Quick Tour of Sir E’s Greatest Hits

12 21 21

Temp : 38
Gloom Factor : Moderate
PAX : Pedialtye, Det Pikachu, Yard Sale, Red Skull, Floppy Disk, Bagger Vance

Disclaimer Claimed 0530

Mosey through parking lot back up Marchant

Imperial Walkers x 12 IC
Hillbillies x 12 IC
Side Straddle Hops x 21 IC
Squat n Reach x 6 IC

Exploring the canvas of Sir E

Pull Ups x 21
Swerkins x 21
Squats x 21

-Big Lot-
Dips x 21
Irikins x 21
Dirkins x 21

Burpees x 21
Mtn Climbers (4 ct) x 21
Side lunges (2 ct) x 21

-White Barn-
Atomics x 21
Squat Jumps x 21
8 ct BB x 21

Speed Bumps
(1) 1 Burpee, 1 Squat, 1 Flutter Kick (4ct)
(2) 2 Burpees, 2 Squats, 2 Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
(3) 4 Burpees, 4 Squats, 4 Flutter Kicks (4ct)
(4) 8 Burpees, 8 Squats, 8 Flutter Kicks (4ct)

Plank Progression 1-2’
Alabama Prom Date Finishing Position 30”
Razor Cuts x 5 IC



*Prayers for traveling mercies over Christmas break.

*1 Jan 22 – NYD Tradition continues. Stonewall 0700. There will be coffee and treats. 0600 STP 4-5 mile Yog.

*IronClad – Our winter workout series kicks of 1 Jan as well. Link below.

F3 Nashville, its time for the return of the Ironclad Challenge and you need to sign up! From January 1 – March 31, 2022, PAX will earn points for participating in F3 events.

Sign up here today: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aPBdYJw6FXGLJLXTtZEVwJPbp8rHnDiAbGA15d6cag0/edit?usp=sharing.
Let’s fill up this list!

First F
1. Posts – Post at least 26 times.
2. Posts below 32* – Post at least 3 times in temps below 32*
3. Away Posts – Post at least 5 times away from your normal AOs.
4. Q – Q at least 2 times.
Second F
1. 2F Event – Attend at least 2 second F events.
2. Coffeeteria – Attend at least 8 coffeeterias.
3. FNG or Kotter – Bring at least 1 FNG or Kotter with you to a post.
Third F
1. 3rd F Event – Attend at least 1 third F serving event. This can be with other F3 guys or on your own but if you do it on your own, you need to report about it at your next post.
2. Book – Read Freed to Lead or a minimum of 1 book on leadership.
1. CSAUP – Attend at least 1 CSAUP event. Attending GrowRuck 027 will count as fulfilling this category!



Temp: 51
Gloom Factor: Max
PAX: PSL, CCR, Pedialyre, Black Widow, Venus, MOU, W4AG, Toga, Topanga, D’Frost, Bagger Vance

0529:50 Disclaimer Claimed
Nice long mosey down Hogan, to Trousdale and back up bus loop w Skips, SS R/L, Bernie

Squat and Reach x 8 IC
SSH x 20 IC
HB x 10 IC
BAC F/R x 5 IC
High Plank Hand to the Sky x 10 SGL CT


Bottom of bus loop to the gate

7 Merkins
7 Squats return
SSH 4 6

7 (2 ct) ASTs
7 (2 ct) Lunges return
SSH 4 6

7 (8ct) BB
7 Squat Jumps return
SSH 4 6

7 (4 ct) Mtn Climbers
7 Russian Lunges (R/L) return
SSH 4 6

APD 4 6

Plank thrusters
APD 4 6

Dive Bombers
Hop kix
APD 4 6

RnR R I,III,V, VII as previous and II, IV, VI in succession.

Wall Sits


Black Widows x 5 IC R/L
Scorpions x 10 IC
Squat n Reach x 5 IC


Topanga didn’t puke which we all expected after his late night soirée with the bourbon n book club.
The personal text tactic worked as MOU & Toga can attest to.

*Prayers up for Spicoli’s family as he lost his battle with cancer on 10 December. Link below from caring bridge.

*Prayers for traveling mercies over Christmas break.

*1 Jan 22 – NYD Tradition continues. Stonewall 0700. There will be coffee and treats. 0600 STP 4-5 mile Yog.

*IronClad – Our winter workout series kicks of 1 Jan as well. Link below.

@channel F3 Nashville, its time for the return of the Ironclad Challenge and you need to sign up! From January 1 – March 31, 2022, PAX will earn points for participating in F3 events. Sign up here today: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aPBdYJw6FXGLJLXTtZEVwJPbp8rHnDiAbGA15d6cag0/edit?usp=sharing. Let’s fill up this list!

