Titan 10-25-17

PAX: Bad Boy, Bicentennial man, Mickey Mouse, Third Person, Third Degree, Big Brother, Jackpot, Preacher man, Porcelain, Crawfish (Q)

Conditions: Brisk

Mosey around  south lawn to the east side of the parthenon.

Warmorama: SSH x 30IC, GM x 10IC, WMH x 10IC, BAC f/r x 20IC, High knees x 15IC, Butt kickers x 15IC

11’s on parthenon steps: Mtn climber merkins on bottom, Lt Dans at top w/ 2 burpee speed bump (shout out to Preacher man for going above & beyond by doing a final 11/0 set of merks)

Mosey to the playground. Partner up. 1 PAX runs around the PAC while 2nd PAX completes AMRAP pull-ups. R&R to a combine total of 100.

Mary: Flutter kicks x 30IC, J-Los x 20IC, LBCs x 21IC

Bullhorn: Great to see such solid numbers at Titan, especially on a chilly morning. Keep it up men! Mickey Mouse ripped one so bad during name-o-rama that it made Third Person splash merlot. Happy Birthday, Bad Boy!! Thanks again to Porcelain for the parking lot coffeeteria. Continued prayers for The Kemp Family.



Titan – 10.11.17 – “Too Sexy”

QIC: Right Said/Princess Aurora

PAX: Hi-Viz, Stein, Third Degree, Big Brother, Tesla, Porcelain, Blue Mule, Jackpot.

With Right Said ready to pop that Q cherry, I did my best to offer my support. It went something like this:

The Thang:

Mosey around the Parthenon parking lot with various agility exercises and circle up for the COP:

  • SSH
  • Merks
  • LBAC
  • SnL Squat

Head on over to the Hill of Sisyphus for a classic round of 11’s. Jumps Squats at the bottom and Merks at the top.

Handed things over to Right Said who took the party over to the other side of the Parthenon where we promptly got right back to business with a bit of Dora 1-2-3.

PAX finish just in time to mosey back for the COT/BOM. Easiest Q/VQ ever.


It was great to be back out at Titan and see so many new faces. I’m hoping to see some of them at other workouts throughout the week as well. Glad to help Right Said with his VQ, and lucky for him, I encroached enough on his time that he’s got plenty of unused ideas for his next Q!


I’ll say it again: GrowRuck. 11/18. Chattanooga. Do it.

Titan 10/04/17

Q: Crawfish

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Blue Mule, Stein, Jackpot, Tesla, Big Brother, Reveille, Right Said

Lots of new faces today. Introductions were made and we were off.

Mosey down around new amphitheater and back to the south lawn.

Warmorama: GMA x 10IC, SSH x 20IC, Toy soldiers x 10IC, BAC F/R x 10IC, Seal claps x 10IC, WMH x 10 IC

Mosey to swing sets for some circuits: Pull-ups x 5, Hanging knees to elbows x 10, Swerkins x 15, Jump squats x 20, LBCs x 25. R&R but sub burpees for knees to elbows. Slow recovery mosey around playground then R&R again.

Mosey to the parthenon. Lunge walk to the opposite end.

Seeing the red, white & blue lights decorating the parthenon, what else could we do but Merkins. 10 merkins, run across the lawn, 9 merkins, run, 8 merkins, etc, etc.

Short recovery then AYG to the top of the Parthenon Ave hill & 10 burpees.

Mary: Flutter kicks x 20IC, American hammers x 20IC, 2min plank progression.

COT: Nice work today men. Great to have all the new guys out. Keep working hard and you will get better. It is an honor to lead you. Sign up for GrowRuck. Continue to pray for The Kemps, Texas, Florida and Vegas.



Bodybuilders at Titan

PAX: The Jeweler, Stein, Right Said, Blue Mule, Big Brother (FNG), Olan Mills, Tesla (FNG), Reveille (FNG), Third Degree, APU (F3 out of town — I forget where), Jackpot (FNG), Third Person (QIC)

A full dozen came out to Titan to see what the morning brought. Nice to see such strong number, including  a bunch of new guys.

Start off with 10 burpees right at 5:30 to get the blood flowing. Long mosey to the other side of the Parthenon for

WOR (all IC): SSH x 20, GM x 10, WMH x 10, Toy soldiers x 10, LBAC forward x 15, LBAC reverse x 10


Figured it was time to reintroduce the 8 count body builder to the PAX. We did 10 OYO then broke it down Dora style. All PAX partnered up. The idea was partner 1 would run around the Parthenon while partner 2 did an exercise and flapjack. 150 merkins, 150 plank jacks, 150 jump squats per partnership — after finishing each set of 150, 10 bodybuilders to be completed before moving on to the next exercise. A lot of MC/confusion/standing around about when to do the body builders. I probably could have explained it better. It all got figured out in the end.

10 more jump squats as a group and then mosey to the playground.

