Mosey to the bottom of the steps


12 Days of Christmas
Day 1 – 8 count Body Builder
Day 2 – Apollo Onos
Day 3 – Worst Merkin
Day 4 – Lt. Dan
Day 5 – Burpees
Day 6 – Storm squats
Day 7 – WWI or WWII
Day 8 – Windmill Merkins
Day 9 – Iron Mike’s
Day 10 – Makhtar N’Diayes
Day 11 – Mountain Climbers
Day 12 – V-Ups

The day corresponds with number of reps. Start on Day 1 and then run lap up the stairs and back down the ramp. Day 2 then 1, run. Day 3 then 2 then 1, run…until you finish or time. 2 is 1 for all applicable exercises. That fact, along with the long set of stairs and ramp back down proved to be too much for any of the PAX to complete the work, but several got to Day 10!

Mosey back to startex

MARY: n/a – called for time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Franklin 10-year anniversary beatdown Saturday 1/4 at Pinkerton Park – 0630

See elsewhere on Slack for deets about New Year’s Day convergence and Lean PAX

COT: Reminder that F3 is first and foremost a leadership organization. It is in our Mission statement

Always an honor to lead.

Stay strong and keep signing-