Wish That I Was On Ole Rocky Top…

PAX: Bad Boy, Bicentennial Man, Silver Medal, Boone’s Farm, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

Conditions: A gloomy 47 degrees

Let’s First Go Inside the Numbers:

  • 11 straight SEC losses
  • 23 months since the last SEC win, spanning 694 days
  • 15 straight losses to the SEC West, with 7 straight seasons of posting an 0-2 record against the West
  • An impressive run of losing its last game against every SEC opponent

All is no mas and never to be quoted again, thanks to some friendly action down on The Plains this past Saturday.  While YHC didn’t get to see a second of it, today YHC and 4 other PAX donned their orange pride and Smokey Grey unis and celebrated such an occasion – Tennessee Tailgate Style.

5:30: A rusty Disclaimer given, reflective of YHC’s recent time on the IR, followed by an invite to get this TN tailgate started in true fashion.  With that, we go straight into Rocky Top (Ozbourne Brothers rendition for all you eager to add to your Spotify mix).  SSH during the song with a burpee at each “Rocky Top”.  YHC left amazingly unimpressed with the fellow PAX lyrical knowledge of this great tune.

We then mosey off campus to neighboring Burton Hills, setting up COP at the top of the parking garage at 30 Burton Hills.  YHC mentions that we want to make sure the Auburn faithful among us (Silver Medal, #where’sfoggy?) are still fully aboard the GusBus, following the recent 7-year, $49 million extension and awarding the Vols their first SEC win in 694 days.  With that, we perform the following IC:

G – Good Mornings x 7

U – Up Straddle Hop x 4

S – Scorpion Stretch x 9 (we’ve now got the 7 years, $49mm)

B – Baby Arm Circles x 6 (F & R with 23 count in-between, for the 23 months since last win)

U – Up Straddle Hop x 9

S – Slow & Low Squats x 4 (we’ve got our 694 days covered – and all are still fully aboard the GusBus)

We then mosey out of the parking garage to the base of the hill leading from Burton Hills Blvd to Covenant Presbyterian Church.  YHC informs the PAX what a long, uphill battle it has been since that last W – so let us commemorate with some hill work.  We break into two teams – Team Vols with YHC, Boone’s and Bicentennial and Team War Eagle with Silver Medal, Bad Boy & #where’sfoggy?.  Final score was 30-24, so team Team Vols will do 30 reps of each prescribed exercise (90 cumulative); Team War Eagle will do 24 reps (48 cumulative).  Once Team War Eagle completes their 48 reps, they plank and hold from the sideline, watching Team Vols get better.  Once all PAX are in, the two teams run together up the hill, where we R&R in varying fashion:

V – V-ups, then run to the top of the hill (hill #1).  After a 10 count, we mosey down the opposite hill, exiting out to Harding Place (hill #2).   All in, we perform:

O – One-legged deadlift, then Bernie Sanders back up the hill to the Church.  After a 10 count, mosey back down hill #1.  All in, we perform:

L – Lieutenant Dan’s, then run back up to top of hill #1; after a 10 count we mosey back to base of hill #2 for some:

S – Single Hand-Release Merkins (modified to 20 count for time); then Bernie Sanders back up hill #2.

5 minutes left on the clock, we mosey back to the friendly confines of #IIIPillars.  Time called and we end with COT.  Continued prayers for Bad Boy and his M throughout pregnancy; prayers for all the people affected by Hurricane Michael.

Strong tailgate effort to each of the PAX – total of 2.5 miles covered, way too much of that being at a steep incline.  Appreciative of the opportunity to lead.

Until next time, hoping it’s not another 23 months…

En Fuego

Westeros – 10.15.18 – “Wet Willy”

4 PAX splashed around at Westeros this morning.

Conditions: Steady rain, heavy runoff, and soggy feet

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Porcelain, Right Said


Took off on a quick mosey to the WEM Gym overhang for one of the three times we’d have cover during the workout.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • LBAC F/R x 15 IC
  • SnL Squats x 15 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Alt Shoulder Taps x 15 IC

Long mosey to the corner of Marlborough and Fairfax, and it was time for some no frills work. Run up Marlborough to the top of the hill at Acklen. 40 Squats. Back down. 5 Merkins. RnR subtracting 5 from the squats and adding 5 to the Merkins each round until ending with 5 Squats and 40 Merkins.

