Titan 06-13-18

PAX: Trapper Keeper, Crab Legs, Hawkeye, Preacher Man, Third Person, Right Said, Hambone, Bagger Vance, Sand Lapper, T-cell, Hi Viz, Porcelain, Blue Mule, Crawfish (Q)

Conditions: couldn’t ask for much better

Short mosey to the ampitheater for warmorama: GM x 10IC, SSH x 10IC, WMH x 10IC, High Knees x 15IC, Butt kickers x 10IC, BAC f/r x 10IC

DIDs: 20 dips, 15 incline, 10 decline.

Mosey to playground for Hambone’s pullup special: 3 rounds AMRAP w/ 5 more partner assisted.

20 swerkins while partner holds peoples chair.

Mosey to Parthenon Ave hill for BLIMPS: 10 burpees, 15 Lt Dans, 20 IW, 25 merkins, 30 plankjacks, 35 smurfjacks. Run up to top of hill & back after each round.

Mosey to volleyball courts for partner sand sprint races x 5 rounds. Loser does 10 merkins each round.

Attempted assault on the HCA black miata at this point, but were quickly (and very politely) turned away by a female security guard.

Mosey back to Parthenon for mary: ABCs, LBCs x 20IC, J-Los x 20IC, 2 minute plank progression.

It’s been an honor to post with you men at Titan the past 3 years. This is the best AO in town. Keep it growing!

Bullhorn: Brew Ruck and Warpath July 21, Farewell beers for Third Person, Mickey Mouse and YHC at Edleys in Sylvan Park on 6/19 @ 8pm.



Titan – 06.06.18 – “Operation Neptune”

16 PAX including Willy Lomans from Charlotte, Crotch Rocket and Rice Burner, paid tribute to D-Day at Titan this morning and got a little sand in their cracks.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Crotch Rocket, Right Said, Bad Boy, Porcelain, Trapper Keeper, Pop-A-Lock, Brother-at-Law, Reveille, Bicentennial Man, T-Cell, Hi-Viz, En Fuego, 3rd Degree, Rice Burner, Third Person

After heavy mumblechatter about how everybody was passing the two spots closest to the gathering of PAX, T-Cell finally comes in hot and nabs the first one to cheers from the group. Third Person would eventually take the second, and it was off we go for a brief tribute to Global Running Day.


At a medium mosey, PAX ran a modified version of the mile loop counterclockwise and ended at the statue of JT. Circle up for a quick warmup:

  • SSH x 20
  • SnL Squats x 15
  • LBAC F x 15 – 20ct hold – LBAC R x 15

Off we go toward the sand volleyball courts, our beaches of Normandy this morning. PAX were encouraged to remove shoes, a built-in 60 count. Started off with some lateral shuffling to the right around the perimeter of the court. Take another lap leading with the left this time. Split into two lines on either side of the net for a little volleyball jump drill. Two steps to the right, jump block. Repeat down the net and get back in line for another round. RnR going left.

It was time for the main event, but first, a short history lesson. The Normandy invasion (codename: Operation Neptune) consisted of many parts, but perhaps most famous were the beach landings by Allied infantry. The coast was divided into five sectors: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword. Both Utah and Omaha were the responsibility of American troops, so that would be our inspiration for the day.

In honor of the 74 years since D-Day, PAX performed 74 reps of the following:

  • U-boats
  • Tuck Jumps
  • American Hammers (2ct)
  • Hillbillies (2ct)

After a light mosey around the courts, it was time to land on Omaha.

  • Overhead Squats
  • Merkins
  • American Hammers
  • Hip Slappers
  • Ab Thrusters

With just over a minute left, YHC had to call time and lead us back on a barefoot mosey to the launch point. COT/BOM.


  • Glad to have Crotch Rocket and Rice Burner in from Charlotte. CR shared some great information about F3 Expansion and the cities F3 has recently launched in Phoenix, St. Louis, and Lexington, as well as some planned launches for Detroit, Omaha, and Kansas City. Spread the word if you know people in these places, and reach out to [email protected] if you’re interested in helping out.
  • Working out in the sand is tough, but it’s so much easier with a group like this. From Bad Boy’s sandy crack comments to Brother-at-Law’s story about his grandfather serving in Italy and sharing a birthday with D-Day, the camaraderie makes the hard work that much more enjoyable.


