Cruel Hall 02/16/18 – Knowing is Half the Battle

QIC: Vegemite

PAX: Bagger Vance, PreVac, Ludwig Von Oshkosh, Big Stick, Floppy Disk, Skidmark, Olan Mills, Edible Arrangements, Black Lung, Razor (Venus), Tidy Cats, Rooster, Swampfox, Accounts Receivable, Yard Sale, Foxtrot Talks A Lot, Frogger, Offshore, Brother-at-Law, 3rd Degree, Spider Bite, Balloon Knot (FNG), Sandlapper (FNG) (Missing two on this list — ping me on Slack if I didn’t include you.)

YHC’s first solo Q saw 26 HIM up bright and early for a little Cruel Hall action. As there were two FNGs today, BV suggested I drop the disclaimer before a quick mosey out of the parking lot and back around for today’s WOR:

SSH x15 IC
Slow and Low Squats x12 IC
Good Mornings x10 IC
Willie Mays Hayes x10 IC
Calf Stretch x10 IC
Baby Arm Circles x10 IC
Reverse BAC x10 IC

PAX counted off by twos, and the 1s looked to their left to find their partner for the day. Then we all moseyed down to the bottom of the bus loop for an explanation of today’s THANG:

A documentary series on Netflix called The Toys That Made Us inspired today’s workout. If you were a kid in the 80s, you owe it to yourself to check it out. One of the toys they covered was G.I. Joe, so what better way to take everyone back to their childhood than by working together to defeat Cobra. This was a variation on B.O.M.B.S., and I’ve listed the modifications below:

Cobra - A ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

C: Carolina Dry Docks x150
O: Overhead Claps x200
B: Big Boy Situps x200
R: Reverse Lunges x200
A: Americans (AKA Merkins) x150

Partners worked together to complete all reps. Partner 1 started the exercises while partner 2 ran the bus loop. Flapjack that until each team completed all reps. Teams planked and waited for the six.

Once we finished that up, YHC realized there wasn’t enough time to properly pay tribute to one of the most B.A. characters in the G.I. Joe universe, Snake Eyes. Don’t worry, we might revisit my plan for him at some point in the future.

Instead, we moseyed back to the playground area for 80 rows split among each team. Partner 1 started while partner 2 did AMRAP merkins. Once we finished that up, we moseyed back up to the parking lot to end the week like Ludwig started it. We actually finished two rounds of his excellent Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear Suicide and Burpee Extravaganza. Partner 1 started off with the Bear Crawls, while partner 2 did AMARP burpees — we flapjacked that after P1 finished.

Somehow during the Bear Crawls/Burpees, the timer on my watch stopped. It seemed strange that there was always 5 minutes left every time I looked down at it. After the suicide/burpee combo, MARY consisted of 20x Flutter Kicks followed by 20x Hello Dollys. Fortunately, someone else knew it was time to stop after that.

Keep Prevac and his wife in your thoughts and prayers. She’s been dealing with dizziness, head/neck pain, and nausea due to some inflammation in her mandible. Also, please continue to keep Ludwig and his wife in your thoughts and prayers. Last Friday was one year out from her brain tumor surgery.

I appreciate y’all allowing me to Q, and I’m looking forward to more in the future.


A Balmy Morning At Bomber

PAX: 3rd Person, Porcelain, Ebola, Firefox, Vector, EnFuego, Pop-A-Lock (LIFO), Bad Boy, T-Cell, Princess Aurora

QIC: Hi-Viz

11 HIM ignored the siren’s song of the fartsack and were rewarded with a rare 70-degree February morning in Sylvan Park, along with burpees, bear crawl, and a fair amount (2.2+ miles by my count) of running.

Quick mosey to the pub parking.

Good Mornings X 10 IC
IW X 15 IC
Hillbillies X 15 IC


Mosey to Edley’s for People’s Chair. (Wait, is that Pop-A-Lock coming in hot? Indeed!)

Mosey to the top of the hill for 7s. Burpees at the top. Jump Squats at the bottom. The change of direction and longer run was a definite crowd pleaser.

