Daddy is Back

Great to be pack with the fine men of West Nashville Westeros after paternity leave. Luckily everyone was sleeping and quiet when I left the house, so my conscience was clean as I depart for the AO.

5 Pax (YHC, Bad Boy, Megatron, Crawfish, High Viz) departed the parking lot and  wait, who is that appearing in the darkness, PA and Porcelain! Lucky 7 for the morning. Could tell everyone was moving a little slow either from turkey or last weekend’s GrowRuck.  We pushed on..

Here is what went down: 

Mosey to the school for COP under the lights – 30 SSH, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, and Good Mornings.

Mosey to the playground for today’s route o pain:

Suicide on the tennis court, bear crawl down the sidewalk, 10 pull ups, and  a trip through the tunnel. Rinse and Repeat X5. Doesn’t look like much, but it was. As evidence by my wheezing and the rest of the pax.

Finished with about 10 minutes of Mary with the highlight being a perfectly executed Dixie Stamped. Indian Run back to the parking lot.


Great to be back after a few weeks off. Thanks to all the guys who have stepped up the last week or so as we’ve had guys out due to Grow Ruck recovery and holidays. You know who you are and it does not go unnoticed.

Megatron let us know about a great event that Parks Church PCA is hosting on Friday night. Details below. Also, Megatron is making his VQ debut on Friday. BE THERE!

7PM Friday, December 1 free event at the Cafe at Thistle Farms on Charlotte Pike.  Dessert and holiday drinks provided.  Songwriters round and Christmas tunes!


65 and steamy, YHC was on two wheels coming into the lot at Westeros and hit the ground running like Forrest Gump.

Fast mosey down past the port-a-jon up to the school to pick up Willie Loman AKA Foxtrot from Cape Fear and back up to the top of the lot on West End.

Quick Disclaimer for Slaughter Starter

11 Burpees per Minute for 11 Minutes to the stylistic tunes of Punk Rock on Pandora…it’s not commercial free because we all need to know what time the Steve Harvey show comes on the WB!

Finish that up with Max Burps in the 11th Minute (Crowd Pleaser)

Mosey down to the Gaming field for


SSH x 11 IC

Mariah Rt x 11 IC

Bridge Hold x 11 IC

Mariah Lt x 11 IC

Superman x 11 IC

Scorpion x 11 IC

Hillbillies er Imperial Walkers x 11 IC

Hillbillies x 11 IC

Main Thang:

11s w Merkins and Jump Squats

Get up the Hill w the Reverse Mosey aka Politician and get back down the hill with Bear Crawl…this is the ode to the Upside Down

As time was getting short, PAX instructed to finish #9 and #10 merkins and #2 and #1 squat jumps consecutively.

Back to the top of the hill for Minor Thang:

Stationary 11s

Reverse Burpees and Reverse Crunches


NM: Fantastic work this am paying homage to 11 from Stranger Things.  Nice to pick up Foxtrot from Cape Fear.  He got the Uber or Air BnB as T Cell calls it from the Lowes.

Nice to finally post w my buddy Megatron.  Keep up that shoulder PT brother!

Had a fairly good representation of the GR05 Pax in the crowd.  Tried to incorporate some team work at the end to help get all PAX pushed through MT 11s.


Keeping Foxtrot’s 2.0 in our TAP as she is entering week 4 at Quantico.  Thank you for sharing with us.

Keeping the T Cell’s in our TAP as #2 is on the way, stubborn little sucker was supposed to show up on Sat and is still warm and cozy.  Please pray for comfort for his M and peace as they go Man to Man on the homefront.

Really grateful for you HIM for pushing me and for allowing me to push you from time to time.  Remember what we discussed this AM…”no discipline seems pleasant at the time…” This goes for our time in the Gloom, our time at home and work and our time as The Lord is sanctifying us here on earth.

Please reach out to someone who needs F3 today.  There are plenty of HIM waiting to be unleashed, they just need you to help AWAKEN them.

Highly encourage you to come up with your goals for ’18…Personally, Professionally and Financially.  How are you going to strengthen your walk with the Lord?  How are you going to Pursue your Wife better?  How are you going to love your Children better?  How are you going to Leverage yourself for others?