Indian Run back to the start, making sure to run through every 3″ puddle along the way, and take cover under the bus stop for a little Mary.

  • Bench Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
  • Bench Reverse Crunches x 10 IC

Noticing we’d covered 2.91 miles, YHC took the PAX on another brief mosey over to the new-ish 440 Greenway Map at Bowling Ave. Here we did some planking before a quick jog back to the start for 3.04 miles total.



As Hi-Viz reminded us all on Twitter, the best thing about rainy workouts is that you only get wet once. If you’re like me, once you’ve stepped in a deep puddle, you begin to relish each time you do it again because it doesn’t matter anymore. We’re just a bunch of grown men reliving our days as dirty, messy, adventuresome boys. Tclaps to those who did the hard thing and got up to brave it both at Westeros and across Nashville.


  • You have until this Thursday at midnight to order your shirts. Don’t be caught this winter without some warm F3 swag!
  • Q sheet is looking mighty barren right now. Just because we’re not doin the Ironclad challenge right now doesn’t mean you can’t Q! If you’re looking to Q for the first time, tell somebody. You know you’re ready!
  • Continued prayers for our sick and injured brothers as well as those affected or displaced by Hurricane Michael.
  • Got the Wolfpack at home this weekend and ready to hand them their first loss of the season. Maybe we’ll hand them a few laptops, too. Dude, you’re getting a DELL. Go Tigers!

PA out.

Bomber – 10.12.18 – “Nippy Out Here”

19 PAX posted on a wonderfully brisk morning for the 6th edition of Friendly Friday at Bomber.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Hi-Viz, Firefox, Lunch Lady, Trapper Keeper, Wahlburger (FNG), Dutch Oven, Duplex, Pop-A-Lock, Cobra Kai (FNG), Bad Boy, Crablegs, Cunning Linguist, Studio 42, Harvey Updyke, Porcelain, Blue Mule, Bicentennial Man


After a perfectly articulated disclaimer, we stepped off for a medium mosey out of the main drive, up Sloan, and over to “the Nip” for a COP:

  • SSH x 13
  • SnL Squats x 13
  • WMH x 13
  • LBAC F x 13 – 10 ct hold
  • LBAC R x 13 – 10 ct hold
  • Overhead Claps x 13 – 10 ct hold
  • Air Presses x 13
  • Merkins x 13

Count off 1s and 2s and mosey over to the upper lot where YHC has laid out cones for some team suicides. Starting in single file line, P1 runs to first cone and back to the back of the line. Each successive man runs to the first cone and back until all have gone at which point P1 runs to the second cone. Continue until everybody has run to the last cone and back. Between each round, teams performed the following exercises while they waited.

  • SSH
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Jump Squats
  • SSH

Mosey on down to the stone benches in front of Neighbors and pair up for some Bell Cow action. In pairs foursomes, call out an exercise for the rest of the PAX and then Indian run to the roundabout, bear crawl around, and return. Exercises, in no particular order, included:

  • Flutter Kicks
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • SSH

Took the PAX to the playground to knock out a set of max pull-ups whilst the non-pullers planked, and then headed back to parking lot for…


  • Dixie Stampede
  • Bridge Sit-Ups
  • LBCs



Welcome to our FNG’s Eric and Luke, now known as Wahlburger and Cobra Kai. Both were up to the tasks before them, and I have no doubt they are ready for some less “friendly” workouts. Tclaps to Dutch Oven and Pop-A-Lock for getting them out here.


  • Prayers for all of those affected by Hurricane Michael
  • Praises for Bad Boy’s M entering her 18th week of pregnancy.
  • Bomber is still very alive, and we are exploring the possibility of a West Park AO
  • Chattanooga Training Day led by YHC was a success with many an FNG and even more muscle failure. Glad to have been a part.
  • Even on a bye week, go Tigers.

PA out.