First F
1. Posts – Post at least 26 times.
2. Posts below 32* – Post at least 3 times in temps below 32*
3. Away Posts – Post at least 5 times away from your normal AOs.
4. Q – Q at least 2 times.
Second F
1. 2F Event – Attend at least 2 second F events.
2. Coffeeteria – Attend at least 8 coffeeterias.
3. FNG or Kotter – Bring at least 1 FNG or Kotter with you to a post.
Third F
1. 3rd F Event – Attend at least 1 third F serving event. This can be with other F3 guys or on your own but if you do it on your own, you need to report about it at your next post.
2. Book – Read Freed to Lead or a minimum of 1 book on leadership.
1. CSAUP – Attend at least 1 CSAUP event. Attending GrowRuck 027 will count as fulfilling this category!

Check out the screen shot for more details. Happy winter PAX! 🥶


Hobbling Gobbler

Hobbling Gobbler
Temp: 50
Gloom Factor: Nil

PAX: Floppy Disk, PSL, Yard Sale, Rug Doctor, Breadsticks, Crab Legs, Siri, Michelin Man, Cowboy, Old Hickory, D’Frost, BnB, Bagger Vance


Disclaimer : less of a disclaimer and more of a route review which some paid more attention to than others.

THANG : 5 Mile loop around Lipscomb towards Hillsboro HS back up Belmont down Paris and down Lealand to StartEx.

NMM : Some ran faster than others, some ran farther than others and some just ran. Hope this will continue on for years to come. Next year, YHC will post some flags at the turns and possibly print some cheap, heavy cotton Gildan tees.

III Pillars – 11.23.21 – Thanksgiving History

Conditions: A crisp 25º, extremely clear, stars shining brightly

QIC: Toothless

PAX: Cowboy, Moneyshot, Rocket Mortgage

A stalwart 4 PAX gathered this morning in the cold dark gloom to get better together and learn a bit more about the upcoming holiday.


  • 21 x Side Straddle Hops (first Thanksgiving was in 1621)
  • 10 x Quad stretches OYO
  • 15 x High Knees
  • 10 x Willy Mays Hays OYO
  • 15 x Butt Kickers

The Thang


Run to the Lipscomb parking garage, a little over 1/2 a mile


It was in 1863 President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a holiday (although federal holidays as we think of them with time off and bank closures had yet to be established)

  • 1 x Run out, start the next exercises heading back
  • 8 x Lt. Dans
  • 6 x Standing broad jumps
  • 3 x Burpees

50 LBC’s at the halfway point for heart rate recovery

Rinse and repeat x 8 until 0555

Run back towards post, stop at swing set at school roundabout


Give thanks for the harvest our bodies have reaped at GHP, also pay homage to the 50 settlers out of the original 100 aboard the Plymouth bound ships who survived to the first harvest festival we now recognize as Thanksgiving.

  • 15 x Decline merkins at long swing sets
  • 20 x J-Los on tennis courts
  • 25 x Incline merkins on picnic tables
  • 30 x LBCs at far playground
  • 35 x Dips at corner bleachers
  • 40 x Two count flutter kicks at entrance corner
  • 45 x Single count euro steps at gate
  • 50 x Carolina dry docks at post

A quick coffeeteria was shared before PAX loaded up togo containers for the day ahead.

Prayers for safe travel for all and for good health as we visit loved ones. I’m so grateful to have the chance to workout and be in community with you men week in and week out, and as always it was an honor to lead!

III Pillars – 11.09.21 – “School Ties”

23 PAX participated in a field trip to the birthplace of III Pillars, St. Paul Christian Academy. Q instruction was cloudy at times, but the skies were clear and the coffee was hot!

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Cowboy, Cunning Linguist, Detox (FNG), Dr. Rupp, En Fuego, Gables, Grisham, Harbaugh, High Flyer, Howitzer, It’s Just Lunch, Moneyshot, Oatmeal, Pumpkin Spice, r/Eddit, Red Tees, Silver Medal, Sooner, T-Cell, Tater Hole (WL – Hickory, NC), Toothless


Moderately brief welcome and mosey around parking lot with moving disclaimer on the way over to the field for COP:

  • SSH x 14
  • LBAC x 12 F/R
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • WMH x 10

Just like St. Paul, today’s workout was built on three pillars:

Academic Excellence

How do we measure our knowledge attainment in school?  With tests, of course! So YHC gave the PAX a test of their own. In this case, a modified version of the Army PFT. PAX partnered up for administration of the following:

  • 2:00 Max Push-Ups
  • 2:00 Max Sit-Ups
  • ~300 yard shuttle (10 x 30 yd shuttle run for time)

Test complete. Everybody passed. Barely.

Passion for Christ

Galatians 6:2 ESV: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Our next segment was inspired by the above verse, and PAX divided into groups of four to complete 200 Burpees as a group. Plenty of huffing and puffing, but lots of teamwork to pick up the six and see that all reps were completed.

