440 on the 440 and Double the AO’s

YHC was planning on rain. Didn’t happen. What a glorious treat.

12 showed for a little exploration of the recently completed 440 Greenway.

First we did a quick COP in the Great Lawn. WMH, GM, SSH, Squat, and Merkins. It was quick. Needed to get moving. I had no idea how long that sucker was going to be. Felt like an Aunt Bea Q.

We started at what will now be the official Westeros launch point at the Greenway entrance. We did 10 Merkins, 10 Squats. 10 Little Baby Crunches, and 10 SSH. This 40-pack would be repeated 10 more times (11 total sets)

We headed down the 440 Greenway, stopping occasionally for the 40-pack. Ultimately, in maybe what had not been accomplished since Ironclad 1.0, we arrived at Titan. Circled back and finished our 40 packs at the start. For those who weren’t tracking, we did 440 of the exercises. Greenway is approx 2.5 miles. Helpful to know for any future Ironclad events.

Wrapped up with some Mary.


  1. Wednesday is Mickey’s last day before he heads to Chapel Hill. Let’s send him out with a bang.
  2. Continued prayers for Vectors father plus Reveille’s brother and father. One is deploying to Russian border and father is coming home.
  3. GREAT having Harvey Updike back out. With Voucher appearing, enjoy seeing so many new-old faces. Who knows, maybe The Mighty Stork  is coming back next.


PAX:  Blue mule, En frego, Hi viz, Crab legs,  Vector,  T cell,  PA,  RIGHT SAID,  Bad boy, Porcelain, Trapper Keeper, Bicentennial Man, Revelry

13 PAX learn a lot more about Fatherhood this morning. Strength, Patience, and Endurance was all tested.

Temp: Cool 73 degrees with 80% humidy.

Warm up with a quick mosey around the neighborhood. New homes going up if anyone is interested. Medium price ~$800k…

COP: SSH x 30 IC, High Knees x 30 IC, Merkins x 15 IC, Mountain Climbers x 20 IC, Willy Mays x 15 IC Each Leg, Good Mornings x 15 OYO.

Each exercise represented a point in a fathers life where he would feel such pain or exhaustion in a muscle group. After each exercise, PAX completed a sprint up the hill with a mosey back down to complete the next exercise.

F – Fast sprints x 3
A – Air presses  x 60
T – Single Leg Thrusters x 30
H – Monkey Humpers x 30
E – Elbow plank progression
R – Reverse Lunges length of hill
H – American Hammers x 30
O – Overhead Claps x 60
O – Overhead squats x 30
D – Dips x 50

MARY: Fludder Kicks x 30 IC, LBC x 30 IC, Nolan Ryans x 15 IC Each arm


This Tuesday, June 19th, Send off for Crawfish, Third Person, and Mickey Mouse at Edley’s in Sylvain Park @ 8pm.

Tin Can Ruck – See PA’s announcement on Slack.  ~6 hours or running starting mid-Saturday morning, July 21st.

It was awesome to lead you men this morning!

That Sucked – Westeros 6/11/18

13 Pax at Westeros this morning

QIC – Reveille

Pax – Bad Boy, Third Person, Trapper Keeper, Hawkeye, Crawfish, Blue Mule, The Baptist, Porcelain, En Fuego, Right Said, Crab legs, and

Light mosey to the drop-off pad for WOR

  • x10 Windmills
  • x10 Bat Wings
  • x10 Merkins IC
  • x10 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the soft, dewy grass for the “My daughter called me fat” workout

  • Circuit 1 (5 rounds)
    • x15 Shoulder Taps
    • x10 Merkins IC
    • x10 Merkins OYO fast as possible
    • rest
  • x10 8-count pushups
  • 7 rounds of “Lizzies” (burpees done like Liz Llorente)
    • 1 min on
    • 30 sec rest
  • Circuit 2 (2 rounds)
    • x20 Squats
    • x20 Jump Tucks
    • x20 Lunges
    • x20 Plank Jacks
  • Crowd Surfing!

Mule-paced mosey to AO to end with strecthing

Few notes: Tuesday 6-19 there’s an 8:00 pm meetup to send off 3 of our pax. Brew ruck registration is live. See Princess Aurora for details. Keep En Fuego’s wife in your prayers as she goes in for an outpatient procedure.

Ultimate Warriors

The Pax: T-Cell (Q), Right Said, Firefox, En Fuego, Trapper Keeper, Hawkeye, and Porcelain. (TEAM BLACK SHIRTS)

Princess Aurora, Reveille, High Viz, The Baptist, Pop A Lock, Third Person, Hambone (TEAM COLORED SHIRTS)

I’ll explain the teams in a moment. Perfect conditions. Dry field. Record breaking Westeros crowd. Today was ripe for Westeros Ultimate Frisbee Game 1.