Teabags for All

PAX: Boyband, Bagger Vance, Tool Time, Red Skull, The Strangler, Foley, Fox trot Talks a Lot, Venus/Razor, Trevino, Life Champ, Cinderella, PreVac, White Russian, FNG= Squee, Money Shot, Cowboy, Toga (QIC)

17 hard chargers posted for the first real day of Fall in Nashvegas.  Here’s how it went down:

Disclaimer followed by mosey to the southwest gate at the bottom of the hill.  WarmupOrama then partner up for Love Hill.., FRA edition= Partner 1 runs up hill and returns while Partner 2 executes walkout merkins/inchworm merkins while advancing up the hill.  Flapjack then switch to broad jump burpees followed by bear crawls.  Repeato until you reach the top of the hill.  Each team also rotated through carrying YHC’s favorite new toy/sandbag/Teabag for the running portion of the hill.

Mosey back to bottom of the hill and circle up for “Don’t ask me about abs”= complete ab exercise in cadence then flip to 5 quick merkins and a plank hold.  Repeato through ~6 core exercises.

Groundhog Day Lovehill with polar bear crawl (4 steps then merkin), Lt Dan, and crab walks to the top of the hill.

Mosey to flag for a quick round of American Hammers and APD.  YHC took us out.

NMM:  It really did feel cool for the first time in a long time in the gloom this morning.  YHC has missed The Hill since the knee rebuild, and it was great to be back to such a fun AO.  Some interesting observations: Cinderella can’t stay in cadence for SSH, Cowboy and Toga crushed Love Hill, everyone loves Teabag jokes, and Bagger’s scissor mobile is Da Bomb.

Strong work by all!

Stay Classy,



Stonewall – 09.29.18 – “Four-More-Years!”

Twas a beautiful morning to celebrate F3 Nashville’s 4th anniversary, and, if you ask the 33 PAX who posted at Stonewall, they’ll tell you as much.

On September 13, 2014, a Charlotte man named Uncle Q’d the first workout at Sevier Park and thus began something life-changing in Nashville. Over the next few months, many men posted, some for their first workout and others who hadn’t missed since day 1. To honor some of the guys there in the infancy of F3 Nashville, YHC put together a Q-list and some greatest hits to celebrate.

QIC: Hi-Viz, Probe, T-Cell, Torch (Blood Clot proxy), Princess Aurora, Bad Boy

PAX: Funyuns, Zoolander, Crablegs, Bagger Vance, Tortoise, Big Bang, Care Bear, Bartman, Harvey Updyke, Dupree, Third Degree, Electron, Boyband fka Skidmark, Cowboy, Right Said, Bicentennial Man, Foggy Pirate, Big Stick, Foxtrot Talks A Lot, Black Lung (LIFO), Grisham, Pop-A-Lock, Hambone, Umbrella, Shootah, Waterboy, Vector



After a perfectly executed disclaimer by YHC, Viz took the PAX off on a medium mosey over to the Community Center parking lot for a little COP:

  • SSH
  • SnL Squats
  • LBAC F/R
  • Merkins


Broke out a classic with the Merkin pyramid. PAX perform 1 Merkin on “down” count followed by 1 Air Press. 2 Merkins, 2 Air Presses…10 Merkins, 10 Air Presses, and all the way back down to 1. Let’s just say everybody’s merkin form deteriorated by the time we started going back down. A lot.

Mosey over to the soccer field for some sprint work. 50 Dan Jansens. Sprint goal to goal. 25 Squats. Sprint goal to goal. 50 Ski Jumps. Sprint goal to goal.


Mosey up to the tennis courts for Hell in a T-Cell. Line up across the sidelines for suicides. All PAX begin at the same time and keep repeating the pattern until time is called.

  • Round 1: Standard running
  • Round 2: Standard running
  • Round 3: Broad Jump out, backpedal in
  • Round 4: AYG Sprint to the last line and back


PAX braced themselves for the Blood Clot special they knew was coming. BURPEE APOCALYPSE. Burpees beginning at 10 and working all the way down to 1. This was followed by continuous SSH and dropping down for three Burpees each time down was called. 5ish rounds. Ended this session the only way we could: Double Shot of Jack x 12.

Princess Aurora

Mosey over to the base of Sunnyside Hill for a modified F3 staple: Sevens. Run up to the path, Clerkins at the top, back to the start, Jump Squats. Simple, yet effective.

Bad Boy

Mosey to the parking lot to break in the brand new F3 Deck of Cards. My memory is getting a little hazy at this point, but I believe we drew the following:

  • 25 Burpees
  • 50 Squats
  • 25 Plank Jacks

Hi-Viz (pt 2)

Closed it out with 5MOM.