Remember be Men of Action not reaction, be Men of Activity not passivity, be Men of Intention not of circumstance.


Bagger Vance

PAX: T Cell, Crawfish, Princess Aurora, Porcelain, 3rd Person, Megatron, Foxtrot (Cape Fear), Hi-Viz, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Westeros – 10.09.17 – “1492”

QIC: Princess Aurora aka Christopher Columbus

PAX: T-Cell, Hi-Viz, Megatron, Right Said, Bad Boy, Third Person, Porcelain, Crawfish.

The Thang:

Slaughter Starter and took off running. Put together some pearls on a string on our way to the big hill on Marlborough between Fairfax and Acklen. Short little COP featuring the number of the day, 16 (1+4+9+2), and then divided into three groups: the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria.

While PAX 1 runs up the hill and back, PAX 2 performs 16 reps of an exercise while PAX 3 holds the prescribed position. P2 and P3 alternate until P1 returns. Rotate through until each member of the group has ascended the hill.

Round 1: Clerkins and People’s Chair

Round 2: Lunges and Plank

Round 3: Big Boy Sit-Ups and Table Tops

Round 4: Jump Squats and Shoulder Taps

Line up for an Indian Run up the hill with the condition that everybody must have a turn before we reach the top or else we do it again. Thankfully, everybody was feeling fleet of feet and we nailed it first try. Then, we did an Indian Run all the way back to the parking lot, making it through three rounds just in time for 5MOM.


I continue to be grateful for everybody’s tolerance of my themed-workouts.


Get on that GrowRuck train! 11/18 in Chattanooga. Invite a friend.

Michael Anthony Monsoor 29 Sept 2006 Died

Another HERO WOD awaited the unsuspecting PAX that made the correct decision last night to get better this AM.  Temps were moderate and a little less humid than in the recent few weeks.

PAX: Hi Viz, The Baptist, Bicentennial Man, T Cell, Crawfish, Right Said, BV

QIC: Bagger Vance

Start with a Mosey out of the LARP lot over to the road, side shuffle right then left.  T Claps to Right Said for being the only man blocking the passing lanes during this portion of the WOR mosey.  Transition into Politicians, get to the front of WEM for Bear Crawl and Crawl Bear.


SSH x 20 IC

IW x 10 IC

GMA x 10 IC

WMH x 10 IC

LBAC F/R x 10 IC


Monsoor goes like this:

Four Rounds

800 M Run (Check)

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (traded for Hallelujah Squats)

20 Burpees (Check)

100 Yard Farmer Carry (subbed in bear crawl, High Skip…BC, Rev Lunge, Crawl Bear, Bear Crawl)

40 LBCs

We rinsed and repeato’d 3x instead of the prescribed 4x due to time constraints.


Thank you for letting me lead yall at Westeros today.  Hope yall had as much fun as I did.  The point of today’s Q was to honor another Fallen Soldier.  Regardless of your stance on the Flag and sitting v standing, there is no denying that millions of brave men and women have fought to give us our 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Speech.  Too often we forget to honor those who have paid the ultimate price for our Freedoms.

The other point of the exercise today was to partner up for encouragement, to push and to be pushed.  It was dark but there didn’t seem to be much shouldering of the load by PAX 1 that finished ahead of PAX 2.  I find it always refreshing to help my Pardsy with his work set and am grateful when he helps me with mine.  I am sure I could have made it more clear to stick together and to help bear the other PAX burdens.  Comz fail on Qs part!

Great AO with lots of options, please be sure to reach out to others in the area that may be interested in joining.  ABH…


First Friday Lunch coming up on Friday at 1130

Warpath 4 coming up on Saturday in Franklin, be sure to hit up Big Bang or Torch for details.

31 Marathons in 31 Cities in 31 Days coming to Nashville on 11/7…a Tuesday if yall can join for some or all it would be great. Check out Rob Jones story here at

Please keep praying for Chase and Katie Kemp.  This is a time of transition for them and also a time when the Father of Lies could be lurking around the corner.  I pray that we stay vigilant with them!

GrowRuck05 coming up 17 November weekend.  Let’s shoot to have 24 PAX from Nashville/Franklin sign up to join.  This is a great leadership development weekend.  I am happy to share more with you or you could reach out to Funyus or Hambone.