YHC got caught at the wrong light and came in hot, like 5:31 am. Not good. Luckily Firefox was rolling in just as late with the customized T-Cell frisbee and cones.

The Thang:

Quick mosey around to the school and down to the great lawn. After some SSH, Squats, Merkins, WMH, and GM, we got down to action.

Was grateful to have a perfectly outlined field of play ready to go. All we had to do is throw down some cones, explain the rules to Reveille, and then divide up. Shirt colors made it easy.

Normal rules applied, except every drop pass was 5 merkins for everyone and for every goal scored against your team, 3 burpees that built. Plying to 7. Let’s kick this off.

Quick Game 1 Recap – The Black Shirt were machines. Firefox clearly had some sort of “don’t guard me” shield around him because it was 3-0 before the put a body on them. I think at 4-0 the Black Shirt started doing burpees with TCS. Eventually it was a 6-0 lead before TCS got on the board. Final of game 1 was 7-1. We all did burpess because although TBS was dominant, we were also empathetic.

Quick Game 2 Recap- Swapped Firefox for Reveille. TCS came out firing and took a 2-1 lead. TBS tied it up at 2-2. It was 6:15am, so next score won. Right Said threw a beautiful pass to YHC for the win.

Team Black Shirts goes 2-0 for the morning.

Despite a little ultimate rustiness, it was a lot of fun. Got about 5,000 steps in and 2.35 miles, so covered some ground along with some merkins and burpees. Won’t be the last game of the summer.


IronClad is in full swing. Good to have Hambone and Pop A Lock make a visiting Q. Still not to late to sign up, see the slack or holla at PA. Get signed up, even if it’s just for the patch (and the t-shirt!)

Friday is Friendly Friday across Nashville. YHC on the Q at Bomber and I’ll make it FNG-friendly. Your brother’s need this, so don’t be shy with the EH’s.

Love Is In The Air

Still emotional and on a high from the Royal Wedding, YHC decided to take the Pax up as high as he was for a trip to Love Circle.

Conditions were PERFECT for the 13 pax in attendance.

QIC: T-Cell PAX: Princess Aurora, Bad Boy, Trapper Keeper, Hawkeye, En Fuego, The Baptist, Porcelain, Right Said Fred, The Jeweler, High-Viz, Blue Mule, Reveille.

Mosey to tennis court to get this crew stretched out. Good Morning Apocalypse to start out, followed by WMH, SSH, Squats, and some little, tiny baby arm circles to wrap. We had a long journey ahead of us, so we took off from there.

After a LONG mosey to the top of Love circle and a moment to reflect on the beauty of a sunrise from the best view in Nashville, we paid some homage to the Royal Family. First up was King Phillip, in which we did 96 (his age) SSH’s and then made a loop round LC. Next up was the Queen (92) crunches and then a loop. Finally, we gave Prince Charles (69, his age!) due with some Monkey Humpers. A nod to not only his rumored past, but his somewhat monkeyish appearance. These were brutal.

From there we made the long mosey back via West End. All in all, we covered about 3 miles and were feeling every bit of it when we rolled back into Westeros.

Finished with a bit of Mary – Flutters and Freddie Mercury to finish.


  1. Great showing on Saturday at Sylvan Park fest. Probably good to do a few more of these, just need some better signage, etc.
  2. 4:13 kick-off on Thursday. Come out and support these guys!
  3. Stay tuned for a new AO on Tuesday’s led by En Fuego and Foggy Pirate
  4. Prayers for Jeweler’s mom who is sick
  5. Forgot to mention, but NO WESTEROS next week. Memorial Day Convergence at Concord Park.



96,348 Hours of Pure Marital Bliss

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Princess Aurora, T-Cell, Bad Boy, Porcelain, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

6 PAX greeted the 41 degree gloom at Westeros this morning – ready, willing and able to celebrate YHC’s 11 year wedding anniversary.   PA plants the Shovel Flag, 5:30 arrives, and with that, celebration commences…

Kick it off with 9 burpees, then mosey throughout AO, making four pit stops along the way for 6 burpees, 3, burpees, 4 burpees and 8 burpees – representing the 96,348 total hours of official marital coverage that has been outkicked by YHC.  PAX then huddle, disclaim, knock out a couple additional warm-ups, and details of how this anniversary party is going down are given.

