One for Twenty Twenty-Four

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, @Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and frosty morning…not a lot to say

Hill Mosey, light sprint, high knees, butt kickers.
Imperial Walkers
Don Quixote

Partner Tabata.
1 partner works for 1 minute while the other partner recovers. Focused on form and power

Lunges into leg lifts
Jump Squats
Plank jacks
Power merkins (try to get hands and feet off the deck)
Mtn. Climbers
Rinse, repeat 3x

PAX led round-robin:
Merican Hammers
Emperor penguins
Freddie Mercs
Dead Bugs
Big Boys
Jane Fonda’s

Lean PAX
Plan to schedule a single PAX to lead both Tuesday and Thursday workouts at The Knoll on a given week.

Expressed gratitude for the men who post at The Knoll. Looking forward to facing 2024 together. Prayer requests mentioned. Prayers offered.

Q Rotation, Christmas edition

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, Wolfpack, Malibu, AAA, Pebbles, DB, Bumble bee (2.0), Pearl
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: mild 30’s

Disclaimer given.
Instructions: Q will rotate with the Santa hat. Once the PAX is done with his round, choose the next man to lead.

WARMUP: mosey to tree line with marching and ground movement sprinkled in. 7 count motivator led by Bumble Bee at tree line. Mosey to bench while pax take turns circling around group.

Lots of movement, including:
– dids
– squat jumps
– star jumps
– pull ups (1.5 edition)
– sprint to tree line
– lunges with 60# sand bags
– step ups
– plank rotation
– dead bugs & Freddy mercuries

– nyd convergence
– lean pax

COT: Pearl encouraged us to shift from judge (of our selves and others) to scientist. Scientists are curious and explore how things work. Curiosity is key to personal growth. It’s something we naturally did when we were kids and it’s healthy to get back to it.

Honor to all the PAX for their situational awareness as they led.

Honor to Pearl for being willing to do a guest moleskin on his first visit!

Be kind, be curious,
– m out!

Christmas cookies

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: AAA, G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, The Banker, Pebbles, @bumblebee
FNGs: None

Inchworm walkouts to merkin X5
Slooow squats X12
Willie Mayes Hayes (sp?) while we went over mission, principles, and credo
Bearcrawl to tree and lunge back

Split into two teams of three
One Round robin
-PAX one does lunges with sandbag to the road and back
-PAX two does pull-ups until pax one returns
-PAX three does three-count merkins

Two Rounds robin
-25 front squats with bag
-Swing rows

Three rounds individual
-10 Bulgarian split squats each leg
-20 ierkins

Pair up
Two fifteen yard brother bear crawls

End with little drummer boy merkins

New Year’s convergence at Green Machine
The Knoll is on for next week

During BINGRO, one challenge was to write your own eulogy. This was quite an emotional experience for me, and one key takeaway was thinking about who I’ll leave behind. Furthermore, what am I doing to prepare them for my death? How can I train my children to be successful when I’m no longer around.
So in thinking about that, I started drawing up a plan of all the things I want to pass on to them like: how to change a tire, change the oil in their car, skin a pig, appreciate good food and good whiskey, etc. most of all, I want to teach them how to think and question and explore the world around them.
Keeping this in mind makes me so much more intentional with my day-to-day activities and conversations. Think about what you want to pass on and how you will set up your family to thrive when you’re no longer their protector.

Thank you for letting me lead you men this morning! Thanks @morning_star for the tea. It went great with the gingerbread cookies!

Katy Guest Q compliments of VMax

AO: the-knoll
Q: Cash
PAX: AAA, Cash, G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, The Banker, Timber, VMax, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
Honored to lead the men of The Knoll this morning for my first Tennessee BD! What a solid group of HIMs! We Rickrolled, slayed dragons and rocked around the clock. YHC was even “anointed”!

The Lineup: VMax, Morning Star, Bumblebee (2.0), AAA, GString, Timber, The Banker and YHC

Disclaimer + CPR Q + Sweeper assigned

Warmarama –  Motivator x 6 (countdown of slightly weird choreographed SSH things.), CH Squats x 10 IC, CH merkins x 10 IC, Abe Vagoda x 5 IC, GG x 5 IC

Rickroll Ohnos – the pax probably didn’t know what to think when the Q started doing his best Rick Astley moves, but they fell right in line and got after it!

Indian Run around the field with Bluetooth speaker at high port in the front (or at a “rifle carry” for the non-military types). Circled back at one point to pick up the 6. Never leave a man behind!

The Thang

Clock Merkins – starting at 12 o’clock high, we decreased in reps as we traveled around the dial from 12 to 1 on Q. Goal was to keep your knees off the deck all the way through to #1.