Be sure to nominate a HIM that is Being that Somebody on the site.


Bagger Vance

The Real Superhero

THE PAX: Yard Sale, Black Widow, Foggy Pirate, Frugal McDugal, Torch, Tortoise, Sanctions, CCR, Bad Boy, T Cell, Dr. Smartt, Loveboat, HVAC, Leatherneck, Crawfish, Big Bang, Floppy Disk, Spicoli, Edible Arrangements, Grease Trap, Grisham, CAPSLOCK, Iron Lung, Accounts Receivable, Third Degree, D’Mish, Princess Aurora, Col Flo Dotty, PSL, T Swizz, Blood Clot, Big Stick, Dine n Dash, Sterno, Funyuns, Blackwater, Hi Viz, Olan Mills, Cinderella, En Feugo, Lump, Walter White, Dupree, Bartman, Tidy Cats, Lewd Wig

QIC: Bagger Vance

47 HIM were present this AM at Detention to honor the life of Job Kemp and to support Grease Trap and Katie Kemp and their family.  Cobains to the 4 who posted at The Skunk, poor comz on my part.

0529 – one minute call

0530 – mosey down Hogan, side shuffle right then left on Trousdale, BearCrawl speed bump 1-2, crawl bear 2-3, deep lunge 3-4, Politician length of portables.  Finish w 5 HSPU and circle up

With 47 HIM, there was a bit of a lag so we SSH’d for the 6.


SSH x 13 IC


Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC

High Knees x 13 IC

Butt Kickers x 13 IC

Hillbillies x 13 IC

Deep Squats x 13 IC

Imperial Walkers x 13 IC

Ok Mornings x 13 IC

High Plank and Count 1-5…Funyuns, Floppy Disk, D’Mish and CCR to the center to help with


In groups of 5 (Job’s age) we break out and perform the following:

B urpees

A tomic Merkins

T oe Touches

M ountain Climber Merkins

A lternating Shoulder Taps

N olan Ryans

Batman is Job’s favorite superhero.  We did all exercises in reps of 29 (Grease Trap’s age) and mosey’d a loop at the end.  We AMRAP’d BATMAN until 0610.

Circle Up back at the Main Lot

Flutter Kicks for the 6


Heels to Heaven x 20 IC

Yoga of some sort x 10 IC

Mariah Careys x 10 IC R then L

Scorpions x 10 IC

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC



The theme of the day is to honor Job and The Kemp family.  Over a few texts last evening, we decided to break into groups of 5 and disperse over the Detention campus and perform the BATMAN sequence.  As per normal, YHC left out Floppy Disk and had to download w him on the fly.  Also as per normal, FD did an excellent job.

D’Mish delivered a great heartfelt prayer in BOM.  Thank you for reminding us all how much Grease Trap has been a beacon of hope and a glaring example of faithfulness and grace.  May the Lord’s mercy rest upon him, Katie, Penny, Zeke and their entire family.  Thank you GT for the humility and dignity you have displayed during this emotional experience.  Thank you for letting us be near to yall and be engaged with yall.  Thank you for not shutting us out and for drawing us into your family.

Funyuns sent me a text after the Q that this was a great reminder to him and to me about what is different and special about F3.

Thank you for allowing me to lead yall and thank you for being such good leaders in and of yourselves.  This is not mine and it’s not yours, we have a responsibility and duty to give F3 away to others.

For the sake of the next story that will come up in the lives of those of us F3ers in Nashville and Franklin, please reach out to someone and invite them to come see what F3 is all about…and make sure you let them know, it ain’t about you!