  • Friendly Friday this week. Get your SadClowns out.
  • Friday is also the last day to get in on Ironclad. DO IT.
  • 3rd F opportunity supporting Oasis Center at Crievewood Baptist on Saturday, June 23. Hit up Dupree for details.
  • TN Can Ruck on Saturday, July 21. Registration goes live Saturday. Your fee is a ruck full of food and an optional $5 if you want a patch. This will be an open event, so invite anybody you think would enjoy it.
  • Continuing to lift up Spicoli and others both sick and injured.

As always, thanks for letting me lead you.

PA out.

Rainy Wednesday

Backblast for 5/30/18 Titan

It was a rainy morning at Centennial Park but 8 pax braved the moisture: Porcelain, Brother at Law, Crawfish, CCR, Bicentennial Man, T-cell, Trapper Keeper, and yours truly.

Warm up mosey around the path to the band shell but it was occupado so over to the Parthenon for some cover. SSH, GM, LBAC, and seal claps.

Parking lot 11s. Merkins and jump squats.

The thang: DORA 1-2-3. 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats while partner takes a lap around the path by the lake. A plump of ducks (look it up) and a gaggle of geese were on hand with encouragement quacks. Had to cut the squats short.

Mary: Freddy Mercuries, flutter kicks, box cutters, and LBCs to wrap it up.

Announcements: sign up for Ironclad Challenge. Come to lunch at 11:30 at Cookery this Friday.

Coffeteria at Three Brothers

-Right Said

18 April 18 – 22 a Day

Temp: 58

Gloom Factor: Medium

PAX: Bad Boy, T Cell, Reveille, Princess Aurora, Right Said, Hambone, 3rd Degree, Hi-Viz, Preacher Man, Crawfish, Bicentennial Man, Brother-At-Law, Bagger Vance (QIC)

0530:49 – Disclaimer

Mosey West around Parthenon and hit all fours for some bear crawl down the East Side of P’non only to have our efforts thwarted by a Federal Citizen, no worries lunge walk the South side to Bear Crawl west side, Reverse Lunge walk North side, Mosey East Side.  At the corner, PAX cranked out 15 Box jumps then circled up for


All IC x 22

SSH, Squats (Hiccup on Cadence Call), Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies

PAX partner up and Head South on Plaza up to the dog park.  P1 22 Pull-Ups, P2 22 Merkins and then flapjack.

Indian Run to Lord Kensington w YHC at front directing traffic and then circling back for 6.  PAX to hold up at light at West End for 22 Mike Tysons.  All in, good, head across West End to LK.

Bottom of LK 22 Lt Dans

Top of LK 22 Burpees (all the way through, think the CFers call this a “Chipper” but can’t confirm)

All in at the top, YHC spoke of the importance of staying with your partner.  Also noted, 22 Veterans take their own lives everyday.  Not 100% confirmation but what if they had a partner watching their 6 in peacetime, would this still happen?  Hence, the Partnering up and the 22 count on most exercises.

Head back to the bottom for an IR competition.  YHC would set the pace and remain in front whilst PAX raced one another up to the front.  One PAX on right side of column and one on left side.  Since YHC was training eyes on the cars and the light breaking through there can be no objective confirmation of wins and losses.

Cross back over WE only to find out that Mike Tyson was looking for a rematch.  Again, we kicked his A$$.

YHC on Slowsey back to the StartEx only to mix in more lunges: Forward, to the Right, Reverse, to the Left…All in.

Mosey on North side of lawn up past the crazy statue of industrialism and circle up across Plaza for



F Kix

Pistol LBCs

Hola Binary

5 Merkins OYO



3rdF Opportunities Announced this AM for May and June…see PA and B At Law for deets.

Gear order is up until 24 May…Ranger Panties are back in stock no thanks to Hambone buying 12 pair.

Continue to lift up Spicoli, El Maestro, Olan Mills’ dad and all the others dealing with the pitfalls of living in a fallen world.


Nice to finally meet Reveille albeit briefly.  Now I know where his name comes from rising at 0330 to do his AM routine and then meet us knuckleheads out in the Gloom.  Let’s think of ways to support him and get some AOs started up out East in Lebnun (colloquial spelling).