  • Flutter Kicks
  • Hello Dollies
  • LBCs
  • Plank progression
  • J-Lo’s



It’s truly an honor to be a part of this great brotherhood we call F3 and to have the opportunity to lead you. There were faces I’d never seen, faces I hadn’t seen in a while, and face I’ve been seeing consistently these last 4 years. I’m glad to know that each one of them belongs to a man who is committed to bettering himself for the sake of his community. The G-School that followed was a great opportunity to discuss how to more fully engage each one of you and reach those we’ve yet to reach, and I’m very confident that we’ll be seeing a lot more new faces this time next year. But hopefully not Blood Clot’s.


  • T-Cell has instituted a monthly program called The Twelfth Man. Starting this month and rotating monthly, a PAX will own sharing leadership lessons and planning an opportunity to hear from local leaders. See T-Cell for more details.
  • A couple of launches are forthcoming. The official launch of The Trident down at Seven Springs and The Pound coming later this month, Thursdays in Nolensville.
  • Please continue to pray for the family and community of Darth Visor and those down in F3 Alpha and Cherokee where he posted.
  • We are asking Q’s to always make sure there is a phone in the group in case of emergency, especially when you are away from the starting point. Additionally, Bagger has reached out to a few of our PAX in medicine to coordinate a sort of condensed version of the Basic Life Support class. The idea is that this will not be an official class for which you receive certification, but it will provide enough knowledge to be dangerous in the event of an emergency.
  • As always, and especially for Darth Visor, Go Tigers.

PA out.

Time Catches Up to All of Us

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Black Widow, Olan Mills, Offshore, Umbrella, Toga (QIC)

Six redwoods posted for another edition The Purple Cow.  Here’s how it went down:

Quick disclaimer then mosey to parking lot at center of park.  10 rounds of 10 merkins, 10 WWII, 10 squats EMOM then mosey to monkey bars.

  • 3 rds of 10 pull-ups and 10 squats
  • 3 rds of 6 chin-ups and 10 lunges
  • 3 rds of 4 close grip pull-ups and high knees

Mosey to basketball court for ascending shuttle runs EMOM.  We started with 5 lengths in minute 1 and made it up to 15.., nowhere near The Mule’s record of 18.  Indigenous people’s run back to BMS parking lot for Mary.

NMM:  Another Schwetty morning at the Cow and oh what fun we had!  That said, mumble chatter was at a minimum for some reason.  Maybe everyone was still hungover from the Titans’ victory?

Stay Classy,


Bears, Burpees…BattleStar Galactica @ Cruel Hall

11  PAX in Attendance: PSL, The (Scranton) Strangler, BlackWidow, CAPSLOCK, Reefer(b), D’MishoNuts, BigStick, Razor (Venus), YouMe, Prevac (true to form),  & 3D (QiC)

3rd week in a row for 3rd Degree to Q Cruel Hall…you asked for it! I decided to remix the last 2 Q’s and title it (sort of) after one of my favorite shows, the Office.



  • Jog around short loop in parking lot
  • SSH IC x 15
  • SJ IC x 15
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 15
  • Tempo Squats IC x 15
  • IW IC x 15
  • 30 seconds GM OYO

The Thang(s) 

Royal Burpee: PAX perform 10 of each Burpee style called

We did: Clap Merkins (Clurpees), Double Shots of Jack Burpees (My Personal Fave), Martinis,  (I think we did another variation that I can’t recall now), finished with Turk’n’Burps (Turkish Getup after jump)

Mosey to bottom of ramp at CWBC

Partner Ramp Work: Partner up with someone (or be an odd man out like me). Different Mode of Transportation (MoT) up the hill with partner and when reach the top 10 burpees and then mosey back to bottom of hill. Plank and Wait or Mary exercise until the 6 after both partners have taken turns completing each challenge (each partner performs, both do 10 burpees every time, can switch out positions as needed but must complete 2 ramps per team per MoT)

MoTs: WheelBarrow (BooBoo BearCrawl x 2 for YHC), (Prevac prevacced and BigStick hitched a ride to the latrine at this point), Pax were dropping like flies, Piggy Back Carry, Crawl-Bear (this was a crowd favorite, 5 squat penalty for pausing, BigStick rejoined us at this point) (5 total ramps, 50 burpees each)

Mosey Around Ball-fields back to CH Jungle gym. 10 count PLEASE!