Pull up time. Each PAX grabbed some bar and did 10 pull ups, lap around the porta-pottys, 8 pull ups, lap, 6 pull ups, etc. Plank and wait

Everyone finished just in time for 3 MOM. Flutter kicks x 30 IC, LBC x 30 IC, Plank x 1 min. Fin



-Great to see numbers at Titan. Tclaps to Olan Mills for EHing 3 guys. Welcome to Big Brother, Tesla, Reveille and Jackpot — ask them about their names at the next work out. Apologies to Reveille who was running around the park looking for the shovel flag, which we didn’t have, before he found us. I blame Crawfish

Continued prayers for Grease Trap and family


Third Person


Lucky 13’s at TITAN – 09-20-17

Crawfish, Third Person, Porcelein, The Jeweler, Floppy Disk, Calfkiller, New Mexico (Visitor from F3 Raleigh), CCR (YHC)

YHC got a wild hare and decided to make the trek up north of Hogan Road to visit the boys at Titan this morning.  Q calendar was clear, so decided to sign up to ensure my HC.  Floppy D and Calfkiller completed the clown car and came along despite the looming threat of winter up north.

5:30am sharp we went on a brisk mosey in search of the BLACK MIATA.  After hearing Crawfish say that they almost got in a fight with him the last time they ventured into his garage, i decided to circle up for WOR just outside the garage to draw him out.  No dice.

WOR (all IC)
SSH x 20
GM x 10
WMH x 10
Slow and Low Merkins x 10
HOPKICKS! x 10 (Most of Titan  PAX’s first time aka VH)

Mosey back toward the Parthenon with a quick stop for an homage to my boy Aunt Bea.  Modified barnyard shuffle with merkins and jump squats x3 at either end.  We did 25  for a total of 75 merks and 75 jump squats.  Blood is now flowing.  Time for

At the bottom of the parkway of pain, we started a set of 13s…because 11s just don’t cut it anymore. Turkish getups at the bottom and mountain merkins at the very top. It was a LONG way up there. 208 yards to be exact. To make it better, we added a three-burpee speed bump every time we crossed over pavement (three speed bumps). The way up was long, the way down was much better as we coasted easily downhill with the glorious parthenon centered as our backdrop. Somewhere along with way we modified to ensure completion. This may be worth trying again with no barnyard shuffle to see if anyone can finish. As PAX completed, we performed AMRAP WWI situps as we waited for the 6. Floppy and Jeweler were standouts (shocker).

All in. Time for a 200 yard AYG from the bottom to the top. Three burpees on top, mosey together to each speed bump for 3x burpees untill we reach the bottom. Circle up for a quick Mary. Flutter kix x40 IC. Low plank to close it out.


It was really great breaking out of the routine to get up to Titan. I highly recommend it for those that have never been…or been awhile. Great AO and even better dudes that we rarely get to see. Glad to have New Mexico from F3 Raleigh (South Wake) join us….he showed up just in time for the Thang, but made up for it.

Until Next Time,


Titan 09/13/17

Q: Crawfish

PAX: Bicentennial man, Porcelain, Green Bean (ATL), Crawfish

The cool and soggy morning kept many PAX in the fartsack, but 4 persevered and were rewarded.

Mosey up the Parman Pl hill and back to the refuge of The Parthenon.

Warmorama: GM x 12IC, SSH x 30IC, WMH x 16IC, Toy soldiers x 10IC

Mosey to playground. While 2 PAX run around the performing arts center other PAX performs AMRAP pull-ups. Flapjack until group total reaches 150.

Mosey to Parthenon lot for Webbicide. 5 merkins at first lightpole, return to start. 5 merkins at 1st lightpole, 10 merkins at 2nd lightpole, return to start. 5, 10, 15 at 3rd pole… 5, 10, 15, 20 at 4th (Green Bean joined us for the last round following some confusion on launch point). R&R with squats.

Burpee indian run around jogging path back toward the launch point. After one round AYG back to the LP.

Mary: Flutter kicks x 30IC, J-Los x 15IC, Crunchy frogs x 10IC, 1 min plank progression.

COT: Prayers for Job and The Kemps, prayers for victims of Harvey and IRMA.

Small but hardworking crew today. Thanks for the effort men!



It’s Not About You

Why do we post Back Blasts?
As my dad would have said to me when I was a kid, “Because I told you to!” Obviously, that didn’t work for me then and it doesn’t work for us now as GAM, grown ass men.
I have been thinking a lot lately about the importance of the Back Blast coming off the Memphis launch, a host of new and reworked AOs and a great Nantaan call recently.
As I understand them, the Back Blast is the following:
  • A recap of the workout
  • A place to recognize those who posted
  • A way to track numbers and growth
  • A way to commemorate a break through
  • A way to commemorate someone splashing merlot for posterity
  • A way to make announcements
  • A way to document new and different exicon from the PAX
  • You’re a leader and part of Qing a workout is writing the BB
I’m sure there’s more on that from DREDD & OBT in Freed to Lead but I can’t get my hands on it right now.
All the above is great and I wholeheartedly agree with #1-8 and with the Nantaan of the Nation and the Great Weasel Shaker at WWHQ in their excellently penned Freed to Lead (which I still can’t find). But to me, the real reason we post the BB I realized today when I got a text from country code +44. At first glance I thought it was spam. Upon further inspection, it was from the one and only Scribe of F3Nashville Faulkner. So, without blabbing on, here’s what he wrote (I edited the very end)
“Been doing three F3 workouts a week by following the backblasts. Off days I run 4 miles. Miss the camaraderie and spiritual support. Tell everyone I said hey. Praying for those mentioned in backblasts, particularly the Kemps. Glad to see how F3 is growing … In this pic, I just finished Edible Arrangement’s latest Qed workout. The park I work out in mainly behind me. Hope you’re well.”

