10 Stations

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: Sooie, The Banker, G-string, Malibu, Ex-Pat, AAA, El Capitan, Timber, Pebbles, Lunch Lady, Sparrow
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 67 degrees, mostly cloudy

WARMUP: SSH, BACs, back BACs, Seal Claps, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Don Quixotes

Station Work (2 rounds): 10 stations, rotate when runner returns
Stations – pullups, merkins, side lunges, calf raises, derkins, BW squats, planks, dips, farmer carry (with coupons), ~300m run
Team Mosey: ran 1 mile together

MOLESKINE: Ex-Pat sat in valiantly as AOQ, I don’t think G-string took a break from pullups the entire time he was at that station, we thought we heard the howl of Wolfpack but it turns out it was his snoring, the music playlist was hit and miss with some of the PAX

-VQ ALERT: The Merchant VQ this Tuesday
-check details at coworking for those work from home folks

COT: morning stār read from/talked about a children’s book a few weeks ago. This got me thinking about my favorite kids books and perhaps my favorite is The Giving Tree. It is such a simple book, but with a profound message: give until you don’t think you can give anymore, and then give a little more. May we continue to strive to be SERVANT leaders for our families.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Roll the Dice!

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: Sooie, morning stār, AAA, El Capitan, The Banker, Timber, Sparrow, Malibu, Étouffée, Pebbles, FLO, The Merchant, G-string, voucher, Ex-Pat, Bubblebee (2.0), Goliath (2.0), Monkey (2.0), Fish Biscuit (2.0), Tonks (2.0), Smoltz (2.0), Ace (2.0), Gipper (2.0), Dr. Kitty (2.0), Mocchi (2.0)
FNGs: 2 Dr. Kitty (2.0), Mocchi (2.0)
CONDITIONS: 68 degrees, dew on the grass, sun out

WARMUP: 15 SSH, 15 BACs, 15 back BACs, 10 slow squats, 5 8ct burpees

Thang 1: Roll the Dice – 4 rounds, 6 exercises (merkins, iron mikes, BW squats, WWIIs, leg raises, burpees), total # on dice = total # of reps
Rd 1 – roll 1 die, Rd 2 – 2 dice, Rd 3 – 3 dice, Rd 4 – 4 dice
*thank you to G-string for being our math guy and adding up the dice!
Thang 2: Ultimate Football – like ultimate frisbee but with a football (modification: each team could select 1 “running back”), team 2 wore patriotic themed beads around their neck for identification purposes

MOLESKINE: Malibu made a glorious return and brought with him some great cosmic rays for the morning, Étouffée showed he’s a little better than Uncle Rico (Napoleon Dynomite) and can still throw the pigskin, Tonks was the best dice roller of the morning, The Banker has now introduced 6 of his 9 2.0s (where 3 away from the entire crew), Sooie brought the coffee brew, chocolate milk for the 2.0s, the patriotic beads must have weighed heavy on Team 2 as Team 1 pulled out the victory in ultimate football, RECORD # of PAX at the knoll!!!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: may-you-pull-up challenge still ongoing, coworking planned for tomorrow, The Merchant VQ next Tuesday: make plans to be there to support him!

COT: Understanding your purpose, and having a clear vision in your life/work can help you achieve greater things and help you get through difficult times. I shared the story of a wrestling match in college. The Banker and I returned to New York after attending a funeral for one of our uncles who had just passed. Emotionally exhausted from the trip home, The Banker returned to school to find out he was 12 lbs over weight. He proceeded to stay up late, wake up early, and run during any free time between classes the next day to lose that weight and make weight. During the wrestling match later that day, in heroic fashion, he pulled out a stunning and almost impossible victory, sealing the team win by pinning his opponent. He had decided to offer up the challenge for our uncle. Had he not given himself the “why” he likely wouldn’t have been able to overcome the emotional and physical exhaustion to pull off the stunning victory. This is the stuff legends are made of! May we all reflect on and remember our “why” so that when things get tough at work, or with family, we push on!!

Thanks for a great morning,


AO: pain-train
Q: The Banker
PAX: AAA, Cheeks, G-string, Lunch Lady, Siri, Sooie, The Merchant, Timber, voucher
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool and slightly wet

WARMUP: stretching

THE THANG: We did a half Murph to prime ourselves for Memorial Day challenge.
.5 mile run followed by 50 pull-ups, 100 merkins, and 150 body weight squats, finished with .5 mile run.

MOLESKINE: Finishing up school and transitioning to summer is hard and stressful for me at times. Im trying to focus on keeping my head up and taking some deep breaths. These mornings with my F3 brothers become increasingly important to me and help prime the day.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bellevue Picnic tomorrow, May pull up challenge going strong, Green machine hosting Murph challenge on Memorial Day.

