Solve the riddle, escape the beatdown

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: Firefox, Chunks, DintyMoore, Black Lung, Cream Cheese, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, Pep, hambone, Bravefart
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chlly-ish to start

Dynamic warm-up
Arm Circles
a little old man yoga
Cherry pickers


Put together some crummy rhyming riddles in the form of an escape game/puzzle Q that ask the Pax to guess where the next stop on our adventure would be.

I line up in rows, strong and high,
Where kids swing through the sky.
Grip me tight and don’t let go,
Or down to the ground you’ll go!

To escape:
100 Rocky Balboas
25 Incline Merkins
25 Dolly Partons

Mosey to Monkey Bars.

I eat small spheres, then spit them out,
into the bucket, without a doubt.
Before you swing, you must come to me,
Where dimpled orbs are set free.

To escape:
(Option to hit 50) 30 pull-ups – 30 merkins- 30 rows – 30 squats – 2 laps
(partitioned however you want)

Mosey to Driving Range machine.

While today is nice, sometimes it’s not,
Can find this covered spot?
Next to the clubhouse to get some gainz,
It’s where we work out when it rains.

To escape:
Lunge down, Broad jump back length of driving range

Mosey to clubhouse

Practice a gentle tap, get a generous roll,
Avoid the sand, your chip finds the hole.
To complete this puzzle, you must be quick,
A surprise is waiting to do the trick.

To escape:
30 burpees
30 Carolina dry docks
30 mountain climbers (each leg)
30 dips

Mosey to Chipping Green.

Beep Test, either running or a SSH on the side. Congrats to Black Lung for getting to 10.0 :exploding_head: and making it look a lot easier than I’m sure it felt. DintyMoore, Bravefart, and Cream Cheese rounded out the top 4, but Cream Cheese will never see this, so did it really happen? I think each got to Round 8, but I was struggling to focus after I got caught at 7.3 (I think).

Appreciating Firefox’s request of words of gratitude even though I often struggle to put them together. Grateful to lead and put together some (hopefully) fun puzzles for the group.

TONIGHT is Game Night at Chez Firefox
Sign up for Merkin Madness.
Night moves is now March 13.

A number of prayers for family and friends, clarity around jobs, and gratitude for wins of our family and friends.

God’s gonna cut you down

AO: titan
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: Firefox, Sherlock, Black Lung, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Young and Restless, Pep, Papa Bear
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: springtime is peeking through

Imperial walkers
Arm circles

Mosey over to HCA garage
– Bottom (Ground Floor): 20 Merkins
– 2nd Floor: 20 Squats
– 3rd Floor: 20 Big Boy Sit-ups
– 4th Floor: 20 Burpees
Rd 1: sprint up inclines, mosey to next spot
Rd 2 (coming down): in reverse (Bernie down ramp), mosey to next spot
Rd 3: Bernie up, mosey and laps on roof for 6
Rd 4: mosey down and around.

Burpee for 6
My counts:
90 merkins total
60 burpees (plus any done at Start)

On Johnny Cash’s 102nd birthday, we reflect on redemption.

Game night on Friday
Biscuit run on Saturday
Night Pax

COT: :black_heart:

A Day of Celebrations

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox , Pole Dancer
PAX: Vector, Black Lung, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Puzzlah, Pep, Poppa Lock
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Pole Dancer led us in some active warm-ups:
– 50 SSH
– A skips
– B skips
– Zombie walks

THE THANG: Pole Dancer and YHC could not decide which Feb. 21 national day to celebrate; so, we celebrated all of them.

Thang 1: Sticky Buns Day
To celebrate National Sticky Buns Day, YHC had us do a bit of leg and bun work. PAX did the following circuit as many times as they could within our allotted celebration time. Everyone finished 2, some were about done with their 3rd when we called time.
– Iron Mikes (20x/side)
– Bulgarian Split Squats (20x/side)
– Jump Squats (20x)
– Raised Alabama Prom Dates (20x, with feet elevated on a bench)
– Bear crawl around the circle behind McCabe

Thang 2: Grain-Free Day
To celebrate National Grain-Free Day, Pole Dancer had us do a number of exercises that looked familiar but were ultimately worse. After each set, we ran a bernie around the circle
– Navy Seal Burpees (merkin, knee tuck, merkin, knee tuck, merkin) – 25x (but many shortened to 20 because, wtf)
– Deep Squat Star Jumps – 25x
– Something else, I forget

Thang 3: Caregiver’s Day
To celebrate National Caregiver’s Day, YHC had us partner up. First 1 PAX did sit-ups while the other held feet in a high plank position. We did this for 50s and then swapped. We did 2 rotations of this and then switched to Partner Decline Merkins. 1 PAX held the feet of the other who did merkins for 50s and then swapped. 50s is a long time, y’all.

Thang 4: Boiled Peanuts Day
Pole Dancer was unfamiliar with boiled peanuts and other things we eat here in the South (if we’re not allergic to peanuts). He led us in a number of Southern-themed exercises, with a short jog to the parking lot in-between.
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Hello Dolly’s
– Ragin’ Cajuns (elbow-to-opposite knee crunches)

– Definitely was fun collaborating with Pole Dancer on this!
– Much discussion of the Tomb Raider-esque amalgamation of YHC and Pole Dancer. Vector called it pornography.
– So cold.
– If you want to do a Co-Q mash-up with another of our respected brethren, send me a DM! We’ve got a couple others lined up for the spring.

