Tortoise & Hare, ep 1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Right Said, Chunks, bluemule, Michelin Man, Focker, Natural Ice, SalPal, Decaf, Longhorn, Judy, Duncan (F3 Waxhaw), Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Bumble Bee, Peso, Unc, Tampax, Skid Mark, Long Way, Soft Soap, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 73 degrees and very humid

WARMUP: SSH, Squats, IWs, Right over Left, Left over Right, WMH

THE THANG: RUN!! The first 3 mile run for the new class and for some of our F3 PAX. The 4:13 Strong men started of in a sprint and made it to the first turn before they started walking. We had a fast finish of 26:15 and an “all in” time of 38:34. Not bad for the first run. We will do one more run before breaking into Pace Groups.

Thank you Michelin Man for leading the wrap up exercises as we brought in the six.

MOLESKINE: Thank you to my F3 brothers for coming out this morning. Your presence makes a huge difference for the 4:13 Strong men.

COT: Prayers for strength, wisdom, courage and endurance.

First time is the easiest

AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Red Skull, Decaf, toga, Dan Tanna, bluemule, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Spandex, Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Layup, Temper Tantrum, Bumble Bee, Peso, Unc, Tampax, Skid Mark, Long Way, Soft Soap and Trajectory
FNGs: None
First. We’ve got 160 PAX in this channel and only 6 at the workout. 4 if you take out Red Skull and Decaf who are there by default. I personally cant come every time so I totally get it but I really cant overstate the impact y’all have on these men. I’d really encourage you to commit to coming at least once per class, more if you can. 4:13 speaks directly to the heart of the mission of F3.


SSH x 30
Squats x 10
LBAC x 10 each way
Jack Webb 1/3 Merkin+Air Press up to 10/30

Grab a block at mosey

Line up in 2 groups of 11. bluemule was kind enough to Q some 4-count flutters while YHC set up cones.

Sprint relay – grab a cone bring it back, next guy grabs the next and brings it back, so on and so forth until all are picked up and then reset back out.

Group 2 won the first round with Red Skull someone getting stuck with 3 legs of it! To the winner goes the spoils so I gave them the choice of burpees or block thrusters. The team chose thrusters so 15 thrusters while Group 1 did 20 burpees.

Rinse and repeat. Group 2 again took the W. They chose burpees this time so YHC obliged with 30 burpees. 20 thrusters for Group 1.

YHC had some other things planned but wasn’t super pleased with the sprints, the lack of full reps, etc. SO we lined up and every man ran 125ft sprint down, and 125ft back. Immediate rinse and repeat again.

Grab the blocks and mosey home for burpee-apocalypse. When we got to 6 YHC promised we could be done once every person completed every rep. @Tampax stepped up and called out the reps for PAX, awesome leadership.

Barely Legal (repeat 413’r) asked me 3x for a new name. I told him no and that it only gets worse. I finally obliged after insisting several more times. Being at a Tampa Q, and the bright pink shorts, Barely Legal has been officially renamed Tampax. Dont let Red Skull put any of this Tampa-X nonsense out there. It’s Tampax. Period. (pun intended)

I had something a little different dialed up but last second changed it up. I thought it was important for the PAX to experience a team focused challenge. It was interesting seeing them only focus on the dude next to them and give only just enough effort that was required and forgetting about the bigger picture. Some good lessons in that for sure.

Lots of prayers for safety for the men, resiliency, and their families.

Spandex has a sister getting some cancer scans this week.