Leadership Development

Our final segment took us to the bottom of Bernie Hill off the side of the track. While one PAX performs Crawl Bear/Bernie up to the gate, another leads the PAX in Mary exercise of choice. Next man up picks his replacement leader and so on until time.

Mosey back to flag for one burpee and COT.


Welcome to FNG Chad Elkin aka Detox and Tater Hole visiting from Hickory, NC. It was an absolute pleasure to lead the crew at this AO. With some who had not yet experienced III Pillars at SPCA and several Kotters on hand for the workout, the energy was high and the reunion was sweet. Looking forward to more workouts with these guys and involving even more SPCA dads.


Michelin Man on Q next week!

PA out.


9/11 20 Year Convergence

9/11 20YR

PAX: Venus, Black Lung, Tuna, Overruled(W/L B’ham), Boone’s Farm, Hugs not Drugs, Umbrella, Wedding Singer, Olan Mills, Floppy Disk (11.2 run), Super Nova, Ponzi, Tampa Libra, Works 4 A Guy, CCR, Michelin Man, Cub Cadet, Cunning Linguist, Chowduh, High Flyer, The Jeweler, PopALock, T Cell, Siri, Steve Jobs (FNG), Ratatouille (FNG), Fishure (FNG), Ginger, Quiver, Bagger Vance, et al

General Disclaimer given, workout specific disclaimer given.
Mosey to BMB and back.

WOR x 20 … SSH, IW, GMA, Phelps, BAC (F/R)

110 flights

9 x Ruck presses bottom
11 x Bulgarian SS bottom

To the Top

9 x Ruck swings top
11 x Ruck squats top

RNR 11 times total

Time around 0730

Blockz N Bucketz N Beans

Blockz n Bucketz n Beanz

Temp: 62
PAX: Shocker, Shootuh, Spandex, Det Pichachu, Red Skull, Blue Mule, Olan Mills, Black Widow, BnB, VooDoo, Space Needle (Quohog), Well Water, Van Dyke (Chavez Y Chavez). Florida Man (Jorts), Half Shell, Bagger Vance

Quick disclaimer, grouping up of 2 F3ers to 1 413er. All PAX grab a block. Return blocks to circle. Mosey the front loop around the buses and back to circle.

IW X 10 IC
HB X 10 IC


In groups of three with block in tow, each group performs
100 Block Burpees
200 Block Squats
300 Block Flutter Kix

PAX 1 run w block to Mater’s Civic and back. PAX 2&3 start on work set. Flap Jack until Reps completed.

Bucket Brigade
413er grab 5 gallon bucket of water. F3ers flank 413er. As a group carry bucket to far Quad. Every time water spills out there is a team penalty for entire group.

Penalty 1 – 10 Burpees
Penalty 2 – 10 Squats
Penalty 3 – Bucket transfer PAX to PAX around entirety of Quad 4.
Penalty 4 – 10 Merkins w feet on wall
Penalty 5 – Bucket transfer on 6 around traffic calming circle. PAX bear crawl in Native American run fashion.

413er returns bucket.


High Plank


NMM: Today’s Q was a combo of the BV classic Weight v Wait and the words of Proverbs 27:17 …

I’ve been a huge fan for a while now of pairing up or partnering the F3/413 PAX and today proved no different. Having been DR last week and missed out on the PFT admin’s by Red Skull YHC had to dig deep into the Pain Cave for this Q. The idea that we have a physical weight (the block) and a mental weight (why you’re an F3er/413er) hit home from the beginning today. I ripped that Weight v Wait concept from Rob Jones; a double above knee amputee who served as an IED searcher in the Marines. Hoping that Red Skull can expand upon this during the week of Bible study.

(YHC was struggling w the 413 names hence the other names in parenthesis.)

BH :
Spandex’s bro
Shocker’s nephew
BnB’s 2.0 coming Dec 2021
Traveling mercies


22 July 21

PAX : 

CCR, 11, Go Now, BnB, Red Skull, T Cell, High Flyer, Low N Brow, Movin On Up, Bagger Vance
Conditions : 68 w 86% humidity and a slight northwest breeze

Mosey a bit out to Southside of stadium for

SSH, WMH, IW, Phelps
Bear crawl to utility pole
Bernie back

Count off 1s & 2s

R1 – SE Corner
5 P/U
10 Merkins
15 Squats

R2 – SW Corner
5 Chest Rows
10 Burpees
15 Lunges

R3 – NW Corner
5 P/U
10 Reverse Burpees
15 LT Dans

Plank Leap Frog
Bernie-Sprint Push RNR x 6 (1s Bernie and 2s chase)
IR 1s & 2s lR

R3 – Back to SW Corner
RnR Set 1 w max pull ups

IR back

R4 – Time Filler

Bear Crawl to light post
Crawl Bear back
Side shuffle right to light post
Side shuffle left back
High knees to light post
Reverse Thrusters back

High Plank
Flutter Kix x 30 IC
Peter Parkers x 5 right
Ola Dollies x 20 IC
Peter Parkers x 5 Left
High plank
Scorpions x 4 IC
Flutter Kix x 20 IC
Atomic Merkins x 5 IC
High Plank


Speaker went out at minute 2:30. Will have to bring that playlist back out since BnB loved it so much.