Mosey to the Murphy Bench. One PAX runs to the roundabout for a bear crawl lap and back, while the remaining PAX perform a dealer’s-choice exercise. Burpees, Durkins, Crawl Bear, Lt. Dans, VeryBigArmCircles (VBAC???), etc. (YHC is running short on memory and time to recall all of them. Great variety, however.)

Mosey to home base for Mary. 

Hello Dollys X 20 IC
J-LOs to Finish



Good spirits and great work this morning, men. Always a pleasure to hang with you.

BOLO for details on PA’s BeerRuck coming this June. Should be a good time. Also, he’s planning a September CSAUP.

Also, check out the Slacker for 3rdF opportunities and snag one if you’re interested in Qing one of your own.


Viz out.




PAX: Bagger Vance, PreVac, Lewd Wig, El Maestro, Big Bang, Black Widow, Big Stick, Karamazov, PopALock, Floppy D, Funyuns, Skidmark, PSL, Olan Mills, Edible Arrangement, Cowboy, Black Lung, Razor, Vegemite, Cathy*

*I am leaving out a pax, investigation is ongoing

22 HIM rose and show for some Mid-30 degree fun at Sir E this morning. Light MC before capri lap around the parking lot and back for a little WOR all IC:

LBCs x 10 front

LBCs x 10 reverse

BAC x 10 front

BAC x 10 reverse

Seal claps x 10

Air presses x 10

Deep squats x 10

Good Mornings x 10

Willie Mays Hayes x 10


Mosey across the street to the Ag Center to the right base of the circle drive. En route, little MC from BV assuming which exercises YHC didn’t care for, more on that later.  Pax to run AYG up the hill, lunge in front of the mansion, jog back, plank for the 6. All in. 5 squats OYO.  Face the “pond” (BV contests this description) and shuffle AYG up the hill, butt kickers in front of the mansion, plank for the 6.  All in.  5 squats OYO. Face the flagpole, shuffle AYG up the hill, high knees in front of the mansion and jog back for the 6.  All in. 5 squats OYO.  Back peddle up the hill, lunge in front of the mansion.  People’s chair for the 6.

Mosey to the museum lot. All pax line up at base line for merkin suicides.  Run to island 1 for 25 diamond merkins, back to base line.  Run to island 2 for 25 wide-base merkins, back to base line.  Run to island 3 for 25 regular merkins and back to base line.  All in

Mosey back to Church playground and borrow Tidy Cats fence for leg lift/ alabama prom date 11s.

Crap, still 10 minutes left.

20 pull ups, 20 Irkins, 20 rows OYO. Lt Dan to top of the hill for some…


20 SSH in cadence just for BV’s assumption from earlier

Tempo Merkins x 10

Flutter Kick x 20

Tempo Squat x 10



Praise: So amazing to have our friend and brother El Maestro back out there this morning.  Fingers crossed we get to see more of him very soon!

The title of today’s workout was inspired by the origin of my F3 name, given to me by Blue Mule.  One time when I was in law school, someone told me that listening to me argue a case was like listening to someone stuck on CAPS LOCK.  While it was so accurate I couldn’t be offended, it made me think about the way I communicate to make a point.  Short story, if you’re loud and passionate about everything, you’re loud and passionate about nothing.  As we enter the Lenten season tomorrow, let us remind ourselves that there is a time and place for loud words, but equally a time and place for impactful actions.

The pleasure, this morning, was entirely mine.




Burpie Police is on Patrol at Detention

Scene: Detention AO, Time: 515am , Officer:  CalfKiller

Patrol arrived at the welcome party ( 10 burpies on the minute for 10 minutes ) and issues YHC a warning for improper jump during a burpie .  5mins later Backup Sergeant Ludwig was quick to enforce the citation by confirming the lack of jump.