Pain Ground: 7 pull-ups, 14 rows and 21 Sumo Jump Squats. R&R. (My arms were pumped at this point. Caved to D’Mish request for 5 GMs while blood returned to my brain.

AYG Sprints across parking lot x 3 with 5, 7, 10 Merkins pre-sprint

Last but not least…Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear the parking lot width and end with 10 Floating Starfish

CoT, Numbers, Name-o-Rama, BoM/Shout-out

What we Learned today:

  • Dropping the kids off at the pool before posting is an advanced technique that BigStick needs to practice
  • D’Mish and BigStick are fans of Chiropractic care
  • PreVac is true to His Moniker
  • The Strangler Loves Crawl Bears up Hills!
  • YouMe is dedicated and killing it every post. Way to go!
  • My Sweat-Print looks like a Phallic Symbol

Grateful to lead again and shield-lock with you all.

3D, out!

BEARing with one another @ Cruel Hall

24  PAX in Attendance: Vegemite, CCR, PSL, The (Scranton) Strangler, DineNDash, FloppyDisk, BlackWidow, HVAC, TinyDancer, YardSale, Reefer(b), OlanMills, OffShore, LudwigVanOshKosh, BlackLung, Backlash, Lumbergh (Respect!), BaggerVance,  Venus/Razor, Brother-at-Law, Yumi, SwampFox, Frogger & 3D (QiC)

71 and Beautiful morning to start. This was my 2nd Q in a row at this AO, thanks for showing up! If no one signs up for next week I will make it a trifecta…


Disclaimer: Felt like today was a Bear kind of day

  • Jog around short Bus Loop back to front of CH
  • SSH IC x 25
  • SJ IC x 15
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 15
  • Tempo Squats IC x 15
  • IW IC x 15
  • 30 seconds GM OYO

The Thang(s) 

Fun Fact: Bears love Burpees

Royal Burpee: PAX perform 10 of each Burpee style called, BV immediately left circle & started modifying

We did: Burpees, One-legged Burpees, Martinis, Barrel-Roll Burpees, Slap Burpees (Slap hips during Merkin portion of Burpee)

Mosey to bottom of bus loop

Crawl-Bear to top of hill (this was a crowd favorite, 5 squat penalty for pausing)

Fun Fact: Bears love fish (not sure about starfish, but hey…)

30 Floating Starfish at the top (each leg = 0.5)

Mosey to the Pain Ground: Team up in 3s: PAX 1 performs 10 pull-ups while partners Parker Peter Plank. FlapJack. R&R x 3. Penalty for missing pull ups = Toes to Bar or Burpees/Merkins if grip is shot.

Fun Fact: Bears are really fast at short distances

40 yd sprints as teams of 3: PAX will sprint to partner 40 yds away and tag waiting PAX. The tagged partner will then run back to start and tag 3rd PAX who will take off to tag PAX #1. R&R back and forth for about a minute or two.

Then we slow moseyed to the middle and performed reverse crunch/Feet thrusters (Toes to Stars, aka the Back-scraper), American Hammers IC and Mountain Climber Merkins x 7 each.

20 yd sprints as teams of 3: You get the idea

R&R those same 3 exercises (by this time, we could really feel the Ab burn during the MCMerkins) 14 of each

Last but not least…Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear suicide the parking lot width and end with 10 Floating Starfish

CoT, Countorama, Nameorama, BoM


  • Great work today Men! Great to see 24! We make each other stronger.
  • Had on my heart to pray for each other re: temptation to lust and protection against adultery in our marriages. It takes only small steps to lead down a path you would never have chosen the destination of when you took that first step. God help us! Sometimes the strongest and bravest and smartest thing to do is run the opposite way from temptation. Protect your eyes, heart and marriage. AYE!
  • Pray for BackDoor who had a boating accident and traumatic Brain Injury.
  • Convergence 9/11 at Percy Warner Stairs. Ping Funyuns for more info.
  • Shameless Plug for F3Nolensville. Tuesdays at 5:30 and Saturdays 6-7. Come Get Some!


