Accidental Q

AO: westeros
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: CubCadet, Vector, Sherlock, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore
FNGs: None

WARMUP: I think Cub Cadet led the warmup at 5am…


Made this up on the fly as YHC did not expect to Q. My plans to Q were an educated wish.

1. 6 sprints up the hill. Until Vector is mad.
2. Ring of squat-fire. No not a Mexican restaurant’s revenge, this was just what is in the tin, hold an Al gore and take turns squatting. Last one out (Toolman of course) wins.
3. MORA. It’s a DORA but More! 300 lunges, 250 pointers. 200 squats. 100 imperial walkers. Run up the steps and do 20 of: flutters, hillbillies, or sumo squats.
4. Windshield wipers until time.

COT: Your accidental Q was excited to make this up as we went along. Fin.

One Hit Wonders

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Pep, Chunks, Salami, bluemule, Red Skull, Young and Restless, Crawlspace, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Natural Ice – CBO
FNGs: None
An absolutely stunning sunrise!

To set the tone, we kicked things off with Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve, leading the PAX through a series of warmups:
– Merkins
– Hillbillies
– Windmills
– Imperial Walkers
The Q was sprinkled with trivia questions hinting at the theme of the morning, which was later revealed as “One Hit Wonders.” Fun fact: YHC incorrectly claimed Bittersweet Symphony was an original. The Rolling Stones actually sued The Verve for sampling their track, The Last Time.

We ran to the playground for a circuit that was sure to get everyone’s heart pumping.
Station 1: Tubthumping Challenge
– PAX held a high plank and performed a jump squat for every “But I get up again” in the classic track Tubthumping by Chumbawamba.
Station 2: Partner Work
– Teams of two:
– Partner A sprinted to the school stairs, performed 1 merkin, then sprinted back.
– Partner B stayed behind, doing 5 pull-ups and air squats AMRAP style until their partner returned.

Audible to Love Hill
Pep threw out the idea of running to Love Hill, and in true F3 fashion, we embraced the chaos. We lunged across the bridge, threw in some WW1s to keep the PAX together, and instituted the newly christened “Westeros Rule”—10 burpees for every sighting of Mrs. Toolman. She only appears on uphill runs, and sure enough, we earned ourselves two rounds of burpees.
At the top of Love Hill, we paused for a quick photo op and then headed back, capping it all off with a strong finish.

Today was a great reminder of the power of mumble chatter and how much F3 has positively impacted my life over the past couple of years. Sometimes the best plan is no plan at all—just listen to Pep and the PAX, and everything will turn out just fine.

– Butterball Run: Thanksgiving morning at Crieve Hall. Bring the family and work up an appetite!
– Leftovers Long Run: Saturday after Thanksgiving, Shelby Bottoms. Burn off that second helping of pumpkin pie.

Grateful for this group and the chance to push each other every morning. Let’s keep accelerating, men!

This is Hallowesteros

AO: westeros
Q: Vector
PAX: Grape, Red Skull, Young and Restless, Salami, Hedwig, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, bluemule, CubCadet
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp, cool and spooky

WARMUP: Mosey to front of school. LBAC x 10, Overhead Press x 10, Seal Claps x 10, RLBAC X 10, WMH x 10, Good Mornings x 10, SSH x 10

‘Cause this is Thriller: Plank during Thriller with burpees/squats whenever the title is mentioned

Spooky Exercises: 100 of each and then run to school between exercise to pay off the 8 burpees owed for not HCing.
S: Squats
P: Pull-ups (which the PAX loved)
O: Overhead presses
O: Original Dips
K: Killer Incline Merkins
Y: Your favorite exercise (because the PAX deserved a treat)

MARY: A round of spooky an exercises

COT: Lifted up silent prayers and praises.

Grateful for the PAX for pushing me and each other to get better each daily.