A pleasure and honor to lead.  Great to be back to my first weekday workout lo those many moons ago.  Seems like it was just yesterday that I staggered away from my first F3 workout at Stonewall and the subsequent follow up on that next Wednesday at Titan.  We have had many a PAX fall off since that pivotal day in Nov of 14, we have seen many come and go and we have seen many hunker down in this battle that is LIFE with brothers locked in arms.

So grateful to have met each and everyone of you and to call you all friends and some mentors and accountability partners.  This F3 is an amazing thing to help men come alive in their true leadership roles they were designed to fill.  It is no wonder that HIM(W) in the military miss the action and the men the most.  That said, let us not forget the 22 a day that take their own lives due to only God knows what.  What if we could be a resource to those men and women?  I don’t know what it looks like long term but I know Cadre Danny from GrowRuck 05 has some ideas so hit him up.  #22/Day

It is with a bittersweet knuckle bump that I handed over the F3 Shovel, er Baton to my brother Princess Aurora this am.  You know, I started out as Nantan way back when because when asked who is charge, Binary happened to blurt my name out to DREDD and OBT.  Man, is that the best brain fart I have ever been the recipient of…T Claps to Binary and his momentary lack of clarity during that email.  Truly excited to see what PA has in store for the PAX of Nashville and how he will incorporate that into the PAX in surrounding areas.  Honored to have led and to have been a part of such a great thing.

As a closing loop to my above comments on the # of AO options back in ’14 think about this:

3 Nov 14 (when I started) we had a Saturday and a Wednesday.  As of this typing we have spun out a whole new Region in Franklin.  We have helped launch Chattanooga and Memphis.  We have started Hendersonville (ahem Cashville…hold the line boys) and Murfreesboro and sent a Mustard Seed to NY in the form of Rooms to Go.  We have hosted GrowSchool with DREDD and OBT and led our own GrowSchool as well.  On Tuesday we will launch F3Nolensville which should be very fertile ground to reinvigorate male leadership in our communities through small, free, outdoor peer led workouts.  Our roster now includes over 400 PAX (some are more active than others) comprising 12 AOs (including two running and one Barbell/Weights) across the county.  We have helped (really only nudged and sat back to watch it Blow Up down that way) Franklin become their own growing and thriving AO…T Claps to Bartman, Big Bang, Blood Clot, Tortoise, Probe, Braddock and all the regulars down that way.

I would make one last request as Nantan, please find something bigger to F3 than the workouts which are great but it is only the Magnet, not the Glue of 2ndF and the dynamite of 3rdF.  Who will answer the call and ring the Bell to expand on the 2nd and 3rd F opportunities while PA focuses on building relationships and casting a vision for long term growth?

So it is with a little Pollen in my good eye that I bid you farewell as Nantan of F3Nashville and hello as ATQ (Emeritus) and now Director of Mumble Chatter (self named); I hope to see you at the many different AOs we have started and in the other regions and AOs we will start.


Bagger Vance


Titan 01-31-2018: Sprints in the Blue Blood Moon

PAX: Porcelain, Blue Mule, Third Degree, T-Cell, CCR (Co-Q), and Brother-at-law (Co-Q)

6 PAX came out to get some grunts in under the largest moon in the history of the entire universe (apparently 3% larger than a normal moon).  It was inspiring.

WOR: Jog part about half of the mile loop with 20 burpees incorporated before landing at the field for some stretches.  SSH x 20 IC, BAC f/r x 10IC, Windmill arms f/r x 10IC, GM x 10IC, WMH x 10IC.

Mosey to the parking lot for partner sprint suicides:

Partner One sprints a three light pole suicide (sprint to light pole 1, run backwards to start, spring to light pole 2, run backwards to start, sprint to light pole 3, run backwards to start).  Partner two performs exercises until Partner one tags him out for his share of sprints.  Exercises were: 1) mountain merkins; 2) jump squats; 3) carolina dry docks; 4) jump lunges; 5) flutter kicks; 6) atomic merkins; 7) pulsing sumo squats (now Blue Blood Moon Squats I guess, we are workshopping the name).

CCR tagged in for the last 15 minutes to bring us one home.