– Saturday Breakfast Q at Focker’s
– Game night next Friday
– Other things that are on the calendar

– Much gratitude

The Sign

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Firefox, bluemule, Chunks, Right Said, Blueprint, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, Crawlspace, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Pep, Puzzlah, Sherlock, Spinal Tap, Good Morning America, Aquaman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: clear and crisp

WARMUP: led by AOQ until 5:32
L/S Squats
Mosey to Parthenon entrance

Thing 1 –
10 rounds – Lap between each set
4 Burpees
8 Merkins
12 Squats
16 Mountain Climbers
20 SSHs

Thing 2 –
Mosey Merkin Complex x 10 stops
Push-up and shoulder tap (each side)
Push-up and knee tap (each side)
Push-up and toe touch (each side)
Push-up and swinging toe touch (each side)
Push-up (Mike Tyson)
Push-up (Inchworm into Squat)

90s R&B still slaps

The time is here to support 4:13 Strong with workouts each Tuesday (run) and Thursday (beatdown) at #stronghold

COT: Silent Meditation for 30 seconds

Up Next : Right Said

Restorative Sportcore

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: wardas1, Pep, Will Norton, Swiffer, Grape, Go Fish, t-cell, Black Lung, Harbaugh
FNGs: None
The year is 1502. On this day, in the city of Bologna, Italy, a boy by the name of Uno Boncompagni is born. He will go on to study and teach law before he is summoned to Rome by Pope Paul III and appointed first judge of the capital. Uno’s administrative strengths will allow him to rise through the ranks of the Catholic Church, resulting in his eventual election to the papacy in 1572. Ever the patron of the arts and sciences, Uno will use his position to commission a modified version of the Julian calendar 10 years later. More closely approximating the solar year and properly spacing leap years, it will go on to become the most widely accepted calendar in the world.

523 years later, Uno Boncompagni is better known by his assumed name, Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the Gregorian calendar is named.

Vatican Night Clubs
SnL Squats

Building a Foundation
3 rounds – 1’ per exercise

1. Squats
2. Side Lunges
3. SL Deadlifts
4. Split Squats R
5. Split Squats L

Gregora 1-2-3
Partner up – P1 reps, P2 runs to opposite end of field and back.

100 Merkins
200 WWIs
300 Jane Fondas R/L

Mosey back to flag for COT/BOM

The story of Pope Gregory XIII had everything to do with January 7 and nothing to do with any of the workout, save for a few cleverly named exercises. Sometimes you just want to Q something that works!

LeanPax is in full swing and men across F3 Nashville are participating in the challenge. Details from Black Lung are in the thread above, and the spreadsheet to track your progress is

On 2/11, I’ll be on Q for a Valentine’s Day-themed workout to get you prepped, so go ahead and get sexy for me with a way too early HC.

We lifted up:
– the Stark family
– Elizabeth Webb
– Keith
– Ariel
– The Gilberts

Start leanpax

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, CubCadet, Hair Band, Grape, Young and Restless, Puzzlah, Salami, Black Lung, SalPal, Michelin Man, The Merchant, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Blueprint, sooner, bluemule, Sherlock, Boomerang
FNGs: None
Did I already say cold?

– imperial walkers
– Hillbillies
– Good mornings

-trivia pep guardiola theme
– hold plank till right answer is called
– pax with right answer tells us how many burpees to do

– Dora:
– Timer : run the circle at the school drop off
– 100: pull ups
– 200: windshield wipers
– 300: fire hydrants

– JUICE day (?in place of brews day)
– Leanpax (bagels are processed food)
– Aoq bootcamp (coming quarterly)

Gravity is for the birds

AO: westeros
Q: SalPal
PAX: Hedwig, Young and Restless, Black Lung, Michelin Man, Tim the Toolman, Blueprint, Chunks, hambone, Red Skull
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A touch frosty.

WARMUP: Not my problem.

Exposition: Disclaimer
Rising Action: Mosey to Love Circle, 5 burpees EMOM
Climax: 10 Burpees, EMOM, 5 minutes
Falling Action: Mosey to Bridge, Burpee Broad Jump over.
Denouement: Triple Box Jump Burpee Dora (30 total)
Epilogue: 10 burpee buyout and hill sprint.

MOLESKINE: I hope you’re happy.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lean Pax, NYD convergence, 4:13 in January

COT: Praise for Black Lung on promotion, Blueprint in new endeavors, Hedwig for incoming baby, SalPal for wife’s career.

2 steps forward, one step back

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Red Skull, Black Lung, Spinal Tap, There was one other, I’m sorry
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: we stayed warm

WARMUP: normal

THE THANG: run to the stairs, go up two steps, down one…at every other landing go back down one landing…we did DIDS but you had to do two sets and then repeat the one before, etc. I was miserable, and so was the workout

MOLESKINE: thank you for letting me take out my frustration


COT: thanks for sharing your hearts with me


The Standard is the Standard

AO: titan
Q: Chunks
PAX: bluemule, Right Said, Natural Ice – CBO, Spinal Tap, Firefox, Papa Bear, Black Lung, Puzzlah, Sherlock, Pep, Young and Restless, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, DintyMoore
FNGs: None

The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Right Said served as the standard monitor for cadence and workout understanding.

SSH in cadence starting and stopping till we were all in cadence

Almost 1 Mile Run down Natchez Trace


Partnered up for Cocaine Bear Crawls relay 5 lines at a time to the end of the parking lot.

Ran out of time and had to head back to Startex

Mosey back to Startex

Made back in time for 5 mins of Mary


Encouraged the HIMs to incorporate the Mission of F3 into their workouts when they Q. Let’s not forget why we are doing this. The Standard is the Standard.

Check Slack
Prayed out.