This is Halloween – Citizens of Halloween
Thriller – Michael Jackson
Heads Will Roll – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Somebody’s Watching Me – Rockwell
Superstition – Stevie Wonder
Ghostbusters – Ray Parker Jr.
Psycho Killer – Talking Heads
Twilight Zone – Golden Earring
Bad Moon Rising – CCR
Dead Man’s Party – Oingo Boingo


AO: westeros
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: caprate, CubCadet, Grape, Hedwig, Pep, Salami, Siri, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Young and Restless, FinePrint
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Smelled like victory

25 SSHs
5 Five-count deep lunge
5 Five-count Willy Mays
25 SSHs

Mosey to bridge
Dora – part 1
100 merkins – partner 1 runs across bridge then starts merkins, partner 2 does pushups then runs when he reaches other side, confirm total count then run back across bridge while partner 2 continues merkins, repeat until you reach 100. 4-6 total

Mosey from 100 to base of love circle and plank for 6

Dora – part 2
200 lunges – each leg
Partner 1 lunges while partner 2 runs the circle

Plank for 6 when done

Dora – part 3
Top of Love Circle
300 Alabama Prom Dates
150 each partner

Mosey back to Shovel Fla -er, I mean Start X w/ stops along the way to wait for the six.

Congrats to Vanderbilt on the biggest upset and their programs history. It was nice to see First Bank without one of their goal posts. We also were able to rile up the neighborhood a little bit with our Vanderbilt centric playlist.

Chili Cook Off coming at you. 2.0 and M friendly at Shelby Park.

Pain Lab :petri_dish: :test_tube: :lab_coat: making some noise on Saturdays at Northwest Nashville YMCA.

Prayers for Western NC flood relief/recovery. Prayers for Middle East tensions and intentions.
Prayers for Young and Restless celebrating 18 years of marriage and hopes for a family.

Because It’s My Destiny To Be The . . .

AO: westeros
Q: Vector
PAX: Grape, DintyMoore, Chunks, Pop-A-Lock, SalPal, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Right Said, Pep, Young and Restless, Hedwig
FNGs: None
Conjuring up this week’s theme, I felt we all needed a little bit of a push to make us better, because as “the kids” say, “No PAIN, no gain.”

CONDITIONS: Painfully pleasant, start of autumn, gloomy morning

WARMUP: To start the pain, we did W-O-R for the duration of Depeche Mode’s extended remix of “A Pain That I Am Used To.”
30 SSH, 30 LBAC, 30 Air Presses, 30 RLBAC, 30 Squats.

To reflect the missing HCs from the PAX, the group had to do 9 burpees. Then we repeated the above until end of song . . . 8 minutes later.

A Pain That I Am Used To – Depeche Mode
King of Pain – The Police
Pain Lies on the Riverside – Live
Joy and Pain – Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? – Culture Club
Pain – De La Sol (f. Snoop Dogg)
Hurts So Good – John Cougar
Sucker for Pain – Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons
Everybody Hurts – R.E.M.

PAIN #1: 50 reps of
Prisoner squats
Ass Kickers
Imperial Walkers
Normal Julgarian Split Squats (“Free Julgaria!”)
Then sprint up and down hill.

PAIN #2: 50 reps of
Plank Jacks
Alabama Prom Dates
Incline Merkins
Normal LBCs
Sprint the hill.

Mosey to Startex for Mary where a grand time was had by all

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday Tuesday this week – Check the Slack

COT: Prayers for Chunks on the passing of his grandmother and SalPal as his wife navigates restarting work life. Was fantastic to have SalPal back out, as his special brand of saltiness fit the theme perfectly . . . Thankful as always for all of the HIM who push me and each other to be better. SYITG, Vec

Simple workout

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, bluemule, Right Said, Young and Restless, Spinal Tap, DintyMoore, Natural Ice, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock, Hacker
FNGs: None
Cool fall morning

– run around school
– seal claps
– imperial walkers
– hillbillies
– Good mornings
– Willie mays Hayes


100 – pull ups
200 – windshield wipers
300 – fire hydrants

Upcoming chili cook off: if you want to volunteer contact Natural Ice or Wolfpack

Gratitude for right said’s surgery going well
Pep work
Dinty Moore: tough administrative situation at work

Missed Opportunities

AO: westeros
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Pep, Tim the Toolman, Young and Restless, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: heating up

WARMUP: SSHs, Burpees, WMHs

With no Q in sight we all took to heart the words of our assigned Q and former nantan that we are all free to lead.

Tim the Toolman started with a mosey to the bridge with 5 merkins at all driveways and 10 burpees at all cross streets and ended with lunges across the bridge.