COT: Prayers

Bring Your Own Kid Workout at The Knoll

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack , morning star, Sooie
PAX: Ex-Pat, El Capitan, AAA, Three Stooges, Merchant, DB, Pebbles, Firefox, 2.0’s:  Big Red, Link, Bumblebee, Tonks, FishBiscuit, AwesomeAxolotl, Birdman (2.0), Wildflower (2.0)
FNGs: 2 Birdman (2.0), Wildflower (2.0)
CONDITIONS: Warm with a sprinkle

WARMUP: stretching and motivators led by Bumblebee and Morningstar

Thang1: 11’s
Burpees on one side, Big boy sit-ups on the other
Bunny hops one direction, Bear crawl the other

Thang 2: Old school movie time
Split up in pairs (Dads and 2.0)
One pax is the VCR
One pax is the Remote
Start opposite of one another. The VCR is doing the exercise while the Remote controls the speed. If the remote is running forward, VCR goes fast. If remote is running backwards, VCR goes slow. If remote pauses, the VCR holds the current position. Switch places for 60 seconds on/60 seconds rest.

Movies watched:
– Merkins
– Squats
– Big boy sit-ups

Thang 3: Infection!
2.0s were the infected and ran around tagging PAX to infect them. Three rounds with alternating movement types each round.
R1: Pax has to run backwards
R2: Pax has to run sideways
R3: Pax has to skip

Thang 3: Bear Tag Royal
All pax in Bear crawl. If you get your hand slapped your out and have to stand on the side and do your exercise of choice until the end (didn’t see any burpees?)

I believe FishBiscuit and AwesomeAxolotl were our champions!

MOLESKINE: Criss-cross-applesauce!

Thank you Morningstar for sharing a delightful message. A reminder to all 2.0s to encourage and share delight in every action. And a reminder to us dads to seek out and nourish that delight in our 2.0s.


COT: 1-2-3 Delight!


AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, DB, morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, Wolfpack, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: old man winter not dead yet

Motivators from 5
Yes/No/maybes 5
BAC 15
Don Quixote 10
Good Morning OYO
Caboose is loose with the slam ball around the knoll. Slamball gets fumbled, 5 slow merkins ended up doing 20 all together

Iron Mikes 10x
Side lunges 10x
Shoulder taps 10x
Climber taps 10x
Derkins MAX
Single Leg Bridges 10x
Side Bridges 10x
Squat hold for the 6’s the mosey around the backstop.

Hangs: 1 minute on 30 seconds off (3x)

Ultimate Capture the Slamball
Get tagged, turnover possession.
Slamball hits the deck/fumbled, 5 burpees

Faithfulness in the mundane will echo forward for centuries. Recounted a small excerpt from the autobiography of John G. Patton (1824-1907) about his relationship with his father and when he left home for seminary. His father was a sock maker and they lived in a small village in Scotland:

My dear father walked with me the first six miles of the way. His counsels and tears and heavenly conversation on that parting journey are fresh in my heart as if it had been but yesterday; and tears are on my cheeks as freely now as then, whenever memory steals me away to the scene…His lips kept moving in silent prayers for me; and his tears fell fast when our eyes met each other in looks for which all speech was vain! We halted on reaching the appointed parting place; he grasped my hand firmly for a minute in silence, and then solemnly and affectionately said :
“God bless you, my son! Your father’s God prosper you, and keep you from all evil !”
Unable to say more, his lips kept moving in silent prayer: in tears we embraced, and parted.

– biscuit run Saturday, March 2
– Bring Your Kid to Workout day at #the-knoll Tuesday, March 5
– Terrible mile: Thursday, March 28

Closed with prayer.

Ten Trees!

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: AAA, The Banker, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, morning star, El Capitan, Sooie, Bumblebee (2.0), Big Red (2.0), Link (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold enough for gloves, yet warm enough for short sleeves… very confusing times we live in…

WARMUP: Mosey to stop sign then a series of stretching exercises led by Link.

Thang 1
Huddle around the River Table to complete a series of exercises done in reps of 10. After each set of 10 you must run and touch a tree.

Round 1: Squats (5reps) Merkins (5reps) x10 sets
Round 2: Iron Mikes (5reps) Dips (5reps) x10 sets

Partnered up for the next two rounds:
Round 3: Picolis until partner returns from touching a tree x10 sets
Round 4: Shoulder taps until partner returns from touch a tree x10 sets

Thang 2
6 rounds of 1 minute freeze tag.
If you get tagged you must stand with legs apart performing Overhead claps until someone crawls between your legs to unfreeze you. All Pax got a chance to be “it”

LBCs and Flutter kicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots coming up! I encourage everyone to check out Toothless’s latest post in General for everything.