Penalty: Ghost Q = BigBang

PAX :CCR, Floppydisk, Officer Calfkiller, Sergeant Ludwig, Blackwidow, Dupree Accounts Receivable , TooTall (PlankBoy), Umbrella, Brother-at-law (TomBradyHater), Pop-A-Loc, NumbTucks (FutureRuckStar), Tokyo Rose, Dr.Smartt, Skid Mark, FNG ChairForceOne,  and YHC (BigBang)

COP: Who Cares (GMs AMRAP and 5min Disclaimer spoke by Siri, your welcome Bagger)

Thang: Good thing Burpies were fresh on the mind

     Set1: 10 burpies on the minute for 10 minutes

3 suicides (Keep the blood Flowing)

     Set2: 10 burpies on the minute for 10 minutes

3 suicides (Keep the blood Flowing)

     Set3: 10 burpies on the minute for 10 minutes

MARY: 20 FK, 1 min low Plank

Moleskin: Thanks to CCR for keeping me accountable on the Q. Mad love for CalfKiller and Ludwig appreciate the honesty. Floppy thanks for the Pre-F3 Ruck and congrats. You got to experience 100 more burpies than everyone else. #Winning

Welcome Russ: ChairForceOne. Appreciate your service, and hope you come back and get to experience an Aunt Bea Q to really see how werid F3 can be. This morning was pretty stupid,  thanks to all PAX for giving it your all.

Sparty On, and SYITG


Lucky Horseshoe Comes to The Skunk

PAX: Venus, Life Champ, Preacher Man

QIC: En Fuego

A breezy 22 degrees greeted the 4 PAX at the Skunk this morning – Super Bowl hangover had nothing on these men, much to the delight of YHC who at 5:28 was fairly certain he’d be flying solo on this Q.  Following a short mosey, disclaimer and COP, we proceeded with The Thang:

Lucky Horseshoe (courtesy de Racetrack, courtesy de Toga – though this time I believe we applied the down and distance correctly).

  • Run carved .25 mile lap around the baseball fields.  Avoid ice patches.  20 merkins
  • Lap 2, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats
  • Lap 3, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks
  • Lap 4, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWIs
  • Lap 5, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWIs, 20 lunges.  Not a lot of mumble chatter by this point
  • Lap 6, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWIs, 20 lunges
  • Lap 7, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWIs, 20 lunges
  • Lap 8, 20 WWIs, 20 lunges
  • Lap 9, 20 lunges
  • YHC calls for the Victory Lap; Preacher Man says check your time.  Following checking of said time, YHC realizes we have 30 seconds left.  Hold plank while thanking Preacher Man for keeping us honest with the clock.

Mosey back to close out in prayer – lifting Toga, Head Stud and his wife Emily, and Life Champ’s buddy in Knoxville up in prayer.  Great work by the PAX – 2.65 miles all in including moseys.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead and be a part of all things F3 with you

En Fuego

Ned Ryerson Takes Over Cruel Hall

PAX:       Bagger Vance, Floppy Disk, Black Widow, Ludwig van Osh Kosh, PSL, Big Stick, Vegemite, Yard Sale, Accounts Receivable, Third Degree,  Offshore, Brown Nose, HVAC, Prevac, Brother at Law, Braveheart, Aunt Bea, Swamp Fox, CAPSLOCK, Black Lung, Skid Mark, CCR (YHC)

22 unsuspecting PAX were met with a stiff single digit wind chill and a redundant test of wills this morning.  A quick counter clockwise (Brother at Law tried to take it to the bus loop) mosey around the small loop and down to the pavilion to get the blood flowing.

YHC aka Ned Ryerson, Needle Nose Ned, Ned the Head, etc… explained to the PAX that today is Groundhog Day and that we would be paying homage to PunxsutawneyPhil’s annual temporary home for February 2nd, GOBLER’s KNOB.  To add to the drama, I staged a little trouble with the Bluetooth speaker to get started.