Sufficient early chatter re: YHC’s poor comz skills led to gasps for breath during the workout.

Great to be back out at the newly coined Maquina Verde … more to come on that.

HF with the double barrel Phil Mickelson coffeeteria along with “The Good Stuff”.
T claps man.

Such a warm greeting from T Cell this morning; made me feel super welcome. He’s definitely been working out.

New AOQs – Detention : Works for a Guy
Sir Ellington : Pedialyte

Lift up 413 Strong as they go through some Recruiting difficulties.



2 July 2021


TEMP : 72

PAX : CAPSLOCK, CCR, A/R, Noodler, Rug Dr, Movin on Up, Topanga, Black Widow, Pedialyte, Voodoo, Bagger Vance

Before we started, there was a albeit brief, a thorough welcoming of CAPSLOCK.


Mosey long route to CWBC lot.

SSH x 13 IC
WMH x 10 IC
IT Band Stretch x 10 L/R
IW x 10 IC
HB x 10 IC
Scorps x 6 IC R/L
Beast x 6 IC R/L

MARSOC Short Card w lap of CWBC Main lot to East lot and back to FLC.

30 Merks
30 Squats
30 LBC
10 (8) CT BB
10 WindMills
30 Atomics
30 Mtn Climbers IC
30 F Kix IC
10 (8) CT BB
10 Chain Breakers
30 Merks (40 were performed … Q count fail)
30 Side Straddle Hops IC
30 Superman’s
10 (8) CT BB
10 Cherry Pickers
30 Atomics
30 LT Dan’s IC
30 Ola Binary
10 (8) CT BB
10 GMA

NAR to pull up station

3 Sets Max Pull Ups

Mary :
Plank Progression 3’


NMM: Dusted off an oldie but goodie this am. The mosey between rounds added just the right amount of time to get us through the am. Always like counting off in 1s & 2s to give guys a pards and someone to push and be pushed by.
Loved seeing CAPSLOCK back out in the gloom. Great example of living third in his decision to move to Philly to help his M take care of his MIL. That’s self sacrificing leadership and what F3 is all about.
Last week’s FNG, Voodoo has become Mr. Consistency over the last 7 days and has steadily improved. VQ in the works?
Nice work by all the PAX this am. Thank y’all for letting me Q. Hope to get more guys out in the G this summer and make a big push as we head back to school in a few weeks.
BH: Prayers for humility in our handling of others and our day to day. Prayers up for the young men at 413 as they finish their last week of this class. We also lift up CCR’s friend, Suzanne and her recent cancer diagnosis.


11 June 2021

11 June 2021
D Day + 28,129

TEMP : 72
GLOOM : Soupy

PAX : Rat, Trinuh, Too Tall, Foxtrot, High Flyer, Pedialyte, Topanga, W4AG, A/R, Razorback, The Jeweler, Bagger Vance, PREVAC



SSH x 13 IC
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Imperial Walkers
IT Band Stretch (L/R)
All IC X 10

Mosey big loop (Hogan, Trousdale, Bud Loop)

Circle back up, WOD explained, Count off 1s & 2s.
1s Run Big Loop
2s Do Work
Then Flap Jack



6 Rounds
24 Squats
24 Merkins
24 Walking Lunges
Run 400M


High Plank while YHC reads Army SSGT. Edward Loredo’s quick bio (attached).

Flutter Kicks (Iron Cross) x 24 IC
Alternating Shoulder Taps x 24 IC
Pistol LBC x 24 IC
Beast R/L x 6 IC



Army Staff Sgt. Edward Loredo died June 24, 2010 serving during Operation Enduring Freedom. Loredo, 34, of Houston, TX; assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne, Fort Bragg, NC; died June 24 in Jelewar, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his unit with an IED.
Loredo had previously served in Iraq. He died during combat in Afghanistan, just one day short of his 35th birthday and just weeks before he was to finish his tour in the Middle East.
He is survived by his wife, 1st Sgt. Jennifer Loredo; daughter, Laura Isabelle; stepdaughter, Alexis; and son, Eddie Enrique.

Too Tall led us out in The Lord’s Prayer


The Jeweler’s sister looking for a new teaching job in B’ham.


Our Country

Summer Traveling Mercies