Tuesday 3/5 – Take Your Kid to Workout Day here at The Knoll… great chance to share our passion for the three Fs with your family, friends, Pax who haven’t come out in a while, and PAX who haven’t experienced the beatdown that is a 2.0 workout.

Sometimes showing up is enough.

Goals and grace

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, AAA, Pebbles, El Capitan, morning star, DB, Bumble bee (2.0). Big red (2.0), Tonk (2.0), Fish biscuit (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 40’s with a hint of spring

YHC and Bumble bee were late … thanks to the PAX for starting the warm up as we showed up.

WARMUP: whatever the PAX did before YHC showed up, followed by: motivator (6 to 1), hard style low slow squats, lazy imperial walkers.

Instructions/set up for the thang: pick a weight if you like … this is an auto-regulated workout … two transition signs to pay attention to: you lose power or feel stiffness in your body or you can’t talk in complete sentences … if you experience one of those drop your weight and do jumps without it or do SSH if you’re working without a weight.

THE THANG: 20 sets of 11 seconds of jump squats (with or without the weight) followed by 49 seconds of active recovery (fast and loose drills; keep moving).

YHC encouraged the PAX to practice appreciation using the GAMES method:
G – gratitude: think of something you’re thankful for right now
A – anticipation: what are you looking forward to?
M – memories: what’s a time in the past you experienced joy?
E – experiences: what’s something you can do to create some relational joy?
S – singing: hum a tune, sing a song ..

We got to memories.

Took a detour before we finished to organize a search party for Bumble bee. We found him at the backstop pretty shaken up. YHC got to practice helping him get back to joy using what I’ve recently learned: VCR (validate, comfort, recover). PAX kept working with the weight ball during this time.

Finished the 20 rounds.

MARY: led by Sooie … flutter kicks, heel touches, something else and breath work.

MOLESKIN: YHC shared about a big goal I went after last year: simple timeless. 10 sets of 10 single arm kettle bell swings followed by 10 turkish getups with a 71lb kettle bell, autoregulated by the talk test.

YHC started with a 30# KB and insured my shoulder. Since then I’ve realized that my approach towards this goal was going to be long and with some detours to strengthen my core, reflexive strength, etc. Now I’m doing things like head nods, crawling, rocking, rolling. This is completely different than swinging or lifting a kettle bell. However, this is my path way towards my goal.

The takeaways:
1 – what big goal are you going for?
2 – give yourself freedom and grace to enjoy the journey and accept that the journey may be different than you imagined

Shared prayer requests and appreciations and YHC took PAX out with a prayer.

Followed by some great conversation around Sooie Brewie.

YCH appreciates this space, you men (and your 2.0s) and the grace and encouragement we offer one another.

Great to see Tonk and Fish biscuit out with us again!

-m out!

Field trip!

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Banker
PAX: AAA, DintyMoore, G-string (Eli Kresta), Malibu, Pebbles, Sooie, Bumblebee
FNGs: None

WARMUP: we jogged in place, we did ankles to the butt while reciting the mission, credo, and core principles of F3

We ran with a buddy to the Babe Ruth baseball fields.
11’s – Burpees with duck walk to Lt Dans and bear crawl back.
Wall sit challenge
We ran back with a different buddy

Moleskin- when you grinding take a step back and look around at others that might be in a similar spot. It helps to focus on others which is what F3 is all about.
Also don’t forget “Dreams are what make life tolerable.”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dad Hike, Franklin is have a “Biscuit Run” or ruck in a few weeks. See G for details.

Count off by two’s for no reason

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Banker
PAX: morning star, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Siri, AAA, Wolfpack, Malibu, Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: chilly to freezing

21’s on SSH, we nailed it!
41 SSH
Slow squats
Slow merkins
Willie May Hayes

Partner Dora AMRAPs at table with one partner running to home plate and back while the other performs exercise
3X each exercise

Step ups
Single leg sit to stand
Single leg squat

Partner carry

Perfect Merkins
Shoulder presses


Mary- knee-ups and hour v-ups

ANNOUNCEMENTS: see channels

Walk Around the Block

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: Sooie, AAA
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and foggy. Like, really foggy.

Good mornings
Neck stretches
Arm circles (bacs and bac bacs)
Slow Pushups
Slow Merkins

Walk around the block ~1mile
At each power poll stop and perform an exercise. Exercises were done slowly to generate fatigue. alternating between:
1. Upper Body (Merkins, dips, Carolina Dry Docks, etc.)
2. Abs (v ups, american hammers, toe touches, etc.)
3. Legs (slow squats, lunges, spikolis, etc.)

Instead of walking we occasionally had alternate forms of transportation.

Check Slack
It’s warm at the knoll again – everyone come back and bring your friends!