Mosey over to the covered picnic tables for some D’Mish Lateral Movement Sevens (TM).  Burpees on one end, walking lateral squat to next stop before completing jump squats.  Legs were a burning.

Close it out with AMRAP in one minute of each: 1) dips; 2) WWI’s; and 3) bench jumps.  Do it again.  Mosey to cars for COT.

Announcements: Check Slack for 3rd F signups by month.  I believe we are signed up through May now.  Excellent work.  First Friday lunch at the Cookery this Friday at 11:30.  CCR committed.  T-Cell can’t be there 🙁

Great to lead and workout with the men of Titan today.  It’s such a fun site that offers a lot of different opportunities.  In honor of the Blue Blood Moon, I leave you with “Blue As Your Blood,” off of the Walkmen’s phenomenal 2010 album Lisbon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mwhr2O7aYg.  Enjoy!

Titan 01-24-18

PAX: Porcelain, Blue Mule, Hambone, Third Degree, T-cell, Mickey Mouse, Bicentennial Man, Crawfish (Q)

8 PAX were in for a merkin fest on this relatively warm morning. The day started with mumblechatter about beards (always a worthwhile topic) since T-cell and Hambone both spontaneously shaved theirs. At the stroke of 0530 we were off for a long mosey around the south lawn to the east side of the Parthenon.

Warmorama: GM x 10IC, WMH x 10IC, SSH x 25IC, IW x 15IC, Hillbillies x 10IC, BAC f/r x 10IC, Seal claps x 10IC.

Mosey to Parthenon parking lot for a merkin ladder. Run to 1st light pole – 5 merkins. Run back to start. 1st pole, 5 merkins, 2nd pole – 10 merkins, 1st pole -5 merkins, back to start….5-10-15-10-5/5-10-15-20-15-10-5. 150 total merkins.

Mosey to outdoor ampitheater along West End for round 2. I think Blood Clot calls theses Oop D’oops. Dips, irkins & dirkins. Round 1, 1 rep of each. Rnd 2, 2 reps…Rnd 11, 11 reps. Got pretty brutal around round 4. Took a mosey break after Rnd 8 (it didnt really help) and came back to finish. 198 total reps.

Mosey towards Parthenon then AYG up Parman Pl Hill.

Mary: LBC x 20IC, Flutter kicks x 30IC, American hammers x 20IC, 1.5 minute plank progression.

Bullhorn: Shout out to Blue Mule for taking 1st place in his weight class at his most recent weightlifting competition. Shake that mans hand the next time you see him. Impressive, brother!



Titan 12/13/17

PAX: Porcelain, Big Brother, Crawfish (Q)

The clock ticked down to 5:28 and YHC was starting to think I was in for a cold, lonely solo-Q, but here comes the cavalry!  Grab the shovelflag and lets mosey. Around the PAC and back to the base of the Parman Pl hill.

WoR: SSH x 20IC, Squats x 15IC, Overhead claps x 15IC, High knees x 20IC, Butt kickers x 20IC, BAC f/r x 10IC

The Thang:

YHC read an article a couple weeks back about Herschel Walker and his workout philosophy. I’m not sure where he lives these days, but someone needs to EH that dude because he would be all about F3. The dude is obsessed with body weight exercises. He never lifted a weight in his life until his 3rd year in the NFL. He mainly only does 3 different exercises, but does massive numbers of reps (ie – 3500 merkins a day). He’s also a big fan of running, particularly sprints up hills and in sand. Today’s workout was a tribute to Herschel’s philosophy. We performed 3 rounds of exercises AMRAP until failure w/ a short run in between sets for recover R&R until time called by Q.

Rnd 1: Merkins w/ uphill run

Rnd 2: Big boy sit-ups w/ sand run on volleyball court

Rnd 3: Pull-ups w/ short mosey

50m sprint x 5

Moleskine: Thanks to Porcelain and Big Brother for showing up despite the subfreezing temperatures. Porcelain said the only thing that got him out of the fartsack was that he didn’t want YHC out there freezing alone. That’s what its all about. Thank you brother!

Bullhorn: Put together a TAK PAK for a kid in foster care – see Slack for details. Consider a donation in Job’s honor – more info to come. Warpath 1/6/18 in Franklin.