Clock Flutters – again decreased in reps as we traveled around the dial starting at 12 IC.   Involved some creative squirming on your 6 in order to meet the goal of keeping your feet off the deck.

Clock Mountain Climbers – decreased in reps as we traveled around the dial starting at 12 IC.  Fingers were nearly frozen towards the end so Q resorted to making fists.

Indian Run around the field with Bluetooth speaker at high port in the front.

Back to the starting COP. T-claps to Morning Star for bringing the red lantern so we had a beacon guiding us back.

Partner Up, line up across from your partner with the sidewalk in the middle for the…

Deconstructed Welsh Dragon – bear crawl to meet your partner in the middle.  Hand slap, 1 merkin, hand slap, 1 plank jack, hand slap, 1 pair of shoulder taps.  Crawl bear back to the starting point.  Increase in reps to 5 of each exercise.  Plank for the 6 or go work beside them.  Pax worked hard til the very end of this one!

Bobby Hurleys x 25 IC (Q demo’ed proper BH form of slapping both hands on the deck then shooting a J. Swish!)
American Hammers x 25 IC
Carolina Dry Docks x 25 on Q
Bonnie Blairs (jumping lunge) x 15 IC
CH Merkins x 15 IC with a little HOLD at the end.

And for the finale, YHC’s signature move. The Low Flutter with my own twist at the end which in Katy has been affectionately dubbed:
Cash Kicks™️ x 46 IC + HOLD your legs out straight alternating between feet at 6″, 45°, 90°, 45°, 6”. Hold the final 6” til 0615.

COT – Counterama, Namearama

Word – YHC made the point about the importance of the HC not just in the gloom with your brothers but in all the more important parts of life. As always, YHC was preaching more to myself than any of the pax.

TAPs – stay in COT

(Rest of the BB will be shared in the Comments…)

12 Days of PAXMas

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, morning star, Sooie
FNGs: None
34 degrees. Clear skies. Spotted a shooting star 💫

Don Quixote
Loose caboose mosey

Sang 12 days of Christmas with the following lyrics: (Totals in parentheses )
12 jacks a jumping (12)
11 dry docks docking (22)
10 Merkins merikin (30)
9 dips a dipping (36)
8 rows a rowing (40)
7 crunchy frogs (42)
6 Mtn Climbers (42)
5 Spoccoli’s (40)
4 Jump Squats (36)
3 Big Boys (30)
2 Iron Mikes (22)
1 Solitary Burpee (12) 🎶

Human ornament (hangs for 1:30 minutes)
2v2 chaos cone competition

12 Superman’s
30 flutter kicks
20 crunches
20 slow dead bugs

Mew years day convergence at #greenmachine
Start thinking now about how you want to grow and improve in 2024. Nobody drifts towards improving. It takes effort, discipline, and community.

AXE Jumps

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, El Capitan, Timber, AAA, Malibu, Bumble Bee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 20’s, frosty

WARMUP: Mosey to the tree line while passing tennis ball around. Bear crawl, crab walk mixed in.

SSH, IW, BACs, Back BACs

Mosey to the back stop + give a light to Malibu to join us.

10 seconds of squat jumps (each PAX found his number during a time trial) on the minute.

If you lose power or you can’t talk before the next round, transition to SSH.

10 rounds, then mosey to the road and politician back.

Another 10 rounds and mosey to the road.

Made our way to the playground with some ground movements, side movements, etc. Pausing for some core work.

30 second hang then a few rounds of core work movements and a mosey around the backstop.

MARY: core movements in the last 15 min

– NYD convergence at Green Machine, 6 to 7am

COT: YHC reflected on how embracing sadness is a pathway to joy. I didn’t grow up being taught this and push disappointment and loss away most of the time. I used to think I have to move past it quickly and ignore it but now I’m realizing the the best antidote to self pity after a set back is to name it, let myself feel the feelings that come up and then move to a place of remembering key truths about myself and God.

YHC encouraged the PAX to make space for the more challenging feelings this holiday season.

Prayed us out remembering especially those kids this holiday season that will feel disappointed and lonely.

Credo with a Rock

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, Wolfpack, El Capitan, AAA, Bumble Bee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Frosty, mid 30’s

WARMUP: Mosie to the tree line while passing a soccer ball around, pausing for bear crawls, crab walks, shoulder taps, etc.

SSH, IW, Low Slow Squats with Soviet Sprinter Shakes (fast and loose drills) in between.

PAX picked up rocks at our favorite tree.