Like any great marriage, we first partner up.  Then, 3 rounds of exercises focusing on the numbers 11 (years) and 132 (months).

Round 1:  Start at bottom of parking lot along Bowling entrance; Partner 1 Bernie Sanders to top, perform 11 hand-release merkins at top and then back to bottom.  Partner 2 is doing burpees.  Flap-jack until Partner 1 and 2 have collectively knocked out 132 burpees.

Round 2: Same starting point; Partner 1 forward run to top, perform 11 Lieutenant Dans and then back down; Partner 2 is doing storm squats (imperial walker with 2 added squats, 4-count = 1 rep; PA calls T-Cell out for poor form, at which point we realize we have 3 different forms going between the three PAX).  Flap-jack until collective 132 storm squat reps reached.

Round 3: Mosey to playground; same flap-jack theme, exercises being 11 pull-ups and 132 dips.

Mosey back to bottom of parking lot hill for one AYG up the hill.  10 strides in and its PA and a cloud of gloomy dust.

Three minutes of Mary, COT and YHC officially shuts the party down.  Great work by all the PAX – on average each knocking out 96 burpees, 66 storm squats, 66 dips, 22 Lieutenant Dans, 22 pull-ups and 22 hand-release merkins while traversing 1.71 miles worth of AO.

Honor to have led and appreciative to live out the gloom with each of you.  Remember our calling as leaders begins in our homes – may we choose to be intentional in embracing and owning that leadership mantle.

En Fuego


Westeros – 04.09.18 – “Three Amigos”

QIC: Princess Aurora

The PAX: T-Cell, Hi-Viz

It was a beautiful morning for the three of us who escaped the fartsack to get a little better than yesterday. After some chatter about the intimate number, we took off on a medium mosey down the parking lot and around the school and circled up at the drop-off loop.

The Thang:

COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 20
  • Squats x 15
  • LBAC F x 15
  • Air Press x 15
  • LBAC R x 15

Skip over to the playground for a light circuit:

  • Merkins x 50
  • Split Squats x 50 (each side and all reps must be completed before switching)
  • Imperial Walkers x 50
  • Squats x 50

Long mosey to Fairfax and Marlborough for a brutal Jacob’s Ladder. Once all PAX were in, mosey back to the start.


  • Boxcutters x 15
  • Flutter Kicks x 15
  • Leg Raises x 15



A small but quality trio today at Westeros. We got 3.07 miles in by my watch, and I think we had the energy to get another 2 if there was time. Saved by the bell!


  • Continued prayers for strength and peace for Spicoli and his family through his cancer treatment.
  • Congrats to the men who suffered the Bataan Tough last Saturday. I heard nothing but brutal things, but we can all rest knowing it was not even close to what those men who experienced the true death march endured.
  • Get signed up to Q. There’s no reason there should be any blanks on the schedule for the next month. If you’re waiting until you’re sure you can make it, you’ll always have an excuse. Sign up now, and then manage conflicts as they arise. Be a leader.

PA out.

Westeros 02 APR 2018 — 6 PAX Own Coupons

Westeros 02 APR 2018 — 6 PAX Own Coupons

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Reveille, T Cell, Right Said, Bad Boy, En Fuego

I turned 31 last month.  This week is the BLUE MULE WEEK OF COUPONS to celebrate.  This was work out one of four.

Weather was about 40 degrees and drizzling.  Sun was not up.  Very gloomy.

The PAX managed three coupons during this post.  Each coupon was a set of six wrapped bricks, weighing approximately 25 pounds.

Start with mosey from parking lot around park to side of the school.  PAX traded off with who carried coupons.

Warm-o-rama:  squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, arm circles front and back, seal claps, good mornings.

Disclaimer:  have fun, pace yourself, don’t hurt yourself, modify as needed.

Coupon Event One:  31 Coupon Burpees:  All PAX pair up.  Each pair must do a combined 31 burpees with the coupon.  If you are waiting your turn for burpees, you must do side straddle hops.

Coupon Even Two:  31 Coupon Duck Walks:  All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  Each pair must do a combined 31 trips from the wall to the side walk and back doing a duck walk and holding the coupon, approximately 20 meters total duck walked.  Round is completed when the coupon is duck walked back and forth 31 times.  If you are waiting your turn then do merkins.  This round got the PAX all huffin and a puffin.

Coupon Event Three:  31 Sprints.   All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  Each pair must do a combined 31 sprints to the parking sign and back, approximately 50 meters total sprinted.  Round is completed when the coupon is sprinted back and forth 31 times.  If you are waiting your turn then do wall sits.