DintyMoore took over and led everyone on a mosey left toward West End with stops in memory of FALCON from STL and 26 reps for each exercise.
Flying Squirrel Burpees
American Hammers
One Lap across 440
No Cheat Merkins

Finished with 14 SSHs to commemorate the ORIGINAL Q.

Pep finished off the workout with Sevens of WW2 and Carolina Dry Docks before he decided to end the workout early in order to make time to right a code that triggers Michelin Man alarm clock on days when he is scheduled to Q.

MOLESKINE: While we are all freed to lead, we are here for one another and each of us are capable and being present is enough sometimes.

9/11 Convergence at Percy Warner steps
9/14 Nashville 10-year Anniversary

COT: prayers for Pep getting off the bench.

I Hate Math

AO: westeros
Q: CubCadet
PAX: Tim the Toolman, Red Skull, Pep, Vector, Hedwig, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Natural Ice
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Sweat thru the shirt during warmups

WARMUP: 6 pax carried 1 picnic table to the corner just because. Then last man up mosey almost to the school, turn around back to corner. Standard warmups (SSH, WMH, GM, LBAS, Squats, etc).

– Pax lined up youngest to oldest (math), counted off by 3s to make teams. .
– Three teams of 3 going for max reps of exercises with movements up / down hill (to port-a-potty as marker).
– Pax A does dips at top while Pax B jogs down to Pax C who was doing BBSU at bottom. Pax B tags out Pax C who Bernies up to tag out Pax A…continue for 13 minutes. Change exercises to Merkins at top, squats at bottom for 13 more minutes.
– Team of Spinal Tap Vector and Hedwig won, 1532 to 1403 to 1252. (lots of math). Their prize was to run with medicine ball to stairs and back to flag (conspicuously missing due to bluemule “software update”)
– Rest of pax moved picnic table back then did dealer’s choice Mary, before winning team joined us.

MOLESKINE: Mental challenge was keeping track of the numbers in the song titles. All songs had numbers in title. Vector missed at least one, which means the Q won :face_with_rolling_eyes:
– Fifteen, 1000 Nights, Summer of 69, 100 Years, 3 AM, 57 Channels, 1979, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, Positively 4th Street, 25 or 6 to 4, 365 = 3677 (last math)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Vector is back. We missed you. Though westeros is not technically the most RESPECTed AO in Nashville, you do the math. Pep has a theory he will share about us old people. He’ll share.

COT: Prayers for a good week of leadership and fellowship. Hedwig and his wife having big tests for 2.0. Thanks for the chance to lead.

Black Ice

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice , Black Lung
PAX: Michelin Man, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Puzzlah, Siri, Pep, Hedwig, bluemule, Duncan
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Immaculate

WARMUP: SSH, Leg stretchish things

THE THANG: YHC kicked off the Q with a long mosey featuring multiple sets 10 merkins strategically placed to keep the pax together. Once we hit the bridge we did sets of sprints ending with a long set of Lt Dans across the bridge. Michelin Man gave a nice complement by confirming that the Q was set too Hard Mode.

Black Lung took over for an off road mosey up to Love Hill followed by a punishing round of Merry consisting of WW1, Flutter Kicks, and Leg Raises. Proceeding with a session of partnered sprint work around the hill before heading back to the startdex.

MOLESKINE: When the Q is training for a half marathon – the Pax is training for a half marathon!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Encouragement to work out with 413 Strong!

COT: Prayers were lifted up!

Nerd Trivia

AO: westeros
Q: SalPal
PAX: The Merchant, Detective Pikachu, Siri, Chunks, Pep, bluemule, Grape, Solo Cup, Salami, Hedwig, CubCadet, Sooie, Ackbar
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and refreshing, like a dwarven ale after a long and tiring journey.

WARMUP: Mosey + Burpees

THE THANG: Assorted LotR + D&D trivia. Ended with sprints up Mt. Doom.

MOLESKINE: Lots of activities in F3 Nashville. See slack for more.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hunger Games, Brea Ruck, Nights Movez, GEODIS run. See slack for more

COT: prayers for Susan and her breast cancer diagnosis. All other unspoken intentions.