Part 1 was so confusing I won’t mention it here.
Part 2 was jump lunges with rocks, then without, then carry your rock to the tree
Part 3 was alternating rock presses and jump lunges

Soviet Sprinter Shakes in between sets with plenty of memory practice with the credo. We personalized it and repeated it to one another.

“I won’t leave you behind, but I won’t leave you where I find you.”

Part 4: keep away with the soccer ball with hand release merkins if your team loses the ball.

MARY: not today

ANNOUNCEMENTS: skipped those in the gloom … check slack

COT: YHC reflected on what it means for us to apply the credo to ourselves, our Ms, our 2.0s.

Partner Tabata

AO: the-knoll
PAX: AAA, Timber, G-string (Eli Kresta), DB, morning star, Pebbles, Wolfpack, Ex-Pat, Sooie, El Capitan, Bumble Bee, Big Red
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: mid 30s, foggy

WARMUP: mosey to tree line and back, 15 -4 count jumping jacks, 15 – 4 count lungs, 15 – BACs, 15- back BACs, 10 – slow squat, stretch out on your own.

THE THANG: 6 rounds of 2 sets of exercises with each set consisting of a tabata minute (20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest for a full minute). Partners alternated between a work set and a rest set. Exercises performed were:
-one legged step ups
-one legged split squats
-jump squats
-swing rows

Finished with 4 minutes of alternating hill sprints between partners.

MARY: 20 American hammers, 20 4-count flutter kicks, 20 leg raises

ANNOUNCEMENTS: New Year’s Day convergence and ruck coming up

COT: Gratitude. Even though Thanksgiving has come and gone. The challenge is to keep the sentiment of gratitude through out the holiday season. Holidays bring up many different emotions, and sometimes this season makes can get stressful and consumeristic. It is easy to take people, events, and needs for granted, but try to always remember to be grateful for the things around you, especially in difficult or stressful times.

Gorilla Strength

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: morning star, AAA, The Banker, Pebbles, DB, Wolfpack, Timber, G-string (Eli Kresta), V-Max
FNGs: None
Crisp and clear

Jog to @g-string truck since I pulled up late. Mosey to the Stop sign and back to the truck where we unloaded coupons. Suicides with alligator crawl to the first light and back, Murder Bunny to the second light and back, Gorilla run to the third light and mosey back.

First three exercises were “Hero Style” (first team to finish, ended the exercise for all)
Three rounds:
-Teammate 1, run to first light then 5 burpees, proceed to second light and repeat, then third and repeat.
-Teammate A, 25 Floor-to-ceilings with coupon
(@g-string and @AAA were the heroes)

Two Rounds
-Teammate 1, Gorilla Run Suicides to all three lanterns
-Teammate A, Coupon overhead presses until teammate 1 returns.
(@Timber and @The_Banker were our heroes)

Mosey to the playground
Three rounds
-Teammate 1, 10 pull-ups
-Teammate A, Shoulder taps until Teammate 1 is finished
(@AAA and @g-string were heroes again)

Slowsey back to the lanterns and back to the playground
Two rounds of pull-ups to failure
Circle of pain: All PAX hold high plank while first PAX does 10 merkins. Then the next PAX does 10, and so on until all have done merkins while the rest plank.

Two rounds of 15 4-count LBCs in cadence.

Holiday Brew Ruck
New Year’s Day Convergence

Prayers of thanksgiving but also healing memories for @pebbles youngest child’s 1st birthday.

Sidekicks (Keep Fighting)

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, DB, G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, The Banker, Timber, Wolfpack, VMax (recently moved from Katy TX), Smotz (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
Cold and clear. 🌕

Mosey to stop sign and back.
15 SSH
15 Imperial walkers
10 low slow squats
10 slow merkins
10 Willie Mays Hays
OYO stretches 1 minute

5 cones, each 10 paces apart.

Return trips from cone 5 to cone 1 were alternating sprints, slip-line uppercut drills.
Plank for the 6’s

4 double-sidekicks low/high at each cone.
4 squat punches at each cone.
4 tuck jumps at each cone.
4 more squat punches at each cone.
4 burpee, jab, cross combos at each cone.
Repeated the full sequence 2x

10 minutes of single-flag Capture the Flag. If you get tagged, 5 burpees or sprint to your base to return to the game. If anyone dropped the flag, everyone does 5 burpees.


New years Day convergence.

When I was a kid, Sidekicks (Chuck Norris, Jonathan Brandis) was one of my favorite movies. Since my brother passed away last week, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the past and how we grew up. Still processing through all of it but a couple things stand out. Community is vital. Inevitably we’ll each face a moment when we’re tempted to give up. When that happens, we need the strength of those around to help carry us through it.