The title of this post is from the people at GoRuck.  I was constantly reminded of this over the past weekend in the 9-11 Memorial Ruck.  Ultimately, the BB isn’t about us being too busy, too lazy or too indifferent because it’s not about us and how we feel about posting the BB…it’s what someone else gets out of it.
So if not for #1-8 and for F2L, do it for the Faulkner’s, the Rooms2Go and others that find themselves DR for an extended period of time and that miss y’all, that miss F3Nashville and miss the 15 Burpess every minute for 10 minutes from that jerk Funyuns!


70 and humid

1 minute warning given…

Quick mosey to the east part of the lawn, politician down the straightaway, mosey over to the south east corner of Parthenon (Speed).


ALL IC x 13:

Side straddle hop, squat, hillbillies, scorpion stretch, flutter kicks, TANKS


We decided to flank Lord Kensington today and come in from the southside. As we made our way through the parking garage and over to the steps we were worried there would be some lurking security guards. Luckily, we all made it up to the top of the parking deck and grabbed some wall for the six.

PAX were given instructions to run to the far side for the following:

Round 1:

Politician to light post one back to the wall, politician to light post two back to the wall, skip to light post three, back to the wall side shuffle the light post four, back to the wall all you got to like post five and grab some more wall for the six

Round two:

Broadjump to light pole one, AYG back from

Broadjump to light pole two, AYG back, sprint to light pole three sprint back sprint to light pole four sprint back all you got to the far wall (T – Physical)

Plank for the 6

Part 2:

Form up with the last person in leading us down the stairs of Lord Kensington and out towards Natchez trace. (T – Mental for the leaders to be led, Speed for the 6ers to stay ahead)

Queue up and perform Indian run all the way to Vanderbilt Stadium main entrance. Once there, pistol squats right leg first 10 X in cadence, left leg 10 X in cadence (Strength to not fall over).  Queue up again in the same position as we finished (Mental Toughness…aka Remembering)


Quick mosey back to the Parthenon for box jumps then sprint down the length of the person or thing on rinse and repeat 3X on the last one sprint the short side of the Parthenon sad shuffle along side then planking wait for the six (Stamina)

Mary Up:

Flutter Kix x 13 IC

Supermans x 13 IC

Plank…keep planking…1 minute…keep planking…2 minutes…3 minutes…40″ (3S2T)



Great to have nomads Vinny from Cleveland and Fireball from Houston.  Today was a fun day, tried to avoid anything to do with the upper body as YHC has a bad case of bursitis and cellulitis in right arm.  Think we accomplished that outside of the 3:40 plank.

Third Degree was showing out on the sprints and the upper deck Kensington work.  Nice job man.

None FNG :/ represented…


Lots going on in the local Regions and in the Nation as a whole…

  • Prayers for The Wallaces, Kemps and Holmes.  Prayers for Chum’s dad in ICU in Montgomery, Definitely prayers for Houston.
  • Love for yall to give back if you can to help the Expansion of the Nation, click the link here: http://f3nation.com/2017/07/29/give2give-august-1-31-2017/
  • GrowRuck ’05 is coming up on weekend of 17 November in Chattanooga, it is far and away one of the best leadership development courses you can get and it is super affordable.  Check out the sign up, the gear and some intel in the links below:






  • First Friday Lunch this Friday at The Cookery 1130 on 12th Ave

PAX: Stein, Bicentennial Man, 3rd Degree, Blue Mule, Fireball, Vinny, Crawfish, Porcelain

Q: Bagger Vance

Four PAX @ Titan Wednesday 16 August 2017 — Sprints and Miscellaneous

Four PAX post at Titan Wednesday 16 August 2017.


The four PAX were YHC Blue Mule, Crawfish, Porcelain, and Hardballs.


All PAX do a long mosey around the park to the concrete loop on the east side of the Parthenon. Each PAX sprints around the concrete loop while the other three PAX performs a stationary exercise. A round is complete when all PAX sprints around the loop. After each round the PAX perform a new stationary exercise.


Round One: Merkins

Round Two: Squats

Round Three: Overhead Arm Claps

Round Four: Lieutenant Dans

Found Five: Dips (Crawfish’s Pick)

Round Six: WW2 Situps (X’s Pick)

Round Seven: Overhead Arm Press (Porcelain’s pick)

Round Eight: Starjumps

Round Nine: Chest-to-ground diamond merkins

Round Ten: Burpees


Once all that was complete, all PAX mosey back to the starting point – with only one minute left, all PAX do LT Dans to end out the post.


It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen and I’ll see you in the gloom.


Blue Mule Out