GrowSchool 2.0

0600 Time to Go…Couple of Stragglers coming in on Two Wheels
Mosey to Soccer field w side shuffle L/R, Politician, High Knees and Butt Kickers
WOR (Princess Aurora)
All IC
SSH X 20
The Dirty McDuece
Count off 1s and 2s to partner up
Round I
Merkins, Squats, Ola Dollies x 12 IC
Run 400M
Round II
Atomic Merkins, Lunges, LBCs x 12 IC
Run 400M
Round III
CDD, Jump Squats (OYO), Reverse Crunches x 12 IC
Run 400M
Round IV
Burpees (OYO), Jump Lunges, Flutter Kix x 12 IC
Run 400M
High Plank on Hill for some of the Genesis of F3 Nation.
Looooong Aunt Bea like wandering mosey around the football field, softball field past the playground through the woods, slalom through the red tips.
Plank Progression in parking lot. More on F3Nashville’s beginnings.
Cross country over to JOHS baseball field back up to rear parking lot. Plank progression on Leadership, Fartsacking and the like.
Why do they call it Mary, CCR? From the famous car ride scene in Something About Mary…look it up.
High plank, low plank, flutters x30 IC, American Hammers x20 IC, Mariah’s x13 IC, j-los x13 IC, 10 burpees oyo
Goal today was to replicate the Qs of OBT & DREDD of GrowSchools and GrowRucks of the past. Must say, think we nailed it! Great work by Qs to explain what we do, why we do it and how we do it. Nice work by the PAX in chiming in w the MC and hard work. Probably the most Forward Leaning Rest/Listening Position/High Plank on record.
Proud to be a part of this great group of men. Thank yall for your hard work and dedication to the reinvigoration of male leadership in our communities.
If anyone knows of some small men that may need this, please a little EH on em.
Lots of great stuff going on right now…many opportunities to serve. Please reach out to me if you feel led to serve in any of the roles we mentioned this am or in any other way we would love to help.
I will get all of the GrowSchool info in one document and see about getting it on the interwebs.
Bagger Vance
Bicentennial Man, Brother @ Law, Right Said, PA, CCR, Floppy Disk, FTTAL, TOGA, T Cell, Traffic Jam, HiViz, Bad Boy, Pappa Lock, Frugal McDugal, Life Champ, Dupree, Numbtucks, Nimbus 2K (FNG), Black Lung, Hambone, Crawfish, PreVac, Lewd Wig, Foggy Pirate, Chum, Vegemite, Big Stick, Deep Dish, Cowboy, BV

Ghosts of Swerkins Past

Titan – 11/1/17

PAX: Bad Boy, Blue Mule, Porcelain, Third Degree, Crawfish (Q)

Conditions: High 40s w/ a drizzle progressing to outright downpour.

Short mosey around PAC.

Warmorama: SSH, squats, IW, BAC f/r

Elevens: Pull-ups & swerkins w/ lunge walk between stations (BB title comes for jangling swing chains – credit to Porcelain).

Mosey by the cars to grab YHC’s ruck and head to the Parthenon Ave hill. PAX take turns running around hill loop with ruck while other PAX perform AMRAP of exercise called by runner.                                                                                                            Rnd 1: Plank jacks, squats, overhead claps, imperial walkers, carolina dry docks Rnd 2: America hammers, WWIIs, V-ups, shoulder taps, hello dollies

Mosey back to launch point and finish w/ 10 burpees/minute x 2 minutes.

Bullhorn: Check Slack for ruck training schedule. Prayers for The Kemps and new babies on the way.



Westeros – 10/30/17

PAX: Porcelain, T-cell, Megatron, Hi Viz, Third Person, Princess Aurora, Crawfish (Q)

Conditions: Winter is coming.

Mosey to west side of school. Warmorama: GM, WMH, Seal claps, Hillbillies, SSH

Mosey to tennis court for 4 corners: Merkins, flutter kicks, squats, imperial walkers. Round 1: 10 reps of each, lunge walk between corner. Rnd 2: 20 reps, bear crawl between. Rnd 3: 30 reps, broad jump between. Rnd 4: 40 reps, reverse mosey between.

Recovery mosey around carpool circle.

Partner drags x 2 across tennis courts.

Indian run back to launch point.

Mary: LBCs x 20, American hammers x 20

COT: Check Slack for upcoming Ruck training.