Good Mornings x10 IC
Overhead Claps x10 IC
Burpees x10 OYO
Burpees x10 OYO
Lieutenant Dumps x10 OYO
Escalators.  10 merkins, run to 1/2 court and back.  15 merkins, ¾ court and back. 20 merkins, full court and back.
Reverse It…Run to ¾ court and back, 15 merkins.  Run to ½ court and back, 10 merkins.
SSH for the 6

Now that we are warm, it is time for the KNOB

Knerkins (knuckle merkins) x10 OYO
Nelson Mandela Merkins (aka terrorists) x10 OYO.  SSH for the 6
One-Legged Burpees x10 OYO (5 each leg)
Burpees x10 OYO

Time for a quick mosey to the parking lot.  Gather in a blob similar to starting time.

22 unsuspecting PAX were met with a stiff single digit wind chill and a redundant test of wills this morning.  A quick counter clockwise (Brother at Law tried to take it to the bus loop) mosey around the small loop and down to the pavilion to get the blood flowing.

YHC aka Ned Ryerson, Needle Nose Ned, Ned the Head, etc… explained to the PAX that today is Groundhog Day and that we would be paying homage to PunxsutawneyPhil’s annual temporary home for February 2nd, GOBLER’s KNOB.  To add to the drama, I staged a little trouble with the Bluetooth speaker to get started.

Good Mornings x10 IC
Overhead Claps x10 IC
Burpees x10 OYO
Burpees x10 OYO
Lieutenant Dumps x10 OYO
Escalators.  10 merkins, run to 1/2 court and back.  15 merkins, ¾ court and back. 20 merkins, full court and back.
Reverse It…Run to ¾ court and back, 15 merkins.  Run to ½ court and back, 10 merkins.
SSH for the 6

Now that we are warm, it is time for the KNOB

Knerkins (knuckle merkins) x10 OYO
Nelson Mandela Merkins (aka terrorists) x10 OYO.  SSH for the 6
One-Legged Burpees x10 OYO (5 each leg)
Burpees x10 OYO

Time for a quick mosey to the parking lot.  Gather in a blob similar to starting time.

22 unsuspecting PAX were met with a stiff single digit wind chill and a redundant test of wills this morning.  A quick counter clockwise (Brother at Law tried to take it to the bus loop) mosey around the small loop and down to the pavilion to get the blood flowing.

YHC aka Ned Ryerson, Needle Nose Ned, Ned the Head, etc… explained to the PAX that today is Groundhog Day and that we would be paying homage to PunxsutawneyPhil’s annual temporary home for February 2nd, GOBLER’s KNOB.  To add to the drama, I staged a little trouble with the Bluetooth speaker to get started.

Good Mornings x10 IC
Overhead Claps x10 IC
Burpees x10 OYO
Burpees x10 OYO
Lieutenant Dumps x10 OYO
Escalators.  10 merkins, run to 1/2 court and back.  15 merkins, ¾ court and back. 20 merkins, full court and back.
Reverse It…Run to ¾ court and back, 15 merkins.  Run to ½ court and back, 10 merkins.
SSH for the 6

Now that we are warm, it is time for the KNOB

Knerkins (knuckle merkins) x10 OYO
Nelson Mandela Merkins (aka terrorists) x10 OYO.  SSH for the 6
One-Legged Burpees x10 OYO (5 each leg)
Burpees x10 OYO

Time for a quick mosey to the parking lot.  Gather in a blob similar to starting time.

Lunch today (already happened)

I appreciate everyone’s willingness to jump in and embrace the glory that is Groundhog Day.  One of the best movies (films?) of all time to be sure.   Always good to lead…its been awhile since I’ve knocked out two in one week.  If you are reading this, stop what you are doing and go sign up to Q.   It’s what keeps this thing going.