About this time one of the PAX said “Blue Mule, why didn’t you turn 9?”

Coupon Event Four:  62 Overhead Presses.  All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  Each person must do 62 overhead presses.  If you are waiting your turn then do side straddle hops.

Coupon Event Five:  31 Thrusters.  All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  If you are waiting your turn, then hold plank.

Coupon Mosey back to start, then do 10 burpees, and that’s all she wrote.

Gentlemen, it was a pleasure leading you.  SYITG.

Blue Mule out.

Threes Company

Q- T-Cell

Pax – Blue Mule, High Viz, Porcelain, and Bicentennial Man.

The 2.0 turned 3 this weekend. Since I haven’t stopped eating cake since Friday, it was time the PAX helped me work off his 3rd birthday. It was snowing. Blue Mule was wearing summer attire. He said his app this morning read 50 degrees. Crap app.

The Thang:

Mosey round the back half of the school to try and find some shelter neath the gym overhang. It sort of worked.

Squats X 30 IC, SSH X 30 IC, WMH X 10, Imperial Walker X 30 IC, Merkins X 10 IC and some tiny and big baby arm circles. Mosey to the tennis courts.

The plan was for 3 laps around the two courts. Broad jumps down the sidelines, LT Dans down the baseline, and ending with a suicide. We got thru 2 of these but we were eating time and needed to make it to the hill, so we pressed pause and headed for Love Circle.

Ran to the base of the road leading to LC. The plan was for 3 trips up with 10 burpees between sets. After 2 trips, we were all thankful the 2.0 didn’t turn 5, or 12. But he will one day and that day will suck for Westeros.

After finishing there, we ran back over to the tennis courts to blow out the candle on our 3rd trip around the court. No time for Mary as we headed back to the cars for COT.


YHC is a man of the people and kept the PAX dry, so it was a leg heavy day. Although the workout was rep light, the trips up the hill are worth the price of admission alone.


Need to get a Q signed up for Titan on Wednesday. Vector makes his VQ on his 48th birthday on Friday. Be there!

Still room to join us at the Ruck in Nashville.

30 degree weather, snowing, dark, and a time change to mix in makes this Monday a tough one. Grateful for the guys who made the decision to get up and get better. I wouldn’t have been out there if it wasn’t for you. Thank you.

As I shared coffee with Bagger Vance this afternoon, was reminded once again it’s more than a workout fellas. Don’t ever forget that. Grateful for each of you .


Glad We Ain’t Norway

QIC – T-Cell

The Pax – Hi-Viz, Crawfish, En Fuego, Blue Mule, Porcelain

Looks outside at the house, heres the patter of rain, cusses under his breath, walks outside, feels nothing but dry and 47 degrees. That’s a win.

The Thang:

After some Amy Grant mumble chatter, we headed out of the parking lot and straight into a dead end. Not a good start to the workout. Circled back and headed toward the school. Twas a good thing because Porcelain rounded it about the same time as we did. The dead-end saved him some searching.


Good Mornings X 10, Willie Mays Hayes X 20, SSH X 30, Squat w/ thrusters X 30, Imperial Walkers X 20, BBAC, maybe something else thrown in. It was time to go.

Mosey around the back of the school to what I can only describer as the car-rider circle in front of the gym. The circle driveway was perfect for paying homage to the finale of the Olympic games. And like any good Olympics, we started with a time trial. Took us 57 sec to loop the circle. This was a number we needed to stay in the green with when hitting our splits.

After some discussion on the Olympic ring colors, it was finalized it was blue, yellow, black, green and red. Our workouts would follow these colors. And our reps were determined by the amount of medals won by the US. Luckily it was a paltry 23 or this thing could have turned into a real smoker.

First up was 23 burpees, followed by another lap. If we did not beat our time of 57 sec, the burpees would double on the next trip. We made this next trip by just a few seconds. After a quick warning to the pax that we were close, we settled in for the next exercise round.

23 burpees and 23 Y-Ups. Followed by another lap. This would continue with us each time adding an exercise. The ultimate exercises were Burpees, Y-Ups, Big Boy Sit-Ups, Groiners, and Reverse Burpees.

Upon completion, mosey back to the parking lot via Indian Run.


Not gonna lie, this workout snuck up on the pax, including the Q. YHC tried not to be too offended when Porcelain said he wore long sleeves because he wasn’t fearing a Princess Aurora smoke show. He was however smoked and I will not forget that comment. Ever.


First Friday lunch this week 11:30 at Cookery.  Be there before CCR finishes all the Australian Down Under Meat Bonanzas.