Bagger Vance

It’s Not About You

Why do we post Back Blasts?
As my dad would have said to me when I was a kid, “Because I told you to!” Obviously, that didn’t work for me then and it doesn’t work for us now as GAM, grown ass men.
I have been thinking a lot lately about the importance of the Back Blast coming off the Memphis launch, a host of new and reworked AOs and a great Nantaan call recently.
As I understand them, the Back Blast is the following:
  • A recap of the workout
  • A place to recognize those who posted
  • A way to track numbers and growth
  • A way to commemorate a break through
  • A way to commemorate someone splashing merlot for posterity
  • A way to make announcements
  • A way to document new and different exicon from the PAX
  • You’re a leader and part of Qing a workout is writing the BB
I’m sure there’s more on that from DREDD & OBT in Freed to Lead but I can’t get my hands on it right now.
All the above is great and I wholeheartedly agree with #1-8 and with the Nantaan of the Nation and the Great Weasel Shaker at WWHQ in their excellently penned Freed to Lead (which I still can’t find). But to me, the real reason we post the BB I realized today when I got a text from country code +44. At first glance I thought it was spam. Upon further inspection, it was from the one and only Scribe of F3Nashville Faulkner. So, without blabbing on, here’s what he wrote (I edited the very end)
“Been doing three F3 workouts a week by following the backblasts. Off days I run 4 miles. Miss the camaraderie and spiritual support. Tell everyone I said hey. Praying for those mentioned in backblasts, particularly the Kemps. Glad to see how F3 is growing … In this pic, I just finished Edible Arrangement’s latest Qed workout. The park I work out in mainly behind me. Hope you’re well.”

The title of this post is from the people at GoRuck.  I was constantly reminded of this over the past weekend in the 9-11 Memorial Ruck.  Ultimately, the BB isn’t about us being too busy, too lazy or too indifferent because it’s not about us and how we feel about posting the BB…it’s what someone else gets out of it.
So if not for #1-8 and for F2L, do it for the Faulkner’s, the Rooms2Go and others that find themselves DR for an extended period of time and that miss y’all, that miss F3Nashville and miss the 15 Burpess every minute for 10 minutes from that jerk Funyuns!

Westeros – 08/21/17 – “Brotality”

QIC: Princess Aurora

The PAX: Third Person, Crawfish, Porcelain, T-Cell, Iron Lung


6 PAX posted at Westeros for some sun salutation before the Great American Eclipse. YHC had promised it was gonna get weird, and YHC delivered.




Long mosey to the gym parking lot by West End Middle to initiate launch sequence aka COP. All exercises IC.


  • SSH x 33
  • IW x 33
  • Air Press x 33
  • Merkin x 33 (1ct)


Head over to the lot off of Bowling . PAX pair up for a tribute to the day’s 22nd member of Solar Saros 145. Similar to Dora 1-2-3, P1 runs to the top of the hill and back while P2 performs AMRAP of first exercise. Team goals for each are 145.


  • Squats
  • Air Presses
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Overhead Squats
  • Smurf Jacks


Hop onto the wet soccer field for some Copernicus-inspired work. And now a long, but totally worthwhile explanation: PAX form a group in the middle of a circle (drawn out in the dew in this case) to play the role of the Sun. Keeping the same partner, two PAX step out to the edge of the circle in position to “orbit” the Sun and call out an exercise for the Sun to perform. P1 (Earth) performs burpee broad jumps around the circle while P2 (Moon) bear crawls around him. Each time the Moon completes one revolution and gets between the Sun and the Earth (Eclipse), both PAX perform 5 Merkins. This continues for one full “year” at which point another pair switches out. Rinse and repeat until each pair has played both roles.


Now that it’s over, mosey back to the launch point for 7MOM, all IC.


  • Scissor Kicks x 33
  • LBCs X 33
  • American Hammers x 33
  • Plank x 33″
  • Side Plank R/L x 33″






Great to have everybody out there for the third week of Westeros, and a special thanks to Iron Lung for making the trek. It was the best birthday gift a Q could ask for. Since this is so late, I hope everybody was able to enjoy totality yesterday. If you didn’t, make plans to head to northwest Kentucky in 2024 where it’ll be happening again.




  • Hambone has the Q at Titan tomorrow. Should be rucking awesome.


  • Check out The Hill on Thursdays at FRA. Rumor is that you actually have to sign a waiver, so no verbal disclaimer needed when you Q there!


  • Speaking of, we need Qs for The Hill, Bomber, and Stonewall this week. There are too many PAX in F3 Nashville for this to be the case. If you’re feeling nervous, unfit, or inept, ask somebody to co-Q with you. You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: F3 is about the invigoration of male community leadership. Time to give back to your brethren and help them better themselves. You’ll better yourself in the process. Now let’s get that Q calendar filled up.


PA out.