War Eagles,




26 Jan 2018 Hansen RedFriday

34 and perfect for the 21 RedPillers in the Gloom this am.  Mosey start down Hogan, right on Trousdale and up the bus loop to upper parking lot. Hey, @unt Bea, welcome to the PAX. Keep this route in mind as we will be cruising it again this am. Circle up for WOR and Diaclaimer, Hey Frogger, welcome, guessing traffic was intense.
SSH x 13
Squats x 13
GMA x 13
Can Openers Rt x 10
Can Openers Lt x 10
Sgl leg swings Rt x 10
Sgl leg swings Lt x 10
Alabama Prom Dates x 10 IC
Quick reading of the obit of SSG Daniel Hansen while holding forward leaning rest.
Quick rundown on today’s HERO WOD HANSEN
5 Rounds for Time
30 KB swings
30 Burpees
Partner up for accountability
Burpees split btwn PAX but coupon must be part of the burpee movement
BBSU w coupon
Run loop between rounds
2 MOM:
Reading from Heb 12 on discipline
Always good to have a partner. In the reading of Hansen’s obit it was cool to see that Daniel’s twin brother Matthew joined the Marines with him. How great is it to have a brother in arms, even better to have a Band of Brothers. Being the odd man out this am it was much more difficult to get through the discipline of the Hansen WOD. While we aren’t literally laying our lives down for our brothers, we are out early every morning to be there for them. Thank ya’ll for continuing to show up and help me get better.
Service opportunities coming up, check in w me, CCR Floppy or Dupree.
F3 Dads camp late summer, more details to follow.
Yard Sale, Calf Killer, Due Process, Swamp Fox, CAPSLOCK, Brown Nose, Umbrella, @unt Bea, CCR, Floppy Disk, D’Mish O Nuts, Braveheart, Venus, Frogger, Dine N Dash, 3rd Degree, PSL, Vegemite, Offshore, Accounts Receivable, skid Mark, Lewd Wig, Bagger Vance

Pit of Misery

PAX: Big Bang, Offshore, Skid mark, Red bag, Vegemite, Dr. Smart, Olan Mills, Private sandman, Yard sale, Funyuns (QIC)

10 PAX graced the grounds of The RaceTrack this AM. Quick mosey up Maryland Way to LBMC parking lot for COP:
10 GMs, 10 WMs, 20 SSHs, 20 BKs, 15 BACs(f), 15 SCs, 15 BACs(r), ATMs(10 ASTsIC, 10 tempo merkins, 10 merkins OYO), 15 BKs. All IC

The Thang:
⁃ Two groups of five. Two 60lb SBs. Each PAX does 3 full squat jumps with SB, drops it, 1 burpee, sprint 25 yards, 10 merkins, mosey back to start. Each PAX did 5 rounds. Perfect numbers for this exercise. Good constant motion.
⁃ Mosey behind hill center on other side of construction lot to the “Pit of Misery” YHC made mental note of the steep hill at this location at last weeks post. PAX line up at bottom of hill. 10 tempo merkins, sprint to top, back down, 10 ASTs IC, sprint, 10 CDDs IC, sprint, 10 Squats IC, sprint, 10 SJs IC, sprint, 10 burpees, sprint. R&R all sets!
⁃ Bear crawl to midpoint of hill. 10 tempo merkins @12, 10 TMs @3, 10 TMs @6, 10 TMs @9, back to 12 for 10 ASTs. Rotate back to 6 and crawl bear to top of hill. Mosey back to parking lot.
⁃ 150m shuttle (25m down and back x 3) every 75 seconds for 5 rounds. Mosey back home for Mary

Mary: 30 FKs IC, 30 LBCs IC


NM: Always a pleasure to lead you guys. I will echo BigBang from today and say how awesome it is to see a lot of you newer guys embrace all 3 Fs. Iron sharpens iron! Great work today



The Negroni and the Risotto Ball

Eight (really! 8 at The Skunk) redwoods came to get stronger and avoid running.  Here’s how it went down:

Grabs YHC’s weight collection plus Life Champ’s kettlebell and mosey to the baseball field for the following:

30 sec AMRAP of each exercise: elevated APD, superman merkins, goblet squats, dips, burpees, kb swings.  Rest 30 sec between each exercise then decrease by 5 secs each round till there is no time to rest and you immediately switch exercises.  That’s seven rounds for those keeping track.

Partner up with P1 grabbing two weights for 200 yd farmer’s carry while P2 holds plank.  Flapjack

Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary= Jane Fonda center, back and front on each leg.  You just have to experience it, but the groans and people not completing all the reps was evidence enough that we need to do it again.