3D, out!

Partner-work Q @ Cruel Hall

18  PAX in Attendance: Vegemite, CCR, PSL, The Strangler, DineNDash, FloppyDisk, BlackWidow, CalfKiller, AccountsReceivable, Reefer(b), Cinderella, Kaison, OffShore, LudwigVanOshKosh, HollowBackGirl, Backlash, Lumbergh (Respect!) & 3D (QiC)

73 and VERY HUMID to start. 16 PAX at the start and we picked up a couple along the way. This was my first Q here at this AO, thanks for showing up!



  • Jog around Bus Loop to back of CH
  • SSH IC x 15
  • SJ IC x 15
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 15
  • IW IC x 15
  • 30 seconds GM OYO

The Thang(s) 

Burpee Apocalypse (55 burpees)

Mosey to bottom of bus loop

Partner Work Bus Loop: Partner up with someone you have never partnered with before. Different Mode of Transportation (MoT) up the hill with partner and when reach the gate 10 burpees and then run the small loop together back to bottom of loop/hill. Plank and Wait or Mary exercise until the 6 after both partners have completed each challenge (each partner performs, both do 10 burpees and lap every time, can switch out positions as needed but must complete 2 hills per team per MoT)

MoTs: WheelBarrow, Piggy Back, Crawl-Bear (this was a crowd favorite, 5 squat penalty for pausing) (5 total laps, 50 burpees)

Pain Ground: PAX 1 performs 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins and 15 squats while partner high planks. FlapJack. R&R.


  • flutter kix x 25 IC
  • American Hammers x 15 IC
  • 10 Mountain Climber Merkins (4 count Mountain climbers and 1 Merkin) OYO



  • Great work today Men! Intentionally brutal Q that took encouraging words and exhortation to make it through. We make each other stronger.
  • Consider the responsibility & power of the words you speak or write. The tongue is one of the smallest parts of the body and yet can start a fire that quickly gets out of control. We need Self-control. Our words have the power to build up, or tear down. Think about that as you go through the weekend at home, work, or get on social media. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Sky-Q has to change our hearts…DM me if you want more info/clarification
  • Great job as partners looking after your battle-buddy, so I thought I’d leave you with this…

III Pillars – 08.21.18 – “Belated Happy Backblast”

13 PAX celebrated a birthday for YHC at III Pillars, but YHC did all the gift-giving.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Lumbergh, Tampa Libra, Blue Mule, Hambone, Reveille, Silver Medal, Cowboy, Harvey Updyke, Boone’s Farm, Bicentennial Man, Plunger

Following a disclaimer and a brief mosey over and around the senior living parking lot, we backpedaled up the side entrance to the track to wake those quads up and hit the center of the field for the COP:

  • SSH x 34
  • WMH x 17 (+ 1 silent to even out the legs)
  • LBAC x 17 F/R
  • Squats x 34


In honor of the big 3-4, those numbers would play heavily into the workout. Three exercise circuits, four exercises each, three rounds of each circuit.

Circuit 1 (3 rounds):

  • Squats x 34
  • Merkins x 34
  • 2ct Flutter Kicks x 34
  • 200m lap (~34″ of running)

Circuit 2 (3 rounds):

  • Pull-Ups x (Max/3 + 4)
  • Split Squats x 34 (17 R/L)
  • LBCs x 34
  • SSH x 34

Circuit 3 (3 rounds):

  • Bear Crawl x 34 yards
  • Lunge Walk x 34 yards
  • Dragon Crawl x 34 yards
  • Duck Walk x 34 yards

AYG back to the parking lot. COT/BOM.


Thanks to all who had their maiden post at III Pillars in my honor. It was much appreciated, and the workout, while super awful at the end, was actually a fun one for me to take the PAX through. It was especially awesome to see all the encouragement through the 200s and the traveling exercises.


  • Glad to hear Lumbergh’s son passed the FE.
  • Prayers for the Llewellyn family and the tragic loss of their son
  • 9/29 4th Anniversary Workout at Stonewall followed by Q/Grow School. More info to come, but SAVE THE DATE.
  • Football season is upon us. College colors are encouraged on Fridays!
  • Go Tigers.

PA out.