NMM:  Apparently Kathy discovered some all you can eat pasta situation with Negronis and all the risotto balls you can handle.  While that may sound interesting to some, the PAX can assure you that there are ramifications.  Venus actually tried to keep up with the flatulence but couldn’t handle the pace.

Special welcome to FNG Daniel = Money Shot.  See Cowboy for an explanation.

This may be Toga’s last F3 visit for awhile as the knee surgery is imminent.  You guys will be missed, but YHC plans to be back out in the summer and running faster than ever.  YHC has never been accused of being fast, so the bar is purposely being set low.

Stay Classy,


PAX: Cowboy, FNG – Money Shot, Foxtrot, Foggy Pirate, Life Champ, Toga, Venus, Kathy

Stonewall – 01/20/18 – “Breaking Bad”

QIC: Princess Aurora

The PAX: Bagger Vance, Deep Dish, The Jeweler, Pop-a-Lock, Bad Boy, T-Cell, Too Tall, Spider Bite, Black Lung, Woodshack (KNOX), Edible Arrangement, Cowboy, Hambone, Crawfish, Mickey Mouse, Vegemite, Razor aka Venus

2 for Pre-Hustle and 6? for Pre-Ruck this morning. YHC clocked a brisk 4 with The Jeweler and enjoyed some good 2nd F along the way. Hambone led the ruck contingent, but was apparently so in the zone that he forgot to get back for 0700 with his crew.

Starting with the rest, mosey over to the handiramp for some Bear Crawls. Air Chair for the six and then mosey back to the lot to gather the ruckers and get on with the COP. All IC:

  • SSH
  • SnL Squats
  • Overhead Press
  • LBAC F
  • LBAC R

Today marks 10 years since perhaps the greatest television show ever, Breaking Bad, premiered on AMC. Naturally, I chose this as my theme for today’s workout. Exploring themes of each season, the PAX would experience Walter White’s decay physically. Each PAX grabbed a partner – a Jesse to their Walt – and got to work making the finest meth in Nashville. SPOILERS AHEAD.

Season 1 – “Darkness” – Walt begins to break bad

A modified Colonel Trautman:

Starting in the lot, P1 performs AMRAP Merkins while P2 runs over bridge to jungle gym and performs 5 Pull-Ups. Flapjack until time is called. 8′ and a short mosey to the community center parking lot later, it was time for

Season 2 – “Cause and effect” – Jesse meets Jane and causes a rift between him and Walt. Women, am I right?

DORA 1-2-3. YHC called time and had partners work together to close out reps sans running.

Mosey over to the tennis courts for

Season 3 – “Acceptance” – Walt begins to accept that he sucks. And so does this Q.

Suicides across the courts while your partner holds Tabletop.

Sucking wind, we mosey over to the soccer field for

Season 4 – “Loyalty” – There are many people at odds with each other, but Walt still craves Jesse’s loyalty. Also, this seasons ends with a bang, so

Partner B.O.M.B.S.:

Burpees x 25, Overhead Clap x 50, Merks x 75, BBS x 100, Squats x 125. P1 backpedals to halfway point and resumes normal run to far soccer goal. Repeats backpedal/normal to starting point where P2 has been repping out the above exercises. Flapjack. RnR until all rep counts are met.

Mosey over to the bottom of Sunnyside Hill for

Season 5 – “Rise and fall” – Walt has cleared out the competition and had a meteoric rise, but it all comes crashing down as he has alienated so many from his life.

At this point, all PAX are on their own. Run the hill to flagpole and back. AMRAP until time.

YHC managed to make 11 trips, representing the $11 million that Walt left to his family.

Mosey back to the lot for COT/BOM


This workout was actually a lot of fun in spite of all the non-fun. Does that make sense? We covered over 3 miles while managing to do at least 200 reps of plenty of exercises. Sadly, no merlot was splashed. You’re all just too fit!


F3 Dads Camp is coming this summer. Get with BV on the deets.

PA out.